#include #include #include #include #include "ui/MainApplication.hpp" #include "ui/mainPage.hpp" #include "util/util.hpp" #include "util/config.hpp" #include "util/lang.hpp" #include "sigInstall.hpp" #include "HDInstall.hpp" #include "data/buffered_placeholder_writer.hpp" #include "nx/usbhdd.h" #include "usbhsfs.h" #include #define COLOR(hex) pu::ui::Color::FromHex(hex) int statvfs(const char* path, struct statvfs* buf); s32 prev_touchcount = 0; double GetAvailableSpace(const char* path) { struct statvfs stat; if (statvfs(path, &stat) != 0) { // error happens, just quits here return -1; } // the available size is f_bsize * f_bavail return stat.f_bsize * stat.f_bavail; } double amountOfDiskSpaceUsed(const char* path) { struct statvfs stat; if (statvfs(path, &stat) != 0) { // error happens, just quits here return -1; } const auto total = static_cast(stat.f_blocks); const auto available = static_cast(stat.f_bavail); const auto availableToRoot = static_cast(stat.f_bfree); const auto used = total - availableToRoot; const auto nonRootTotal = used + available; return 100.0 * static_cast(used) / static_cast(nonRootTotal); } double totalsize(const char* path) { struct statvfs stat; if (statvfs(path, &stat) != 0) { // error happens, just quits here return -1; } return stat.f_blocks * stat.f_frsize; } namespace inst::ui { extern MainApplication* mainApp; bool appletFinished = false; bool updateFinished = false; void mathstuff() { double math = (GetAvailableSpace("./") / 1024) / 1024; //megabytes float math2 = ((float)math / 1024); //gigabytes double used = (amountOfDiskSpaceUsed("./")); //same file path as sdmc double total = (totalsize("sdmc:/") / 1024) / 1024; //megabytes float total2 = ((float)total / 1024); //gigabytes // float GB = math2; std::stringstream stream; stream << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << GB; //only show 2 decimal places std::string freespace = stream.str(); float GB2 = total2; std::stringstream stream2; stream2 << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << GB2; //only show 2 decimal places std::string sdsize = stream2.str(); //printf("\nSdCard Free Space in MB: %li", math); //printf("\nSdCard Free Space in GB: %.2f", math2); std::stringstream stream3; stream3 << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << used; //only show 2 decimal places std::string percent = stream3.str(); //unmount sd here and mount system.... //fsdevUnmountDevice("sdmc"); FsFileSystem nandFS; fsOpenBisFileSystem(&nandFS, FsBisPartitionId_User, ""); fsdevMountDevice("user", nandFS); double math3 = (GetAvailableSpace("user:/") / 1024) / 1024; //megabytes float math4 = ((float)math3 / 1024); //gigabytes double used2 = (amountOfDiskSpaceUsed("user:/")); //same file path as sdmc double total3 = (totalsize("user:/") / 1024) / 1024; //megabytes float total4 = ((float)total3 / 1024); //gigabytes // float GB3 = math4; std::stringstream stream4; stream4 << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << GB3; //only show 2 decimal places std::string freespace2 = stream4.str(); float GB4 = total4; std::stringstream stream5; stream5 << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << GB4; //only show 2 decimal places std::string sdsize2 = stream5.str(); //printf("\nSdCard Free Space in MB: %li", math); //printf("\nSdCard Free Space in GB: %.2f", math2); std::stringstream stream6; stream6 << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << used2; //only show 2 decimal places std::string percent2 = stream6.str(); //unmount user now as we already know how much space we have fsdevUnmountDevice("user"); std::string Info = ("System total size: " + sdsize2 + " GB" + "\nSystem free space: " + freespace2 + " GB" + "\nSystem percent used: " + percent2 + "%" + "\n\n" + "SD card total size: " + sdsize + " GB" + "\nSD card free space: " + freespace + " GB" + "\nSD card percent used: " + percent + "%"); //std::string Info = ("System total size: " + sdsize2 + " GB" + "\nSystem free space: " + freespace2 + " GB" + "\nSystem percent used: " + percent2 + "%" + "\n\n" + "SD card total size: " + sdsize + " GB" + "\nSD card free space: " + freespace + " GB" + "\nSD card percent used: " + percent + "%"); inst::ui::mainApp->CreateShowDialog("Space Usage Information", Info, { "common.ok"_lang }, true); } void mainMenuThread() { bool menuLoaded = mainApp->IsShown(); if (!appletFinished && appletGetAppletType() == AppletType_LibraryApplet) { tin::data::NUM_BUFFER_SEGMENTS = 2; if (menuLoaded) { inst::ui::appletFinished = true; mainApp->CreateShowDialog("main.applet.title"_lang, "main.applet.desc"_lang, { "common.ok"_lang }, true); } } else if (!appletFinished) { inst::ui::appletFinished = true; tin::data::NUM_BUFFER_SEGMENTS = 128; } if (!updateFinished && (!inst::config::autoUpdate || inst::util::getIPAddress() == "")) updateFinished = true; if (!updateFinished && menuLoaded && inst::config::updateInfo.size()) { updateFinished = true; optionsPage::askToUpdate(inst::config::updateInfo); } } MainPage::MainPage() : Layout::Layout() { this->SetBackgroundColor(COLOR("#000000FF")); this->topRect = Rectangle::New(0, 0, 1280, 94, COLOR("#000000FF")); this->botRect = Rectangle::New(0, 659, 1280, 61, COLOR("#000000FF")); if (inst::config::gayMode) { if (std::filesystem::exists(inst::config::appDir + "/images/Main.png")) this->titleImage = Image::New(0, 0, (inst::config::appDir + "/images/Main.png")); else this->titleImage = Image::New(0, 0, "romfs:/images/Main.png"); if (std::filesystem::exists(inst::config::appDir + "/images/Background.png")) this->SetBackgroundImage(inst::config::appDir + "/images/Background.png"); else this->SetBackgroundImage("romfs:/images/Background.png"); } else { this->SetBackgroundImage("romfs:/images/Background.png"); this->titleImage = Image::New(0, 0, "romfs:/images/Main.png"); } this->butText = TextBlock::New(10, 678, "main.buttons"_lang); this->butText->SetColor(COLOR("#FFFFFFFF")); this->optionMenu = pu::ui::elm::Menu::New(0, 95, 1280, COLOR("#FFFFFF00"), COLOR("#4f4f4d33"), 94, 6); this->optionMenu->SetItemsFocusColor(COLOR("#4f4f4dAA")); this->optionMenu->SetScrollbarColor(COLOR("#1A1919FF")); this->installMenuItem = pu::ui::elm::MenuItem::New("main.menu.sd"_lang); this->installMenuItem->SetColor(COLOR("#FFFFFFFF")); this->installMenuItem->SetIcon("romfs:/images/icons/micro-sd.png"); this->netInstallMenuItem = pu::ui::elm::MenuItem::New("main.menu.net"_lang); this->netInstallMenuItem->SetColor(COLOR("#FFFFFFFF")); this->netInstallMenuItem->SetIcon("romfs:/images/icons/cloud-download.png"); this->usbInstallMenuItem = pu::ui::elm::MenuItem::New("main.menu.usb"_lang); this->usbInstallMenuItem->SetColor(COLOR("#FFFFFFFF")); this->usbInstallMenuItem->SetIcon("romfs:/images/icons/usb-port.png"); this->HdInstallMenuItem = pu::ui::elm::MenuItem::New("main.menu.hdd"_lang); this->HdInstallMenuItem->SetColor(COLOR("#FFFFFFFF")); this->HdInstallMenuItem->SetIcon("romfs:/images/icons/usb-hd.png"); this->settingsMenuItem = pu::ui::elm::MenuItem::New("main.menu.set"_lang); this->settingsMenuItem->SetColor(COLOR("#FFFFFFFF")); this->settingsMenuItem->SetIcon("romfs:/images/icons/settings.png"); this->exitMenuItem = pu::ui::elm::MenuItem::New("main.menu.exit"_lang); this->exitMenuItem->SetColor(COLOR("#FFFFFFFF")); this->exitMenuItem->SetIcon("romfs:/images/icons/exit-run.png"); if (inst::config::gayMode) { if (std::filesystem::exists(inst::config::appDir + "/images/Main.png")) this->awooImage = Image::New(0, 