1134 lines
39 KiB

// Copyright 2015 Citra Emulator Project
// Licensed under GPLv2 or any later version
// Refer to the license.txt file included.
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <future>
#include <memory>
#include <vector>
#include "common/bit_set.h"
#include "common/logging/log.h"
#include "core/core_timing.h"
#include "core/frontend/camera/factory.h"
#include "core/hle/kernel/event.h"
#include "core/hle/service/cam/cam.h"
#include "core/hle/service/cam/cam_c.h"
#include "core/hle/service/cam/cam_q.h"
#include "core/hle/service/cam/cam_s.h"
#include "core/hle/service/cam/cam_u.h"
#include "core/hle/service/service.h"
#include "core/settings.h"
namespace Service {
namespace CAM {
namespace {
struct ContextConfig {
Flip flip;
Effect effect;
OutputFormat format;
Resolution resolution;
struct CameraConfig {
std::unique_ptr<Camera::CameraInterface> impl;
std::array<ContextConfig, 2> contexts;
int current_context;
FrameRate frame_rate;
struct PortConfig {
int camera_id;
bool is_active; // set when the port is activated by an Activate call.
bool is_pending_receiving; // set if SetReceiving is called when is_busy = false. When
// StartCapture is called then, this will trigger a receiving
// process and reset itself.
bool is_busy; // set when StartCapture is called and reset when StopCapture is called.
bool is_receiving; // set when there is an ongoing receiving process.
bool is_trimming;
u16 x0; // x-coordinate of starting position for trimming
u16 y0; // y-coordinate of starting position for trimming
u16 x1; // x-coordinate of ending position for trimming
u16 y1; // y-coordinate of ending position for trimming
u32 transfer_bytes;
Kernel::SharedPtr<Kernel::Event> completion_event;
Kernel::SharedPtr<Kernel::Event> buffer_error_interrupt_event;
Kernel::SharedPtr<Kernel::Event> vsync_interrupt_event;
std::future<std::vector<u16>> capture_result; // will hold the received frame.
VAddr dest; // the destination address of a receiving process
u32 dest_size; // the destination size of a receiving process
void Clear() {
is_receiving = false;
is_active = false;
is_pending_receiving = false;
is_busy = false;
is_trimming = false;
x0 = 0;
y0 = 0;
x1 = 0;
y1 = 0;
transfer_bytes = 256;
// built-in resolution parameters
constexpr std::array<Resolution, 8> PRESET_RESOLUTION{{
{640, 480, 0, 0, 639, 479}, // VGA
{320, 240, 0, 0, 639, 479}, // QVGA
{160, 120, 0, 0, 639, 479}, // QQVGA
{352, 288, 26, 0, 613, 479}, // CIF
{176, 144, 26, 0, 613, 479}, // QCIF
{256, 192, 0, 0, 639, 479}, // DS_LCD
{512, 384, 0, 0, 639, 479}, // DS_LCDx4
{400, 240, 0, 48, 639, 431}, // CTR_TOP_LCD
// latency in ms for each frame rate option
constexpr std::array<int, 13> LATENCY_BY_FRAME_RATE{{
67, // Rate_15
67, // Rate_15_To_5
67, // Rate_15_To_2
100, // Rate_10
118, // Rate_8_5
200, // Rate_5
50, // Rate_20
50, // Rate_20_To_5
33, // Rate_30
33, // Rate_30_To_5
67, // Rate_15_To_10
50, // Rate_20_To_10
33, // Rate_30_To_10
std::array<CameraConfig, NumCameras> cameras;
std::array<PortConfig, 2> ports;
int completion_event_callback;
const ResultCode ERROR_INVALID_ENUM_VALUE(ErrorDescription::InvalidEnumValue, ErrorModule::CAM,
ErrorSummary::InvalidArgument, ErrorLevel::Usage);
const ResultCode ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE(ErrorDescription::OutOfRange, ErrorModule::CAM,
ErrorSummary::InvalidArgument, ErrorLevel::Usage);
void CompletionEventCallBack(u64 port_id, int) {
PortConfig& port = ports[port_id];
const CameraConfig& camera = cameras[port.camera_id];
const auto buffer = port.capture_result.get();
if (port.is_trimming) {
u32 trim_width;
u32 trim_height;
const int original_width = camera.contexts[camera.current_context].resolution.width;
const int original_height = camera.contexts[camera.current_context].resolution.height;
if (port.x1 <= port.x0 || port.y1 <= port.y0 || port.x1 > original_width ||
port.y1 > original_height) {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CAM, "Invalid trimming coordinates x0=%u, y0=%u, x1=%u, y1=%u",
port.x0, port.y0, port.x1, port.y1);
trim_width = 0;
trim_height = 0;
} else {
trim_width = port.x1 - port.x0;
trim_height = port.y1 - port.y0;
u32 trim_size = (port.x1 - port.x0) * (port.y1 - port.y0) * 2;
if (port.dest_size != trim_size) {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CAM, "The destination size (%u) doesn't match the source (%u)!",
port.dest_size, trim_size);
const u32 src_offset = port.y0 * original_width + port.x0;
const u16* src_ptr = buffer.data() + src_offset;
// Note: src_size_left is int because it can be negative if the buffer size doesn't match.
