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synced 2025-02-09 19:15:03 +01:00
Recast: major improvement to traverse link validation
- Portal kink point is now always offset twice the walkable radius to account ledge spans and center of hull to ledge, any extra is put on top with the default being 4.f to account for irregularities. - Make sure we have enough clearance over the kink point and lower start point of the portal so that the NPC does not clip into overhead obstacles when performing an animation. - Make sure we don't link a portal from underneath geometry by performing a raycast from the edge's mid point, and 2 additional ones if the link's span is larger than 100.f in world units.
This commit is contained in:
@ -291,7 +291,7 @@ void Editor::resetCommonSettings()
// This extra offset is added on top of the ledge span amount which is used to
// calculate the total ray offset. Therefore, this won't cause links with a
// lower slope to clip into geometry unless this is being set very high (>40.0).
m_traverseRayExtraOffset = 20.0f;
m_traverseRayExtraOffset = 4.0f;
m_traverseEdgeMinOverlap = RD_EPS;
m_traversePortalMaxAlign = 0.5f;
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ void Editor::resetCommonSettings()
m_traverseLinkDrawParams.cellHeight = m_cellHeight;
m_traverseLinkDrawParams.extraOffset = m_traverseRayExtraOffset;
m_traverseLinkDrawParams.extraOffset = (m_agentRadius*2)+m_traverseRayExtraOffset;
m_traverseLinkDrawParams.dynamicOffset = m_traverseRayDynamicOffset;
@ -350,7 +350,8 @@ void Editor::handleCommonSettings()
ImGui::SliderFloat("Height", &m_agentHeight, 0.1f, 500.0f);
ImGui::SliderFloat("Radius", &m_agentRadius, 0.0f, 500.0f);
if (ImGui::SliderFloat("Radius", &m_agentRadius, 0.0f, 500.0f))
m_traverseLinkDrawParams.extraOffset = (m_agentRadius*2) + m_traverseRayExtraOffset;
ImGui::SliderFloat("Max Climb", &m_agentMaxClimb, 0.1f, 250.0f);
ImGui::SliderFloat("Max Slope", &m_agentMaxSlope, 0.0f, 90.0f);
@ -457,7 +458,7 @@ void Editor::handleCommonSettings()
m_traverseLinkDrawParams.dynamicOffset = m_traverseRayDynamicOffset;
if (ImGui::SliderFloat("Extra Offset", &m_traverseRayExtraOffset, 0, 128))
m_traverseLinkDrawParams.extraOffset = m_traverseRayExtraOffset;
m_traverseLinkDrawParams.extraOffset = (m_agentRadius*2) + m_traverseRayExtraOffset;
ImGui::SliderFloat("Min Overlap", &m_traverseEdgeMinOverlap, 0.0f, m_tileSize*m_cellSize, "%g");
@ -605,6 +606,11 @@ static bool polyEdgeFaceAgainst(const float* v1, const float* v2, const float* n
// provided by the engine itself.
// Links smaller than this do not need 3 rays casted upwards over the span of
// the link to detect overhanging objects. Since there are many small links,
// avoiding 2 additional ray casts will save a lot on build times.
static const float TRAVERSE_LINK_TRIPPLE_TRACE_THRESH = 100.f;
static bool traverseLinkOffsetIntersectsGeom(const InputGeom* geom, const float* basePos, const float* offsetPos)
// We need to fire a raycast from out initial
@ -627,15 +633,117 @@ static bool traverseLinkOffsetIntersectsGeom(const InputGeom* geom, const float*
// Otherwise we create links between a mesh
// inside and outside an object, causing the
// ai to traverse inside of it.
if (geom->raycastMesh(basePos, offsetPos, TRAVERSE_LINK_TRACE_MASK) ||
geom->raycastMesh(offsetPos, basePos, TRAVERSE_LINK_TRACE_MASK))
if (geom->raycastMesh(basePos, offsetPos, TRAVERSE_LINK_TRACE_MASK))
return true;
return false;
static bool traverseLinkIntersectsPlaneOverPlane(const InputGeom* geom, const float* lowPos, const float* highPos, const float walkableHeight)
// Make sure we have at least a clearance of
// the tile's walkable height in order to
// prevent links like these:
// object geom
// ^
// navmesh |
// ^ |
// | !-------------------------!
// | ! clearance trace ! traverse link
// | ! ^ ^ ^ ! /
// | ! | | | ! /
// | -----|-------|-------|----- /
// ++++ *---------------------------* ++++
// ========================================...
