mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 19:15:03 +01:00
Improve NavMesh render performance
This commit is contained in:
@ -292,16 +292,7 @@ void DrawAllOverlays(bool bRender)
#ifndef CLIENT_DLL
if (bOverlayEnabled)
if (ai_script_nodes_draw->GetInt() > -1)
if (navmesh_draw_bvtree->GetInt() > -1)
if (navmesh_draw_portal->GetInt() > -1)
if (navmesh_draw_polys->GetInt() > -1)
if (navmesh_draw_poly_bounds->GetInt() > -1)
#endif // !CLIENT_DLL
@ -38,39 +38,88 @@ static const fltx4 s_xMaxs = LoadAlignedSIMD(s_vMaxs);
static const fltx4 s_xSubMask = LoadAlignedSIMD(s_vSubMask);
// Purpose: draw AI script network
// Input : *pAINetwork -
// Purpose: run the NavMesh renderer
void CAI_Utility::DrawAIScriptNetwork(const CAI_Network* pNetwork) const
void CAI_Utility::RunRenderFrame(void)
const int iScriptNodeIndex = ai_script_nodes_draw->GetInt();
const int iNavMeshBVTreeIndex = navmesh_draw_bvtree->GetInt();
const int iNavMeshPortalIndex = navmesh_draw_portal->GetInt();
const int iNavMeshPolyIndex = navmesh_draw_polys->GetInt();
const int iNavMeshPolyBoundIndex = navmesh_draw_poly_bounds->GetInt();
if (iScriptNodeIndex <= -1 &&
iNavMeshBVTreeIndex <= -1 &&
iNavMeshPortalIndex <= -1 &&
iNavMeshPolyIndex <= -1 &&
iNavMeshPolyBoundIndex <= -1)
// Nothing to render.
const Vector3D& vCamera = MainViewOrigin();
const QAngle& aCamera = MainViewAngles();
const Vector3D vNormal = vCamera - aCamera.GetNormal() * 256.0f;
const VPlane vCullPlane(vNormal, aCamera);
const float flCameraRange = navmesh_debug_camera_range->GetFloat();
const int nTileRange = navmesh_debug_tile_range->GetInt();
const bool bUseDepthBuffer = r_debug_draw_depth_test->GetBool();
if (iScriptNodeIndex > -1)
g_pAIUtility->DrawAIScriptNetwork(*g_pAINetwork, vCamera, iScriptNodeIndex, flCameraRange, bUseDepthBuffer);
if (iNavMeshBVTreeIndex > -1)
g_pAIUtility->DrawNavMeshBVTree(nullptr, vCamera, vCullPlane, iNavMeshBVTreeIndex, flCameraRange, nTileRange, bUseDepthBuffer);
if (iNavMeshPortalIndex > -1)
g_pAIUtility->DrawNavMeshPortals(nullptr, vCamera, vCullPlane, iNavMeshPortalIndex, flCameraRange, nTileRange, bUseDepthBuffer);
if (iNavMeshPolyIndex > -1)
g_pAIUtility->DrawNavMeshPolys(nullptr, vCamera, vCullPlane, iNavMeshPolyIndex, flCameraRange, nTileRange, bUseDepthBuffer);
if (iNavMeshPolyBoundIndex > -1)
g_pAIUtility->DrawNavMeshPolyBoundaries(nullptr, vCamera, vCullPlane, iNavMeshPolyBoundIndex, flCameraRange, nTileRange, bUseDepthBuffer);
// Purpose: draw AI script network
// Input : *pNetwork -
// &vCameraPos -
// iNodeIndex -
// flCameraRange -
// bUseDepthBuffer -
void CAI_Utility::DrawAIScriptNetwork(
const CAI_Network* pNetwork,
const Vector3D& vCameraPos,
const int iNodeIndex,
const float flCameraRange,
const bool bUseDepthBuffer) const
if (!pNetwork)
return; // AI Network not build or loaded.