int src_size_left = static_cast<int>((buffer.size() - src_offset) * sizeof(u16));
VAddr dest_ptr = port.dest;
// Note: dest_size_left and line_bytes are int to match the type of src_size_left.
int dest_size_left = static_cast<int>(port.dest_size);
const int line_bytes = static_cast<int>(trim_width * sizeof(u16));
for (u32 y = 0; y < trim_height; ++y) {
int copy_length = std::min({line_bytes, dest_size_left, src_size_left});
if (copy_length <= 0) {
Memory::WriteBlock(dest_ptr, src_ptr, copy_length);
dest_ptr += copy_length;
dest_size_left -= copy_length;
src_ptr += original_width;
src_size_left -= original_width * sizeof(u16);
} else {
std::size_t buffer_size = buffer.size() * sizeof(u16);
if (port.dest_size != buffer_size) {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CAM, "The destination size (%u) doesn't match the source (%zu)!",
port.dest_size, buffer_size);
Memory::WriteBlock(port.dest, buffer.data(), std::min<u32>(port.dest_size, buffer_size));
port.is_receiving = false;
// Starts a receiving process on the specified port. This can only be called when is_busy = true and
// is_receiving = false.
void StartReceiving(int port_id) {
PortConfig& port = ports[port_id];
port.is_receiving = true;
// launches a capture task asynchronously
const CameraConfig& camera = cameras[port.camera_id];
port.capture_result =
std::async(std::launch::async, &Camera::CameraInterface::ReceiveFrame, camera.impl.get());
// schedules a completion event according to the frame rate. The event will block on the
// capture task if it is not finished within the expected time
completion_event_callback, port_id);
// Cancels any ongoing receiving processes at the specified port. This is used by functions that
// stop capturing.
// TODO: what is the exact behaviour on real 3DS when stopping capture during an ongoing process?
// Will the completion event still be signaled?
void CancelReceiving(int port_id) {
if (!ports[port_id].is_receiving)
LOG_WARNING(Service_CAM, "tries to cancel an ongoing receiving process.");
CoreTiming::UnscheduleEvent(completion_event_callback, port_id);
ports[port_id].is_receiving = false;
// Activates the specified port with the specfied camera.
