mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 19:15:03 +01:00
Proper VPK repacking
Initial proper implementation pending cleanup. The new system builds a manifest file when a VPK is unpacked. The manifest files contains data such as the entry flags and texture flags. It also contains a field determining whether the file should be compressed or not. When a user repacks a pack, the system attempts to load this manifest file and does a lookup to the object to retrieve the flags (most of these flags are unknown, but they are used by the engine and are necessary for stuff like cubemaps and texture files to work correctly. Cubemaps won't work with proper flags, and textures (decals, particle system components, etc..) will look washed out without them. I think some also determine whether a file within the VPK should be cached or not, so simply marking everything as 0x101 will probably end up in more CPU time and higher filesystem cache usage (depot/ is only 0x1, I don't think anything there is getting cached ever without the 0x100 flag). User could also repack a VPK while excluding anything that is not in the manifest file. So you could unpack all VPK's into a single directory (each VPK has its own manifest file tied to its level name), and rebuild all the VPK's with only the files that where originally in them. fs_pack_vpk command usage: <locale> <context> <level_name> <manifest_only> locale determines the pak language (default english), context determines whether is a server/client vpk, level_name determines the BSP name of the pak, manifest_only determines whether the pack system should only include files within the manifest (leaving this arg out will build all files into the vpk). The VPK workspace path is determined with ConVar 'fs_packedstore_workspace'.
This commit is contained in:
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ using std::ostringstream;
using std::unordered_map;
namespace fs = std::filesystem;
namespace js = nlohmann;
typedef const unsigned char* rsig_t;
#endif // SDKDEFS_H
@ -37,10 +37,6 @@ public:
if (IsReadable())
m_iStream.read(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&tValue), sizeof(tValue));
printf("%d\n", tValue);
@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ string RemoveExtension(const string& svInput);
string GetFileName(const string& svInput, bool bRemoveExtension, bool bWindows = false);
string RemoveFileName(const string& svInput, bool bWindows = false);
string CreateDirectories(string svInput);
string CreateDirectories(string svInput, bool bWindows = false);
string ConvertToWinPath(const string& svInput);
string ConvertToUnixPath(const string& svInput);
@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ string GetFileName(const string& svInput, bool bRemoveExtension, bool bWindows)
return svInput.substr(nPos + 1);
else // File name is not within path.
else // File name is not within a path.
if (bRemoveExtension)
@ -309,14 +309,21 @@ string RemoveFileName(const string& svInput, bool bWindows)
// For creating directories for output streams.
string CreateDirectories(string svInput)
string CreateDirectories(string svInput, bool bWindows)
if (bWindows)
StringReplace(svInput, "\\ \\", "\\");
StringReplace(svInput, "/ /", "/");
fs::path fspPathOut(svInput);
string results = fspPathOut.u8string();
StringReplace(svInput, "\\ \\", "\\");
fspPathOut = fspPathOut.parent_path();
return results;
@ -38,8 +38,10 @@ void CPackedStore::InitLzDecompParams(void)
// Purpose: returns populated pack dir struct for specified pack dir file
// Input : svPackDirFile -
// Output : VPKDir_t
VPKDir_t CPackedStore::GetPackDirFile(string svPackDirFile)
VPKDir_t CPackedStore::GetPackDirFile(string svPackDirFile) const
/*| PACKDIRFILE |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*/
std::regex rgArchiveRegex("pak000_([0-9]{3})");
@ -51,16 +53,16 @@ VPKDir_t CPackedStore::GetPackDirFile(string svPackDirFile)
StringReplace(svPackDirFile, smRegexMatches[0], "pak000_dir");
for (int i = 0; i < LANGUAGE_PACKS; i++)
for (size_t i = 0; i < DIR_LOCALE.size(); i++)
if (strstr(svPackDirFile.c_str(), DIR_LIBRARY_PREFIX[i].c_str()))
if (strstr(svPackDirFile.c_str(), DIR_CONTEXT[i].c_str()))
for (int j = 0; j < LIBRARY_PACKS; j++)
for (size_t j = 0; j < DIR_CONTEXT.size(); j++)
if (strstr(svPackDirFile.c_str(), DIR_LIBRARY_PREFIX[j].c_str()))
if (strstr(svPackDirFile.c_str(), DIR_CONTEXT[j].c_str()))
string svPackDirPrefix = DIR_LOCALE_PREFIX[i] + DIR_LOCALE_PREFIX[i];
StringReplace(svPackDirFile, DIR_LOCALE_PREFIX[i].c_str(), svPackDirPrefix.c_str());
string svPackDirPrefix = DIR_LOCALE[i] + DIR_LOCALE[i];
StringReplace(svPackDirFile, DIR_LOCALE[i].c_str(), svPackDirPrefix.c_str());
goto escape;
@ -74,8 +76,11 @@ VPKDir_t CPackedStore::GetPackDirFile(string svPackDirFile)
// Purpose: obtains archive chunk path for specific file
// Input : &svPackDirFile -
// iArchiveIndex -
// output : string
string CPackedStore::GetPackChunkFile(const string& svPackDirFile, int iArchiveIndex)
string CPackedStore::GetPackChunkFile(const string& svPackDirFile, int iArchiveIndex) const
/*| ARCHIVES ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*/
string svPackChunkFile = StripLocalePrefix(svPackDirFile);
@ -90,8 +95,10 @@ string CPackedStore::GetPackChunkFile(const string& svPackDirFile, int iArchiveI
// Purpose: obtains and returns the entry block to the vector
// Input : *pReader -
// output : vector<VPKEntryBlock_t>
vector<VPKEntryBlock_t> CPackedStore::GetEntryBlocks(CIOStream* pReader)
vector<VPKEntryBlock_t> CPackedStore::GetEntryBlocks(CIOStream* pReader) const
/*| ENTRYBLOCKS |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||*/
string svName, svPath, svExtension;
@ -112,53 +119,208 @@ vector<VPKEntryBlock_t> CPackedStore::GetEntryBlocks(CIOStream* pReader)
// Purpose: scans the input directory and returns the paths to the vector
// Input : &svPathIn -
// Output : vector<string>
vector<string> CPackedStore::GetEntryPaths(const string& svPathIn) const
vector<string> vPaths;
for (const fs::directory_entry& dirEntry : fs::recursive_directory_iterator(fs_packedstore_workspace->GetString()))
fs::recursive_directory_iterator dir(svPathIn), end;
while (dir != end)
if (!GetExtension(dirEntry.path().u8string()).empty())
if (dir->path().filename() == "manifest")
dir.disable_recursion_pending(); // Don't recurse into this directory (manifest files only).
