mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 19:15:03 +01:00
More robust RPak loading/unloading system
This is currently the most robust way to perform this. However it might fail still as the locks don't seem valid for the second loads (we currently load more paks from the same queue..). We need to push the strings to the queue list and let the engine load these too so a new lock is acquired for that job.
This commit is contained in:
@ -8,19 +8,293 @@
#include "core/stdafx.h"
#include "tier0/jobthread.h"
#include "engine/host_cmd.h"
#include "engine/host_state.h"
#include "engine/sys_utils.h"
#include "engine/cmodel_bsp.h"
#include "rtech/rtech_utils.h"
#include "rtech/rtech_game.h"
#include "datacache/mdlcache.h"
string g_svLevelName;
bool s_bLevelResourceInitialized = false;
bool s_bBasePaksInitialized = false;
// Purpose: checks if level has changed
// Input : &svLevelName -
// Output : true if level name deviates from previous level
bool MOD_LevelHasChanged(const string& svLevelName)
return (strcmp(svLevelName.c_str(), g_svLevelName.c_str()) != 0);
// Purpose: gets the queued pak handles
// Input : *a1 -
// *a2 -
// a3 -
// Output : __int64
__int64 __fastcall MOD_GetQueuedPakHandle(char* a1, char* a2, __int64 a3)
char v3; // al
signed int v4; // er11
__int64 v5; // r10
char* v6; // r9
signed __int64 v7; // rdx
char v8; // al
char* v10; // r8
char* v11; // r8
v3 = *a2;
v4 = 0;
*a1 = *a2;
v5 = 0i64;
if (v3)
v6 = a1;
v7 = a2 - a1;
while (1)
if (v5 == a3)
v8 = v6[v7];
*v6 = v8;
if (!v8)
return v5;
*(v6 - 1) = 0;
if (--v5)
v10 = &a1[v5 - 1];
if ((*v10 & 0xC0) == 0x80)
while ((v10[-v4] & 0xC0) == 0x80);
v11 = &v10[-v4];
if (v4 != ((0xE5000000 >> (((unsigned __int8)*v11 >> 3) & 0x1E)) & 3))
*v11 = 0;
v5 -= v4;
return v5;
// Purpose: processes queued pak files
void MOD_ProcessPakQueue()
char v0; // bl
char** v1; // r10
int i; // er9
char* v3; // rcx
signed __int64 v4; // r8
int v5; // eax
int v6; // edx
int v7; // eax
__int64 v8; // rbp
__int64 v9; // rsi
char* v10; // rbx
unsigned int v11; // ecx
__int64 v12; // rax
int v13; // edi
char v14; // al
char* v15; // rbx
int v16; // edi
char* v17; // rsi
char* v18; // rax
int v19; // ecx
int v20; // er8
int v21; // ecx
__int64 v22; // rdx
__int64 v23; // rbx
__int64 v24{}; // rdx
__int64 v25{}; // rcx
v0 = 0;
if (*(float*)&*dword_14B383420 == 1.0 && *qword_167ED7BB8 && *((int*)&*qword_14180A098/* + 36*/) < 2)
*byte_16709DDDF = 0;
v0 = 1;
else if (*byte_16709DDDF)
if ((*(unsigned __int8(__fastcall**)(__int64))(*(_QWORD*)*g_FileSystem + 696i64))(*g_FileSystem) && !*dword_1634F445C)
v1 = &*off_141874660;
for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
if (*((_BYTE*)v1 - 268))
v3 = (char*)&*unk_141874555 + 280 * i;
v4 = *v1 - v3;
v5 = (unsigned __int8)v3[v4];
v6 = (unsigned __int8)*v3 - v5;
if (v6)
} while (v5);
if (v6)
v1 += 35;
v7 = 0;
if (!v0)
v7 = i;
v8 = v7;
if (v7 <= 4i64)
v9 = 4i64;
v10 = (char*)&*unk_1418749B0;
if (v10[5])
v11 = *(_DWORD*)v10;
v12 = *(_DWORD*)v10 & 0x1FF;
v10[4] = 1;
