Client: fix controller curve look

The rebuild was wrong, the reported issue was that during auto-aim, the rotation speed is higher than original with a weaker magnet. Since the dissasembly and decompile of this function wasn't correct, along with not being able to reproduce the issue locally, it was hard to debug the problem (the difference between the rebuild and the original implementation was very small, where only experienced players noticed it). Since I have concluded that we don't need this function rebuilt as nothing else in the function needed adjustments, we can therefore just hook it and add the multiplication scalars on the computed joy angles. This now seems to yield correct behavior based on new tests that were performed with these changes.
This commit is contained in:
Kawe Mazidjatari 2024-11-11 17:39:53 +01:00
parent 5e962d6eb0
commit 5ed734a4ff
3 changed files with 35 additions and 330 deletions

View File

@ -14,303 +14,45 @@ bool C_Player::CheckMeleeWeapon()
&& *(float*)&pWeapon->m_modVars[600] > (float)(m_currentFramePlayer__timeBase - m_melee.attackLastHitNonWorldEntity);
static ConVar in_old_curve_look("in_useoldcurvelook", "0", FCVAR_RELEASE, "Use the old curve look implementation.");
void C_Player::CurveLook(C_Player* player, CInput::UserInput_t* input, float a3, float a4, float a5, int a6, float inputSampleFrametime, bool runAimAssist, JoyAngle_t* a9)
static void ApplyPerOpticScalars(C_Player* const player, JoyAngle_t* const joyAngle)
if (in_old_curve_look.GetBool())
C_Player__CurveLook(player, input, a3, a4, a5, a6, inputSampleFrametime, runAimAssist, a9);
if (!GamePad_UseAdvancedAdsScalarsPerScope())
float v11; // xmm7_4
float v12; // xmm11_4
float v13; // xmm14_4
float v14; // xmm15_4
float v17; // xmm0_4
float v18; // xmm0_4
__int64 v19; // xmm1_8
bool m_bAutoAim_UnknownBool1AC; // r13
bool m_bAutoAim_UnknownBool1AD; // r15
bool m_bAutoAim_UnknownBool1B1; // r14
QAngle* v24; // rax
bool v25; // zf
QAngle* p_m_angUnknown1C8; // rax
float inputSampleFrametime_c; // xmm13_4
float v31; // xmm8_4
int selectedGamePadLookCurve; // r12d
float v33; // xmm7_4
float v34;
int customAimSpeed; // eax
int v37; // edx
float* v38; // rsi
char* v39; // rsi
float v40; // xmm6_4
float v42; // xmm0_4
float v43; // xmm0_4
float v44; // xmm10_4
float v45; // xmm2_4
float v46; // xmm6_4
float v47; // xmm0_4
float v48; // xmm7_4
float v49; // xmm9_4
float v50; // xmm6_4
bool bZooming; // al
bool v55; // cl
float v56; // xmm1_4
float v57; // xmm2_4
float v58; // xmm0_4
float v59; // xmm8_4
float v60; // xmm9_4
float v62; // xmm10_4
float v63; // xmm0_4
float v64; // xmm6_4
JoyAngle_t* v65; // rsi
float v66; // xmm7_4
QAngle v68; // [rsp+68h] [rbp-A0h] BYREF
QAngle v69; // [rsp+78h] [rbp-90h] BYREF
Vector3D v70;
QAngle v71; // [rsp+178h] [rbp+70h] BYREF
float m_flUnknownFloat1B8; // [rsp+188h] [rbp+80h]
float v73; // [rsp+190h] [rbp+88h]
const bool isZooming = player->IsZooming();
v73 = a4;
v11 = sub_1408A0600(player);
v12 = 1.0f - v11;
v13 = (float)(1.0f - v11) * a3;
v14 = (float)(1.0f - v11) * a4;
if (!isZooming)
const C_WeaponX* activeWeapon = C_BaseCombatCharacter__GetActiveWeapon(player);
const bool isZoomed = player->m_bZooming
? !activeWeapon || activeWeapon->m_modVars[3100]
: false;
const C_WeaponX* const activeWeapon = C_BaseCombatCharacter__GetActiveWeapon(player);
v17 = fabs(v13);
if (v17 > 0.050000001 || (v18 = fabs(v14), v18 > 0.050000001))
(*double_14D413928) = Plat_FloatTime();
if (!activeWeapon)
if (!runAimAssist)
sub_1405B0E00(player, input);
const bool fullADS = activeWeapon->m_modVars[3100];
// NOTE: in the decompiler and disassembler, it appears that this
// 'runAimAssist' param is always a bool, but this function below
// indexes beyond the size of bool, just 2 bytes.. Looking at the
// stack, there always seem to be space for it and nothing gets
// smashed, nor does that area contain random data; the 4 bytes
// are always free. Comparing this with the original code results
// in identical results. Keeping it like this for now as even though
// it looks off, it actually is correct.