if (!GetExtension(dir->path().u8string()).empty())
return vPaths;
// Purpose: formats the entry block path
// Purpose: scans the input directory and returns the paths to the vector if path exists in manifest
// Input : &svPathIn -
// &jManifest -
// Output : vector<string>
string CPackedStore::FormatBlockPath(string svPath, const string& svName, const string& svExtension)
vector<string> CPackedStore::GetEntryPaths(const string& svPathIn, const js::json& jManifest) const
vector<string> vPaths;
fs::recursive_directory_iterator dir(svPathIn), end;
while (dir != end)
if (dir->path().filename() == "manifest")
dir.disable_recursion_pending(); // Don't recurse into this directory (manifest files only).
if (!GetExtension(dir->path().u8string()).empty())
if (!jManifest.is_null())
string svBlockPath = ConvertToUnixPath(dir->path().u8string());
if (jManifest.contains(StringReplaceC(svBlockPath, svPathIn, "")))
printf("%s\n", svBlockPath.c_str());
catch (const std::exception& ex)
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "Exception while reading VPK manifest file: '%s'\n", ex.what());
return vPaths;
// Purpose: gets the raw level name from the directory file name
// Input : &svDirectoryName -
// Output : string
string CPackedStore::GetLevelName(const string& svDirectoryName) const
std::regex rgArchiveRegex{ R"([^_]*_(.*)(.bsp.pak000_dir).*)" };
std::smatch smRegexMatches;
std::regex_search(svDirectoryName, smRegexMatches, rgArchiveRegex);
return smRegexMatches[1].str();
// Purpose: gets the manifest file assosiated with the VPK name
// Input : &svManifestName -
// Output : json
js::json CPackedStore::GetManifest(const string& svWorkSpace, const string& svManifestName) const
ostringstream ostream;
ostream << svWorkSpace << "manifest/" << svManifestName << ".json";
fs::path fsPath = fs::current_path() /= ostream.str();
printf("%s\n", fsPath.string().c_str());
if (fs::exists(fsPath))
js::json jsOut;
ifstream iManifest(fsPath.string().c_str(), std::ios::binary);
jsOut = js::json::parse(iManifest);
return jsOut;
catch (const std::exception& ex)
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "Exception while parsing VPK manifest file: '%s'\n", ex.what());
return jsOut;
// Purpose: formats the entry block path
// Input : svPath -
// &svName -
// &svExtension -
// Output : string
string CPackedStore::FormatBlockPath(string svPath, const string& svName, const string& svExtension) const
if (!svPath.empty())
svPath += "\\";
svPath += '/';
return svPath + svName + "." + svExtension;
return svPath + svName + '.' + svExtension;
// Purpose: strips locale prefix from file path
// Input : &svDirectoryFile -
// Output : string
string CPackedStore::StripLocalePrefix(const string& svPackDirFile)
string CPackedStore::StripLocalePrefix(const string& svDirectoryFile) const
fs::path fspPackDirFile(svPackDirFile);
string svFileName = fspPackDirFile.filename().u8string();
fs::path fsDirectoryFile(svDirectoryFile);
string svFileName = fsDirectoryFile.filename().u8string();
for (int i = 0; i < LANGUAGE_PACKS; i++)
for (size_t i = 0; i < DIR_LOCALE.size(); i++)
if (strstr(svFileName.c_str(), DIR_LOCALE_PREFIX[i].c_str()))
if (strstr(svFileName.c_str(), DIR_LOCALE[i].c_str()))
StringReplace(svFileName, DIR_LOCALE_PREFIX[i].c_str(), "");
StringReplace(svFileName, DIR_LOCALE[i].c_str(), "");
return svFileName;
// Purpose: builds a valid file name for the VPK
// Input : svLanguage -
// svContext -
// &svPakName -
// nPatch -
// Output : VPKPair_t
VPKPair_t CPackedStore::BuildFileName(string svLanguage, string svContext, const string& svPakName, int nPatch) const
if (std::find(DIR_LOCALE.begin(), DIR_LOCALE.end(), svLanguage) == DIR_LOCALE.end())
svLanguage = DIR_LOCALE[0];
if (std::find(DIR_CONTEXT.begin(), DIR_CONTEXT.end(), svContext) == DIR_CONTEXT.end())
svContext = DIR_CONTEXT[0];
VPKPair_t vPair;
vPair.m_svBlockName = fmt::format("{:s}_{:s}.bsp.pak000_{:03d}{:s}", svContext, svPakName, nPatch, ".vpk");