if (*((_DWORD*)&*unk_167D40B70 + 46 * v12) == v11)
v13 = *((_DWORD*)&*unk_167D40B70 + 46 * v12 + 1);
v14 = v10[4];
v13 = 14;
v14 = 1;
if (!v14 || v13 == 9)
if (v13 && (unsigned int)(v13 - 13) > 1)
*((_WORD*)v10 + 2) = 0;
*(_DWORD*)v10 = -1;
v10 -= 280;
} while (v9 >= v8);
*byte_16709DDDF = 1;
v15 = (char*)&*unk_141874550;
v16 = 0;
while (1)
v17 = (char*)&*unk_141874550 + 280 * v16 + 5;
v18 = v17;
v19 = (unsigned __int8)v18[*((_QWORD*)v15 + 34) - (_QWORD)v17];
v20 = (unsigned __int8)*v18 - v19;
if (v20)
} while (v19);
if (!v20)
goto LABEL_37;
sub_1401F9C10(v17, *((char**)v15 + 34), 260i64);
if (v15[5])
*(_DWORD*)v15 = -1;
v15 += 280;
if (v16 >= 5)
if (*byte_16709DDDF)
v23 = *qword_1671061C8;
if (*qword_1671061C8)
if (!*(_BYTE*)(*qword_1671061C8 + 4))
if (*qword_167ED7BC0 || WORD2(*qword_167ED7C68) != HIWORD(*qword_167ED7C68))
if (!JT_AcquireFifoLock((JobFifoLock_s*)&*qword_167ED7BE0)
&& !(unsigned __int8)sub_14045BAC0((__int64(__fastcall*)(__int64, _DWORD*, __int64, _QWORD*))qword_14045C070, (__int64)&*qword_167ED7BE0, -1i64, 0i64))
sub_14045A1D0((unsigned __int8(__fastcall*)(_QWORD))qword_14045C070, (__int64)&*qword_167ED7BE0, -1i64, 0i64, 0i64, 1);
sub_140441220(v25, v24);
if (GetCurrentThreadId() == *dword_1641E443C)
if (*byte_167208B0C)
*byte_167208B0C = 0;
v23 = *qword_1671061C8;
(*(void(__fastcall**)(__int64, __int64))(*(_QWORD*)*g_FileSystem + 656i64))(*g_FileSystem, 256i64);
(*(void(__fastcall**)(__int64, __int64))(*(_QWORD*)*g_FileSystem + 648i64))(*g_FileSystem, v23);
if (strcmp(v17, "mp_lobby.rpak") == 0)
s_bBasePaksInitialized = true;
if (s_bBasePaksInitialized && !s_bLevelResourceInitialized)
s_bLevelResourceInitialized = true;
*(_DWORD*)v15 = g_pakLoadApi->AsyncLoad(v17, g_pMallocPool.GetPtr(), 4, 0);
v21 = *(_DWORD*)v15;
if (*(_DWORD*)v15 != -1)
v22 = 184i64 * (v21 & 0x1FF);
if (*(_DWORD*)((char*)&*unk_167D40B70 + v22) != v21 || ((*(_DWORD*)((char*)&*unk_167D40B70 + v22 + 4) - 9) & 0xFFFFFFFB) != 0)
*byte_16709DDDF = 0; return;
goto LABEL_40;
// Purpose: load assets for level with fifolock (still not reliable enough).
// Input : *szLevelName -
// Output : true on success, false on failure
bool MOD_LoadPakForMap(const char* szLevelName)
if (MOD_LevelHasChanged(szLevelName))
s_bLevelResourceInitialized = false;
g_svLevelName = szLevelName;
return v_MOD_LoadPakForMap(szLevelName);
// Purpose: loads required pakfile assets for specified BSP
// Input : svSetFile -
// Input : &svSetFile -
void MOD_PreloadPak()
void MOD_PreloadPakFile(const string& svLevelName)
ostringstream ostream;
ostream << "platform\\scripts\\levels\\settings\\" << g_pHostState->m_levelName << ".json";
ostream << "platform\\scripts\\levels\\settings\\" << svLevelName << ".json";
fs::path fsPath = std::filesystem::current_path() /= ostream.str();
if (FileExists(fsPath.string().c_str()))
@ -62,38 +336,29 @@ void MOD_PreloadPak()
// Purpose: load assets for level with fifolock (still not reliable enough).
// Input : svSetFile -
// TODO : Rebuild '0x140341D40' and load paks from there, this should always work.