// Otherwise the NPC will traverse through
// objects or geometry which have a very
// slight elevation creating a gap. The
// outer clearance traces are only performed
// if the link is larger than
// A classic example in which such link
// could establish is if we have a box on a
// forklift that is slightly elevated; too
// low for the hull's walkable height but
// high enough for a ray to reach the other
// side of the navmesh unobstructed.
float rayMidStart[3];
rdVsad(rayMidStart, lowPos, highPos, 0.5f);
float rayMidEnd[3];
rdVset(rayMidEnd, rayMidStart[0], rayMidStart[1], rayMidStart[2]+walkableHeight);
if (geom->raycastMesh(rayMidStart, rayMidEnd, TRAVERSE_LINK_TRACE_MASK))
return true;
const float distance = rdVdist(lowPos, highPos);
return false;
float rayMidMidStart[3];
rdVsad(rayMidMidStart, rayMidStart, lowPos, 0.5f);
rdVset(rayMidEnd, rayMidMidStart[0], rayMidMidStart[1], rayMidMidStart[2]+walkableHeight);
if (geom->raycastMesh(rayMidStart, rayMidEnd, TRAVERSE_LINK_TRACE_MASK))
return true;
rdVsad(rayMidMidStart, rayMidStart, highPos, 0.5f);
rdVset(rayMidEnd, rayMidMidStart[0], rayMidMidStart[1], rayMidMidStart[2]+walkableHeight);
if (geom->raycastMesh(rayMidStart, rayMidEnd, TRAVERSE_LINK_TRACE_MASK))
return true;
return false;
static bool traverseLinkIntersectsOverhangOverPoint(const InputGeom* geom, const float* startPos, const float walkableHeight)
// Make sure we have enough clearance over
// the kink of the link. The kink is formed
// at a distance of walkableRadius from the
// ledge, which is ultimately where the NPC
// will be during the traversal of the link.
// We have to make sure that when the NPC is
// at this kink, that it does not clip into
// overhanging geometry as shown below:
// -----------------!
// clearance ray ! --> overhanging object
// ^ !
// | ! upper navmesh
// ------------|----! ^
// | |
// | |
// kink <----- *--------* +++++++++++++++++
// | !--------------------
// | !
// link <----- | !
// | !
// | !
// | !
// ++++++++++ * !
// ========================================...
// note(amos): walkableHeight*2 because some traverse animations
// will make the NPC extend well beyond their walkable height on
// the kind point of the traverse portal. We need to accommodate
// for these to avoid them clipping into geometry.
const float minClearanceHeight[3] = {
startPos[2] + (walkableHeight*2)
return geom->raycastMesh(minClearanceHeight, startPos, TRAVERSE_LINK_TRACE_MASK);
static bool traverseLinkInLOS(void* userData, const float* lowPos, const float* highPos, const float* lowNorm,
const float* highNorm, const float walkableRadius, const float slopeAngle)
const float* highNorm, const float walkableHeight, const float walkableRadius, const float slopeAngle)
Editor* editor = (Editor*)userData;
InputGeom* geom = editor->getInputGeom();
@ -646,7 +754,13 @@ static bool traverseLinkInLOS(void* userData, const float* lowPos, const float*
if (editor->useDynamicTraverseRayOffset())
const float totLedgeSpan = walkableRadius + extraOffset;
// note(amos): walkableRadius*2 because the theoretical
// distance between the poly edge and the center point
// of the hull is twice the walkable radius, we have to
// take this into account so our kink point moves over
// the geometry ledge. The extra offset will account for
// small irregularities in ledge spans.
const float totLedgeSpan = (walkableRadius*2) + extraOffset;
const float maxAngle = rdCalcMaxLOSAngle(totLedgeSpan, cellHeight);
offsetAmount = rdCalcLedgeSpanOffsetAmount(totLedgeSpan, slopeAngle, maxAngle);
@ -656,11 +770,11 @@ static bool traverseLinkInLOS(void* userData, const float* lowPos, const float*
// Detect overhangs to avoid links like these:
// geom upper navmesh
// gap ^ ^
// ^ | |
// | | |
// <---> | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++...
// geom upper navmesh
// gap ^ ^
// ^ | |
// | | |
// * <---> | ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++...
// \======================================...
// \ |
// \ |
@ -670,7 +784,7 @@ static bool traverseLinkInLOS(void* userData, const float* lowPos, const float*
// \-----> link
// gap \ lower navmesh
// ^ \ ^
// | \ |
// | * |
// <----> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++...
