2023-11-04 21:30:42 +02:00

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// Copyright (c) 2019 Vinnie Falco (vinnie.falco@gmail.com)
// Copyright (c) 2022 Alan de Freitas (alandefreitas@gmail.com)
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt)
// Official repository: https://github.com/boostorg/url
#include <boost/url/detail/config.hpp>
#include <boost/url/error_types.hpp>
#include <boost/url/url_view.hpp>
namespace boost {
namespace urls {
/** Return a reference to a parsed URL string
This function parses a string according
to the grammar below and returns a view
referencing the passed string upon success,
else returns an error.
Ownership of the string is not transferred;
the caller is responsible for ensuring that
the lifetime of the character buffer extends
until the view is no longer being accessed.
@par Example
system::result< url_view > rv = parse_absolute_uri( "http://example.com/index.htm?id=1" );
@par BNF
absolute-URI = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ]
hier-part = "//" authority path-abempty
/ path-absolute
/ path-rootless
/ path-empty
@throw std::length_error `s.size() > url_view::max_size`
@return A @ref result containing a value or an error
@param s The string to parse
@par Specification
@li <a href="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-4.3"
>4.3. Absolute URI (rfc3986)</a>
@ref parse_origin_form,
@ref parse_relative_ref,
@ref parse_uri,
@ref parse_uri_reference,
@ref url_view.
core::string_view s);
/** Return a reference to a parsed URL string
This function parses a string according
to the grammar below and returns a view
referencing the passed string upon success,
else returns an error.
Ownership of the string is not transferred;
the caller is responsible for ensuring that
the lifetime of the character buffer extends
until the view is no longer being accessed.
@par Example
system::result< url_view > = parse_origin_form( "/index.htm?layout=mobile" );
@par BNF
origin-form = absolute-path [ "?" query ]
absolute-path = 1*( "/" segment )
@throw std::length_error `s.size() > url_view::max_size`
@return A @ref result containing a value or an error
@param s The string to parse
@par Specification
@li <a href="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc7230#section-5.3.1"
>5.3.1. origin-form (rfc7230)</a>
@ref parse_absolute_uri,
@ref parse_relative_ref,
@ref parse_uri,
@ref parse_uri_reference,
@ref url_view.
core::string_view s);
/** Return a reference to a parsed URL string
This function parses a string according
to the grammar below and returns a view
referencing the passed string upon success,
else returns an error.
Ownership of the string is not transferred;
the caller is responsible for ensuring that
the lifetime of the character buffer extends
until the view is no longer being accessed.
@par Example
system::result< url_view > = parse_relative_ref( "images/dot.gif?v=hide#a" );
@par BNF
relative-ref = relative-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ]
relative-part = "//" authority path-abempty
/ path-absolute
/ path-noscheme
/ path-abempty
/ path-empty
@return A @ref result containing a value or an error
@param s The string to parse
@throw std::length_error `s.size() > url_view::max_size`
@par Specification
@li <a href="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-4.2"
>4.2. Relative Reference (rfc3986)</a>
@li <a href="https://www.rfc-editor.org/errata/eid5428"
>Errata ID: 5428 (rfc3986)</a>
@ref parse_absolute_uri,
@ref parse_origin_form,
@ref parse_uri,
@ref parse_uri_reference,
@ref url_view.
core::string_view s);
/** Return a reference to a parsed URL string
This function parses a string according
to the grammar below and returns a view
referencing the passed string upon success,
else returns an error.
Ownership of the string is not transferred;
the caller is responsible for ensuring that
the lifetime of the character buffer extends
until the view is no longer being accessed.
@par Example
system::result< url_view > = parse_uri( "https://www.example.com/index.htm?id=guest#s1" );
@par BNF
URI = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ]
hier-part = "//" authority path-abempty
/ path-absolute
/ path-rootless
/ path-empty
@throw std::length_error `s.size() > url_view::max_size`
@return A @ref result containing a value or an error
@param s The string to parse
@par Specification
@li <a href="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-3"
>3. Syntax Components (rfc3986)</a>
@ref parse_absolute_uri,
@ref parse_origin_form,
@ref parse_relative_ref,
@ref parse_uri_reference,
@ref url_view.
core::string_view s);
/** Return a reference to a parsed URL string
This function parses a string according
to the grammar below and returns a view
referencing the passed string upon success,
else returns an error.
Ownership of the string is not transferred;
the caller is responsible for ensuring that
the lifetime of the character buffer extends
until the view is no longer being accessed.
@par Example
system::result< url_view > = parse_uri_reference( "ws://echo.example.com/?name=boost#demo" );
@par BNF
URI-reference = URI / relative-ref
URI = scheme ":" hier-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ]
relative-ref = relative-part [ "?" query ] [ "#" fragment ]
hier-part = "//" authority path-abempty
/ path-absolute
/ path-rootless
/ path-empty
relative-part = "//" authority path-abempty
/ path-absolute
/ path-noscheme
/ path-abempty
/ path-empty
@throw std::length_error `s.size() > url_view::max_size`
@return A @ref result containing a value or an error
@param s The string to parse
@par Specification
@li <a href="https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc3986#section-4.1"
>4.1. URI Reference (rfc3986)</a>
@li <a href="https://www.rfc-editor.org/errata/eid5428"
>Errata ID: 5428 (rfc3986)</a>
@ref parse_absolute_uri,
@ref parse_origin_form,
@ref parse_relative_ref,
@ref parse_uri,
@ref url_view.
core::string_view s);
} // url
} // boost