const bool bUseDepthBuffer = r_debug_draw_depth_test->GetBool();
const bool bDrawNearest = ai_script_nodes_draw_nearest->GetBool();
const int nNodeRange = ai_script_nodes_draw_range->GetInt();
const float flCameraRange = navmesh_debug_camera_range->GetFloat();
const Vector3D vCamera = MainViewOrigin();
OverlayBox_t::Transforms vTransforms;
std::unordered_set<int64_t> uLinkSet;
for (int i = ai_script_nodes_draw->GetInt(), ns = pNetwork->NumScriptNodes(); i < ns; i++)
for (int i = iNodeIndex, ns = pNetwork->NumScriptNodes(); i < ns; i++)
if (nNodeRange && i > nNodeRange)
const CAI_ScriptNode* pScriptNode = &pNetwork->m_ScriptNode[i];
fltx4 xOrigin = LoadUnaligned3SIMD(&pScriptNode->m_vOrigin);
xOrigin = SubSIMD(xOrigin, s_xSubMask); // Subtract 25.f from our scalars to align box with node.
const fltx4 xOrigin = SubSIMD(// Subtract 25.f from our scalars to align box with node.
LoadUnaligned3SIMD(&pScriptNode->m_vOrigin), s_xSubMask);
if (flCameraRange > 0.0f)
// Flip the script node Z axis with that of the camera, so that it won't be used for
// the final distance computation. This allows for viewing the AI Network from above.
const fltx4 xOriginCamZ = SetComponentSIMD(xOrigin, 2, vCamera.z);
const fltx4 xOriginCamZ = SetComponentSIMD(xOrigin, 2, vCameraPos.z);
if (vCamera.DistTo(*reinterpret_cast<const Vector3D*>(&xOriginCamZ)) > flCameraRange)
if (vCameraPos.DistTo(*reinterpret_cast<const Vector3D*>(&xOriginCamZ)) > flCameraRange)
continue; // Do not render if node is not within range set by cvar 'navmesh_debug_camera_range'.
@ -79,7 +128,7 @@ void CAI_Utility::DrawAIScriptNetwork(const CAI_Network* pNetwork) const
{ 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f },
{ 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f },
{ 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f },
*reinterpret_cast<const Vector3D*>(&xOrigin));
v_RenderBox(vTransforms.mat, *reinterpret_cast<const Vector3D*>(&s_xMins),
*reinterpret_cast<const Vector3D*>(&s_xMaxs), m_BoxColor, bUseDepthBuffer);
@ -105,21 +154,29 @@ void CAI_Utility::DrawAIScriptNetwork(const CAI_Network* pNetwork) const
// Purpose: draw NavMesh BVTree
// Input : *pMesh -
// &vCameraPos -
// &vCullPlane -
// iBVTreeIndex -
// flCameraRange -
// nTileRange -
// bDepthBuffer -
void CAI_Utility::DrawNavMeshBVTree(dtNavMesh* pMesh) const
void CAI_Utility::DrawNavMeshBVTree(
const dtNavMesh* pMesh,
const Vector3D& vCameraPos,
const VPlane& vCullPlane,
const int iBVTreeIndex,
const float flCameraRange,
const int nTileRange,
const bool bDepthBuffer) const
if (!pMesh)
pMesh = GetNavMeshForHull(navmesh_debug_type->GetInt());
if (!pMesh)
return; // NavMesh for hull not loaded.