vPair.m_svDirectoryName = fmt::format("{:s}{:s}_{:s}.bsp.pak000_{:s}", svLanguage, svContext, svPakName, "dir.vpk");
return vPair;
// Purpose: builds the VPK manifest file
// Input : &vBlock -
// &svOutPath -
// Output : VPKPair_t
void CPackedStore::BuildManifest(const vector<VPKEntryBlock_t>& vBlock, const string& svWorkSpace, const string& svManifestName) const
js::json jEntry;
for (size_t i = 0; i < vBlock.size(); i++)
jEntry[vBlock[i].m_svBlockPath] =
{ "preloadData", vBlock[i].m_nPreloadData},
{ "entryFlags", vBlock[i].m_vvEntries[0].m_nEntryFlags},
{ "textureFlags", vBlock[i].m_vvEntries[0].m_nTextureFlags},
{ "useCompression", vBlock[i].m_vvEntries[0].m_nCompressedSize != vBlock[i].m_vvEntries[0].m_nUncompressedSize}
string svPathOut = svWorkSpace + "manifest\\";
ofstream oManifest(svPathOut + svManifestName + ".json");
oManifest << jEntry.dump(4);
// Purpose: validates extraction result with precomputed ADLER32 hash
// Input : &svAssetFile -
void CPackedStore::ValidateAdler32PostDecomp(const string& svAssetFile)
@ -167,14 +329,15 @@ void CPackedStore::ValidateAdler32PostDecomp(const string& svAssetFile)
if (m_nAdler32 != m_nAdler32_Internal)
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "Warning: ADLER32 checksum mismatch for entry '%s' computed value '0x%lX' doesn't match expected value '0x%lX'. File may be corrupt!\n", svAssetFile.c_str(), m_nAdler32, m_nAdler32_Internal);
m_nAdler32 = 0;
m_nAdler32_Internal = 0;
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "ADLER32 checksum mismatch for entry '%s' computed value '0x%lX' doesn't match expected value '0x%lX'. File may be corrupt!\n", svAssetFile.c_str(), m_nAdler32, m_nAdler32_Internal);
m_nAdler32 = NULL;
m_nAdler32_Internal = NULL;
// Purpose: validates extraction result with precomputed CRC32 hash
// Input : &svAssetFile -
void CPackedStore::ValidateCRC32PostDecomp(const string& svAssetFile)
@ -183,66 +346,120 @@ void CPackedStore::ValidateCRC32PostDecomp(const string& svAssetFile)
if (m_nCrc32 != m_nCrc32_Internal)
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "Warning: CRC32 checksum mismatch for entry '%s' computed value '0x%lX' doesn't match expected value '0x%lX'. File may be corrupt!\n", svAssetFile.c_str(), m_nCrc32, m_nCrc32_Internal);
m_nCrc32 = 0;
m_nCrc32_Internal = 0;
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "CRC32 checksum mismatch for entry '%s' computed value '0x%lX' doesn't match expected value '0x%lX'. File may be corrupt!\n", svAssetFile.c_str(), m_nCrc32, m_nCrc32_Internal);
m_nCrc32 = NULL;
m_nCrc32_Internal = NULL;
void CPackedStore::PackAll(const string& svDirIn, const string& svPathOut)
// Purpose: packs all files from specified path into VPK file
// Input : &vPair -
// &svPathIn -
// &svPathOut -
// bManifestOnly -
void CPackedStore::PackAll(const VPKPair_t& vPair, const string& svPathIn, const string& svPathOut, bool bManifestOnly)
CIOStream writer("client_mp_rr_canyonlands_staging.bsp.pak000_000.vpk", CIOStream::Mode_t::WRITE);
CIOStream writer(svPathOut + vPair.m_svBlockName, CIOStream::Mode_t::WRITE);
string svLevelName = GetLevelName(vPair.m_svDirectoryName);
vector<string> vPaths;
vector<VPKEntryBlock_t> vEntryBlocks;
vector<string> vPaths = GetEntryPaths(svDirIn);
js::json jManifest = GetManifest(svPathIn, svLevelName);
if (bManifestOnly)
vPaths = GetEntryPaths(svPathIn, jManifest);
else // Compress all files in workspace.
vPaths = GetEntryPaths(svPathIn);
for (size_t i = 0; i < vPaths.size(); i++)
CIOStream reader(vPaths[i], CIOStream::Mode_t::READ);
if (reader.IsReadable())
vEntryBlocks.push_back(VPKEntryBlock_t(reader.GetVector(), writer.GetPosition(), 0, 0x101, 0, StringReplaceC(vPaths[i], fs_packedstore_workspace->GetString(), "")));
uint16_t nPreloadData = 0i16;
uint32_t nEntryFlags = static_cast<uint32_t>(EPackedEntryFlags::ENTRY_VISIBLE) | static_cast<uint32_t>(EPackedEntryFlags::ENTRY_CACHE);
uint16_t nTextureFlags = static_cast<short>(EPackedTextureFlags::TEXTURE_DEFAULT); // !TODO: Reverse these.