// ====================================...
@ -681,7 +795,6 @@ static bool traverseLinkInLOS(void* userData, const float* lowPos, const float*
return false;
const float* targetRayPos = highPos;
const bool hasOffset = offsetAmount > 0;
// We offset the highest point with at least the
// walkable radius, and perform a raycast test
@ -696,12 +809,12 @@ static bool traverseLinkInLOS(void* userData, const float* lowPos, const float*
// ^ | |
// | | |
// offset <-----> | +++++++++++++...
// / =======================...
// * =======================...
// /
// ray <----/ lower navmesh
// / ^
// geom / |
// ^ / |
// ^ * |
// | +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++...
// ========================================...
@ -712,7 +825,7 @@ static bool traverseLinkInLOS(void* userData, const float* lowPos, const float*
// between the 2 positions.
float offsetRayPos[3];
if (hasOffset)
if (offsetAmount > 0)
offsetRayPos[0] = highPos[0] + highNorm[0] * offsetAmount;
offsetRayPos[1] = highPos[1] + highNorm[1] * offsetAmount;
@ -724,22 +837,28 @@ static bool traverseLinkInLOS(void* userData, const float* lowPos, const float*
targetRayPos = offsetRayPos;
// note(amos): perform 2 raycasts as we have to take the
// face normal into account. Path must be clear from both
// directions. We cast from the upper position first as
// an optimization attempt because if there's a ledge, the
// raycast test from the lower pos is more likely to pass
// due to mesh normals, e.g. when the higher mesh is generated
// on a single sided plane, and we have a ledge between our
// lower and higher pos, the test from below will pass while
// the test from above won't. Doing the test from below won't
// matter besides burning CPU time as we will never get here if
// the mesh normals of that plane were flipped as there
// won't be any navmesh on the higher pos in the first place.
// Its still possible there's something blocking on the lower
// pos' side, but this is a lot less likely to happen.
if (geom->raycastMesh(targetRayPos, lowPos, TRAVERSE_LINK_TRACE_MASK) ||
geom->raycastMesh(lowPos, targetRayPos, TRAVERSE_LINK_TRACE_MASK))
// Check if the path between the ground position and the kink point
// is clear.
if (geom->raycastMesh(targetRayPos, lowPos, TRAVERSE_LINK_TRACE_MASK))
return false;
const float angle = rdCalcSlopeAngle(lowPos, highPos);
const float maxAngle = editor->getAgentSlope();
// Only perform this test if the link runs over a possible walkable surface.
if (angle < maxAngle)
// Check if we don't traverse through a hole in geometry that has an
// overhanging object.
if (traverseLinkIntersectsPlaneOverPlane(geom, lowPos, targetRayPos, walkableHeight))
return false;
// Check if the clearance between our portal points and the potential
// ceiling is large enough. Check highPos first as we are more likely
// to intersect from here.
if (traverseLinkIntersectsOverhangOverPoint(geom, targetRayPos, walkableHeight) ||
traverseLinkIntersectsOverhangOverPoint(geom, lowPos, walkableHeight))
return false;
return true;
@ -649,11 +649,12 @@ struct dtTraverseLinkConnectParams
/// @param[in] higherEdgeMid The mid point of the higher edge to which the link ends. [(x, y, z)] [Unit: wu]
/// @param[in] lowerEdgeNorm The edge normal of the lower edge. [(x, y, z)] [Unit: wu]
/// @param[in] higherEdgeNorm The edge normal of the higher edge. [(x, y, z)] [Unit: wu]
/// @param[in] walkableHeight The walkable height defined by the tile hosting the link. [Unit: wu]
/// @param[in] walkableRadius The walkable radius defined by the tile hosting the link. [Unit: wu]
/// @param[in] slopeAngle The slope angle from lower to higher edge mid points. [Unit: Degrees]
/// @return True if the link between the lower and higher edge mid points don't collide with anything.
bool(*traverseLinkInLOS)(void* userData, const float* lowerEdgeMid, const float* higherEdgeMid,
const float* lowerEdgeDir, const float* higherEdgeDir, const float walkableRadius, const float slopeAngle);
bool(*traverseLinkInLOS)(void* userData, const float* lowerEdgeMid, const float* higherEdgeMid, const float* lowerEdgeNorm,
const float* higherEdgeNorm, const float walkableHeight, const float walkableRadius, const float slopeAngle);
/// User defined callback that looks if a link between these 2 polygons
/// have already been established. A traverse type can only be used once
Reference in New Issue
Block a user