// Also, even though the function below does set 2 extra bools next
// to the address of 'runAimAssist', only 'runAimAssist' is ever used
// based on my hardware breakpoint tests. So its possible the function
// below technically expects an array of bools or something but then
// the original code only passes in the 'runAimAssist' which is stored
// on the stack, and only having the below call work properly due to
// stack alignment.
sub_1405AD760(player, (unsigned char*)&runAimAssist);
if (!fullADS)
const bool gamePadCustomEnabled = gamepad_custom_enabled->GetBool();
const float interpAmount = activeWeapon->HasTargetZoomFOV()
? activeWeapon->GetZoomFOVInterpAmount(g_ClientGlobalVariables->exactCurTime)
: 1.0f - activeWeapon->GetZoomFOVInterpAmount(g_ClientGlobalVariables->exactCurTime);
if (gamePadCustomEnabled && !gamepad_custom_assist_on->GetBool()
|| Plat_FloatTime() - (*double_14D4151B8) < 2.0
|| (*double_14D4151B8) > (*double_14D413928)
|| runAimAssist
|| (unsigned int)sub_14066D190(player)
|| C_Player__IsInTimeShift(player)
|| v11 > 0.050000001
|| !gamePadCustomEnabled && (unsigned int)C_Player__GetAimSpeed(player, isZoomed) == 7
|| (v19 = *(_QWORD*)&player->pl.lastPlayerView_angle.x, v70.z = player->pl.lastPlayerView_angle.z, *(_QWORD*)&v70.x = v19, *(float*)&v19 < -50.0f)
|| sub_1405AD4E0(player) < FLT_EPSILON)
m_bAutoAim_UnknownBool1AC = false;
m_bAutoAim_UnknownBool1AD = false;
runAimAssist = false;
m_bAutoAim_UnknownBool1B1 = false;
m_bAutoAim_UnknownBool1AC = input->m_bAutoAim_UnknownBool1AC;
m_bAutoAim_UnknownBool1AD = input->m_bAutoAim_UnknownBool1AD;
runAimAssist = input->m_bAutoAim_UnknownBool1B0;
m_bAutoAim_UnknownBool1B1 = input->m_bAutoAim_UnknownBool1B1;
const float baseScalar1 = GamePad_GetAdvancedAdsScalarForOptic((WeaponScopeZoomLevel_e)activeWeapon->m_modVars[0xA0C]);
const float baseScalar2 = GamePad_GetAdvancedAdsScalarForOptic((WeaponScopeZoomLevel_e)activeWeapon->m_modVars[0xA10]);
v70 = input->m_vecUnknown1BC;
m_flUnknownFloat1B8 = input->m_flUnknownFloat1B8;
v24 = sub_1406257E0(&v69, player);
v25 = !input->m_bUnknown1D4;
v68 = *v24;
p_m_angUnknown1C8 = &input->m_angUnknown1C8;
const float adsScalar = ((baseScalar2 - baseScalar1) * interpAmount) + baseScalar1;
if (v25)
p_m_angUnknown1C8 = &v68;
joyAngle->rotation.x *= adsScalar;
joyAngle->rotation.y *= adsScalar;
inputSampleFrametime_c = inputSampleFrametime;
v69 = *p_m_angUnknown1C8;
if (m_bAutoAim_UnknownBool1AD && m_bAutoAim_UnknownBool1B1)
input->m_flUnknownFloat1B4 = 0.0f;
input->m_flUnknownFloat1B4 = inputSampleFrametime + input->m_flUnknownFloat1B4;
void C_Player::CurveLook(C_Player* player, CInput::UserInput_t* input, float a3, float a4, float a5, int a6, float inputSampleFrametime, bool runAimAssist, JoyAngle_t* joyAngle)
C_Player__CurveLook(player, input, a3, a4, a5, a6, inputSampleFrametime, runAimAssist, joyAngle);
ApplyPerOpticScalars(player, joyAngle);
v31 = 0.0f;
sub_1405B03A0(input, player, &v71);
selectedGamePadLookCurve = 1;
v33 = sub_1405B0BC0(player, input, 0);
v34 = sub_1405B0BC0(player, input, 1);
a5 = v34;
const bool v36 = m_bAutoAim_UnknownBool1AD && runAimAssist;
const bool v35 = m_bAutoAim_UnknownBool1AD && m_bAutoAim_UnknownBool1B1;
customAimSpeed = C_Player__GetAimSpeed(player, isZoomed);