bool bUseCompression = true;
if (!jManifest.is_null())
js::json jEntry = jManifest[StringReplaceC(vPaths[i], svPathIn, "")];
if (!jEntry.is_null())
nPreloadData = jEntry.at("preloadData").get<uint32_t>();
nEntryFlags = jEntry.at("entryFlags").get<uint32_t>();
nTextureFlags = jEntry.at("textureFlags").get<uint16_t>();
bUseCompression = jEntry.at("useCompression").get<bool>();
catch (const std::exception& ex)
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "Exception while reading VPK manifest file: '%s'\n", ex.what());
vEntryBlocks.push_back(VPKEntryBlock_t(reader.GetVector(), writer.GetPosition(), nPreloadData, 0, nEntryFlags, nTextureFlags, StringReplaceC(vPaths[i], svPathIn, "")));
for (size_t j = 0; j < vEntryBlocks[i].m_vvEntries.size(); j++)
uint8_t* pSrc = new uint8_t[vEntryBlocks[i].m_vvEntries[j].m_nUncompressedSize];
uint8_t* pDest = new uint8_t[DECOMP_MAX_BUF];
uint8_t* pDest = new uint8_t[COMP_MAX];;
reader.Read(*pSrc, vEntryBlocks[i].m_vvEntries[j].m_nUncompressedSize);
vEntryBlocks[i].m_vvEntries[j].m_nArchiveOffset = writer.GetPosition();
if (bUseCompression)
m_lzCompStatus = lzham_compress_memory(&m_lzCompParams, pDest, &vEntryBlocks[i].m_vvEntries[j].m_nCompressedSize, pSrc, vEntryBlocks[i].m_vvEntries[j].m_nUncompressedSize, &m_nAdler32_Internal, &m_nCrc32_Internal);
if (m_lzCompStatus != lzham_compress_status_t::LZHAM_COMP_STATUS_SUCCESS)
Error(eDLL_T::FS, "Error: failed compression for an entry within block '%s' for archive '%d'\n", vEntryBlocks.at(i).m_svBlockPath.c_str(), vEntryBlocks.at(i).m_iArchiveIndex);
Error(eDLL_T::FS, "'lzham::lzham_lib_compress_memory' returned with status '%d' (file will be packed without compression.)\n", m_lzCompStatus);
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "Failed compression for entry '%d' within block '%s' for archive '%d'\n", j, vEntryBlocks.at(i).m_svBlockPath.c_str(), vEntryBlocks.at(i).m_iArchiveIndex);
Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "'lzham::lzham_lib_compress_memory' returned with status '%d' (entry will be packed without compression).\n", m_lzCompStatus);
vEntryBlocks[i].m_vvEntries[j].m_nCompressedSize = vEntryBlocks[i].m_vvEntries[j].m_nUncompressedSize;
writer.Write(pSrc, vEntryBlocks[i].m_vvEntries[j].m_nUncompressedSize);
writer.Write(pDest, vEntryBlocks[i].m_vvEntries[j].m_nCompressedSize);
else // Write data uncompressed.
writer.Write(pSrc, vEntryBlocks[i].m_vvEntries[j].m_nUncompressedSize);
vEntryBlocks[i].m_vvEntries[j].m_bIsCompressed = vEntryBlocks[i].m_vvEntries[j].m_nCompressedSize != vEntryBlocks[i].m_vvEntries[j].m_nUncompressedSize;
delete[] pSrc;
delete[] pDest;
delete[] pSrc;
VPKDir_t vDir = VPKDir_t();
vDir.Build("englishclient_mp_rr_canyonlands_staging.bsp.pak000_dir.vpk", vEntryBlocks); // [!!! <<DEVELOPMENT>> !!!]
vDir.Build(svPathOut + vPair.m_svDirectoryName, vEntryBlocks);
// Purpose: extracts all files from specified vpk file
// Purpose: extracts all files from specified VPK file
// Input : &vpkDir -
// &svPathOut -
void CPackedStore::UnpackAll(VPKDir_t vpkDir, const string& svPathOut)
void CPackedStore::UnpackAll(const VPKDir_t& vpkDir, const string& svPathOut)
BuildManifest(vpkDir.m_vvEntryBlocks, svPathOut, GetLevelName(vpkDir.m_svDirPath));
for (int i = 0; i < vpkDir.m_vsvArchives.size(); i++)
fs::path fspVpkPath(vpkDir.m_svDirPath);
string svPath = fspVpkPath.parent_path().u8string() + "\\" + vpkDir.m_vsvArchives[i];
string svPath = fspVpkPath.parent_path().u8string() + '\\' + vpkDir.m_vsvArchives[i];
ifstream packChunkStream(svPath, std::ios_base::binary); // Create stream to read from each archive.