const Vector3D vCamera = MainViewOrigin();
const bool bDepthBuffer = r_debug_draw_depth_test->GetBool();
const int nTileRange = navmesh_debug_tile_range->GetInt();
const float flCameraRange = navmesh_debug_camera_range->GetFloat();
OverlayBox_t::Transforms vTransforms;
for (int i = navmesh_draw_bvtree->GetInt(), nt = pMesh->getTileCount(); i < nt; ++i)
for (int i = iBVTreeIndex, nt = pMesh->getTileCount(); i < nt; ++i)
if (nTileRange > 0 && i > nTileRange)
@ -128,7 +185,7 @@ void CAI_Utility::DrawNavMeshBVTree(dtNavMesh* pMesh) const
if (!pTile->header)
if (!IsTileWithinRange(pTile, vCamera, flCameraRange))
if (!IsTileWithinRange(pTile, vCullPlane, vCameraPos, flCameraRange))
const float flCellSize = 1.0f / pTile->header->bvQuantFactor;
@ -159,20 +216,27 @@ void CAI_Utility::DrawNavMeshBVTree(dtNavMesh* pMesh) const
// Purpose: draw NavMesh portals
// Input : *pMesh -
// &vCameraPos -
// &vCullPlane -
// iPortalIndex -
// flCameraRange -
// nTileRange -
// bDepthBuffer -
void CAI_Utility::DrawNavMeshPortals(dtNavMesh* pMesh) const
void CAI_Utility::DrawNavMeshPortals(const dtNavMesh* pMesh,
const Vector3D& vCameraPos,
const VPlane& vCullPlane,
const int iPortalIndex,
const float flCameraRange,
const int nTileRange,
const bool bDepthBuffer) const
if (!pMesh)
pMesh = GetNavMeshForHull(navmesh_debug_type->GetInt());
if (!pMesh)
return; // NavMesh for hull not loaded.
const Vector3D vCamera = MainViewOrigin();
const bool bDepthBuffer = r_debug_draw_depth_test->GetBool();
const int nTileRange = navmesh_debug_tile_range->GetInt();
const float flCameraRange = navmesh_debug_camera_range->GetFloat();
for (int i = navmesh_draw_portal->GetInt(), nt = pMesh->getTileCount(); i < nt; ++i)
for (int i = iPortalIndex, nt = pMesh->getTileCount(); i < nt; ++i)
if (nTileRange > 0 && i > nTileRange)
@ -181,7 +245,7 @@ void CAI_Utility::DrawNavMeshPortals(dtNavMesh* pMesh) const
if (!pTile->header)
if (!IsTileWithinRange(pTile, vCamera, flCameraRange))
if (!IsTileWithinRange(pTile, vCullPlane, vCameraPos, flCameraRange))
// Draw portals
@ -272,20 +336,27 @@ void CAI_Utility::DrawNavMeshPortals(dtNavMesh* pMesh) const
// Purpose: draw NavMesh polys
// Input : *pMesh -
// &vCameraPos -
// &vCullPlane -
// iPolyIndex -
// flCameraRange -
// nTileRange -
// bDepthBuffer -
void CAI_Utility::DrawNavMeshPolys(dtNavMesh* pMesh) const
void CAI_Utility::DrawNavMeshPolys(const dtNavMesh* pMesh,
const Vector3D& vCameraPos,
const VPlane& vCullPlane,
const int iPolyIndex,
const float flCameraRange,
const int nTileRange,
const bool bDepthBuffer) const
if (!pMesh)
pMesh = GetNavMeshForHull(navmesh_debug_type->GetInt());
if (!pMesh)
return; // NavMesh for hull not loaded.
