2024-01-12 01:24:11 +01:00
# include <tier1/keyvalues.h>
# include "ifilesystem.h"
class CBaseFileSystem : public CTier1AppSystem < IFileSystem >
public :
// Stub implementation of IAppSystem.
//virtual ~CBaseFileSystem() {};
virtual bool Connect ( const CreateInterfaceFn factory ) { return false ; } ;
virtual void Disconnect ( ) { } ;
virtual void * QueryInterface ( const char * const pInterfaceName ) { return nullptr ; } ;
virtual InitReturnVal_t Init ( ) { return InitReturnVal_t : : INIT_FAILED ; } ;
virtual void Shutdown ( ) { } ;
virtual AppSystemTier_t GetTier ( ) { return AppSystemTier_t : : APP_SYSTEM_TIER_OTHER ; } ;
virtual void Reconnect ( const CreateInterfaceFn factory , const char * const pInterfaceName ) { } ;
virtual bool IsSteam ( ) const { return false ; } ;
virtual FilesystemMountRetval_t MountSteamContent ( int nExtraAppId = - 1 ) { return FilesystemMountRetval_t : : FILESYSTEM_MOUNT_FAILED ; } ;
virtual bool InitFeatureFlags ( ) { return false ; } ;
virtual bool InitFeatureFlags ( const char * pszFlagSetFile ) { return false ; } ;
virtual void AddSearchPath ( const char * pPath , const char * pPathID , SearchPathAdd_t addType ) { } ;
virtual bool RemoveSearchPath ( const char * pPath , const char * pPathID ) { return false ; } ;
virtual void RemoveAllSearchPaths ( void ) { } ;
virtual void RemoveSearchPaths ( const char * szPathID ) { } ;
virtual void MarkPathIDByRequestOnly ( const char * pPathID , bool bRequestOnly ) { }
virtual const char * RelativePathToFullPath ( const char * pFileName , const char * pPathID , char * pLocalPath , ssize_t localPathBufferSize , PathTypeFilter_t pathFilter = FILTER_NONE , PathTypeQuery_t * pPathType = NULL ) { return nullptr ; } ;
# if IsGameConsole()
virtual bool GetPackFileInfoFromRelativePath ( const char * pFileName , const char * pPathID , char * pPackPath , ssize_t nPackPathBufferSize , ptrdiff_t & nPosition , ssize_t & nLength ) { return false ; } ;
# endif
virtual ssize_t GetSearchPath ( const char * pathID , bool bGetPackFiles , char * pPath , ssize_t nMaxLen ) { return NULL ; } ;
virtual bool AddPackFile ( const char * fullpath , const char * pathID ) { return false ; } ;
// File manipulation operations
virtual void RemoveFile ( char const * pRelativePath , const char * pathID = 0 ) { } ; // Deletes a file (on the WritePath)
virtual bool RenameFile ( char const * pOldPath , char const * pNewPath , const char * pathID = 0 ) { return false ; } ; // Renames a file (on the WritePath)
virtual int CreateDirHierarchy ( const char * path , const char * pathID = 0 ) ; // create a local directory structure
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virtual bool IsDirectory ( const char * pFileName , const char * pathID = 0 ) ; // File I/O and info
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virtual ssize_t FileTimeToString ( char * pStrip , ssize_t maxCharsIncludingTerminator , long fileTime ) { return NULL ; } ; // Returns the string size
// Open file operations
virtual void SetBufferSize ( FileHandle_t file /*, ssize_t nBytes*/ ) { } ;
virtual bool IsOk ( FileHandle_t file ) { return false ; } ;
virtual bool EndOfFile ( FileHandle_t file ) { return false ; } ;
virtual char * ReadLine ( char * pOutput , size_t maxChars , FileHandle_t file ) { return nullptr ; } ;
# if ! defined(SWIG)
// Don't let SWIG see the PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING attribute or it will complain.
virtual ssize_t FPrintf ( FileHandle_t file , PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char * pFormat , . . . ) FMTFUNCTION ( 3 , 4 ) { return NULL ; } ;
# else
virtual ssize_t FPrintf ( FileHandle_t file , const char * pFormat , . . . ) FMTFUNCTION ( 3 , 4 ) { return NULL ; } ;
# endif
// Dynamic library operations
// load/unload modules
virtual CSysModule * LoadModule ( const char * pFileName , const char * pPathID = 0 , bool bValidatedDllOnly = true ) { return nullptr ; } ;
virtual void UnloadModule ( CSysModule * pModule ) { } ;
// File searching operations
// FindFirst/FindNext. Also see FindFirstEx.