// Purpose: unloads all pakfiles loaded by the SDK
#if defined (GAMEDLL_S0) || defined (GAMEDLL_S1)
bool MOD_LoadPakForMap()
#elif defined (GAMEDLL_S2) || defined (GAMEDLL_S3)
bool MOD_LoadPakForMap(void* pBuffer)
void MOD_UnloadPakFile(void)
if (!g_bLevelResourceInitialized &&
for (auto& it : g_LoadedPakHandle)
g_bLevelResourceInitialized = true;
if (g_pHostState->LevelHasChanged())
if (it >= 0)
return v_MOD_LoadPakForMap(pBuffer);
void CModelBsp_Attach()
DetourAttach((LPVOID*)&v_MOD_LoadPakForMap, &MOD_LoadPakForMap);
DetourAttach((LPVOID*)&v_MOD_ProcessPakQueue, &MOD_ProcessPakQueue);
void CModelBsp_Detach()
DetourDetach((LPVOID*)&v_MOD_LoadPakForMap, &MOD_LoadPakForMap);
DetourDetach((LPVOID*)&v_MOD_ProcessPakQueue, &MOD_ProcessPakQueue);
@ -4,13 +4,41 @@ inline CMemory p_CollisionBSPData_LinkPhysics;
inline auto CollisionBSPData_LinkPhysics = p_CollisionBSPData_LinkPhysics.RCast<uint64_t(*)(void* thisptr)>();
inline CMemory p_MOD_LoadPakForMap;
#if defined (GAMEDLL_S0) || defined (GAMEDLL_S1)
inline auto v_MOD_LoadPakForMap = p_MOD_LoadPakForMap.RCast<bool(*)(void)>();
#elif defined (GAMEDLL_S2) || defined (GAMEDLL_S3)
inline auto v_MOD_LoadPakForMap = p_MOD_LoadPakForMap.RCast<bool(*)(void* pBuffer)>();
inline auto v_MOD_LoadPakForMap = p_MOD_LoadPakForMap.RCast<bool(*)(const char* szLevelName)>();
void MOD_PreloadPak();
inline CMemory p_MOD_ProcessPakQueue;
inline auto v_MOD_ProcessPakQueue = p_MOD_ProcessPakQueue.RCast<void(*)(void)>();
inline float* dword_14B383420;
inline int32_t * dword_1634F445C;
inline void** qword_167ED7BB8;
inline void** qword_14180A098;
inline bool* byte_16709DDDF;
inline int64_t * g_FileSystem;
inline char** off_141874660;
inline void** unk_141874555;
inline void** unk_167D40B70;
inline void** unk_1418749B0;
inline void** unk_141874550;
inline int64_t* qword_1671061C8;
inline int64_t* qword_167ED7BC0;
inline int64_t* qword_167ED7C68;
inline int64_t* qword_167ED7BE0;
inline int64_t* qword_14045C070;
inline int32_t* dword_1641E443C;
inline bool* byte_167208B0C;
inline auto sub_1401F9C10 = p_MOD_ProcessPakQueue.RCast<__int64(*)(char* a1, char* a2, __int64 a3)>();
inline auto sub_14045BAC0 = p_MOD_ProcessPakQueue.RCast<__int64(*)(__int64(__fastcall* a1)(__int64, _DWORD*, __int64, _QWORD*), __int64 a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4)>();
inline auto sub_14045A1D0 = p_MOD_ProcessPakQueue.RCast<__int64(*)(unsigned __int8(__fastcall* a1)(_QWORD), __int64 a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4, volatile signed __int64* a5, char a6)>();
inline auto sub_140441220 = p_MOD_ProcessPakQueue.RCast<void(*)(__int64 a1, __int64 a2)>();
extern bool s_bBasePaksInitialized;
extern string g_svLevelName;
bool MOD_LevelHasChanged(const string& svLevelName);
void MOD_PreloadPakFile(const string& svLevelName);
void MOD_UnloadPakFile(void);
void CModelBsp_Attach();
void CModelBsp_Detach();
@ -21,6 +49,30 @@ class VModel_BSP : public IDetour
spdlog::debug("| FUN: CollisionBSPData_LinkPhysics : {:#18x} |\n", p_CollisionBSPData_LinkPhysics.GetPtr());
spdlog::debug("| FUN: MOD_LoadPakForMap : {:#18x} |\n", p_MOD_LoadPakForMap.GetPtr());
spdlog::debug("| FUN: MOD_ProcessPakQueue : {:#18x} |\n", p_MOD_ProcessPakQueue.GetPtr());
spdlog::debug("| FUN: sub_1401F9C10 : {:#18x} |\n", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(sub_1401F9C10));
spdlog::debug("| FUN: sub_14045BAC0 : {:#18x} |\n", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(sub_14045BAC0));
spdlog::debug("| FUN: sub_14045A1D0 : {:#18x} |\n", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(sub_14045A1D0));
spdlog::debug("| FUN: sub_140441220 : {:#18x} |\n", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(sub_140441220));
spdlog::debug("| VAR: dword_14B383420 : {:#18x} |\n", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(dword_14B383420));
spdlog::debug("| VAR: dword_1634F445C : {:#18x} |\n", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(dword_1634F445C));
spdlog::debug("| VAR: qword_167ED7BB8 : {:#18x} |\n", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(qword_167ED7BB8));
spdlog::debug("| VAR: qword_14180A098 : {:#18x} |\n", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(qword_14180A098));
spdlog::debug("| VAR: byte_16709DDDF : {:#18x} |\n", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(byte_16709DDDF));