const Vector3D vCamera = MainViewOrigin();
const bool bDepthBuffer = r_debug_draw_depth_test->GetBool();
const int nTileRange = navmesh_debug_tile_range->GetInt();
const float flCameraRange = navmesh_debug_camera_range->GetFloat();
for (int i = navmesh_draw_polys->GetInt(); i < pMesh->getTileCount(); ++i)
for (int i = iPolyIndex; i < pMesh->getTileCount(); ++i)
if (nTileRange > 0 && i > nTileRange)
@ -294,7 +365,7 @@ void CAI_Utility::DrawNavMeshPolys(dtNavMesh* pMesh) const
if (!pTile->header)
if (!IsTileWithinRange(pTile, vCamera, flCameraRange))
if (!IsTileWithinRange(pTile, vCullPlane, vCameraPos, flCameraRange))
for (int j = 0; j < pTile->header->polyCount; j++)
@ -346,8 +417,20 @@ void CAI_Utility::DrawNavMeshPolys(dtNavMesh* pMesh) const
// Purpose : draw NavMesh poly boundaries
// Input : *pMesh -
// &vCameraPos -
// &vCullPlane -
// iBoundaryIndex -
// flCameraRange -
// nTileRange -
// bDepthBuffer -
void CAI_Utility::DrawNavMeshPolyBoundaries(dtNavMesh* pMesh) const
void CAI_Utility::DrawNavMeshPolyBoundaries(const dtNavMesh* pMesh,
const Vector3D& vCameraPos,
const VPlane& vCullPlane,
const int iBoundaryIndex,
const float flCameraRange,
const int nTileRange,
const bool bDepthBuffer) const
static const float thr = 0.01f * 0.01f;
Color col{ 20, 140, 255, 255 };
@ -357,13 +440,9 @@ void CAI_Utility::DrawNavMeshPolyBoundaries(dtNavMesh* pMesh) const
if (!pMesh)
return; // NavMesh for hull not loaded.
const Vector3D vCamera = MainViewOrigin();
const bool bDepthBuffer = r_debug_draw_depth_test->GetBool();
const bool bDrawInner = navmesh_draw_poly_bounds_inner->GetBool();
const int nTileRange = navmesh_debug_tile_range->GetInt();
const float flCameraRange = navmesh_debug_camera_range->GetFloat();
for (int i = navmesh_draw_poly_bounds->GetInt(), nt = pMesh->getTileCount(); i < nt; ++i)
for (int i = iBoundaryIndex, nt = pMesh->getTileCount(); i < nt; ++i)
if (nTileRange > 0 && i > nTileRange)
@ -372,7 +451,7 @@ void CAI_Utility::DrawNavMeshPolyBoundaries(dtNavMesh* pMesh) const
if (!pTile->header)
if (!IsTileWithinRange(pTile, vCamera, flCameraRange))
if (!IsTileWithinRange(pTile, vCullPlane, vCameraPos, flCameraRange))
for (int j = 0; j < pTile->header->polyCount; ++j)
@ -478,16 +557,25 @@ __m128i CAI_Utility::PackNodeLink(int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t c, int32_t d) co
// flCameraRadius -
// Output : true if within radius, false otherwise
bool CAI_Utility::IsTileWithinRange(const dtMeshTile* pTile, const Vector3D& vCamera, const float flCameraRadius) const
bool CAI_Utility::IsTileWithinRange(const dtMeshTile* pTile, const VPlane& vPlane, const Vector3D& vCamera, const float flCameraRadius) const
if (flCameraRadius <= 0.0f)
return false;
const fltx4 xMinBound = LoadGatherSIMD(pTile->header->bmin[0], pTile->header->bmin[1], vCamera.z, 0.0f);
const fltx4 xMaxBound = LoadGatherSIMD(pTile->header->bmax[0], pTile->header->bmax[1], vCamera.z, 0.0f);
if (vCamera.DistTo(*reinterpret_cast<const Vector3D*>(&xMinBound)) > flCameraRadius ||
vCamera.DistTo(*reinterpret_cast<const Vector3D*>(&xMaxBound)) > flCameraRadius)
const Vector3D* vecMinBound = reinterpret_cast<const Vector3D*>(&xMinBound);
const Vector3D* vecMaxBound = reinterpret_cast<const Vector3D*>(&xMaxBound);
if (flCameraRadius > 0.0f)
// Too far from camera, do not render.
if (vCamera.DistTo(*vecMinBound) > flCameraRadius ||
vCamera.DistTo(*vecMinBound) > flCameraRadius)
return false;
// Behind the camera, do not render.