static void ActivatePort(int port_id, int camera_id) {
if (ports[port_id].is_busy && ports[port_id].camera_id != camera_id) {
ports[port_id].is_busy = false;
ports[port_id].is_active = true;
ports[port_id].camera_id = camera_id;
template <int max_index>
class CommandParamBitSet : public BitSet8 {
explicit CommandParamBitSet(u32 command_param)
: BitSet8(static_cast<u8>(command_param & 0xFF)) {}
bool IsValid() const {
return m_val < (1 << max_index);
bool IsSingle() const {
return IsValid() && Count() == 1;
using PortSet = CommandParamBitSet<2>;
using ContextSet = CommandParamBitSet<2>;
using CameraSet = CommandParamBitSet<3>;
} // namespace
void StartCapture(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
const PortSet port_select(cmd_buff[1]);
if (port_select.IsValid()) {
for (int i : port_select) {
if (!ports[i].is_busy) {
if (!ports[i].is_active) {
// This doesn't return an error, but seems to put the camera in an undefined
// state
LOG_ERROR(Service_CAM, "port %u hasn't been activated", i);
} else {
ports[i].is_busy = true;
if (ports[i].is_pending_receiving) {
ports[i].is_pending_receiving = false;
} else {
LOG_WARNING(Service_CAM, "port %u already started", i);
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
} else {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CAM, "invalid port_select=%u", port_select.m_val);
cmd_buff[1] = ERROR_INVALID_ENUM_VALUE.raw;
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0x1, 1, 0);
LOG_DEBUG(Service_CAM, "called, port_select=%u", port_select.m_val);
void StopCapture(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
const PortSet port_select(cmd_buff[1]);
if (port_select.IsValid()) {
for (int i : port_select) {
if (ports[i].is_busy) {
ports[i].is_busy = false;
} else {
LOG_WARNING(Service_CAM, "port %u already stopped", i);
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
} else {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CAM, "invalid port_select=%u", port_select.m_val);
cmd_buff[1] = ERROR_INVALID_ENUM_VALUE.raw;
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0x2, 1, 0);
LOG_DEBUG(Service_CAM, "called, port_select=%u", port_select.m_val);
void IsBusy(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
const PortSet port_select(cmd_buff[1]);
if (port_select.IsValid()) {
bool is_busy = true;
// Note: the behaviour on no or both ports selected are verified against real 3DS.
for (int i : port_select) {
is_busy &= ports[i].is_busy;
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
cmd_buff[2] = is_busy ? 1 : 0;
} else {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CAM, "invalid port_select=%u", port_select.m_val);
cmd_buff[1] = ERROR_INVALID_ENUM_VALUE.raw;
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0x3, 2, 0);
LOG_DEBUG(Service_CAM, "called, port_select=%u", port_select.m_val);
void ClearBuffer(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
const PortSet port_select(cmd_buff[1]);
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0x4, 1, 0);
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
LOG_WARNING(Service_CAM, "(STUBBED) called, port_select=%u", port_select.m_val);
void GetVsyncInterruptEvent(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
const PortSet port_select(cmd_buff[1]);
if (port_select.IsSingle()) {
int port = *port_select.begin();
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
cmd_buff[2] = IPC::CopyHandleDesc();
cmd_buff[3] = Kernel::g_handle_table.Create(ports[port].vsync_interrupt_event).MoveFrom();
} else {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CAM, "invalid port_select=%u", port_select.m_val);
cmd_buff[1] = ERROR_INVALID_ENUM_VALUE.raw;
cmd_buff[2] = IPC::CopyHandleDesc();
cmd_buff[2] = 0;
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0x5, 1, 2);
LOG_WARNING(Service_CAM, "(STUBBED) called, port_select=%u", port_select.m_val);
void GetBufferErrorInterruptEvent(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
const PortSet port_select(cmd_buff[1]);
if (port_select.IsSingle()) {
int port = *port_select.begin();
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
cmd_buff[2] = IPC::CopyHandleDesc();
cmd_buff[3] =
} else {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CAM, "invalid port_select=%u", port_select.m_val);
cmd_buff[1] = ERROR_INVALID_ENUM_VALUE.raw;
cmd_buff[2] = IPC::CopyHandleDesc();