spdlog::debug("| VAR: g_FileSystem : {:#18x} |\n", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(g_FileSystem));
spdlog::debug("| VAR: off_141874660 : {:#18x} |\n", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(off_141874660));
spdlog::debug("| VAR: unk_141874555 : {:#18x} |\n", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(unk_141874555));
spdlog::debug("| VAR: unk_167D40B70 : {:#18x} |\n", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(unk_167D40B70));
spdlog::debug("| VAR: unk_1418749B0 : {:#18x} |\n", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(unk_1418749B0));
spdlog::debug("| VAR: unk_141874550 : {:#18x} |\n", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(unk_141874550));
spdlog::debug("| VAR: qword_1671061C8 : {:#18x} |\n", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(qword_1671061C8));
spdlog::debug("| VAR: qword_167ED7BC0 : {:#18x} |\n", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(qword_167ED7BC0));
spdlog::debug("| VAR: qword_167ED7C68 : {:#18x} |\n", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(qword_167ED7C68));
spdlog::debug("| VAR: qword_167ED7BE0 : {:#18x} |\n", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(qword_167ED7BE0));
spdlog::debug("| VAR: qword_14045C070 : {:#18x} |\n", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(qword_14045C070));
spdlog::debug("| VAR: dword_1641E443C : {:#18x} |\n", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(dword_1641E443C));
spdlog::debug("| VAR: byte_167208B0C : {:#18x} |\n", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(byte_167208B0C));
virtual void GetFun(void) const
@ -30,16 +82,45 @@ class VModel_BSP : public IDetour
CollisionBSPData_LinkPhysics = p_CollisionBSPData_LinkPhysics.RCast<uint64_t(*)(void*)>(); /*48 89 5C 24 ?? 48 89 6C 24 ?? 57 48 81 EC ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B F9 33 ED*/
p_MOD_LoadPakForMap = g_mGameDll.FindPatternSIMD(reinterpret_cast<rsig_t>("\x48\x81\xEC\x00\x00\x00\x00\x4C\x8B\xC1\x48\x8D\x15\x00\x00\x00\x00\x48\x8D\x4C\x24\x00\xE8\x00\x00\x00\x00\x4C\x8D\x0D\x00\x00\x00\x00"), "xxx????xxxxxx????xxxx?x????xxx????");
v_MOD_LoadPakForMap = p_MOD_LoadPakForMap.RCast<bool(*)(void)>(); /*48 81 EC ? ? ? ? 4C 8B C1 48 8D 15 ? ? ? ? 48 8D 4C 24 ? E8 ? ? ? ? 4C 8D 0D ? ? ? ?*/
v_MOD_LoadPakForMap = p_MOD_LoadPakForMap.RCast<bool(*)(const char*)>(); /*48 81 EC ? ? ? ? 4C 8B C1 48 8D 15 ? ? ? ? 48 8D 4C 24 ? E8 ? ? ? ? 4C 8D 0D ? ? ? ?*/
#elif defined (GAMEDLL_S2) || defined (GAMEDLL_S3)
p_CollisionBSPData_LinkPhysics = g_mGameDll.FindPatternSIMD(reinterpret_cast<rsig_t>("\x48\x89\x5C\x24\x00\x48\x89\x6C\x24\x00\x57\x48\x81\xEC\x00\x00\x00\x00\x48\x8B\xF9\x33\xED"), "xxxx?xxxx?xxxx????xxxxx");
CollisionBSPData_LinkPhysics = p_CollisionBSPData_LinkPhysics.RCast<uint64_t(*)(void*)>(); /*48 89 5C 24 ?? 48 89 6C 24 ?? 57 48 81 EC ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B F9 33 ED*/
p_MOD_LoadPakForMap = g_mGameDll.FindPatternSIMD(reinterpret_cast<rsig_t>("\x48\x81\xEC\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0F\xB6\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x4C\x8D\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x84\xC0"), "xxx????xxx????xxx????xx");
v_MOD_LoadPakForMap = p_MOD_LoadPakForMap.RCast<bool(*)(void* pBuffer)>(); /*48 81 EC ? ? ? ? 0F B6 05 ? ? ? ? 4C 8D 05 ? ? ? ? 84 C0*/
v_MOD_LoadPakForMap = p_MOD_LoadPakForMap.RCast<bool(*)(const char*)>(); /*48 81 EC ? ? ? ? 0F B6 05 ? ? ? ? 4C 8D 05 ? ? ? ? 84 C0*/
p_MOD_ProcessPakQueue = g_mGameDll.FindPatternSIMD(reinterpret_cast<rsig_t>("\x40\x53\x48\x83\xEC\x00\xF3\x0F\x10\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x32\xDB"), "xxxxx?xxxx????xx");
v_MOD_ProcessPakQueue = p_MOD_ProcessPakQueue.RCast<void(*)(void)>(); /*40 53 48 83 EC ?? F3 0F 10 05 ? ? ? ? 32 DB*/
sub_1401F9C10 = g_mGameDll.FindPatternSIMD(reinterpret_cast<rsig_t>("\x0F\xB6\x02\x45\x33\xDB"), "xxxxxx").RCast<__int64(*)(char* a1, char* a2, __int64 a3)>();
sub_14045BAC0 = g_mGameDll.FindPatternSIMD(reinterpret_cast<rsig_t>("\x48\x89\x5C\x24\x00\x4C\x89\x4C\x24\x00\x4C\x89\x44\x24\x00\x55\x56\x57\x41\x54\x41\x55\x41\x56\x41\x57\x48\x83\xEC\x60"), "xxxx?xxxx?xxxx?xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx").RCast<__int64(*)(__int64(__fastcall* a1)(__int64, _DWORD*, __int64, _QWORD*), __int64 a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4)>();