if (vPlane.GetPointSide(*vecMinBound) != SIDE_FRONT ||
vPlane.GetPointSide(*vecMaxBound) != SIDE_FRONT)
return false;
return true;
@ -17,14 +17,49 @@ class CAI_Utility
void DrawAIScriptNetwork(const CAI_Network* pAINetwork) const;
void DrawNavMeshBVTree(dtNavMesh* mesh = nullptr) const;
void DrawNavMeshPortals(dtNavMesh* mesh = nullptr) const;
void DrawNavMeshPolys(dtNavMesh* mesh = nullptr) const;
void DrawNavMeshPolyBoundaries(dtNavMesh* mesh = nullptr) const;
void RunRenderFrame(void);
void DrawAIScriptNetwork(const CAI_Network* pNetwork,
const Vector3D& vCameraPos,
const int iNodeIndex,
const float flCameraRange,
const bool bUseDepthBuffer) const;
void DrawNavMeshBVTree(const dtNavMesh* mesh,
const Vector3D& vCameraPos,
const VPlane& vCullPlane,
const int iBVTreeIndex,
const float flCameraRange,
const int nTileRange,
const bool bUseDepthBuffer) const;
void DrawNavMeshPortals(const dtNavMesh* mesh,
const Vector3D& vCameraPos,
const VPlane& vCullPlane,
const int iPortalIndex,
const float flCameraRange,
const int nTileRange,
const bool bUseDepthBuffer) const;
void DrawNavMeshPolys(const dtNavMesh* mesh,
const Vector3D& vCameraPos,
const VPlane& vCullPlane,
const int iPolyIndex,
const float flCameraRange,
const int nTileRange,
const bool bDepthBuffer) const;
void DrawNavMeshPolyBoundaries(const dtNavMesh* mesh,
const Vector3D& vCameraPos,
const VPlane& vCullPlane,
const int iBoundaryIndex,
const float flCameraRange,
const int nTileRange,
const bool bDepthBuffer) const;
__m128i PackNodeLink(int32_t a, int32_t b, int32_t c = 0, int32_t d = 0) const;
int GetNearestNodeToPos(const CAI_Network* pAINetwork, const Vector3D* vec) const;
bool IsTileWithinRange(const dtMeshTile* pTile, const Vector3D& vCamera, const float flCameraRadius) const;
bool IsTileWithinRange(const dtMeshTile* pTile, const VPlane& vPlane, const Vector3D& vCamera, const float flCameraRadius) const;
Color m_BoxColor;
@ -2428,6 +2428,7 @@ public:
void Normalize();
void NormalizePositive();
inline Vector3D GetNormal() const;
inline struct matrix3x4_t ToMatrix() const;
inline Quaternion ToQuaternion() const;
@ -2533,6 +2534,11 @@ inline void QAngle::NormalizePositive()
z = AngleNormalizePositive(z);
inline Vector3D QAngle::GetNormal() const
Vector3D ret(cos(VEC_DEG2RAD(y)), sin(VEC_DEG2RAD(y)), -sin(VEC_DEG2RAD(x)));
return ret;
#if !defined(__SPU__)
inline void QAngle::Random(vec_t minVal, vec_t maxVal)
@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ class VPlane
VPlane(const Vector3D& vNormal, vec_t dist);
VPlane(const Vector3D& vPoint, const QAngle& ang);
void Init(const Vector3D& vNormal, vec_t dist);
@ -86,6 +87,12 @@ inline VPlane::VPlane(const Vector3D& vNormal, vec_t dist)
m_Dist = dist;
inline VPlane::VPlane(const Vector3D& vPoint, const QAngle& ang)
m_Normal = ang.GetNormal();
m_Dist = vPoint.x * m_Normal.x + vPoint.y * m_Normal.y + vPoint.z * m_Normal.z;
inline void VPlane::Init(const Vector3D& vNormal, vec_t dist)
m_Normal = vNormal;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user