cmd_buff[2] = 0;
LOG_WARNING(Service_CAM, "(STUBBED) called, port_select=%u", port_select.m_val);
void SetReceiving(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
const VAddr dest = cmd_buff[1];
const PortSet port_select(cmd_buff[2]);
const u32 image_size = cmd_buff[3];
const u32 trans_unit = cmd_buff[4] & 0xFFFF;
if (port_select.IsSingle()) {
int port_id = *port_select.begin();
PortConfig& port = ports[port_id];
port.dest = dest;
port.dest_size = image_size;
if (port.is_busy) {
} else {
port.is_pending_receiving = true;
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
cmd_buff[2] = IPC::CopyHandleDesc();
cmd_buff[3] = Kernel::g_handle_table.Create(port.completion_event).MoveFrom();
} else {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CAM, "invalid port_select=%u", port_select.m_val);
cmd_buff[1] = ERROR_INVALID_ENUM_VALUE.raw;
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0x7, 1, 2);
LOG_DEBUG(Service_CAM, "called, addr=0x%X, port_select=%u, image_size=%u, trans_unit=%u", dest,
port_select.m_val, image_size, trans_unit);
void IsFinishedReceiving(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
const PortSet port_select(cmd_buff[1]);
if (port_select.IsSingle()) {
int port = *port_select.begin();
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
cmd_buff[2] = (ports[port].is_receiving || ports[port].is_pending_receiving) ? 0 : 1;
} else {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CAM, "invalid port_select=%u", port_select.m_val);
cmd_buff[1] = ERROR_INVALID_ENUM_VALUE.raw;
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0x8, 2, 0);
LOG_DEBUG(Service_CAM, "called, port_select=%u", port_select.m_val);
void SetTransferLines(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
const PortSet port_select(cmd_buff[1]);
const u32 transfer_lines = cmd_buff[2] & 0xFFFF;
const u32 width = cmd_buff[3] & 0xFFFF;
const u32 height = cmd_buff[4] & 0xFFFF;
if (port_select.IsValid()) {
for (int i : port_select) {
ports[i].transfer_bytes = transfer_lines * width * 2;
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
} else {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CAM, "invalid port_select=%u", port_select.m_val);
cmd_buff[1] = ERROR_INVALID_ENUM_VALUE.raw;
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0x9, 1, 0);
LOG_WARNING(Service_CAM, "(STUBBED) called, port_select=%u, lines=%u, width=%u, height=%u",
port_select.m_val, transfer_lines, width, height);
void GetMaxLines(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
const u32 width = cmd_buff[1] & 0xFFFF;
const u32 height = cmd_buff[2] & 0xFFFF;
// Note: the result of the algorithm below are hwtested with width < 640 and with height < 480
constexpr u32 MIN_TRANSFER_UNIT = 256;
constexpr u32 MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 2560;
if (width * height * 2 % MIN_TRANSFER_UNIT != 0) {
cmd_buff[1] = ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE.raw;
} else {
u32 lines = MAX_BUFFER_SIZE / width;
if (lines > height) {
lines = height;
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
while (height % lines != 0 || (lines * width * 2 % MIN_TRANSFER_UNIT != 0)) {
if (lines == 0) {
cmd_buff[1] = ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE.raw;
cmd_buff[2] = lines;
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0xA, 2, 0);
LOG_DEBUG(Service_CAM, "called, width=%u, height=%u", width, height);
void SetTransferBytes(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
const PortSet port_select(cmd_buff[1]);
const u32 transfer_bytes = cmd_buff[2] & 0xFFFF;
const u32 width = cmd_buff[3] & 0xFFFF;
const u32 height = cmd_buff[4] & 0xFFFF;
if (port_select.IsValid()) {
for (int i : port_select) {
ports[i].transfer_bytes = transfer_bytes;
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
} else {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CAM, "invalid port_select=%u", port_select.m_val);
cmd_buff[1] = ERROR_INVALID_ENUM_VALUE.raw;
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0xB, 1, 0);
LOG_WARNING(Service_CAM, "(STUBBED)called, port_select=%u, bytes=%u, width=%u, height=%u",
port_select.m_val, transfer_bytes, width, height);
void GetTransferBytes(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
const PortSet port_select(cmd_buff[1]);
if (port_select.IsSingle()) {
int port = *port_select.begin();