sub_14045A1D0 = g_mGameDll.FindPatternSIMD(reinterpret_cast<rsig_t>("\x4C\x89\x4C\x24\x00\x4C\x89\x44\x24\x00\x48\x89\x54\x24\x00\x48\x89\x4C\x24\x00\x55\x53\x56\x57\x41\x54\x41\x55\x41\x56\x41\x57\x48\x8D\x6C\x24\x00"), "xxxx?xxxx?xxxx?xxxx?xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx?").RCast<__int64(*)(unsigned __int8(__fastcall* a1)(_QWORD), __int64 a2, __int64 a3, __int64 a4, volatile signed __int64* a5, char a6)>();
sub_140441220 = g_mGameDll.FindPatternSIMD(reinterpret_cast<rsig_t>("\x48\x89\x5C\x24\x00\x48\x89\x6C\x24\x00\x48\x89\x74\x24\x00\x57\x48\x83\xEC\x20\x33\xED\x48\x8D\x35\x00\x00\x00\x00\x48\x39\x2D\x00\x00\x00\x00"), "xxxx?xxxx?xxxx?xxxxxxxxxx????xxx????").RCast<void(*)(__int64 a1, __int64 a2)>();
virtual void GetVar(void) const
dword_14B383420 = p_MOD_ProcessPakQueue.FindPattern("F3 0F 10").ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(0x4, 0x8).RCast<float*>();
dword_1634F445C = p_MOD_ProcessPakQueue.FindPattern("8B 05").ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(0x2, 0x6).RCast<int32_t*>();
qword_167ED7BB8 = p_MOD_ProcessPakQueue.Offset(0x10).FindPattern("48 83").ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(0x3, 0x8).RCast<void**>();
qword_14180A098 = p_MOD_ProcessPakQueue.Offset(0x20).FindPattern("83 3D").ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(0x2, 0x7).RCast<void**>();
byte_16709DDDF = p_MOD_ProcessPakQueue.Offset(0x20).FindPattern("88 1D").ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(0x2, 0x6).RCast<bool*>();
g_FileSystem = p_MOD_ProcessPakQueue.Offset(0x20).FindPattern("48 8B").ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(0x3, 0x7).RCast<int64_t*>();
off_141874660 = p_MOD_ProcessPakQueue.Offset(0x40).FindPattern("4C 8D 15").ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(0x3, 0x7).RCast<char**>();
unk_141874555 = p_MOD_ProcessPakQueue.Offset(0x40).FindPattern("4C 8D 1D").ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(0x3, 0x7).RCast<void**>();
unk_167D40B70 = p_MOD_ProcessPakQueue.Offset(0xA0).FindPattern("4C 8D 35").ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(0x3, 0x7).RCast<void**>();
unk_1418749B0 = p_MOD_ProcessPakQueue.Offset(0xA0).FindPattern("48 8D 1D").ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(0x3, 0x7).RCast<void**>();
unk_141874550 = p_MOD_ProcessPakQueue.Offset(0x150).FindPattern("48 8D 2D").ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(0x3, 0x7).RCast<void**>();
qword_1671061C8 = p_MOD_ProcessPakQueue.Offset(0x200).FindPattern("48 8B 1D").ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(0x3, 0x7).RCast<int64_t*>();
qword_167ED7BC0 = p_MOD_ProcessPakQueue.Offset(0x200).FindPattern("48 83 3D").ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(0x3, 0x8).RCast<int64_t*>();
qword_167ED7C68 = p_MOD_ProcessPakQueue.Offset(0x200).FindPattern("0F B7 05").ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(0x3, 0x7).RCast<int64_t*>();
qword_167ED7BE0 = p_MOD_ProcessPakQueue.Offset(0x250).FindPattern("48 8D 0D").ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(0x3, 0x7).RCast<int64_t*>();
qword_14045C070 = p_MOD_ProcessPakQueue.Offset(0x2A0).FindPattern("48 8D 0D").ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(0x3, 0x7).RCast<int64_t*>();
dword_1641E443C = p_MOD_ProcessPakQueue.Offset(0x2A0).FindPattern("3B 05").ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(0x2, 0x6).RCast<int32_t*>();
byte_167208B0C = p_MOD_ProcessPakQueue.Offset(0x2A0).FindPattern("C6 05").ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(0x2, 0x7).RCast<bool*>();
(*((char**)(&qword_167ED7C68))) -= 6;
virtual void GetVar(void) const { }
virtual void GetCon(void) const { }
virtual void Attach(void) const { }
virtual void Detach(void) const { }
@ -46,9 +46,6 @@
#include "game/server/gameinterface.h"
#endif // !CLIENT_DLL
bool g_bLevelResourceInitialized = false;
bool g_bBasePaksInitialized = false;
string g_svPrevLevelName;
// Purpose: state machine's main processing loop
@ -93,13 +90,11 @@ FORCEINLINE void CHostState::FrameUpdate(CHostState* rcx, void* rdx, float time)
case HostStates_t::HS_CHANGE_LEVEL_SP:
g_pHostState->UnloadPakFile(); // Unload our loaded rpaks. Calling this before the actual level change happens kills the game.