v37 = *(_DWORD*)((unsigned int)(*dword_1423880E0) + *(_QWORD*)&player->gap_21a0[16]);
if (gamePadCustomEnabled)
sub_1405AEA10(nullptr, isZoomed, v37 == 1);
v38 = dword_16A2A1640;
if (v37 == 1)
if (isZoomed)
v39 = (char*)g_lookSensitivity_TitanZoomed;
v39 = (char*)g_lookSensitivity_Titan;
v25 = !isZoomed;
v39 = (char*)g_lookSensitivity_Zoomed;
if (v25)
v39 = (char*)g_lookSensitivity;
v38 = (float*)&v39[276 * customAimSpeed];
if (v35)
v40 = 0.64999998f;
float m_flUnknownFloat1B4 = input->m_flUnknownFloat1B4;
if (m_flUnknownFloat1B4 <= 0.2f)
v34 = 0.1f;
if (m_flUnknownFloat1B4 > 0.1f)
v40 = (float)((float)((float)(m_flUnknownFloat1B4 - 0.1f) / 0.1f) * 0.35000002f) + 0.64999998f;
v40 = 0.64999998f;
v40 = 1.0f;
v42 = m_flUnknownFloat1B8;
sub_1405AF810(player, input, (__int64)v38, m_bAutoAim_UnknownBool1AC, v36, &v70, &v69, &v68, m_flUnknownFloat1B8);
inputSampleFrametime = ((v34 * (1.0f - v40)) + v40) * (1.0f - (v33 * 0.94999999f));
v43 = sqrtf((a3 * a3) + (v73 * v73));
v44 = v43;
const int gamePadLookCurve = gamepad_look_curve->GetInt();
if (gamePadLookCurve <= 4u)
selectedGamePadLookCurve = gamePadLookCurve;
v45 = fabs((v43 - 0.0f));
if (v45 > 0.001f)
if (gamePadCustomEnabled)
v47 = GamePad_CalcOuterDeadzoneCustom(v43);
v47 = GamePad_CalcOuterDeadzone(&g_aimCurveConfig[selectedGamePadLookCurve], v43);
v46 = v47 / v44;
v46 = 0.0;
v48 = v46 * v13;
v49 = 0.0f;
v50 = v46 * v14;
if (v38[67] <= 0.0f
|| v38[65] == 0.0f && v38[64] == 0.0
|| m_bAutoAim_UnknownBool1AC
|| v44 < 0.99000001f
|| (unsigned int)(player->m_contextAction - 2) <= 1
|| ((player->m_melee.scriptedState - 3) & 0xFFFFFFFA) == 0
|| sub_1409DC4E0(player)
|| (player->m_latestMeleeWeapon.IsValid())
|| (player->CheckMeleeWeapon())
|| player->m_MoveType == MOVETYPE_TRAVERSE && !player->m_traversalType
|| (bZooming = input->m_bZooming, v55 = player->m_bZooming, input->m_bZooming = v55, bZooming) && !v55)
input->m_flSomeInputSampleFrameTime = 0.0f;
v56 = inputSampleFrametime_c + input->m_flSomeInputSampleFrameTime;
input->m_flSomeInputSampleFrameTime = v56;
v57 = v38[66];
if (v57 <= v56)
v58 = GamePad_CalcOuterDeadzone((AimCurveConfig_s*)(v38 + 2), fminf(v56 - v57, v38[67]) / v38[67]);
v31 = (float)(v58 * v48) * v38[65];
v49 = (float)(v58 * v50) * v38[64];
v59 = v31 * v12;
v60 = v49 * v12;
if (activeWeapon && C_Player__GetZoomFrac(player) >= 0.99000001f && activeWeapon->m_modVars[412])
v62 = v38[0];
v62 = v38[1];
float adsScalar = 1.0f;
if (isZoomed && activeWeapon && GamePad_UseAdvancedAdsScalarsPerScope())
const float interpAmount = activeWeapon->HasTargetZoomFOV()
? activeWeapon->GetZoomFOVInterpAmount(g_ClientGlobalVariables->exactCurTime)
: 1.0f - activeWeapon->GetZoomFOVInterpAmount(g_ClientGlobalVariables->exactCurTime);
const float baseScalar1 = GamePad_GetAdvancedAdsScalarForOptic((WeaponScopeZoomLevel_e)activeWeapon->m_modVars[0xA0C]);
const float baseScalar2 = GamePad_GetAdvancedAdsScalarForOptic((WeaponScopeZoomLevel_e)activeWeapon->m_modVars[0xA10]);
adsScalar = ((baseScalar2 - baseScalar1) * interpAmount) + baseScalar1;
v63 = sub_1405D4300(player);
v64 = (float)(v50 * inputSampleFrametime) * *v38;
v65 = a9;
v66 = (float)(v48 * inputSampleFrametime) * v62;
a9->unk1 = v71.y;
const float pitchX = ((v66 * adsScalar) + v59) * v63;
