Recast: properly remap off-mesh connection polyrefs

External references were never updated. Especially when the tile we process doesn't own an off-mesh connection, but does have one landing on it. After this patch, the navmesh passes all tests in game and all polygons appear to be remapped correctly when using all features of the Detour NavMesh (single step verification). Also no issues reported from address sanitizer after several tests on extremely large and complicated navmeshes.
This commit is contained in:
Kawe Mazidjatari 2024-10-19 11:55:56 +02:00
parent e62051eff3
commit 9ebecbee20

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@ -324,7 +324,6 @@ static void setPolyGroupsTraversalReachability(int* const tableData, const int n
static void unionTraverseLinkedPolyGroups(const dtTraverseTableCreateParams* params, const int tableIndex)
dtDisjointSet& set = params->sets[tableIndex];
if (!set.getSetCount())
@ -578,7 +577,6 @@ bool dtCreateTraverseTableData(const dtTraverseTableCreateParams* params)
nav->setTraverseTable(i, traverseTable);
const dtDisjointSet& set = params->sets[i];
rdAssert(set.getSetCount() >= DT_MIN_POLY_GROUP_COUNT);
for (unsigned short j = 0; j < polyGroupCount; j++)
@ -1341,8 +1339,6 @@ bool dtUpdateNavMeshData(dtNavMesh* nav, const unsigned int tileIndex)
rdScopedDelete<unsigned int> oldLinkIdMap((unsigned int*)rdAlloc(sizeof(unsigned int)*header->maxLinkCount, RD_ALLOC_TEMP));
rdScopedDelete<unsigned int> newLinkIdMap((unsigned int*)rdAlloc(sizeof(unsigned int)*header->maxLinkCount, RD_ALLOC_TEMP));
memset(newLinkIdMap, 0xff, sizeof(unsigned int)*header->maxLinkCount);
int totPolyCount = 0, offMeshConCount = 0, detailTriCount = 0, portalCount = 0, detailVertCount = 0, vertCount = 0, maxLinkCount = 0;
// Iterate through this tile's polys, indexing them by their new poly ids
@ -1408,12 +1404,6 @@ bool dtUpdateNavMeshData(dtNavMesh* nav, const unsigned int tileIndex)
// Flag all links connected to this polygon.
for (unsigned int k = poly.firstLink; k != DT_NULL_LINK; k = tile->links[k].next)
const dtLink& link = tile->links[k];
// Skip invalid and visited.
if (!link.ref || newLinkIdMap[k] != 0xffffffff)
oldLinkIdMap[maxLinkCount] = k;
newLinkIdMap[k] = maxLinkCount++;
@ -1584,9 +1574,7 @@ bool dtUpdateNavMeshData(dtNavMesh* nav, const unsigned int tileIndex)
for (int i = 0; i < maxLinkCount; i++)
const unsigned int oldIdx = oldLinkIdMap[i];
const dtLink& oldLink = tile->links[oldIdx];
const dtLink& oldLink = tile->links[oldLinkIdMap[i]];
dtLink& newLink = links[i];
unsigned int salt, it, ip;
@ -1621,6 +1609,10 @@ bool dtUpdateNavMeshData(dtNavMesh* nav, const unsigned int tileIndex)
newLink.reverseLink = newReverseLink;
// note(amos): tiles we already processed should not be reprocessed, doing
// so will cause the polygon indices to be shifted again.
std::set<const dtMeshTile*> processedExtTiles;
// Fix up external reverences from neighboring tiles.
static const int MAX_NEIS = 32;
dtMeshTile* neis[MAX_NEIS];
@ -1631,6 +1623,8 @@ bool dtUpdateNavMeshData(dtNavMesh* nav, const unsigned int tileIndex)
for (int j = 0; j < nneis; ++j)
const dtMeshTile* neiTile = neis[j];
const dtMeshHeader* neiHdr = neiTile->header;
for (int k = 0; k < neiHdr->polyCount; k++)
@ -1660,6 +1654,103 @@ bool dtUpdateNavMeshData(dtNavMesh* nav, const unsigned int tileIndex)
// Fix up external references from off-mesh links originating from our tile.
for (int i = 0; i < offMeshConCount; i++)
// note(amos): we only have to fix external references, nothing has to
// be removed. Off-mesh connections only get their land-side position
// linked if it can be based on a polygon within its own tile. The only
// reason for an off-mesh link to be removed is if it can't be based, or
// can't be linked to the land-side tile.
const dtOffMeshConnection& con = tile->offMeshCons[oldOffMeshConnIdMap[i]];
// Find tiles the query touches.
int tx, ty;
nav->calcTileLoc(&con.pos[3], &tx, &ty);
const dtMeshTile* landTile = nav->getTileAt(tx, ty, header->layer);
if (landTile == tile)
continue; // Already dealt with when fixing up internal links.
if (processedExtTiles.find(landTile) != processedExtTiles.end())
const dtMeshHeader* landHdr = landTile->header;
for (int j = 0; j < landHdr->polyCount; j++)
const dtPoly& landPoly = landTile->polys[j];
for (unsigned int k = landPoly.firstLink; k != DT_NULL_LINK; k = landTile->links[k].next)
dtLink& landLink = landTile->links[k];
unsigned int salt, it, ip;
nav->decodePolyId(landLink.ref, salt, it, ip);
if (it != tileIndex)
if (salt != tile->salt || ip >= (unsigned int)header->polyCount)
const dtPolyRef newRef = (polyRefBase | (dtPolyRef)newPolyIdMap[ip]);
landLink.ref = newRef;
// Fix up external references from off-mesh links originating from other tiles.
for (int i = 0; i < nav->getMaxTiles(); ++i)
dtMeshTile* offTile = nav->getTile(i);
if (offTile == tile)
continue; // Already dealt with when fixing up internal links.
const dtMeshHeader* offHeader = offTile->header;
if (!offHeader)
const int conCount = offHeader->offMeshConCount;
if (!conCount)
if (processedExtTiles.find(offTile) != processedExtTiles.end())
for (int j = 0; j < conCount; j++)
const dtOffMeshConnection& con = offTile->offMeshCons[j];
const float* landPos = &con.pos[3];
int tx, ty;
nav->calcTileLoc(landPos, &tx, &ty);
const dtMeshTile* landTile = nav->getTileAt(tx, ty, header->layer);
if (landTile != tile)
dtPoly& offMeshPoly = offTile->polys[con.poly];
// This off-mesh link is dead and will be removed when its origin
// tile gets processed.
if (!(offMeshPoly.flags & DT_POLYFLAGS_JUMP_LINKED))
dtLink& offMeshLink = offTile->links[offMeshPoly.firstLink];
const unsigned int polyIdx = nav->decodePolyIdPoly(offMeshLink.ref);
offMeshLink.ref = polyRefBase | (dtPolyRef)newPolyIdMap[polyIdx];
// Store detail meshes.
unsigned int vbase = 0;
unsigned int tbase = 0;