mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 19:15:03 +01:00
VpkLib: cleanup packed store class
Make the utility methods statics within the implementation so it could be used by other structs/classes of the VPK builder as well, these utility functions weren't useful outside the class. This also allowed for the removal of the singleton which had no purpose whatsoever.
This commit is contained in:
@ -648,8 +648,10 @@ void VPK_Pack_f(const CCommand& args)
Msg(eDLL_T::FS, "*** Starting VPK build command for: '%s'\n", pair.m_DirName.Get());
g_pPackedStore->InitLzCompParams(fs_packedstore_compression_level->GetString(), fs_packedstore_max_helper_threads->GetInt());
g_pPackedStore->PackWorkspace(pair, fs_packedstore_workspace->GetString(), "vpk/");
CPackedStore packedStore;
packedStore.InitLzCompParams(fs_packedstore_compression_level->GetString(), fs_packedstore_max_helper_threads->GetInt());
packedStore.PackWorkspace(pair, fs_packedstore_workspace->GetString(), "vpk/");
Msg(eDLL_T::FS, "*** Time elapsed: '%lf' seconds\n", timer.GetDuration().GetSeconds());
@ -678,8 +680,10 @@ void VPK_Unpack_f(const CCommand& args)
Msg(eDLL_T::FS, "*** Starting VPK extraction command for: '%s'\n", arg.Get());
g_pPackedStore->UnpackWorkspace(vpk, fs_packedstore_workspace->GetString());
CPackedStore packedStore;
packedStore.UnpackWorkspace(vpk, fs_packedstore_workspace->GetString());
Msg(eDLL_T::FS, "*** Time elapsed: '%lf' seconds\n", timer.GetDuration().GetSeconds());
@ -85,8 +85,10 @@ static void ReVPK_Pack(const CCommand& args)
Msg(eDLL_T::FS, "*** Starting VPK build command for: '%s'\n", pair.m_DirName.Get());
g_pPackedStore->PackWorkspace(pair, "ship/", "vpk/");
CPackedStore packedStore;
packedStore.PackWorkspace(pair, "ship/", "vpk/");
Msg(eDLL_T::FS, "*** Time elapsed: '%lf' seconds\n", timer.GetDuration().GetSeconds());
@ -112,8 +114,10 @@ static void ReVPK_Unpack(const CCommand& args)
Msg(eDLL_T::FS, "*** Starting VPK extraction command for: '%s'\n", arg.Get());
g_pPackedStore->UnpackWorkspace(vpk, "ship/");
CPackedStore packedStore;
packedStore.UnpackWorkspace(vpk, "ship/");
Msg(eDLL_T::FS, "*** Time elapsed: '%lf' seconds\n", timer.GetDuration().GetSeconds());
@ -38,36 +38,13 @@ extern CFileSystem_Stdio* FileSystem();
static const std::regex s_DirFileRegex{ R"((?:.*\/)?([^_]*_)(.*)(.bsp.pak000_dir).*)" };
static const std::regex s_BlockFileRegex{ R"(pak000_([0-9]{3}))" };
// Purpose: initialize parameters for compression algorithm
void CPackedStore::InitLzCompParams(const char* compressionLevel, const lzham_int32 maxHelperThreads)
/*| PARAMETERS ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*/
m_lzCompParams.m_dict_size_log2 = VPK_DICT_SIZE;
m_lzCompParams.m_level = DetermineCompressionLevel(compressionLevel);
m_lzCompParams.m_compress_flags = lzham_compress_flags::LZHAM_COMP_FLAG_DETERMINISTIC_PARSING;
m_lzCompParams.m_max_helper_threads = maxHelperThreads;
// Purpose: initialize parameters for decompression algorithm
void CPackedStore::InitLzDecompParams(void)
/*| PARAMETERS ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*/
m_lzDecompParams.m_dict_size_log2 = VPK_DICT_SIZE;
m_lzDecompParams.m_decompress_flags = lzham_decompress_flags::LZHAM_DECOMP_FLAG_OUTPUT_UNBUFFERED;
m_lzDecompParams.m_struct_size = sizeof(lzham_decompress_params);
// Purpose: gets the LZHAM compression level
// output : lzham_compress_level