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
cmd_buff[2] = ports[port].transfer_bytes;
} else {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CAM, "invalid port_select=%u", port_select.m_val);
cmd_buff[1] = ERROR_INVALID_ENUM_VALUE.raw;
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0xC, 2, 0);
LOG_WARNING(Service_CAM, "(STUBBED)called, port_select=%u", port_select.m_val);
void GetMaxBytes(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
const u32 width = cmd_buff[1] & 0xFFFF;
const u32 height = cmd_buff[2] & 0xFFFF;
// Note: the result of the algorithm below are hwtested with width < 640 and with height < 480
constexpr u32 MIN_TRANSFER_UNIT = 256;
constexpr u32 MAX_BUFFER_SIZE = 2560;
if (width * height * 2 % MIN_TRANSFER_UNIT != 0) {
cmd_buff[1] = ERROR_OUT_OF_RANGE.raw;
} else {
u32 bytes = MAX_BUFFER_SIZE;
while (width * height * 2 % bytes != 0) {
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
cmd_buff[2] = bytes;
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0xD, 2, 0);
LOG_DEBUG(Service_CAM, "called, width=%u, height=%u", width, height);
void SetTrimming(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
const PortSet port_select(cmd_buff[1]);
const bool trim = (cmd_buff[2] & 0xFF) != 0;
if (port_select.IsValid()) {
for (int i : port_select) {
ports[i].is_trimming = trim;
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
} else {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CAM, "invalid port_select=%u", port_select.m_val);
cmd_buff[1] = ERROR_INVALID_ENUM_VALUE.raw;
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0xE, 1, 0);
LOG_DEBUG(Service_CAM, "called, port_select=%u, trim=%d", port_select.m_val, trim);
void IsTrimming(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
const PortSet port_select(cmd_buff[1]);
if (port_select.IsSingle()) {
int port = *port_select.begin();
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
cmd_buff[2] = ports[port].is_trimming;
} else {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CAM, "invalid port_select=%u", port_select.m_val);
cmd_buff[1] = ERROR_INVALID_ENUM_VALUE.raw;
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0xF, 2, 0);
LOG_DEBUG(Service_CAM, "called, port_select=%u", port_select.m_val);
void SetTrimmingParams(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
const PortSet port_select(cmd_buff[1]);
const u16 x0 = static_cast<u16>(cmd_buff[2] & 0xFFFF);
const u16 y0 = static_cast<u16>(cmd_buff[3] & 0xFFFF);
const u16 x1 = static_cast<u16>(cmd_buff[4] & 0xFFFF);
const u16 y1 = static_cast<u16>(cmd_buff[5] & 0xFFFF);
if (port_select.IsValid()) {
for (int i : port_select) {
ports[i].x0 = x0;
ports[i].y0 = y0;
ports[i].x1 = x1;
ports[i].y1 = y1;
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
} else {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CAM, "invalid port_select=%u", port_select.m_val);
cmd_buff[1] = ERROR_INVALID_ENUM_VALUE.raw;
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0x10, 1, 0);
LOG_DEBUG(Service_CAM, "called, port_select=%u, x0=%u, y0=%u, x1=%u, y1=%u", port_select.m_val,
x0, y0, x1, y1);
void GetTrimmingParams(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
const PortSet port_select(cmd_buff[1]);
if (port_select.IsSingle()) {
int port = *port_select.begin();
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
cmd_buff[2] = ports[port].x0;
cmd_buff[3] = ports[port].y0;
cmd_buff[4] = ports[port].x1;
cmd_buff[5] = ports[port].y1;
} else {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CAM, "invalid port_select=%u", port_select.m_val);
cmd_buff[1] = ERROR_INVALID_ENUM_VALUE.raw;
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0x11, 5, 0);
LOG_DEBUG(Service_CAM, "called, port_select=%u", port_select.m_val);
void SetTrimmingParamsCenter(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
const PortSet port_select(cmd_buff[1]);
const u16 trim_w = static_cast<u16>(cmd_buff[2] & 0xFFFF);
const u16 trim_h = static_cast<u16>(cmd_buff[3] & 0xFFFF);
const u16 cam_w = static_cast<u16>(cmd_buff[4] & 0xFFFF);
const u16 cam_h = static_cast<u16>(cmd_buff[5] & 0xFFFF);
if (port_select.IsValid()) {
for (int i : port_select) {
ports[i].x0 = (cam_w - trim_w) / 2;
ports[i].y0 = (cam_h - trim_h) / 2;
ports[i].x1 = ports[i].x0 + trim_w;
ports[i].y1 = ports[i].y0 + trim_h;
