2022-04-29 05:30:06 +02:00
#ifndef STUDIO_H
#define STUDIO_H
#include "mathlib/vector.h"
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct studiohdr_t
int id; // 'IDST'
int version; // R5 = '6'
int checksum;
int tableIndex; // Offset
char name[0x40];
int length; // size of data
Vector3 eyeposition; // ideal eye position
Vector3 illumposition; // illumination center
Vector3 hull_min; // ideal movement hull size
Vector3 hull_max;
Vector3 view_bbmin; // clipping bounding box
Vector3 view_bbmax;
int flags;
int numbones; // bones
int boneindex;
int numbonecontrollers;
int bonecontrollerindex;
int numhitboxsets;
int hitboxsetindex;
int numlocalanim; // animations/poses
int localanimindex; // animation descriptions
int numlocalseq; // sequences
int localseqindex;
int activitylistversion; // initialization flag - have the sequences been indexed ?
int eventsindexed;
int numtextures;
int textureindex;
int numcdtextures;
int cdtextureindex;
int numskinref; // Total number of references (submeshes)
int numskinfamilies; // Total skins per reference
int skinindex; // Offset to data
int numbodyparts;
int bodypartindex;
int numlocalattachments;
int localattachmentindex;
uint8_t Unknown2[0x14];
int submeshLodsIndex;
uint8_t Unknown3[0x64];
int boneRemapInfoIndex;
int boneRemapCount;
#pragma pack(pop)
2022-04-30 18:59:55 +02:00
class CStudioHdr
static int LookupSequence(CStudioHdr* pStudio, const char* pszName);
int64_t m_nUnk0;
studiohdr_t* m_pStudioHdr;
uint8_t m_Pad[0x85A]; // Compatible between S0 - S3.
void* m_pMdlCacheVTable;
2022-04-29 05:30:06 +02:00
#endif // STUDIO_H