for ( VPKEntryBlock_t block : vpkDir.m_vvEntryBlocks)
@ -251,7 +468,7 @@ void CPackedStore::UnpackAll(VPKDir_t vpkDir, const string& svPathOut)
if (block.m_iArchiveIndex != i) { goto escape; }
string svFilePath = CreateDirectories(svPathOut + "\\" + block.m_svBlockPath);
string svFilePath = CreateDirectories(svPathOut + block.m_svBlockPath, true);
ofstream outFileStream(svFilePath, std::ios_base::binary | std::ios_base::out);
if (!outFileStream.is_open())
@ -259,10 +476,11 @@ void CPackedStore::UnpackAll(VPKDir_t vpkDir, const string& svPathOut)
Error(eDLL_T::FS, "Error: unable to access file '%s'!\n", svFilePath.c_str());
outFileStream.clear(); // Make sure file is empty before writing.
for (VPKEntryDescriptor_t entry : block.m_vvEntries)
char* pCompressedData = new char[entry.m_nCompressedSize];
memset(pCompressedData, 0, entry.m_nCompressedSize); // Compressed region.
memset(pCompressedData, '\0', entry.m_nCompressedSize); // Compressed region.
packChunkStream.seekg(entry.m_nArchiveOffset); // Seek to entry offset in archive.
packChunkStream.read(pCompressedData, entry.m_nCompressedSize); // Read compressed data from archive.
@ -274,19 +492,6 @@ void CPackedStore::UnpackAll(VPKDir_t vpkDir, const string& svPathOut)
(size_t*)&entry.m_nUncompressedSize, (lzham_uint8*)pCompressedData,
entry.m_nCompressedSize, &m_nAdler32_Internal, &m_nCrc32_Internal);
if (fs_packedstore_entryblock_stats->GetBool())
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "--------------------------------------------------------------\n");
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "] Block path : '%s'\n", block.m_svBlockPath.c_str());
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "] Entry count : '%llu'\n", block.m_vvEntries.size());
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "] Compressed size : '%llu'\n", entry.m_nCompressedSize);
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "] Uncompressed size : '%llu'\n", entry.m_nUncompressedSize);
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "] Static CRC32 hash : '0x%lX'\n", block.m_nCrc32);
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "] Computed CRC32 hash : '0x%lX'\n", m_nCrc32_Internal);
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "] Computed ADLER32 hash : '0x%lX'\n", m_nAdler32_Internal);
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "--------------------------------------------------------------\n");
if (block.m_vvEntries.size() == 1) // Internal checksum can only match block checksum if entry size is 1.
if (block.m_nCrc32 != m_nCrc32_Internal)
@ -298,7 +503,7 @@ void CPackedStore::UnpackAll(VPKDir_t vpkDir, const string& svPathOut)
if (m_lzDecompStatus != lzham_decompress_status_t::LZHAM_DECOMP_STATUS_SUCCESS)
Error(eDLL_T::FS, "Error: failed decompression for an entry within block '%s' in archive '%d'!\n", block.m_svBlockPath.c_str(), i);
Error(eDLL_T::FS, "Failed decompression for an entry within block '%s' in archive '%d'!\n", block.m_svBlockPath.c_str(), i);
Error(eDLL_T::FS, "'lzham::lzham_lib_decompress_memory' returned with status '%d'.\n", m_lzDecompStatus);
@ -315,6 +520,7 @@ void CPackedStore::UnpackAll(VPKDir_t vpkDir, const string& svPathOut)
delete[] pCompressedData;
if (m_nEntryCount == block.m_vvEntries.size()) // Only validate after last entry in block had been written.
@ -332,43 +538,63 @@ void CPackedStore::UnpackAll(VPKDir_t vpkDir, const string& svPathOut)
// Purpose: 'vpk_entry_block' constructor
// Purpose: 'VPKEntryBlock_t' file constructor
// Input : *pReader -
// svBlockPath -
VPKEntryBlock_t::VPKEntryBlock_t(CIOStream* reader, string svPath)
VPKEntryBlock_t::VPKEntryBlock_t(CIOStream* pReader, string svBlockPath)
std::replace(svPath.begin(), svPath.end(), '/', '\\'); // Flip forward slashes in filepath to windows-style backslash.
std::replace(svBlockPath.begin(), svBlockPath.end(), '\\', '/'); // Flip windows-style backslash to forward slash.
this->m_svBlockPath = svPath; // Set path of block.
reader->Read<uint32_t>(this->m_nCrc32); //
reader->Read<uint16_t>(this->m_nPreloadBytes); //
reader->Read<uint16_t>(this->m_iArchiveIndex); //
this->m_svBlockPath = svBlockPath; // Set path of block.
pReader->Read<uint32_t>(this->m_nCrc32); //
pReader->Read<uint16_t>(this->m_nPreloadData); //
pReader->Read<uint16_t>(this->m_iArchiveIndex); //
do // Loop through all entries in the block and push them to the vector.