case HostStates_t::HS_CHANGE_LEVEL_MP:
case HostStates_t::HS_RUN:
@ -113,14 +108,12 @@ FORCEINLINE void CHostState::FrameUpdate(CHostState* rcx, void* rdx, float time)
if (g_pHostState->m_bActiveGame) {
g_bLevelResourceInitialized = false;
case HostStates_t::HS_RESTART:
DevMsg(eDLL_T::ENGINE, "%s - Restarting state machine\n", "CHostState::FrameUpdate");
g_bLevelResourceInitialized = false;
#endif // !DEDICATED
@ -131,7 +124,6 @@ FORCEINLINE void CHostState::FrameUpdate(CHostState* rcx, void* rdx, float time)
case HostStates_t::HS_SHUTDOWN:
DevMsg(eDLL_T::ENGINE, "%s - Shutdown state machine\n", "CHostState::FrameUpdate");
g_bLevelResourceInitialized = false;
#endif // !DEDICATED
@ -177,7 +169,6 @@ FORCEINLINE void CHostState::Init(void)
m_iCurrentState = HostStates_t::HS_NEW_GAME;
g_svPrevLevelName = m_levelName;
@ -291,7 +282,6 @@ FORCEINLINE void CHostState::LoadConfig(void) const
FORCEINLINE void CHostState::GameShutDown(void)
g_bLevelResourceInitialized = false;
if (m_bActiveGame)
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
@ -303,32 +293,6 @@ FORCEINLINE void CHostState::GameShutDown(void)
// Purpose: unloads all pakfiles loaded by the SDK
FORCEINLINE void CHostState::UnloadPakFile(void) const
if (g_pHostState->m_iCurrentState != HostStates_t::HS_SHUTDOWN && !LevelHasChanged())
return; // Do not issue unload if we reload the same level.
for (auto& it : g_LoadedPakHandle)
if (it >= 0)
#ifdef GAMEDLL_S3
RPakLoadedInfo_t pakInfo = g_pRTech->GetPakLoadedInfo(it);
if (pakInfo.m_pszFileName)
DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, "%s - Unloading PakFile '%s'\n", "CHostState::UnloadPakFile", pakInfo.m_pszFileName);
#endif // GAMEDLL_S3
// Purpose: initialize new game
@ -336,7 +300,6 @@ FORCEINLINE void CHostState::State_NewGame(void)
g_bLevelResourceInitialized = false;
m_bSplitScreenConnect = false;
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
if (!g_pServerGameClients) // Init Game if it ain't valid.
@ -364,7 +327,6 @@ FORCEINLINE void CHostState::State_NewGame(void)
m_iNextState = HostStates_t::HS_RUN;
g_svPrevLevelName = m_levelName;
@ -374,7 +336,6 @@ FORCEINLINE void CHostState::State_ChangeLevelSP(void)
DevMsg(eDLL_T::ENGINE, "%s - Changing singleplayer level to: '%s'\n", "CHostState::State_ChangeLevelSP", m_levelName);
m_flShortFrameTime = 1.5; // Set frame time.
g_bLevelResourceInitialized = false;
if (CModelLoader__Map_IsValid(g_pModelLoader, m_levelName)) // Check if map is valid and if we can start a new game.