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
} else {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CAM, "invalid port_select=%u", port_select.m_val);
cmd_buff[1] = ERROR_INVALID_ENUM_VALUE.raw;
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0x12, 1, 0);
LOG_DEBUG(Service_CAM, "called, port_select=%u, trim_w=%u, trim_h=%u, cam_w=%u, cam_h=%u",
port_select.m_val, trim_w, trim_h, cam_w, cam_h);
void Activate(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
const CameraSet camera_select(cmd_buff[1]);
if (camera_select.IsValid()) {
if (camera_select.m_val == 0) { // deactive all
for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
if (ports[i].is_busy) {
ports[i].is_busy = false;
ports[i].is_active = false;
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
} else if (camera_select[0] && camera_select[1]) {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CAM, "camera 0 and 1 can't be both activated");
cmd_buff[1] = ERROR_INVALID_ENUM_VALUE.raw;
} else {
if (camera_select[0]) {
ActivatePort(0, 0);
} else if (camera_select[1]) {
ActivatePort(0, 1);
if (camera_select[2]) {
ActivatePort(1, 2);
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
} else {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CAM, "invalid camera_select=%u", camera_select.m_val);
cmd_buff[1] = ERROR_INVALID_ENUM_VALUE.raw;
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0x13, 1, 0);
LOG_DEBUG(Service_CAM, "called, camera_select=%u", camera_select.m_val);
void SwitchContext(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
const CameraSet camera_select(cmd_buff[1]);
const ContextSet context_select(cmd_buff[2]);
if (camera_select.IsValid() && context_select.IsSingle()) {
int context = *context_select.begin();
for (int camera : camera_select) {
cameras[camera].current_context = context;
const ContextConfig& context_config = cameras[camera].contexts[context];
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
} else {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CAM, "invalid camera_select=%u, context_select=%u", camera_select.m_val,
cmd_buff[1] = ERROR_INVALID_ENUM_VALUE.raw;
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0x14, 1, 0);
LOG_DEBUG(Service_CAM, "called, camera_select=%u, context_select=%u", camera_select.m_val,
void FlipImage(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
const CameraSet camera_select(cmd_buff[1]);
const Flip flip = static_cast<Flip>(cmd_buff[2] & 0xFF);
const ContextSet context_select(cmd_buff[3]);
if (camera_select.IsValid() && context_select.IsValid()) {
for (int camera : camera_select) {
for (int context : context_select) {
cameras[camera].contexts[context].flip = flip;
if (cameras[camera].current_context == context) {
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
} else {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CAM, "invalid camera_select=%u, context_select=%u", camera_select.m_val,
cmd_buff[1] = ERROR_INVALID_ENUM_VALUE.raw;
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0x1D, 1, 0);
LOG_DEBUG(Service_CAM, "called, camera_select=%u, flip=%d, context_select=%u",
camera_select.m_val, static_cast<int>(flip), context_select.m_val);
void SetDetailSize(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
const CameraSet camera_select(cmd_buff[1]);
Resolution resolution;
resolution.width = static_cast<u16>(cmd_buff[2] & 0xFFFF);
resolution.height = static_cast<u16>(cmd_buff[3] & 0xFFFF);
resolution.crop_x0 = static_cast<u16>(cmd_buff[4] & 0xFFFF);
resolution.crop_y0 = static_cast<u16>(cmd_buff[5] & 0xFFFF);
resolution.crop_x1 = static_cast<u16>(cmd_buff[6] & 0xFFFF);
resolution.crop_y1 = static_cast<u16>(cmd_buff[7] & 0xFFFF);
const ContextSet context_select(cmd_buff[8]);
if (camera_select.IsValid() && context_select.IsValid()) {
for (int camera : camera_select) {
for (int context : context_select) {
cameras[camera].contexts[context].resolution = resolution;
if (cameras[camera].current_context == context) {
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
} else {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CAM, "invalid camera_select=%u, context_select=%u", camera_select.m_val,
cmd_buff[1] = ERROR_INVALID_ENUM_VALUE.raw;
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0x1E, 1, 0);
LOG_DEBUG(Service_CAM, "called, camera_select=%u, width=%u, height=%u, crop_x0=%u, crop_y0=%u, "
