#include #include #include <3ds.h> #include "output.h" #include "test_fs.h" static int testCounter = 0; static void (*tests[]) (void) = { FS_TestAll }; int main() { srvInit(); aptInit(); hidInit(NULL); gfxInit(); gfxSet3D(false); clearScreens(); print(GFX_TOP, "Press A to begin...\n"); APP_STATUS status; while ((status = aptGetStatus()) != APP_EXITING) { if (status == APP_RUNNING) { drawFrames(); hidScanInput(); if (hidKeysDown() & KEY_B) { break; } else if (hidKeysDown() & KEY_A) { clearScreen(GFX_TOP); if (testCounter < (sizeof(tests) / sizeof(tests[0]))) { tests[testCounter](); testCounter++; } else { break; } print(GFX_TOP, "\n"); print(GFX_TOP, "Press A to continue...\n"); } } else if (status == APP_SUSPENDING) { aptReturnToMenu(); } else if (status == APP_SLEEPMODE) { aptWaitStatusEvent(); break; } gspWaitForEvent(GSPEVENT_VBlank0, false); } clearScreens(); gfxExit(); hidExit(); aptExit(); srvExit(); return 0; }