VPKEntryDescriptor_t entry(reader);
VPKEntryDescriptor_t entry(pReader);
} while (reader->Read<uint16_t>() != 0xFFFF);
} while (pReader->Read<uint16_t>() != UINT16_MAX);
#undef min
VPKEntryBlock_t::VPKEntryBlock_t(const vector<uint8_t> &vData, int64_t nOffset, uint16_t nArchiveIndex, uint32_t nEntryFlags, uint16_t nTextureFlags, string svBlockPath)
// Purpose: 'VPKEntryBlock_t' memory constructor
// Input : &vData -
// nOffset -
// nPreloadData -
// nArchiveIndex -
// nEntryFlags -
// nTextureFlags -
// svBlockPath -
VPKEntryBlock_t::VPKEntryBlock_t(const vector<uint8_t> &vData, int64_t nOffset, uint16_t nPreloadData, uint16_t nArchiveIndex, uint32_t nEntryFlags, uint16_t nTextureFlags, const string& svBlockPath)
m_nCrc32 = crc32::update(m_nCrc32, vData.data(), vData.size());
m_nPreloadBytes = 0;
m_nPreloadData = nPreloadData;
m_iArchiveIndex = nArchiveIndex;
m_svBlockPath = svBlockPath;
int nEntryCount = (vData.size() + RVPK_MAX_BLOCK - 1) / RVPK_MAX_BLOCK;
int nEntryCount = (vData.size() + ENTRY_MAX - 1) / ENTRY_MAX;
uint64_t nDataSize = vData.size();
int64_t nCurrentOffset = nOffset;
for (int i = 0; i < nEntryCount; i++)
uint64_t nSize = std::min<uint64_t>(RVPK_MAX_BLOCK, nDataSize);
uint64_t nSize = std::min<uint64_t>(ENTRY_MAX, nDataSize);
nDataSize -= nSize;
m_vvEntries.push_back(VPKEntryDescriptor_t(nEntryFlags, nTextureFlags, nCurrentOffset, nSize, nSize));
nCurrentOffset += nSize;
// Purpose: 'VPKEntryDescriptor_t' constructor
// Input : &nEntryFlags -
// &nTextureFlags -
// &nArchiveOffset -
// &nCompressedSize -
// &nUncompressedSize -
VPKEntryDescriptor_t::VPKEntryDescriptor_t(uint32_t nEntryFlags, uint16_t nTextureFlags, uint64_t nArchiveOffset, uint64_t nCompressedSize, uint64_t nUncompressedSize)
m_nEntryFlags = nEntryFlags;
@ -395,31 +621,24 @@ VPKEntryDescriptor_t::VPKEntryDescriptor_t(CIOStream* pReader)
// Purpose: 'VPKDir_t' file constructor
// Input : &szPath -
VPKDir_t::VPKDir_t(const string& svPath)
CIOStream reader(svPath, CIOStream::Mode_t::READ);
if (this->m_vHeader.m_nFileMagic != RVPK_DIR_MAGIC)
if (this->m_vHeader.m_nHeaderMarker != VPK_HEADER_MARKER)
Error(eDLL_T::FS, "Error: vpk_dir file '%s' has invalid magic!\n", svPath.c_str());
reader.Read<uint16_t>(this->m_vHeader.m_nMajorVersion); //
reader.Read<uint16_t>(this->m_vHeader.m_nMinorVersion); //
reader.Read<uint32_t>(this->m_vHeader.m_nTreeSize); //
reader.Read<uint32_t>(this->m_vHeader.m_nDirectorySize); //
reader.Read<uint32_t>(this->m_nFileDataSize); //
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "______________________________________________________________\n");
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "] HEADER_DETAILS ---------------------------------------------\n");
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "] File Magic : '%lu'\n", this->m_vHeader.m_nFileMagic);
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "] Major Version : '%hu'\n", this->m_vHeader.m_nMajorVersion);
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "] Minor Version : '%hu'\n", this->m_vHeader.m_nMinorVersion);
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "] Tree Size : '%lu'\n", this->m_vHeader.m_nTreeSize);
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "] File Data Size : '%lu'\n", this->m_nFileDataSize);
this->m_vvEntryBlocks = g_pPackedStore->GetEntryBlocks(&reader);
this->m_svDirPath = svPath; // Set path to vpk_dir file.
@ -431,32 +650,28 @@ VPKDir_t::VPKDir_t(const string& svPath)
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "______________________________________________________________\n");
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "] PACK_CHUNKS ------------------------------------------------\n");
for (int i = 0; i < this->m_iArchiveCount + 1; i++)
string svArchivePath = g_pPackedStore->GetPackChunkFile(svPath, i);
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "] '%s'\n", svArchivePath.c_str());
// Purpose: builds the VPKDir file
// Input : &svFileName -
// Purpose: builds the vpk directory file
// Input : &svDirectoryFile -
// &vEntryBlocks -
void VPKDir_t::Build(const string& svFileName, const vector<VPKEntryBlock_t>& vEntryBlocks)
void VPKDir_t::Build(const string& svDirectoryFile, const vector<VPKEntryBlock_t>& vEntryBlocks)
CIOStream writer(svFileName, CIOStream::Mode_t::WRITE);
CIOStream writer(svDirectoryFile, CIOStream::Mode_t::WRITE);
auto vMap = std::map<string, std::map<string, std::list<VPKEntryBlock_t>>>();
for (VPKEntryBlock_t vBlock : vEntryBlocks)
@ -465,7 +680,7 @@ void VPKDir_t::Build(const string& svFileName, const vector<VPKEntryBlock_t>& vE
if (svFilePath.empty())
svFilePath = " "; // Has to be padded with a space character if empty.