@ -392,7 +353,6 @@ FORCEINLINE void CHostState::State_ChangeLevelSP(void)
m_iNextState = HostStates_t::HS_RUN;
g_svPrevLevelName = m_levelName;
@ -402,7 +362,6 @@ FORCEINLINE void CHostState::State_ChangeLevelMP(void)
DevMsg(eDLL_T::ENGINE, "%s - Changing multiplayer level to: '%s'\n", "CHostState::State_ChangeLevelMP", m_levelName);
m_flShortFrameTime = 0.5; // Set frame time.
g_bLevelResourceInitialized = false;
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
@ -426,7 +385,6 @@ FORCEINLINE void CHostState::State_ChangeLevelMP(void)
m_iNextState = HostStates_t::HS_RUN;
g_svPrevLevelName = m_levelName;
@ -442,15 +400,6 @@ FORCEINLINE void CHostState::ResetLevelName(void)
snprintf(const_cast<char*>(m_levelName), sizeof(m_levelName), szNoMap);
// Purpose: checks if level has changed
// Output : true if level name deviates from previous level
FORCEINLINE bool CHostState::LevelHasChanged(void) const
return (strcmp(m_levelName, g_svPrevLevelName.c_str()) != 0);
void CHostState_Attach()
@ -25,14 +25,12 @@ public:
FORCEINLINE void Think(void) const;
FORCEINLINE void GameShutDown(void);
FORCEINLINE void UnloadPakFile(void) const;
FORCEINLINE void State_NewGame(void);
FORCEINLINE void State_ChangeLevelSP(void);
FORCEINLINE void State_ChangeLevelMP(void);
FORCEINLINE void ResetLevelName(void);
FORCEINLINE bool LevelHasChanged(void) const;
HostStates_t m_iCurrentState; //0x0000
@ -62,8 +60,6 @@ inline auto CHostState_State_Run = p_CHostState_State_Run.RCast<void(*)(HostStat
inline CMemory p_CHostState_State_GameShutDown;
inline auto CHostState_State_GameShutDown = p_CHostState_State_GameShutDown.RCast<void(*)(CHostState* thisptr)>();
extern bool g_bLevelResourceInitialized;
extern bool g_bBasePaksInitialized;
void CHostState_Attach();
void CHostState_Detach();
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
#include "engine/host_state.h"
#include "engine/cmodel_bsp.h"
#include "rtech/rtech_game.h"
#include "rtech/rtech_utils.h"
vector<RPakHandle_t> g_LoadedPakHandle{ };
@ -41,20 +42,6 @@ RPakHandle_t CPakFile::AsyncLoad(const char* szPakFileName, uintptr_t pMalloc, i
#endif // DEDICATED
if (strcmp(szPakFileName, "mp_lobby.rpak") == 0)
g_bBasePaksInitialized = true;
static bool bOnce = false;
if (g_bBasePaksInitialized && !g_bLevelResourceInitialized
&& !bOnce)
g_bLevelResourceInitialized = true;
bOnce = true;
if (g_pHostState->LevelHasChanged())
string svPakFilePathMod = "paks\\Win32\\" + string(szPakFileName);
string svPakFilePathBase = "paks\\Win64\\" + string(szPakFileName);
@ -75,6 +62,25 @@ RPakHandle_t CPakFile::AsyncLoad(const char* szPakFileName, uintptr_t pMalloc, i
return pakHandle;
// Purpose: unloads loaded pak files
// Input : handle -
void CPakFile::Unload(RPakHandle_t handle)
RPakLoadedInfo_t pakInfo = g_pRTech->GetPakLoadedInfo(handle);
if (pakInfo.m_pszFileName)
DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, "%s - Unloading PakFile '%s'\n", __FUNCTION__, pakInfo.m_pszFileName);
if (strcmp(pakInfo.m_pszFileName, "mp_lobby.rpak") == 0)
s_bBasePaksInitialized = false;
void RTech_Game_Attach()
DetourAttach((LPVOID*)&CPakFile_AsyncLoad, &CPakFile::AsyncLoad);
@ -36,12 +36,13 @@ inline CMemory p_CPakFile_AsyncLoad;
inline auto CPakFile_AsyncLoad = p_CPakFile_AsyncLoad.RCast<RPakHandle_t(*)(const char* svPakFileName, uintptr_t pMalloc, int nIdx, bool bUnk)>();
inline CMemory p_CPakFile_UnloadPak;
inline auto CPakFile_UnloadPak = p_CPakFile_UnloadPak.RCast<void* (*)(RPakHandle_t handle)>();
inline auto CPakFile_UnloadPak = p_CPakFile_UnloadPak.RCast<void (*)(RPakHandle_t handle)>();
class CPakFile
