This patch prevents 'fps_max' from being reset in 'CEngine::Frame' if 'sv_cheats' isn't set; this cvar is now bound to the server's tickrate in sdk code to save CPU time.
Added 2 new patches:
* Patch0: Unnecessary loop called from 'CModelLoader::UnloadModel'. This calls a 'nullsub' CMaterialGlue vtable method.
* Patch1: CClientState constructor; Removed due to high mem allocation during init (100MiB+). 'CClientState' is useless on dedicated, and all its feature are thereof disabled.
Valve and Respawn Entertainment forgot a comma in 'g_FieldTypes' causing "FIELD_INTERVAL" and "FIELD_MODELINDEX" to be concatenation. The engine executable patch fixes this problem
The documentation file for all patches applied to 'r5apex.exe' could be found in 'r5dev/resource/patch/r5apex.patch'. This is a text file containing the offset to the patch and its original instructions followed by the new instructions.