Added recalloc. _expand should be replaced as well in the nearby future. The functions should override the _xxxx_base variants instead, and be moved to a separate lib to cover the executable globally.
Global 'direct' usage of 'MemAllocSingleton()' has been jettisoned. Where possible, smart pointers were used instead. During the refactor, the following bugs were addressed and fixed:
- The virtual destructor of 'CCVarIteratorInternal' was NOT called on destruction.
- Class function 'KeyValues::MakeCopy' did NOT calculate the buffer size of the wide string correctly, the original calculation was 'len+1*sizeof(wchar_t)', but should've been '(len+1)*sizeof(wchar_t)'.
Some other code changes include:
- Tier0 include 'memstd.h' has been moved above all thirdparty includes, to make sure the memalloc functions get shadowed with ours in third party libraries as well.
- RPak file paths string literals are now defines.
- 'DestroyOverlay' has been refactored to match the assembly of the game.
This commit replaces the standard memalloc system with that of the game. This means we can share the same allocated memory objects between the game and SDK without having to use 'MemAllocSingleton()' and manually call the constructors/destructors. This also means we can create ConVar's and ConCommands in the global scope, and a bunch more cool stuff. The explanation in 'r5dev\loader\loader.cpp' documents the new loading system.
Required for overriding memalloc callbacks in libraries to feature the game's implementation instead. Named using the 'R_' prefix, as the 'V_' versions were already used.