Add '-nodiscord' and '-nobakedparticles' to launch params for dedicated.
Add hook for 'MemAlloc_Internal()'.
Rename loggers to be more consistent with naming.
Revert omitting frame pointers.
* Renamed 'r5apexsdkd64.dll' to 'gamesdk.dll'.
* Added required dedicated parameters to code instead.
* Bug fixes around CCommandLine class (fixed misaligned VTable indexes).
* SDK now supports being directly launched by the game executable.
The SDK launcher will pass '-launcher' to the game, which indicated its being launched by the launcher. If the game does not receive '-launcher', it assumes its being launched directly from the game executable, which will instead load 'startup_(dedi_)default.cfg'.
The sdk dll's are now added to the game's IAT by their dummy exports allowing for them to be loaded when the exe is loaded (the dll's do everything on init).
* Ansi colors can now be enabled with the '-ansiclr- flag.
* All loggers have been optimized and are all initialized only once at process startup.
* New hook for 'Warning()' print function with warning level.