lzham_compress_level CPackedStore::DetermineCompressionLevel(const char* compressionLevel) const
static lzham_compress_level DetermineCompressionLevel(const char* compressionLevel)
if(strcmp(compressionLevel, "fastest") == NULL)
if (strcmp(compressionLevel, "fastest") == NULL)
return lzham_compress_level::LZHAM_COMP_LEVEL_FASTEST;
else if (strcmp(compressionLevel, "faster") == NULL)
return lzham_compress_level::LZHAM_COMP_LEVEL_FASTER;
@ -81,13 +58,207 @@ lzham_compress_level CPackedStore::DetermineCompressionLevel(const char* compres
return lzham_compress_level::LZHAM_COMP_LEVEL_DEFAULT;
// Purpose: initialize parameters for compression algorithm
void CPackedStore::InitLzCompParams(const char* compressionLevel, const lzham_int32 maxHelperThreads)
/*| PARAMETERS ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*/
m_lzCompParams.m_struct_size = sizeof(lzham_compress_params);
m_lzCompParams.m_dict_size_log2 = VPK_DICT_SIZE;
m_lzCompParams.m_level = DetermineCompressionLevel(compressionLevel);
m_lzCompParams.m_max_helper_threads = maxHelperThreads;
m_lzCompParams.m_cpucache_total_lines = NULL;
m_lzCompParams.m_cpucache_line_size = NULL;
m_lzCompParams.m_compress_flags = lzham_compress_flags::LZHAM_COMP_FLAG_DETERMINISTIC_PARSING;
m_lzCompParams.m_num_seed_bytes = NULL;
m_lzCompParams.m_pSeed_bytes = NULL;
// Purpose: initialize parameters for decompression algorithm
void CPackedStore::InitLzDecompParams(void)
/*| PARAMETERS ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*/
m_lzDecompParams.m_struct_size = sizeof(lzham_decompress_params);
m_lzDecompParams.m_dict_size_log2 = VPK_DICT_SIZE;
m_lzDecompParams.m_decompress_flags = lzham_decompress_flags::LZHAM_DECOMP_FLAG_OUTPUT_UNBUFFERED;
m_lzDecompParams.m_num_seed_bytes = NULL;
m_lzDecompParams.m_pSeed_bytes = NULL;
// Purpose: formats the file entry path
// Input : &filePath -
// &fileName -
// &fileExt -
// Output : formatted entry path
static CUtlString FormatEntryPath(const CUtlString& filePath,
const CUtlString& fileName, const CUtlString& fileExt)
CUtlString result;
const char* pszFilePath = filePath.Get();
const bool isRoot = pszFilePath[0] == ' ';
result.Format("%s%s.%s", isRoot ? "" : pszFilePath,
fileName.Get(), fileExt.Get());
return result;
// Purpose: determines whether the file should be pruned from the build list
// Input : &filePath -
// &ignoreList -
// Output : true if it should be pruned, false otherwise
static bool ShouldPrune(const CUtlString& filePath, CUtlVector<CUtlString>& ignoreList)
const char* pFilePath = filePath.Get();
if (!V_IsValidPath(pFilePath))
return true;
FOR_EACH_VEC(ignoreList, j)
const CUtlString& ignoreEntry = ignoreList[j];
if (ignoreEntry.IsEqual_CaseInsensitive(pFilePath))
return true;
FileHandle_t fileHandle = FileSystem()->Open(pFilePath, "rb", "PLATFORM");
if (fileHandle)
const ssize_t nSize = FileSystem()->Size(fileHandle);
if (!nSize)
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "File '%s' listed in build manifest appears empty or truncated\n", pFilePath);
return true;
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "File '%s' listed in build manifest couldn't be opened\n", pFilePath);
return true;
return false;
// Purpose: gets the parts of the directory file name
// Input : &dirFileName -
// nCaptureGroup - (1 = locale + target, 2 = level)
// Output : part of directory file name as string
