Gabriel Marcano 913bc867b7 No longer saves more than the ROM size, cleanup
Using some header information from rom_tool, it was possible to
implement something that will accurately determine the real ROM size.
With that information, uncart no longer dumps in 2GB chunks, but to the
actual size of ROM (all 8 partitions).

Warnings were cleaned up as much as possible for now (2 remain). i2c
support was added in order to be able to shut down uncart when it is
over (it isn't clear that the ASM in start.s is right for returning
control to brahma, if that's even possible). More warnings were enabled
in the Makefile, and lto was enabled.

Currently, the Makefile and the draw.h are configured for a9lh support.
2016-06-07 02:32:45 -04:00

227 lines
6.7 KiB

#include "draw.h"
#include "hid.h"
#include "i2c.h"
#include "fatfs/ff.h"
#include "gamecart/protocol.h"
#include "gamecart/command_ctr.h"
#include "headers.h"
#include "i2c.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdio.h>
extern s32 CartID;
extern s32 CartID2;
// File IO utility functions
static FATFS fs;
static FIL file;
static void ClearTop(void) {
ClearScreen(TOP_SCREEN1, RGB(255, 255, 255));
current_y = 0;
static void wait_key(void) {
Debug("Press key to continue...");
static void Reboot()
i2cWriteRegister(I2C_DEV_MCU, 0x20, 1 << 2);
struct Context {
u8* buffer;
size_t buffer_size;
u32 cart_size;
u32 media_unit;
static int dump_cart_region(u32 start_sector, u32 end_sector, FIL* output_file, struct Context* ctx) {
u32 read_size = 1u * 1024 * 1024 / ctx->media_unit; // 1MiB default
// Dump remaining data
u32 current_sector = start_sector;
while (current_sector < end_sector) {
unsigned int percentage = current_sector * 100 / ctx->cart_size;
Debug("Dumping %08X / %08X - %3u%%", current_sector, ctx->cart_size, percentage);
u8* read_ptr = ctx->buffer;
while (read_ptr < ctx->buffer + ctx->buffer_size && current_sector < end_sector) {
//If there is less data to read than the curren read_size, fix it
if (end_sector - current_sector < read_size)
read_size = end_sector - current_sector;
CTR_CmdReadData(current_sector, ctx->media_unit, read_size, read_ptr);
read_ptr += ctx->media_unit * read_size;
current_sector += read_size;
u8* write_ptr = ctx->buffer;
while (write_ptr < read_ptr) {
unsigned int bytes_written = 0;
f_write(output_file, write_ptr, (size_t)(read_ptr - write_ptr), &bytes_written);
Debug("Wrote 0x%x bytes...", bytes_written);
if (bytes_written == 0) {
Debug("Writing failed! :( SD full?");
return -1;
write_ptr += bytes_written;
return 0;
int main() {
// Setup boring stuff - clear the screen, initialize SD output, etc...
Debug("Uncart: ROM dump tool v0.2");
Debug("Insert your game cart now.");
// Arbitrary target buffer
// TODO: This should be done in a nicer way ;)
u32* target = (u32*)0x22000000;
NCSD_HEADER *ncsdHeader = (NCSD_HEADER*)target;
u32 target_buf_size = 16u * 1024u * 1024u; // 16MB
memset(target, 0, target_buf_size); // Clear our buffer
u32* ncchHeaderData = (u32*)0x23000000;
NCCH_HEADER *ncchHeader = (NCCH_HEADER*)ncchHeaderData;
*(vu32*)0x10000020 = 0; // InitFS stuff
*(vu32*)0x10000020 = 0x340; // InitFS stuff
Debug("Cart id is %08x", Cart_GetID());
Debug("Reading NCCH header...");
Debug("Done reading NCCH header.");
if (strncmp((const char*)(ncchHeader->magic), "NCCH", 4))
Debug("NCCH magic not found in header!!!");
Debug("Press A to continue anyway.");
if (!(InputWait() & BUTTON_A))
goto restart_prompt;
u32 sec_keys[4];
Cart_Secure_Init(ncchHeaderData, sec_keys);
// Guess 0x200 first for the media size. this will be set correctly once the cart header is read
// Read out the header 0x0000-0x1000
Debug("Reading NCSD header...");
CTR_CmdReadData(0, 0x200, 0x1000 / 0x200, target);
Debug("Done reading NCSD header.");
if (strncmp((const char*)(ncsdHeader->magic), "NCSD", 4)) {
Debug("NCSD magic not found in header!!!");
Debug("Press A to continue anyway.");
if (!(InputWait() & BUTTON_A))
goto restart_prompt;
const u32 mediaUnit = 0x200 * (1u << ncsdHeader->partition_flags[MEDIA_UNIT_SIZE]); //Correctly set the media unit size
//Calculate the actual size by counting the adding the size of each partition, plus the initial offset
//size is in media units
u32 cartSize = ncsdHeader->offsetsize_table[0].offset;
for(int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
cartSize += ncsdHeader->offsetsize_table[i].size;
Debug("Cart data size: %llu MB", (u64)cartSize * (u64)mediaUnit / 1024ull / 1024ull);
struct Context context = {
.buffer = (u8*)target,
.buffer_size = target_buf_size,
.cart_size = cartSize,
.media_unit = mediaUnit,
// Maximum number of blocks in a single file
u32 file_max_blocks = 0xFFFFFFFFu / mediaUnit; // 4GiB - 1
u32 current_part = 0;
while (current_part * file_max_blocks < cartSize) {
// Create output file
char filename_buf[32];
char extension_digit = cartSize <= file_max_blocks ? 's' : '0' + current_part;
snprintf(filename_buf, sizeof(filename_buf), "/%.16s.3d%c", ncchHeader->product_code, extension_digit);
Debug("Writing to file: \"%s\"", filename_buf);
Debug("Change the SD card now and/or press a key.");
Debug("(Or SELECT to cancel)");
if (InputWait() & BUTTON_SELECT)
if (f_mount(&fs, "0:", 0) != FR_OK) {
Debug("Failed to f_mount... Retrying");
goto cleanup_none;
if (f_open(&file, filename_buf, FA_READ | FA_WRITE | FA_CREATE_ALWAYS) != FR_OK) {
Debug("Failed to create file... Retrying");
goto cleanup_mount;
f_lseek(&file, 0);
u32 region_start = current_part * file_max_blocks;
u32 region_end = region_start + file_max_blocks;
if (region_end > cartSize)
region_end = cartSize;
if (dump_cart_region(region_start, region_end, &file, &context) < 0)
goto cleanup_file;
if (current_part == 0) {
// Write header - TODO: Not sure why this is done at the very end..
f_lseek(&file, 0x1000);
unsigned int written = 0;
// Fill the 0x1200-0x4000 unused area with 0xFF instead of random garbage.
memset((u8*)ncchHeaderData + 0x200, 0xFF, 0x3000 - 0x200);
f_write(&file, ncchHeader, 0x3000, &written);
current_part += 1;
// Done, clean up...
f_mount(NULL, "0:", 0);
Debug("Press B to exit, any other key to restart.");
if (!(InputWait() & BUTTON_B))
goto restart_program;
return 0;