"crop_x1=%u, crop_y1=%u, context_select=%u",
camera_select.m_val, resolution.width, resolution.height, resolution.crop_x0,
resolution.crop_y0, resolution.crop_x1, resolution.crop_y1, context_select.m_val);
void SetSize(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
const CameraSet camera_select(cmd_buff[1]);
const u32 size = cmd_buff[2] & 0xFF;
const ContextSet context_select(cmd_buff[3]);
if (camera_select.IsValid() && context_select.IsValid()) {
for (int camera : camera_select) {
for (int context : context_select) {
cameras[camera].contexts[context].resolution = PRESET_RESOLUTION[size];
if (cameras[camera].current_context == context) {
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
} else {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CAM, "invalid camera_select=%u, context_select=%u", camera_select.m_val,
cmd_buff[1] = ERROR_INVALID_ENUM_VALUE.raw;
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0x1F, 1, 0);
LOG_DEBUG(Service_CAM, "called, camera_select=%u, size=%u, context_select=%u",
camera_select.m_val, size, context_select.m_val);
void SetFrameRate(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
const CameraSet camera_select(cmd_buff[1]);
const FrameRate frame_rate = static_cast<FrameRate>(cmd_buff[2] & 0xFF);
if (camera_select.IsValid()) {
for (int camera : camera_select) {
cameras[camera].frame_rate = frame_rate;
// TODO(wwylele): consider hinting the actual camera with the expected frame rate
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
} else {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CAM, "invalid camera_select=%u", camera_select.m_val);
cmd_buff[1] = ERROR_INVALID_ENUM_VALUE.raw;
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0x20, 1, 0);
LOG_WARNING(Service_CAM, "(STUBBED) called, camera_select=%u, frame_rate=%d",
camera_select.m_val, static_cast<int>(frame_rate));
void SetEffect(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
const CameraSet camera_select(cmd_buff[1]);
const Effect effect = static_cast<Effect>(cmd_buff[2] & 0xFF);
const ContextSet context_select(cmd_buff[3]);
if (camera_select.IsValid() && context_select.IsValid()) {
for (int camera : camera_select) {
for (int context : context_select) {
cameras[camera].contexts[context].effect = effect;
if (cameras[camera].current_context == context) {
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
} else {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CAM, "invalid camera_select=%u, context_select=%u", camera_select.m_val,
cmd_buff[1] = ERROR_INVALID_ENUM_VALUE.raw;
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0x22, 1, 0);
LOG_DEBUG(Service_CAM, "called, camera_select=%u, effect=%d, context_select=%u",
camera_select.m_val, static_cast<int>(effect), context_select.m_val);
void SetOutputFormat(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
const CameraSet camera_select(cmd_buff[1]);
const OutputFormat format = static_cast<OutputFormat>(cmd_buff[2] & 0xFF);
const ContextSet context_select(cmd_buff[3]);
if (camera_select.IsValid() && context_select.IsValid()) {
for (int camera : camera_select) {
for (int context : context_select) {
cameras[camera].contexts[context].format = format;
if (cameras[camera].current_context == context) {
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
} else {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CAM, "invalid camera_select=%u, context_select=%u", camera_select.m_val,
cmd_buff[1] = ERROR_INVALID_ENUM_VALUE.raw;
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0x25, 1, 0);
LOG_DEBUG(Service_CAM, "called, camera_select=%u, format=%d, context_select=%u",
camera_select.m_val, static_cast<int>(format), context_select.m_val);
void SynchronizeVsyncTiming(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
const u32 camera_select1 = cmd_buff[1] & 0xFF;
const u32 camera_select2 = cmd_buff[2] & 0xFF;
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0x29, 1, 0);
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
LOG_WARNING(Service_CAM, "(STUBBED) called, camera_select1=%u, camera_select2=%u",
camera_select1, camera_select2);
void GetStereoCameraCalibrationData(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
// Default values taken from yuriks' 3DS. Valid data is required here or games using the
// calibration get stuck in an infinite CPU loop.