static RPakHandle_t AsyncLoad(const char* szPakFileName, uintptr_t pMalloc = g_pMallocPool.GetPtr(), int nIdx = NULL, bool bUnk = false);
static void Unload(RPakHandle_t handle);
extern CPakFile* g_pakLoadApi;
@ -80,7 +81,7 @@ class VRTechGame : public IDetour
CPakFile_AsyncLoad = p_CPakFile_AsyncLoad.RCast<RPakHandle_t(*)(const char*, uintptr_t, int, bool)>(); /*40 53 48 83 EC 40 48 89 6C 24 ? 41 0F B6 E9*/
p_CPakFile_UnloadPak = g_mGameDll.FindPatternSIMD(reinterpret_cast<rsig_t>("\x48\x89\x5C\x24\x00\x48\x89\x74\x24\x00\x57\x48\x83\xEC\x30\x8B\xC1"), "xxxx?xxxx?xxxxxxx");
CPakFile_UnloadPak = p_CPakFile_UnloadPak.RCast<void* (*)(RPakHandle_t)>(); /*48 89 5C 24 ? 48 89 74 24 ? 57 48 83 EC 30 8B C1*/
CPakFile_UnloadPak = p_CPakFile_UnloadPak.RCast<void (*)(RPakHandle_t)>(); /*48 89 5C 24 ? 48 89 74 24 ? 57 48 83 EC 30 8B C1*/
virtual void GetVar(void) const { }
virtual void GetCon(void) const { }
@ -1,11 +1,18 @@
struct JobFifoLock_s
inline CMemory p_JT_HelpWithAnything;
inline auto JT_HelpWithAnything = p_JT_HelpWithAnything.RCast<void* (*)(bool bShouldLoadPak)>();
inline CMemory p_JT_AcquireFifoLock;
inline auto JT_AcquireFifoLock = p_JT_AcquireFifoLock.RCast<void* (*)(void)>();
inline auto JT_AcquireFifoLock = p_JT_AcquireFifoLock.RCast<bool (*)(struct JobFifoLock_s* pFifo)>();
inline CMemory p_JT_ReleaseFifoLock;
inline auto JT_ReleaseFifoLock = p_JT_ReleaseFifoLock.RCast<void (*)(struct JobFifoLock_s* pFifo)>();
void JT_Attach();
void JT_Detach();
@ -16,6 +23,7 @@ class VJobThread : public IDetour
spdlog::debug("| FUN: JT_HelpWithAnything : {:#18x} |\n", p_JT_HelpWithAnything.GetPtr());
spdlog::debug("| FUN: JT_AcquireFifoLock : {:#18x} |\n", p_JT_AcquireFifoLock.GetPtr());
spdlog::debug("| FUN: JT_ReleaseFifoLock : {:#18x} |\n", p_JT_ReleaseFifoLock.GetPtr());
virtual void GetFun(void) const
@ -25,10 +33,12 @@ class VJobThread : public IDetour
#elif defined (GAMEDLL_S2) || defined (GAMEDLL_S3)
p_JT_HelpWithAnything = g_mGameDll.FindPatternSIMD(reinterpret_cast<rsig_t>("\x48\x89\x5C\x24\x00\x48\x89\x74\x24\x00\x57\x48\x83\xEC\x30\x80\x3D\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"), "xxxx?xxxx?xxxxxxx?????");
p_JT_AcquireFifoLock = g_mGameDll.FindPatternSIMD(reinterpret_cast<rsig_t>("\x40\x55\x48\x83\xEC\x30\x33\xED"), "xxxxxxxx");
p_JT_AcquireFifoLock = g_mGameDll.FindPatternSIMD(reinterpret_cast<rsig_t>("\x48\x83\xEC\x08\x65\x48\x8B\x04\x25\x00\x00\x00\x00\x4C\x8B\xC1"), "xxxxxxxxx????xxx");
p_JT_ReleaseFifoLock = g_mGameDll.FindPatternSIMD(reinterpret_cast<rsig_t>("\x48\x83\xEC\x28\x44\x8B\x11"), "xxxxxxx");
JT_HelpWithAnything = p_JT_HelpWithAnything.RCast<void* (*)(bool bShouldLoadPak)>(); /*48 89 5C 24 ?? 48 89 74 24 ?? 57 48 83 EC 30 80 3D ?? ?? ?? ?? ??*/
JT_AcquireFifoLock = p_JT_AcquireFifoLock.RCast<void* (*)(void)>(); /*40 55 48 83 EC 30 33 ED*/
JT_AcquireFifoLock = p_JT_AcquireFifoLock.RCast<bool (*)(struct JobFifoLock_s*)>(); /*48 83 EC 08 65 48 8B 04 25 ?? ?? ?? ?? 4C 8B C1*/
JT_ReleaseFifoLock = p_JT_ReleaseFifoLock.RCast<void (*)(struct JobFifoLock_s*)>(); /*48 83 EC 28 44 8B 11*/
virtual void GetVar(void) const { }
virtual void GetCon(void) const { }
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ void _Pak_RequestUnload_f_CompletionFunc(const CCommand& args)
int nPakId = std::stoi(args.Arg(1));
RPakLoadedInfo_t pakInfo = g_pRTech->GetPakLoadedInfo(nPakId);
pakInfo.m_pszFileName ? DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, "Requested Pak Unload for '%s'\n", pakInfo.m_pszFileName) : DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, "Requested Pak Unload for '%d'\n", nPakId);
Reference in New Issue
Block a user