virtual const char * FindFirst ( const char * pWildCard , FileFindHandle_t * pHandle ) { return nullptr ; } ;
virtual const char * FindNext ( FileFindHandle_t handle ) { return nullptr ; } ;
virtual bool FindIsDirectory ( FileFindHandle_t handle ) { return false ; } ;
virtual void FindClose ( FileFindHandle_t handle ) { } ;
// Same as FindFirst, but you can filter by path ID, which can make it faster.
virtual const char * FindFirstEx (
const char * pWildCard ,
const char * pPathID ,
FileFindHandle_t * pHandle
) { return nullptr ; } ;
// Searches for a file in all paths and results absolute path names for the file, works in pack files (zip and vpk) too
// Lets you search for something like sound/sound.cache and get a list of every sound cache
virtual void FindFileAbsoluteList ( CUtlVector < CUtlString > & outAbsolutePathNames , const char * pWildCard , const char * pPathID ) { } ;
// File name and directory operations
// FIXME: This method is obsolete! Use RelativePathToFullPath instead!
// converts a partial path into a full path
virtual const char * GetLocalPath ( const char * pFileName , char * pLocalPath , ssize_t localPathBufferSize ) { return nullptr ; } ;
// Returns true on success ( based on current list of search paths, otherwise false if
// it can't be resolved )
virtual bool FullPathToRelativePath ( const char * pFullpath , char * pRelative , ssize_t maxlen ) { return false ; } ;
// Gets the current working directory
virtual bool GetCurrentDirectory ( char * pDirectory , unsigned int maxlen ) { return false ; } ; // Last parameter is a DWORD passed to 'GetCurrentDirectoryA()' internally.
// Filename dictionary operations
virtual FileNameHandle_t FindOrAddFileName ( char const * pFileName ) { return nullptr ; } ;
virtual bool String ( const FileNameHandle_t & handle , char * buf , ssize_t buflen ) { return NULL ; } ;
// Asynchronous file operations
//--------------- [ !!! AMOS: !!! ALL ASYNC METHODS ARE UNIMPLEMENTED !!! PURECALL !!! ] ---------------//
// Global operations
virtual void PureCall0 ( ) { } ;
virtual void PureCall1 ( ) { } ;
virtual void PureCall2 ( ) { } ;
virtual void PureCall3 ( ) { } ;
virtual void PureCall4 ( ) { } ;
virtual void PureCall5 ( ) { } ;
// Debugging operations
// Dump to printf/OutputDebugString the list of files that have not been closed
virtual void PrintOpenedFiles ( void ) { } ;
virtual void PrintSearchPaths ( void ) { } ;
// output
virtual void SetWarningFunc ( void ( * pfnWarning ) ( const char * fmt , . . . ) ) { } ;
virtual void SetWarningLevel ( FileWarningLevel_t level ) { } ;
virtual void AddLoggingFunc ( void ( * pfnLogFunc ) ( const char * fileName , const char * accessType ) ) { } ;
virtual void RemoveLoggingFunc ( FileSystemLoggingFunc_t logFunc ) { } ;
virtual __int64 __fastcall sub_14038C240 ( __int64 a1 ) { return NULL ; } ;
virtual __int64 __fastcall sub_14038C380 ( __int64 a1 ) { return NULL ; } ;
virtual __int64 __fastcall sub_14038C400 ( __int64 a1 , __int64 a2 ) { return NULL ; } ;
// Returns the file system statistics retrieved by the implementation. Returns NULL if not supported.
virtual const FileSystemStatistics * GetFilesystemStatistics ( ) { return nullptr ; } ;
// Start of new functions after Lost Coast release (7/05)
virtual FileHandle_t OpenEx ( const char * pFileName , const char * pOptions , unsigned flags = 0 , const char * pathID = 0 /*, char** ppszResolvedFilename = NULL*/ ) { return nullptr ; } ;
// Extended version of read provides more context to allow for more optimal reading
virtual ssize_t ReadEx ( void * pOutput , ssize_t sizeDest , ssize_t size , FileHandle_t file ) ;
virtual ssize_t ReadFileEx ( const char * pFileName , const char * pPath , void * * ppBuf , bool bNullTerminate = false , bool bOptimalAlloc = false , ssize_t nMaxBytes = 0 , ptrdiff_t nStartingByte = 0 , FSAllocFunc_t pfnAlloc = NULL ) { return NULL ; } ;
virtual FileNameHandle_t FindFileName ( char const * pFileName ) { return nullptr ; } ;
# if defined( TRACK_BLOCKING_IO )
virtual void EnableBlockingFileAccessTracking ( bool state ) { } ;
virtual bool IsBlockingFileAccessEnabled ( ) { return false ; } ;
virtual IBlockingFileItemList * RetrieveBlockingFileAccessInfo ( ) { return nullptr ; } ;
# endif
virtual void SetupPreloadData ( ) { } ;
virtual void DiscardPreloadData ( ) { } ;
// If the "PreloadedData" hasn't been purged, then this'll try and instance the KeyValues using the fast path of compiled keyvalues loaded during startup.