const float pitchY = ((v64 * adsScalar) + v60) * v63;
v65->pitch.x = pitchX * inputSampleFrametime_c;
v65->pitch.y = (pitchY * inputSampleFrametime_c) * -1.0f;
v65->pitch.z = v71.x;
if (m_bAutoAim_UnknownBool1AD && runAimAssist)
sub_1405AF1F0(input, player, (QAngle*)&v70, &v69, v14, v13, inputSampleFrametime_c, a5, &v65->unk2);
void V_Player::Detour(const bool bAttach) const

View File

@ -59,9 +59,11 @@ class C_KnockBack
struct JoyAngle_t
QAngle pitch;
float unk1;
Vector2D unk2;
// The joystick rotation amount.
QAngle rotation;
// The joystick counter amount (used for auto-aim).
QAngle counter;
class C_Player : public C_BaseCombatCharacter
@ -69,6 +71,8 @@ class C_Player : public C_BaseCombatCharacter
static void CurveLook(C_Player* player, CInput::UserInput_t* input, float a3, float a4, float a5, int a6, float inputSampleFrametime, bool runAimAssist, JoyAngle_t* a9);
bool CheckMeleeWeapon();
inline bool IsZooming() const { return m_bZooming; }
bool unk;
bool m_bZooming;
@ -348,32 +352,11 @@ static_assert(sizeof(C_Player) == 0x41C0);
// move to combatcharacter!
inline C_WeaponX* (*C_BaseCombatCharacter__GetActiveWeapon)(C_BaseCombatCharacter* thisptr);
inline float (*sub_1408A0600)(C_Player* player);
inline void (*sub_1405B0E00)(C_Player* player, CInput::UserInput_t* input);
inline void (*sub_1405AD760)(C_Player* player, unsigned char* unknown);
inline int (*sub_14066D190)(C_Player* player);
inline float (*sub_1405AD4E0)(C_Player* player);
inline QAngle* (*sub_1406257E0)(QAngle* angle, C_Player* player);
inline void (*sub_1405B03A0)(CInput::UserInput_t* input, C_Player* player, QAngle* angle);
inline float (*sub_1405B0BC0)(C_Player* player, CInput::UserInput_t* input, int a3);
inline void (*sub_1405AEA10)(void* a1, bool isZoomed, char a3);
inline void (*sub_1405AF810)(C_Player* player, CInput::UserInput_t* input, __int64 a3, char a4, char a5, Vector3D* a6, QAngle* a7, QAngle* a8, float a9);
inline C_BaseEntity* (*sub_1409DC4E0)(C_Player* player);
inline float (*sub_1405D4300)(C_Player* player);
inline QAngle* (*sub_1405AF1F0)(CInput::UserInput_t* a1, C_Player* a2, QAngle* a3, QAngle* a4, float a5, float a6, float a7, float a8, Vector2D* a9);
inline float (*C_Player__GetZoomFrac)(C_Player* thisptr);
inline int (*C_Player__GetAimSpeed)(C_Player* thisptr, bool isZoomed);
inline bool (*C_Player__IsInTimeShift)(C_Player* thisptr);
inline void (*C_Player__CurveLook)(C_Player* player, CInput::UserInput_t* input, float a3, float a4, float a5, int a6, float inputSampleFrametime, bool runAimAssist, JoyAngle_t* outAngles);
inline double* double_14D413928;
inline double* double_14D4151B8;
inline int* dword_1423880E0;
inline float* dword_16A2A1640;
inline void (*C_Player__CurveLook)(C_Player* player, CInput::UserInput_t* input, float a3, float a4, float a5, int a6, float inputSampleFrametime, bool runAimAssist, JoyAngle_t* joyAngle);
class V_Player : public IDetour
@ -383,20 +366,6 @@ class V_Player : public IDetour
virtual void GetFun(void) const
g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 0F 2F 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 76 ?? 0F 28 CF").FollowNearCallSelf().GetPtr(sub_1408A0600);