0, inst::config::appDir + "/images/Main.png"); else this->awooImage = Image::New(0, 0, "romfs:/images/Main.png"); } else { this->awooImage = Image::New(0, 0, "romfs:/images/Main.png"); } this->eggImage = Image::New(0, 0, ""); this->Add(this->topRect); this->Add(this->botRect); this->Add(this->titleImage); this->Add(this->butText); this->optionMenu->AddItem(this->installMenuItem); this->optionMenu->AddItem(this->netInstallMenuItem); this->optionMenu->AddItem(this->usbInstallMenuItem); this->optionMenu->AddItem(this->HdInstallMenuItem); this->optionMenu->AddItem(this->settingsMenuItem); this->optionMenu->AddItem(this->exitMenuItem); if (nx::hdd::count() && nx::hdd::rootPath()) { this->hdd = Image::New(1156, 669, "romfs:/images/icons/usb-hd-connected.png"); this->Add(this->hdd); } this->Add(this->awooImage); this->Add(this->eggImage); this->awooImage->SetVisible(!inst::config::gayMode); this->Add(this->optionMenu); this->AddRenderCallback(mainMenuThread); } void MainPage::installMenuItem_Click() { mainApp->sdinstPage->drawMenuItems(true, "sdmc:/"); mainApp->sdinstPage->menu->SetSelectedIndex(0); mainApp->LoadLayout(mainApp->sdinstPage); } void MainPage::netInstallMenuItem_Click() { if (inst::util::getIPAddress() == "") { inst::ui::mainApp->CreateShowDialog("main.net.title"_lang, "main.net.desc"_lang, { "common.ok"_lang }, true); return; } mainApp->netinstPage->startNetwork(); } void MainPage::usbInstallMenuItem_Click() { if (!inst::config::usbAck) { if (mainApp->CreateShowDialog("main.usb.warn.title"_lang, "main.usb.warn.desc"_lang, { "common.ok"_lang, "main.usb.warn.opt1"_lang }, false) == 1) { inst::config::usbAck = true; inst::config::setConfig(); } } if (inst::util::getUsbState() == 5) mainApp->usbinstPage->startUsb(); else mainApp->CreateShowDialog("main.usb.error.title"_lang, "main.usb.error.desc"_lang, { "common.ok"_lang }, false); } void MainPage::HdInstallMenuItem_Click() { if (nx::hdd::count() && nx::hdd::rootPath()) { mainApp->HDinstPage->drawMenuItems(true, nx::hdd::rootPath()); mainApp->HDinstPage->menu->SetSelectedIndex(0); mainApp->LoadLayout(mainApp->HDinstPage); } else { inst::ui::mainApp->CreateShowDialog("main.hdd.title"_lang, "main.hdd.notfound"_lang, { "common.ok"_lang }, true); } } void MainPage::exitMenuItem_Click() { mainApp->FadeOut(); mainApp->Close(); } void MainPage::settingsMenuItem_Click() { mainApp->LoadLayout(mainApp->optionspage); } void MainPage::onInput(u64 Down, u64 Up, u64 Held, pu::ui::TouchPoint touch_pos) { if (((Down & HidNpadButton_Plus) || (Down & HidNpadButton_Minus) || ((Held & HidNpadButton_L) && (Down & HidNpadButton_R)) || ((Down & HidNpadButton_L) && (Held & HidNpadButton_R))) && mainApp->IsShown()) { mainApp->FadeOut(); mainApp->Close(); } HidTouchScreenState state = { 0 }; if (hidGetTouchScreenStates(&state, 1)) { if ((Down & HidNpadButton_A) || (state.count != prev_touchcount)) { prev_touchcount = state.count; if (prev_touchcount != 1) { int menuindex = this->optionMenu->GetSelectedIndex(); switch (menuindex) { case 0: this->installMenuItem_Click(); break; case 1: this->netInstallMenuItem_Click(); break; case 2: MainPage::usbInstallMenuItem_Click(); break; case 3: MainPage::HdInstallMenuItem_Click(); break; case 4: MainPage::settingsMenuItem_Click(); break; case 5: MainPage::exitMenuItem_Click(); break; default: break; } } } } if (Down & HidNpadButton_X) { this->awooImage->SetVisible(false); this->eggImage->SetVisible(true); } if (Up & HidNpadButton_A) { this->eggImage->SetVisible(false); if (!inst::config::gayMode) this->awooImage->SetVisible(true); } if (Down & HidNpadButton_Y) { mathstuff(); } if (Down & HidNpadButton_ZL) { } if (Down & HidNpadButton_ZR) { } if (Down & HidNpadButton_L) { } if (Down & HidNpadButton_R) { } } }