// Otherwise, it'll just fall through to the regular KeyValues loading routines
virtual KeyValues * LoadKeyValues ( KeyValuesPreloadType_t type , char const * filename , char const * pPathID = 0 ) { return nullptr ; } ;
virtual bool LoadKeyValues ( KeyValues & head , KeyValuesPreloadType_t type , char const * filename , char const * pPathID = 0 ) { return false ; } ;
virtual bool GetFileTypeForFullPath ( char const * pFullPath , wchar_t * buf , size_t bufSizeInBytes ) { return false ; } ;
virtual bool ReadToBuffer ( FileHandle_t hFile , CUtlBuffer & buf , ssize_t nMaxBytes = 0 , FSAllocFunc_t pfnAlloc = NULL ) ;
// Optimal IO operations
virtual bool GetOptimalIOConstraints ( FileHandle_t hFile , uint64_t * pOffsetAlign , uint64_t * pSizeAlign , uint64_t * pBufferAlign ) ;
virtual void * AllocOptimalReadBuffer ( ptrdiff_t nOffset = 0 /*!!! UNUSED !!!*/ , ssize_t nSize = 0 ) { return nullptr ; } ;
virtual void FreeOptimalReadBuffer ( void * ) { } ;
virtual bool __fastcall sub_140383E00 ( __int64 a2 ) { return false ; } ;
virtual bool sub_1403836A0 ( ) { return false ; } ;
virtual __int64 __fastcall sub_140384310 ( int a1 ) { return NULL ; } ;
virtual __int64 __fastcall CheckVPKMode ( int nMode ) { return NULL ; } ; // Checks if the VPK mode equals the mode input.
// Cache/VPK operations
virtual bool ReadFromCache ( const char * pPath , FileSystemCache * pCache ) { return false ; } ;
virtual bool __fastcall sub_14037FFA0 ( __int64 a1 , unsigned int a2 , __int64 a3 ) { return false ; } ;
virtual void SetVPKCacheModeClient ( ) { } ; // g_nVPKCacheMode = 1;
virtual void SetVPKCacheModeServer ( ) { } ; // g_nVPKCacheMode = 2;
virtual bool IsVPKCacheEnabled ( ) { return false ; } ; // g_nVPKCacheMode != 0;
virtual __int64 __fastcall PrecacheTaskItem ( __int64 a1 ) { return NULL ; } ;
virtual void ResetItemCacheSize ( int edx ) { } ;
virtual void __fastcall sub_140380100 ( __int64 a1 ) { } ;
virtual void __fastcall sub_140380230 ( char a2 ) { } ;
virtual void * __fastcall sub_1403801F0 ( const void * a1 , unsigned int a2 ) { return nullptr ; } ;
virtual void __fastcall sub_140380220 ( __int64 a1 ) { } ;
virtual bool ResetItemCache ( ) { return false ; } ;
virtual char __fastcall sub_1403836D0 ( int a1 , char * a2 , unsigned int a3 ) { return false ; } ;
virtual __int64 __fastcall sub_140383840 ( unsigned int a1 , __int64 a2 , char * a3 , unsigned int BufferCount ) { return NULL ; } ;
virtual const char * * __fastcall sub_140383760 ( unsigned int a1 ) { return nullptr ; } ;
virtual __int64 __fastcall sub_140383A20 ( const char * a1 ) { return NULL ; } ;
virtual VPKData_t * MountVPKFile ( const char * pVpkPath ) { return nullptr ; } ;
virtual const char * UnmountVPKFile ( const char * pBasename ) { return nullptr ; } ;
virtual void __fastcall sub_140383370 ( ) { } ;
virtual void __fastcall sub_140383560 ( ) { } ;
virtual unsigned __int64 __fastcall PnpCtxRegQueryInfoKey ( __int64 a1 , char * a2 , unsigned int * a3 , unsigned __int64 a4 , unsigned __int64 a5 , void ( __fastcall * a6 ) ( unsigned __int64 ) ) { return NULL ; } ;
virtual char * sub_1403842B0 ( ) { return nullptr ; } ;
virtual __int64 __fastcall sub_1403842C0 ( __int64 a1 , unsigned int a2 , __int64 a3 ) { return NULL ; } ;
virtual char __fastcall LoadMainVPK ( const char * pszVPKFile ) { return NULL ; } ;
virtual __int64 sub_140380080 ( ) { return NULL ; } ;
virtual char __fastcall sub_14038B530 ( const char * a1 , unsigned __int8 * a2 , char * a3 , __int64 Count ) { return NULL ; } ;
virtual __int64 __fastcall sub_14038C830 ( unsigned __int16 * a1 ) { return NULL ; } ;
virtual __int64 __fastcall sub_140388360 ( char * a1 , __int64 a2 ) { return NULL ; } ;
