SDK cleaner script is now in the bin dir

This commit is contained in:
Kawe Mazidjatari 2023-10-21 11:43:31 +02:00
parent 1687b633f3
commit be8ee3d0b1

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@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
REM Remove depot files.
rd /S /Q "%~dp0depot"
rd /S /Q "%~dp0..\platform\depot"
REM Remove log files ('log' is no longer used. 'logs' contains current logs, these get automatically cleaned if they exceed 10mb).
rd /S /Q "%~dp0log"
rd /S /Q "%~dp0logs"
rd /S /Q "%~dp0..\platform\log"
rd /S /Q "%~dp0..\platform\logs"
REM Remove old NavMesh files which where included as an attempt to debug/suppress warnings.
rd /S /Q "%~dp0..\maps"
rd /S /Q "%~dp0maps\graphs"
rd /S /Q "%~dp0maps\navmesh"
rd /S /Q "%~dp0..\platform\maps\graphs"
rd /S /Q "%~dp0..\platform\maps\navmesh"
REM Remove deprecated binary and configuration files (these are no longer used).
del /Q "%~dp0..\banlist.config"
del /Q "%~dp0..\gui.config"