g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8D 95 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B CB E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B 05").FollowNearCallSelf().GetPtr(sub_1405B0E00);
g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 83 78 ?? ?? 74 ?? 48 8B 05").FollowNearCallSelf().GetPtr(sub_1405AD760);
g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? FF C8 83 F8").FollowNearCallSelf().GetPtr(sub_14066D190);
g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? F3 0F 10 35 ?? ?? ?? ?? 0F 28 E7").FollowNearCallSelf().GetPtr(sub_1405AD4E0);
g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? F3 44 0F 10 26").FollowNearCallSelf().GetPtr(sub_1406257E0);
g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 45 33 C0 48 8B D7 48 8B CB").FollowNearCallSelf().GetPtr(sub_1405B03A0);
g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? F3 0F 11 85").FollowNearCallSelf().GetPtr(sub_1405B0BC0);
g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8D 35 ?? ?? ?? ?? EB").FollowNearCallSelf().GetPtr(sub_1405AEA10);
g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? F3 0F 59 3D ?? ?? ?? ?? 41 0F 28 CA").FollowNearCallSelf().GetPtr(sub_1405AF810);
g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 85 C0 0F 85 ?? ?? ?? ?? 8B 8B").FollowNearCallSelf().GetPtr(sub_1409DC4E0);
g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? F3 0F 59 B5").FollowNearCallSelf().GetPtr(sub_1405D4300);
g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? F3 0F 10 85 ?? ?? ?? ?? F3 0F 10 8D ?? ?? ?? ?? F3 0F 11 46").FollowNearCallSelf().GetPtr(sub_1405AF1F0);
g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 0F 2F 87").FollowNearCallSelf().GetPtr(C_Player__GetZoomFrac);
g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 83 F8 ?? 74 ?? F2 0F 10 8B").FollowNearCallSelf().GetPtr(C_Player__GetAimSpeed);
g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 3A D8 75").FollowNearCallSelf().GetPtr(C_Player__IsInTimeShift);
@ -404,13 +373,7 @@ class V_Player : public IDetour
g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("48 83 EC ?? 48 8B 01 FF 90 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 83 C0 ?? 4C 8D 40").GetPtr(C_BaseCombatCharacter__GetActiveWeapon);
virtual void GetVar(void) const
CMemory(C_Player__CurveLook).OffsetSelf(0xFC).FindPatternSelf("F2 0F").ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(4, 8).GetPtr(double_14D413928);
CMemory(C_Player__CurveLook).OffsetSelf(0x140).FindPatternSelf("F2 0F").ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(4, 8).GetPtr(double_14D4151B8);
CMemory(C_Player__CurveLook).OffsetSelf(0x350).FindPatternSelf("44 8B").ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(3, 7).GetPtr(dword_1423880E0);
CMemory(C_Player__CurveLook).OffsetSelf(0x380).FindPatternSelf("48 8D").ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(3, 7).GetPtr(dword_16A2A1640);
virtual void GetVar(void) const { }
virtual void GetCon(void) const { }
virtual void Detour(const bool bAttach) const;

View File

@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ public:
bool m_bUnknownBool1B2;
float m_flUnknownFloat1B4;
float m_flUnknownFloat1B8;
Vector3D m_vecUnknown1BC;
QAngle m_angUnknown1BC;
QAngle m_angUnknown1C8;
bool m_bUnknown1D4;
bool m_bUnknown1D5;