virtual __int64 __fastcall sub_140384C60 ( char * a1 , unsigned __int64 a2 ) { return NULL ; } ;
virtual void __fastcall sub_140382A80 ( ) { } ;
virtual __int64 __fastcall sub_14038CC90 ( int a1 , unsigned int a2 , __int64 a3 , __int64 a4 ) { return NULL ; } ;
virtual __int64 __fastcall UserMathErrorFunction ( ) { return NULL ; } ;
virtual ssize_t Read ( void * pOutput , ssize_t size , FileHandle_t file ) ;
virtual ssize_t Write ( void const * pInput , ssize_t size , FileHandle_t file ) ;
// if pathID is NULL, all paths will be searched for the file
virtual FileHandle_t Open ( const char * pFileName , const char * pOptions , const char * pPathID = 0 , int64_t unknown = 0 ) ;
virtual void Close ( FileHandle_t file ) ;
virtual void Seek ( FileHandle_t file , ptrdiff_t pos , FileSystemSeek_t seekType ) ;
virtual ptrdiff_t Tell ( FileHandle_t file ) ;
virtual ssize_t FSize ( const char * pFileName , const char * pPathID = 0 ) ; // Gets optimized away if it isn't named differently or used.
virtual ssize_t Size ( FileHandle_t file ) ;
virtual void Flush ( FileHandle_t file ) ;
virtual bool Precache ( const char * pFileName , const char * pPathID = 0 ) ;
virtual bool FileExists ( const char * pFileName , const char * pPathID = 0 ) ;
virtual bool IsFileWritable ( char const * pFileName , const char * pPathID = 0 ) ;
virtual bool SetFileWritable ( char const * pFileName , bool writable , const char * pPathID = 0 ) ;
virtual long long GetFileTime ( const char * pFileName , const char * pPathID = 0 ) ;
virtual bool ReadFile ( const char * pFileName , const char * pPath , CUtlBuffer & buf , ssize_t nMaxBytes = 0 , ptrdiff_t nStartingByte = 0 , FSAllocFunc_t pfnAlloc = NULL ) ;
virtual bool WriteFile ( const char * pFileName , const char * pPath , CUtlBuffer & buf ) ;
virtual bool UnzipFile ( const char * pFileName , const char * pPath , const char * pDestination ) { return false ; } ;
char * ReadLine ( char * maxChars , ssize_t maxOutputLength , FileHandle_t file ) ;
CUtlString ReadString ( FileHandle_t pFile ) ;
} ;
class CFileSystem_Stdio : public CBaseFileSystem
protected :
// implementation of CBaseFileSystem virtual functions
virtual FILE * FS_fopen ( const char * filename , const char * options , unsigned flags , int64 * size ) { return nullptr ; } ;
virtual void FS_setbufsize ( FILE * fp , unsigned nBytes ) { } ;
virtual void FS_fclose ( FILE * fp ) { } ;
virtual void FS_fseek ( FILE * fp , int64 pos , int seekType ) { } ;
virtual long FS_ftell ( FILE * fp ) { return NULL ; } ;
virtual int FS_feof ( FILE * fp ) { return NULL ; } ;
virtual size_t FS_fread ( void * dest , size_t destSize , size_t size , FILE * fp ) { return NULL ; } ;
virtual size_t FS_fwrite ( const void * src , size_t size , FILE * fp ) { return NULL ; } ;
virtual bool FS_setmode ( FILE * fp , FileMode_t mode ) { return false ; } ;
virtual size_t FS_vfprintf ( FILE * fp , const char * fmt , va_list list ) { return NULL ; } ;
virtual int FS_ferror ( FILE * fp ) { return NULL ; } ;
virtual int FS_fflush ( FILE * fp ) { return NULL ; } ;
virtual char * FS_fgets ( char * dest , unsigned int destSize ) { return nullptr ; } ;
virtual int FS_stat ( const char * path , struct _stat * buf , bool * pbLoadedFromSteamCache = NULL ) { return NULL ; } ;
virtual int FS_chmod ( const char * path , int pmode ) { return NULL ; } ;
virtual HANDLE FS_FindFirstFile ( const char * findname , WIN32_FIND_DATA * dat ) { return NULL ; } ;
virtual bool FS_FindNextFile ( HANDLE handle , WIN32_FIND_DATA * dat ) { return false ; } ;
virtual bool FS_FindClose ( HANDLE handle ) { return false ; } ;
virtual int FS_GetSectorSize ( FILE * ) { return NULL ; } ;
} ;
# endif // FILESYSTEM_H