//static CUtlString GetNameParts(const CUtlString& dirFileName, int nCaptureGroup)
// std::cmatch regexMatches;
// std::regex_search(dirFileName.Get(), regexMatches, s_DirFileRegex);
// return regexMatches[nCaptureGroup].str().c_str();
// Purpose: gets the level name from the directory file name
// Input : &dirFileName -
// Output : level name as string (e.g. "mp_rr_box")
static CUtlString GetLevelName(const CUtlString& dirFileName)
std::cmatch regexMatches;
std::regex_search(dirFileName.Get(), regexMatches, s_DirFileRegex);
CUtlString result;
result.Format("%s%s", regexMatches[1].str().c_str(), regexMatches[2].str().c_str());
return result;
// Purpose: gets the manifest file associated with the VPK name (must be freed after wards)
// Input : &workspacePath -
// &manifestFile -
// Output : KeyValues (build manifest pointer)
static KeyValues* GetManifest(const CUtlString& workspacePath, const CUtlString& manifestFile)
CUtlString outPath;
outPath.Format("%s%s%s.txt", workspacePath.Get(), "manifest/", manifestFile.Get());
KeyValues* pManifestKV = new KeyValues("BuildManifest");
pManifestKV->LoadFromFile(FileSystem(), outPath.Get(), "PLATFORM");
return pManifestKV;
// Purpose: gets the contents from the global ignore list (.vpkignore)
// Input : &ignoreList -
// &workspacePath -
// Output : a string vector of ignored directories/files and extensions
static bool GetIgnoreList(CUtlVector<CUtlString>& ignoreList, const CUtlString& workspacePath)
CUtlString toIgnore;
toIgnore.Format("%s%s", workspacePath.Get(), VPK_IGNORE_FILE);
FileHandle_t hIgnoreFile = FileSystem()->Open(toIgnore.Get(), "rt", "PLATFORM");
if (!hIgnoreFile)
return false;
char szIgnore[MAX_PATH];
while (FileSystem()->ReadLine(szIgnore, sizeof(szIgnore) - 1, hIgnoreFile))
if (!strstr(szIgnore, "//")) // Skip comments.
if (char* pEOL = strchr(szIgnore, '\n'))
// Null newline character.
*pEOL = '\0';
if (pEOL - szIgnore > 0)
// Null carriage return.
if (*(pEOL - 1) == '\r')
*(pEOL - 1) = '\0';
return true;
// Purpose: obtains and returns the entry block to the vector
// Input : &entryBlocks -
// hDirectoryFile -
// output : vector<VPKEntryBlock_t>
void CPackedStore::GetEntryBlocks(CUtlVector<VPKEntryBlock_t>& entryBlocks, FileHandle_t hDirectoryFile) const
static void GetEntryBlocks(CUtlVector<VPKEntryBlock_t>& entryBlocks, FileHandle_t hDirectoryFile)
CUtlString fileName, filePath, fileExtension;
@ -113,8 +284,8 @@ void CPackedStore::GetEntryBlocks(CUtlVector<VPKEntryBlock_t>& entryBlocks, File
// *dirFileName -
// Output : true on success, false otherwise
bool CPackedStore::GetEntryValues(CUtlVector<VPKKeyValues_t>& entryValues,
const CUtlString& workspacePath, const CUtlString& dirFileName) const
static bool GetEntryValues(CUtlVector<VPKKeyValues_t>& entryValues,
const CUtlString& workspacePath, const CUtlString& dirFileName)
KeyValues* pManifestKV = GetManifest(workspacePath, GetLevelName(dirFileName));
@ -165,127 +336,13 @@ bool CPackedStore::GetEntryValues(CUtlVector<VPKKeyValues_t>& entryValues,
return true;
// Purpose: gets the parts of the directory file name
// Input : &dirFileName -
// nCaptureGroup - (1 = locale + target, 2 = level)
// Output : part of directory file name as string
CUtlString CPackedStore::GetNameParts(const CUtlString& dirFileName, int nCaptureGroup) const
std::cmatch regexMatches;
std::regex_search(dirFileName.Get(), regexMatches, s_DirFileRegex);