svFilePath = ' '; // Has to be padded with a space character if empty [root].
if (!vMap.count(svExtension))
@ -489,7 +704,7 @@ void VPKDir_t::Build(const string& svFileName, const vector<VPKEntryBlock_t>& vE
writer.WriteString(GetFileName(eKeyValue.m_svBlockPath, true));
{/*Write entry block*/
for (size_t i = 0; i < eKeyValue.m_vvEntries.size(); i++)
@ -520,10 +735,10 @@ void VPKDir_t::Build(const string& svFileName, const vector<VPKEntryBlock_t>& vE
m_vHeader.m_nTreeSize = static_cast<uint32_t>(writer.GetPosition() - sizeof(VPKHeader_t));
m_vHeader.m_nDirectorySize = static_cast<uint32_t>(writer.GetPosition() - sizeof(VPKDirHeader_t));
writer.SetPosition(offsetof(VPKDir_t, m_vHeader.m_nTreeSize));
writer.SetPosition(offsetof(VPKDir_t, m_vHeader.m_nDirectorySize));
@ -2,25 +2,41 @@
#include "public/include/binstream.h"
#include "thirdparty/lzham/include/lzham.h"
constexpr unsigned int RVPK_DIR_MAGIC = 'Uª4';
constexpr unsigned int RVPK_MAJOR_VER = 2;
constexpr unsigned int RVPK_MINOR_VER = 3;
constexpr unsigned int VPK_HEADER_MARKER = 0x55aa1234;
constexpr unsigned int VPK_MAJOR_VERSION = 2;
constexpr unsigned int VPK_MINOR_VERSION = 3;
constexpr unsigned int LIBRARY_PACKS = 2;
constexpr unsigned int LANGUAGE_PACKS = 11;
constexpr unsigned int RVPK_DICT_SIZE = 20;
constexpr int RVPK_MAX_BLOCK = 1024 * 1024;
constexpr int DECOMP_MAX_BUF = 2024 * 2024;
constexpr int ENTRY_MAX = 1024 * 1024;
constexpr int COMP_MAX = 2024 * 2024;
const std::string DIR_LIBRARY_PREFIX[LIBRARY_PACKS] = { "server", "client" };
const std::string DIR_LOCALE_PREFIX[LANGUAGE_PACKS] = { "english", "french", "german", "italian", "japanese", "korean", "polish", "portuguese", "russian", "spanish", "tchinese" };
const vector<string> DIR_CONTEXT = { "server", "client" };
const vector<string> DIR_LOCALE = { "english", "french", "german", "italian", "japanese", "korean", "polish", "portuguese", "russian", "spanish", "tchinese" };
enum class EPackedEntryFlags : int
ENTRY_VISIBLE = 1 << 0, // FileSystem visibility?
ENTRY_CACHE = 1 << 8, // Only set for assets not stored in the depot directory.
enum class EPackedTextureFlags : short
#pragma pack(push, 1)
struct VPKFileEntry_t
char* directory;
char* filename;
char* extension;
char* m_pszDirectory;
char* m_pszFileName;
char* m_pszExtension;
uint8_t unknown[0x38];
@ -53,37 +69,43 @@ struct VPKEntryDescriptor_t
struct VPKEntryBlock_t
uint32_t m_nCrc32 {}; // Crc32 for the uncompressed block.
uint16_t m_nPreloadBytes{}; // Preload bytes.
uint16_t m_nPreloadData{}; // Preload bytes.
uint16_t m_iArchiveIndex{}; // Index of the archive that contains this block.
vector<VPKEntryDescriptor_t> m_vvEntries {}; // Vector of all the entries of a given block (entries have a size limit of 1 MiB, so anything over is split into separate entries within the same block).
string m_svBlockPath {}; // Path to block within vpk.
VPKEntryBlock_t(CIOStream* reader, string path);
VPKEntryBlock_t(const vector<uint8_t>& vData, int64_t nOffset, uint16_t nArchiveIndex, uint32_t nEntryFlags, uint16_t nTextureFlags, string svBlockPath);
VPKEntryBlock_t(CIOStream* pReader, string svBlockPath);
VPKEntryBlock_t(const vector<uint8_t>& vData, int64_t nOffset, uint16_t nPreloadData, uint16_t nArchiveIndex, uint32_t nEntryFlags, uint16_t nTextureFlags, const string& svBlockPath);
struct VPKHeader_t
struct VPKDirHeader_t
uint32_t m_nFileMagic {}; // File magic.
uint16_t m_nMajorVersion{}; // Vpk major version.
uint16_t m_nMinorVersion{}; // Vpk minor version.
uint32_t m_nTreeSize {}; // Directory tree size.
uint32_t m_nPadding {}; // Padding to align the header.
uint32_t m_nHeaderMarker {}; // File magic.
uint16_t m_nMajorVersion {}; // Vpk major version.
uint16_t m_nMinorVersion {}; // Vpk minor version.
uint32_t m_nDirectorySize{}; // Directory tree size.
uint32_t m_nSignatureSize{}; // Directory signature.
struct VPKDir_t
VPKHeader_t m_vHeader {}; // Dir header.