StereoCameraCalibrationData data = {};
data.isValidRotationXY = 0;
data.scale = 1.001776f;
data.rotationZ = 0.008322907f;
data.translationX = -87.70484f;
data.translationY = -7.640977f;
data.rotationX = 0.0f;
data.rotationY = 0.0f;
data.angleOfViewRight = 64.66875f;
data.angleOfViewLeft = 64.76067f;
data.distanceToChart = 250.0f;
data.distanceCameras = 35.0f;
data.imageWidth = 640;
data.imageHeight = 480;
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0x2B, 17, 0);
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
memcpy(&cmd_buff[2], &data, sizeof(data));
LOG_TRACE(Service_CAM, "called");
void SetPackageParameterWithoutContext(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
PackageParameterWithoutContext package;
std::memcpy(&package, cmd_buff + 1, sizeof(package));
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0x33, 1, 0);
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
LOG_WARNING(Service_CAM, "(STUBBED) called");
template <typename PackageParameterType, int command_id>
static void SetPackageParameter() {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
PackageParameterType package;
std::memcpy(&package, cmd_buff + 1, sizeof(package));
const CameraSet camera_select(static_cast<u32>(package.camera_select));
const ContextSet context_select(static_cast<u32>(package.context_select));
if (camera_select.IsValid() && context_select.IsValid()) {
for (int camera_id : camera_select) {
CameraConfig& camera = cameras[camera_id];
for (int context_id : context_select) {
ContextConfig& context = camera.contexts[context_id];
context.effect = package.effect;
context.flip = package.flip;
context.resolution = package.GetResolution();
if (context_id == camera.current_context) {
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
} else {
LOG_ERROR(Service_CAM, "invalid camera_select=%u, context_select=%u", package.camera_select,
cmd_buff[1] = ERROR_INVALID_ENUM_VALUE.raw;
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(command_id, 1, 0);
LOG_DEBUG(Service_CAM, "called");
Resolution PackageParameterWithContext::GetResolution() {
return PRESET_RESOLUTION[static_cast<int>(size)];
void SetPackageParameterWithContext(Service::Interface* self) {
SetPackageParameter<PackageParameterWithContext, 0x34>();
void SetPackageParameterWithContextDetail(Service::Interface* self) {
SetPackageParameter<PackageParameterWithContextDetail, 0x35>();
void GetSuitableY2rStandardCoefficient(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0x36, 2, 0);
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
cmd_buff[2] = 0;
LOG_WARNING(Service_CAM, "(STUBBED) called");
void PlayShutterSound(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
u8 sound_id = cmd_buff[1] & 0xFF;
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0x38, 1, 0);
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
LOG_WARNING(Service_CAM, "(STUBBED) called, sound_id=%d", sound_id);
void DriverInitialize(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
for (int camera_id = 0; camera_id < NumCameras; ++camera_id) {
CameraConfig& camera = cameras[camera_id];
camera.current_context = 0;
for (int context_id = 0; context_id < 2; ++context_id) {
// Note: the following default values are verified against real 3DS
ContextConfig& context = camera.contexts[context_id];
context.flip = camera_id == 1 ? Flip::Horizontal : Flip::None;
context.effect = Effect::None;
context.format = OutputFormat::YUV422;
context.resolution =
context_id == 0 ? PRESET_RESOLUTION[5 /*DS_LCD*/] : PRESET_RESOLUTION[0 /*VGA*/];
camera.impl = Camera::CreateCamera(Settings::values.camera_name[camera_id],
for (PortConfig& port : ports) {
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0x39, 1, 0);
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
LOG_DEBUG(Service_CAM, "called");
void DriverFinalize(Service::Interface* self) {
u32* cmd_buff = Kernel::GetCommandBuffer();
for (CameraConfig& camera : cameras) {
camera.impl = nullptr;
cmd_buff[0] = IPC::MakeHeader(0x3A, 1, 0);
cmd_buff[1] = RESULT_SUCCESS.raw;
LOG_DEBUG(Service_CAM, "called");
void Init() {
using namespace Kernel;
AddService(new CAM_C_Interface);
AddService(new CAM_Q_Interface);
AddService(new CAM_S_Interface);
AddService(new CAM_U_Interface);
for (PortConfig& port : ports) {
port.completion_event = Event::Create(ResetType::Sticky, "CAM_U::completion_event");
port.buffer_error_interrupt_event =
Event::Create(ResetType::OneShot, "CAM_U::buffer_error_interrupt_event");
port.vsync_interrupt_event =
Event::Create(ResetType::OneShot, "CAM_U::vsync_interrupt_event");
completion_event_callback =
CoreTiming::RegisterEvent("CAM_U::CompletionEventCallBack", CompletionEventCallBack);
void Shutdown() {
for (PortConfig& port : ports) {
port.completion_event = nullptr;
port.buffer_error_interrupt_event = nullptr;
port.vsync_interrupt_event = nullptr;
for (CameraConfig& camera : cameras) {
camera.impl = nullptr;
} // namespace CAM
} // namespace Service