return regexMatches[nCaptureGroup].str().c_str();
// Purpose: gets the level name from the directory file name
// Input : &dirFileName -
// Output : level name as string (e.g. "mp_rr_box")
CUtlString CPackedStore::GetLevelName(const CUtlString& dirFileName) const
std::cmatch regexMatches;
std::regex_search(dirFileName.Get(), regexMatches, s_DirFileRegex);
CUtlString result;
result.Format("%s%s", regexMatches[1].str().c_str(), regexMatches[2].str().c_str());
return result;
// Purpose: gets the manifest file associated with the VPK name (must be freed after wards)
// Input : &workspacePath -
// &manifestFile -
// Output : KeyValues (build manifest pointer)
KeyValues* CPackedStore::GetManifest(const CUtlString& workspacePath, const CUtlString& manifestFile) const
CUtlString outPath;
outPath.Format("%s%s%s.txt", workspacePath.Get(), "manifest/", manifestFile.Get());
KeyValues* pManifestKV = new KeyValues("BuildManifest");
pManifestKV->LoadFromFile(FileSystem(), outPath.Get(), "PLATFORM");
return pManifestKV;
// Purpose: gets the contents from the global ignore list (.vpkignore)
// Input : &ignoreList -
// &workspacePath -
// Output : a string vector of ignored directories/files and extensions
bool CPackedStore::GetIgnoreList(CUtlVector<CUtlString>& ignoreList, const CUtlString& workspacePath) const
CUtlString toIgnore;
toIgnore.Format("%s%s", workspacePath.Get(), VPK_IGNORE_FILE);
FileHandle_t hIgnoreFile = FileSystem()->Open(toIgnore.Get(), "rt", "PLATFORM");
if (!hIgnoreFile)
return false;
char szIgnore[MAX_PATH];
while (FileSystem()->ReadLine(szIgnore, sizeof(szIgnore) - 1, hIgnoreFile))
if (!strstr(szIgnore, "//")) // Skip comments.
if (char* pEOL = strchr(szIgnore, '\n'))
// Null newline character.
*pEOL = '\0';
if (pEOL - szIgnore > 0)
// Null carriage return.
if (*(pEOL - 1) == '\r')
*(pEOL - 1) = '\0';
return true;
// Purpose: formats the file entry path
// Input : &filePath -
// &fileName -
// &fileExt -
// Output : formatted entry path
CUtlString CPackedStore::FormatEntryPath(const CUtlString& filePath,
const CUtlString& fileName, const CUtlString& fileExt) const
CUtlString result;
const char* pszFilePath = filePath.Get();
const bool isRoot = pszFilePath[0] == ' ';
result.Format("%s%s.%s", isRoot ? "" : pszFilePath,
fileName.Get(), fileExt.Get());
return result;
// Purpose: builds the VPK manifest file
// Input : &entryBlocks -
// &workspacePath -
// &manifestName -
void CPackedStore::BuildManifest(const CUtlVector<VPKEntryBlock_t>& entryBlocks, const CUtlString& workspacePath, const CUtlString& manifestName) const
static void BuildManifest(const CUtlVector<VPKEntryBlock_t>& entryBlocks, const CUtlString& workspacePath, const CUtlString& manifestName)
KeyValues kv("BuildManifest");
@ -324,7 +381,7 @@ void CPackedStore::BuildManifest(const CUtlVector<VPKEntryBlock_t>& entryBlocks,
// Input : &assetPath -
// : nFileCRC -
void CPackedStore::ValidateCRC32PostDecomp(const CUtlString& assetPath, const uint32_t nFileCRC)
static void ValidateCRC32PostDecomp(const CUtlString& assetPath, const uint32_t nFileCRC)
const char* pAssetPath = assetPath.Get();
@ -373,56 +430,6 @@ bool CPackedStore::Deduplicate(const uint8_t* pEntryBuffer, VPKChunkDescriptor_t
return false;
// Purpose: determines whether the file should be pruned from the build list
// Input : &filePath -
// &ignoreList -
// Output : true if it should be pruned, false otherwise