VPKDirHeader_t m_vHeader {}; // Dir header.
uint32_t m_nFileDataSize{}; // File data section size.
vector<VPKEntryBlock_t> m_vvEntryBlocks{}; // Vector of entry blocks.
uint16_t m_iArchiveCount{}; // Highest archive index (archive count-1).
vector<string> m_vsvArchives {}; // Vector of archive file names.
string m_svDirPath {}; // Path to vpk_dir file.
VPKDir_t() { m_vHeader.m_nFileMagic = RVPK_DIR_MAGIC; m_vHeader.m_nMajorVersion = RVPK_MAJOR_VER; m_vHeader.m_nMinorVersion = RVPK_MINOR_VER; };
VPKDir_t() { m_vHeader.m_nHeaderMarker = VPK_HEADER_MARKER; m_vHeader.m_nMajorVersion = VPK_MAJOR_VERSION; m_vHeader.m_nMinorVersion = VPK_MINOR_VERSION; };
VPKDir_t(const string& svPath);
void Build(const string& svFileName, const vector<VPKEntryBlock_t>& vEntryBlocks);
void Build(const string& svDirectoryFile, const vector<VPKEntryBlock_t>& vEntryBlocks);
struct VPKPair_t
string m_svBlockName;
string m_svDirectoryName;
class CPackedStore
@ -101,14 +123,24 @@ class CPackedStore
void InitLzCompParams(void);
void InitLzDecompParams(void);
VPKDir_t GetPackDirFile(string svPackDirFile);
string GetPackChunkFile(const string& svPackDirFile, int iArchiveIndex);
vector<VPKEntryBlock_t> GetEntryBlocks(CIOStream* reader);
VPKDir_t GetPackDirFile(string svDirectoryFile) const;
string GetPackChunkFile(const string& svPackDirFile, int iArchiveIndex) const;
vector<VPKEntryBlock_t> GetEntryBlocks(CIOStream* reader) const;
vector<string> GetEntryPaths(const string& svPathIn) const;
string FormatBlockPath(string svName, const string& svPath, const string& svExtension);
string StripLocalePrefix(const string& svPackDirFile);
void PackAll(const string& svDirIn, const string& svPathOut = "");
void UnpackAll(VPKDir_t vpk, const string& svPathOut = "");
vector<string> GetEntryPaths(const string& svPathIn, const js::json& jManifest) const;
string GetLevelName(const string& svDirectoryName) const;
js::json GetManifest(const string& svWorkSpace, const string& svManifestName) const;
string FormatBlockPath(string svName, const string& svPath, const string& svExtension) const;
string StripLocalePrefix(const string& svPackDirFile) const;
VPKPair_t BuildFileName(string svLanguage, string svContext, const string& svPakName, int nPatch) const;
void BuildManifest(const vector<VPKEntryBlock_t>& vBlock, const string& svWorkSpace, const string& svManifestName) const;
void PackAll(const VPKPair_t& vPair, const string& svPathIn, const string& svPathOut, bool bManifestOnly);
void UnpackAll(const VPKDir_t& vpkDir, const string& svPathOut = "");
void ValidateAdler32PostDecomp(const string& svDirAsset);
void ValidateCRC32PostDecomp(const string& svDirAsset);
@ -619,17 +619,17 @@ VPK_Pack_f
void VPK_Pack_f(const CCommand& args)
if (args.ArgC() < 2)
if (args.ArgC() < 4)
string szPathOut = "platform\\vpk";
std::chrono::milliseconds msStart = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch());
bool bManifestOnly = (args.ArgC() > 4);
//VPKDir_t vpk = g_pPackedStore->GetPackDirFile(args.Arg(1));
std::chrono::milliseconds msStart = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch());
std::thread th([&] { g_pPackedStore->PackAll(args.Arg(1), szPathOut); });
VPKPair_t vPair = g_pPackedStore->BuildFileName(args.Arg(1), args.Arg(2), args.Arg(3), NULL);
std::thread th([&] { g_pPackedStore->PackAll(vPair, fs_packedstore_workspace->GetString(), "vpk/", bManifestOnly); });
std::chrono::milliseconds msEnd = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch());
@ -650,7 +650,6 @@ void VPK_Unpack_f(const CCommand& args)
string szPathOut = "platform\\vpk";
std::chrono::milliseconds msStart = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch());
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "______________________________________________________________\n");
@ -660,7 +659,7 @@ void VPK_Unpack_f(const CCommand& args)
VPKDir_t vpk = g_pPackedStore->GetPackDirFile(args.Arg(1));
std::thread th([&] { g_pPackedStore->UnpackAll(vpk, szPathOut); });
std::thread th([&] { g_pPackedStore->UnpackAll(vpk, ConvertToWinPath(fs_packedstore_workspace->GetString())); });
std::chrono::milliseconds msEnd = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch());
@ -669,7 +668,7 @@ void VPK_Unpack_f(const CCommand& args)
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "______________________________________________________________\n");
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "] OPERATION_DETAILS ------------------------------------------\n");
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "] Time elapsed: '%.3f' seconds\n", (duration / 1000));
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "] Decompressed vpk to: '%s'\n", szPathOut.c_str());
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "] Decompressed vpk to: '%s'\n", fs_packedstore_workspace->GetString());
DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "--------------------------------------------------------------\n");
Reference in New Issue
Block a user