/* This file is part of the dynarmic project. * Copyright (c) 2018 MerryMage * This software may be used and distributed according to the terms of the GNU * General Public License version 2 or any later version. */ #include #include #include #include "frontend/A64/location_descriptor.h" #include "frontend/A64/translate/translate.h" #include "frontend/ir/basic_block.h" #include "inst_gen.h" #include "rand_int.h" #include "testenv.h" #include "unicorn_emu/unicorn.h" using namespace Dynarmic; TEST_CASE("A64: Unicorn sanity test", "[a64]") { TestEnv env; env.code_mem[0] = 0x8b020020; // ADD X0, X1, X2 env.code_mem[1] = 0x14000000; // B . std::array regs { 0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; Unicorn unicorn{env}; unicorn.SetRegisters(regs); unicorn.SetPC(0); env.ticks_left = 2; unicorn.Run(); REQUIRE(unicorn.GetRegisters()[0] == 3); REQUIRE(unicorn.GetRegisters()[1] == 1); REQUIRE(unicorn.GetRegisters()[2] == 2); REQUIRE(unicorn.GetPC() == 4); } TEST_CASE("A64: Ensure 0xFFFF'FFFF'FFFF'FFFF is readable", "[a64]") { TestEnv env; env.code_mem[0] = 0x385fed99; // LDRB W25, [X12, #0xfffffffffffffffe]! env.code_mem[1] = 0x14000000; // B . std::array regs{}; regs[12] = 1; Unicorn unicorn{env}; unicorn.SetRegisters(regs); unicorn.SetPC(0); env.ticks_left = 2; unicorn.Run(); REQUIRE(unicorn.GetPC() == 4); } TEST_CASE("A64: Ensure is able to read across page boundaries", "[a64]") { TestEnv env; env.code_mem[0] = 0xb85f93d9; // LDUR W25, [X30, #0xfffffffffffffff9] env.code_mem[1] = 0x14000000; // B . std::array regs{}; regs[30] = 4; Unicorn unicorn{env}; unicorn.SetRegisters(regs); unicorn.SetPC(0); env.ticks_left = 2; unicorn.Run(); REQUIRE(unicorn.GetPC() == 4); } static std::vector instruction_generators = []{ const std::vector> list { #define INST(fn, name, bitstring) {#fn, bitstring}, #include "frontend/A64/decoder/a64.inc" #undef INST }; std::vector result; for (const auto& [fn, bitstring] : list) { if (std::strcmp(fn, "UnallocatedEncoding") == 0) { InstructionGenerator::AddInvalidInstruction(bitstring); continue; } result.emplace_back(InstructionGenerator{bitstring}); } return result; }(); static u32 GenRandomInst(u64 pc) { const A64::LocationDescriptor location{pc, {}}; restart: const size_t index = RandInt(0, instruction_generators.size() - 1); const u32 instruction = instruction_generators[index].Generate(); IR::Block block{location}; bool should_continue = A64::TranslateSingleInstruction(block, location, instruction); if (!should_continue) goto restart; for (const auto& ir_inst : block) if (ir_inst.IsMemoryWrite() || ir_inst.GetOpcode() == IR::Opcode::A64ExceptionRaised || ir_inst.GetOpcode() == IR::Opcode::A64CallSupervisor) goto restart; return instruction; } static void TestInstance(const std::array& regs, const std::vector& instructions, u32 pstate) { TestEnv jit_env; TestEnv uni_env; std::copy(instructions.begin(), instructions.end(), jit_env.code_mem.begin()); std::copy(instructions.begin(), instructions.end(), uni_env.code_mem.begin()); jit_env.code_mem[instructions.size()] = 0x14000000; // B . uni_env.code_mem[instructions.size()] = 0x14000000; // B . Dynarmic::A64::Jit jit{Dynarmic::A64::UserConfig{&jit_env}}; Unicorn uni{uni_env}; jit.SetRegisters(regs); jit.SetPC(0); jit.SetSP(0x8000000); jit.SetPstate(pstate); uni.SetRegisters(regs); uni.SetPC(0); uni.SetSP(0x8000000); uni.SetPstate(pstate); jit_env.ticks_left = instructions.size(); jit.Run(); uni_env.ticks_left = instructions.size(); uni.Run(); REQUIRE(uni.GetRegisters() == jit.GetRegisters()); REQUIRE(uni.GetPC() == jit.GetPC()); REQUIRE(uni.GetSP() == jit.GetSP()); REQUIRE((uni.GetPstate() & 0xF0000000) == (jit.GetPstate() & 0xF0000000)); } TEST_CASE("A64: Single random instruction", "[a64]") { for (size_t iteration = 0; iteration < 100000; ++iteration) { std::array regs; std::generate_n(regs.begin(), 31, []{ return RandInt(0, ~u64(0)); }); std::vector instructions; instructions.push_back(GenRandomInst(0)); u32 pstate = RandInt(0, 0xF) << 28; // printf("%08x\n", instructions[0]); TestInstance(regs, instructions, pstate); } }