using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; namespace libhac { public class Pfs0 { public Pfs0Header Header { get; set; } public int HeaderSize { get; set; } public Pfs0FileEntry[] Files { get; set; } private Dictionary FileDict { get; } private Stream Stream { get; set; } public Pfs0(Stream stream) { byte[] headerBytes; using (var reader = new BinaryReader(stream, Encoding.Default, true)) { Header = new Pfs0Header(reader); HeaderSize = (int)(16 + 24 * Header.NumFiles + Header.StringTableSize); stream.Position = 0; headerBytes = reader.ReadBytes(HeaderSize); } using (var reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(headerBytes))) { reader.BaseStream.Position = 16; Files = new Pfs0FileEntry[Header.NumFiles]; for (int i = 0; i < Header.NumFiles; i++) { Files[i] = new Pfs0FileEntry(reader) { Index = i }; } int stringTableOffset = 16 + 24 * Header.NumFiles; for (int i = 0; i < Header.NumFiles; i++) { reader.BaseStream.Position = stringTableOffset + Files[i].StringTableOffset; Files[i].Name = reader.ReadAsciiZ(); } } FileDict = Files.ToDictionary(x => x.Name, x => x); Stream = stream; } public Stream OpenFile(string filename) { if (!FileDict.TryGetValue(filename, out Pfs0FileEntry file)) { throw new FileNotFoundException(); } return OpenFile(file); } public Stream OpenFile(Pfs0FileEntry file) { return new SubStream(Stream, HeaderSize + file.Offset, file.Size); } public byte[] GetFile(int index) { var entry = Files[index]; var file = new byte[entry.Size]; Stream.Position = HeaderSize + entry.Offset; Stream.Read(file, 0, file.Length); return file; } } public class Pfs0Superblock { public byte[] MasterHash; /* SHA-256 hash of the hash table. */ public uint BlockSize; /* In bytes. */ public uint Always2; public long HashTableOffset; /* Normally zero. */ public long HashTableSize; public long Pfs0Offset; public long Pfs0Size; public Pfs0Superblock(BinaryReader reader) { MasterHash = reader.ReadBytes(0x20); BlockSize = reader.ReadUInt32(); Always2 = reader.ReadUInt32(); HashTableOffset = reader.ReadInt64(); HashTableSize = reader.ReadInt64(); Pfs0Offset = reader.ReadInt64(); Pfs0Size = reader.ReadInt64(); reader.BaseStream.Position += 0xF0; } } public class Pfs0Header { public string Magic; public int NumFiles; public uint StringTableSize; public long Reserved; public Pfs0Header(BinaryReader reader) { Magic = reader.ReadAscii(4); NumFiles = reader.ReadInt32(); StringTableSize = reader.ReadUInt32(); Reserved = reader.ReadInt32(); } } public class Pfs0FileEntry { public int Index; public long Offset; public long Size; public uint StringTableOffset; public uint Reserved; public string Name; public Pfs0FileEntry(BinaryReader reader) { Offset = reader.ReadInt64(); Size = reader.ReadInt64(); StringTableOffset = reader.ReadUInt32(); Reserved = reader.ReadUInt32(); } } public static class Pfs0Extensions { public static void Extract(this Pfs0 pfs0, string outDir, IProgressReport logger = null) { foreach (var file in pfs0.Files) { var stream = pfs0.OpenFile(file); var outName = Path.Combine(outDir, file.Name); Directory.CreateDirectory(Path.GetDirectoryName(outName)); using (var outFile = new FileStream(outName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { logger?.LogMessage(file.Name); stream.CopyStream(outFile, stream.Length, logger); } } } } }