bool CPackedStore::ShouldPrune(const CUtlString& filePath, CUtlVector<CUtlString>& ignoreList) const
const char* pFilePath = filePath.Get();
if (!V_IsValidPath(pFilePath))
return true;
FOR_EACH_VEC(ignoreList, j)
const CUtlString& ignoreEntry = ignoreList[j];
if (ignoreEntry.IsEqual_CaseInsensitive(pFilePath))
return true;
FileHandle_t fileHandle = FileSystem()->Open(pFilePath, "rb", "PLATFORM");
if (fileHandle)
const ssize_t nSize = FileSystem()->Size(fileHandle);
if (!nSize)
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "File '%s' listed in build manifest appears empty or truncated\n", pFilePath);
return true;
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "File '%s' listed in build manifest couldn't be opened\n", pFilePath);
return true;
return false;
// Purpose: packs all files from workspace path into VPK file
// Input : &vpkPair -
@ -916,7 +923,7 @@ void VPKDir_t::Init(const CUtlString& dirFilePath)
FileSystem()->Read(&m_Header.m_nDirectorySize, sizeof(uint32_t), hDirFile); //
FileSystem()->Read(&m_Header.m_nSignatureSize, sizeof(uint32_t), hDirFile); //
g_pPackedStore->GetEntryBlocks(m_EntryBlocks, hDirFile);
GetEntryBlocks(m_EntryBlocks, hDirFile);
m_DirFilePath = dirFilePath; // Set path to vpk directory file.
// Obtain every referenced pack file from the directory tree.
@ -1136,7 +1143,3 @@ void VPKDir_t::BuildDirectoryFile(const CUtlString& directoryPath, const CUtlVec
Msg(eDLL_T::FS, "*** Build directory totaling '%zu' bytes with '%i' entries and '%i' descriptors\n",
size_t(sizeof(VPKDirHeader_t) + m_Header.m_nDirectorySize), entryBlocks.Count(), nDescriptors);
// Singleton
CPackedStore* g_pPackedStore = new CPackedStore();
@ -199,25 +199,8 @@ public:
void InitLzCompParams(const char* compressionLevel = "default", const lzham_int32 maxHelperThreads = -1);
void InitLzDecompParams(void);
lzham_compress_level DetermineCompressionLevel(const char* compressionLevel) const;
void GetEntryBlocks(CUtlVector<VPKEntryBlock_t>& entryBlocks, FileHandle_t hDirectoryFile) const;
bool GetEntryValues(CUtlVector<VPKKeyValues_t>& entryValues, const CUtlString& workspacePath, const CUtlString& dirFileName) const;
CUtlString GetNameParts(const CUtlString& dirFileName, int nCaptureGroup) const;
CUtlString GetLevelName(const CUtlString& dirFileName) const;
KeyValues* GetManifest(const CUtlString& workspacePath, const CUtlString& manifestFile) const;
bool GetIgnoreList(CUtlVector<CUtlString>& ignoreList, const CUtlString& workspacePath) const;
CUtlString FormatEntryPath(const CUtlString& filePath, const CUtlString& fileName, const CUtlString& fileExt) const;
void BuildManifest(const CUtlVector<VPKEntryBlock_t>& entryBlocks, const CUtlString& workspacePath, const CUtlString& manifestName) const;
void ValidateCRC32PostDecomp(const CUtlString& assetPath, const uint32_t nFileCRC);
bool Deduplicate(const uint8_t* pEntryBuffer, VPKChunkDescriptor_t& descriptor, const size_t chunkIndex);
bool ShouldPrune(const CUtlString& filePath, CUtlVector<CUtlString>& ignoreList) const;
void PackWorkspace(const VPKPair_t& vpkPair, const char* workspaceName, const char* buildPath);
void UnpackWorkspace(const VPKDir_t& vpkDir, const char* workspaceName = "");
@ -227,6 +210,5 @@ private:
std::unordered_map<string, const VPKChunkDescriptor_t&> m_ChunkHashMap;
extern CPackedStore* g_pPackedStore;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user