2018-07-02 21:23:07 -05:00

181 lines
7.3 KiB

using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace hactoolnet
internal static class CliParser
private static readonly CliOption[] CliOptions =
new CliOption("intype", 't', 1, (o, a) => o.InFileType = ParseFileType(a[0])),
new CliOption("raw", 'r', 0, (o, a) => o.Raw = true),
new CliOption("keyset", 'k', 1, (o, a) => o.Keyfile = a[0]),
new CliOption("titlekeys", 1, (o, a) => o.TitleKeyFile = a[0]),
new CliOption("section0", 1, (o, a) => o.SectionOut[0] = a[0]),
new CliOption("section1", 1, (o, a) => o.SectionOut[1] = a[0]),
new CliOption("section2", 1, (o, a) => o.SectionOut[2] = a[0]),
new CliOption("section3", 1, (o, a) => o.SectionOut[3] = a[0]),
new CliOption("section0dir", 1, (o, a) => o.SectionOutDir[0] = a[0]),
new CliOption("section1dir", 1, (o, a) => o.SectionOutDir[1] = a[0]),
new CliOption("section2dir", 1, (o, a) => o.SectionOutDir[2] = a[0]),
new CliOption("section3dir", 1, (o, a) => o.SectionOutDir[3] = a[0]),
new CliOption("exefs", 1, (o, a) => o.ExefsOut = a[0]),
new CliOption("exefsdir", 1, (o, a) => o.ExefsOutDir = a[0]),
new CliOption("romfs", 1, (o, a) => o.RomfsOut = a[0]),
new CliOption("romfsdir", 1, (o, a) => o.RomfsOutDir = a[0]),
new CliOption("outdir", 1, (o, a) => o.OutDir = a[0]),
new CliOption("sdseed", 1, (o, a) => o.SdSeed = a[0]),
new CliOption("sdpath", 1, (o, a) => o.SdPath = a[0]),
new CliOption("listapps", 0, (o, a) => o.ListApps = true),
new CliOption("listtitles", 0, (o, a) => o.ListTitles = true),
new CliOption("listromfs", 0, (o, a) => o.ListRomFs = true),
new CliOption("title", 1, (o, a) => o.TitleId = ParseTitleId(a[0])),
public static Options Parse(string[] args)
var options = new Options();
var inputSpecified = false;
for (int i = 0; i < args.Length; i++)
string arg;
if (args[i].Length == 2 && (args[i][0] == '-' || args[i][0] == '/'))
arg = args[i][1].ToString().ToLower();
else if (args[i].Length > 2 && args[i].Substring(0, 2) == "--")
arg = args[i].Substring(2).ToLower();
if (inputSpecified)
PrintWithUsage($"Unable to parse option {args[i]}");
return null;
options.InFile = args[i];
inputSpecified = true;
var option = CliOptions.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Long == arg || x.Short == arg);
if (option == null)
PrintWithUsage($"Unknown option {args[i]}");
return null;
if (i + option.ArgsNeeded >= args.Length)
PrintWithUsage($"Need {option.ArgsNeeded} parameter{(option.ArgsNeeded == 1 ? "" : "s")} after {args[i]}");
return null;
var optionArgs = new string[option.ArgsNeeded];
Array.Copy(args, i + 1, optionArgs, 0, option.ArgsNeeded);
option.Assigner(options, optionArgs);
i += option.ArgsNeeded;
if (!inputSpecified)
PrintWithUsage("Input file must be specified");
return null;
return options;
private static FileType ParseFileType(string input)
if (!Enum.TryParse(input, true, out FileType type))
PrintWithUsage("Specified type is invalid.");
return type;
private static ulong ParseTitleId(string input)
if (input.Length != 16)
PrintWithUsage("Title ID must be 16 hex characters long");
if (!ulong.TryParse(input, NumberStyles.HexNumber, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, out var id))
PrintWithUsage("Could not parse title ID");
return id;
private static void PrintWithUsage(string toPrint)
// PrintUsage();
private static string GetUsage()
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine("Usage: hactoolnet.exe [options...] <path>");
sb.AppendLine(" -r, --raw Keep raw data, don\'t unpack.");
sb.AppendLine(" -k, --keyset Load keys from an external file.");
sb.AppendLine(" -t, --intype=type Specify input file type [nca, switchfs]");
sb.AppendLine(" --titlekeys <file> Load title keys from an external file.");
sb.AppendLine("NCA options:");
sb.AppendLine(" --section0 <file> Specify Section 0 file path.");
sb.AppendLine(" --section1 <file> Specify Section 1 file path.");
sb.AppendLine(" --section2 <file> Specify Section 2 file path.");
sb.AppendLine(" --section3 <file> Specify Section 3 file path.");
sb.AppendLine(" --section0dir <dir> Specify Section 0 directory path.");
sb.AppendLine(" --section1dir <dir> Specify Section 1 directory path.");
sb.AppendLine(" --section2dir <dir> Specify Section 2 directory path.");
sb.AppendLine(" --section3dir <dir> Specify Section 3 directory path.");
sb.AppendLine(" --listromfs List files in RomFS.");
sb.AppendLine("Switch FS options:");
sb.AppendLine(" --sdseed <seed> Set console unique seed for SD card NAX0 encryption.");
sb.AppendLine(" --listapps List application info.");
sb.AppendLine(" --listtitles List title info for all titles.");
sb.AppendLine(" --title <title id> Specify title ID to use.");
sb.AppendLine(" --romfsdir <dir> Specify RomFS directory path.");
return sb.ToString();
private class CliOption
public CliOption(string longName, char shortName, int argsNeeded, Action<Options, string[]> assigner)
Long = longName;
Short = shortName.ToString();
ArgsNeeded = argsNeeded;
Assigner = assigner;
public CliOption(string longName, int argsNeeded, Action<Options, string[]> assigner)
Long = longName;
ArgsNeeded = argsNeeded;
Assigner = assigner;
public string Long { get; }
public string Short { get; }
public int ArgsNeeded { get; }
public Action<Options, string[]> Assigner { get; }