CConsole now uses a dedicated class for logging text (modified CTextEditor class (CTextLogger)). The class uses an ImDraw list with a character vector to draw the text.
Text could be selected by double click (word), triple click (line), a selection by dragging the cursor, or everything with 'ctrl + a'.
Show colors on console and use color constant to determine color instead of comparing strings in the console render loop. removed 5 string compares which should once again bump the performance quite a bit. The last string compares will be removed soon
* Heavily reduced string compares for coloring logs (the left overs require a dedicated hook, this is for the future)
The new method uses a ImVec 4 constant containing the color obtained via a switch case by context, this is then out into the new CConLog structure where the loop in the console will now gather the colors directly from.
Error/Warning use a single constant.
* Fixed bugs in several log locations where the ostringstream was cleared before the emission causing double logs.
* Added global log mutex to log wrappers that lacked those.
* Rebuild SetRestrictedServerCommand and SetRestrictedClientCommands
* Implemented new CMemory Function to walk through a VTable.
* pDetours->GetCon() gets called first now.
* Add ConVar to allow user to set/unset FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY ConVar's (default behavior would never be hit without this ConVar).
* Add icons to display the flags of a certain CommandBase.
* Fixed Dear ImGui not displaying images correctly (descriptor needs DXGI_FORMAT_R8G8B8A8_UNORM_SRGB due to the nature of this game).
* Dynamically obtain buffer sizes of resources taken from modules.
* Light SDK cleanup.
* Renamed 'r5apexsdkd64.dll' to 'gamesdk.dll'.
* Added required dedicated parameters to code instead.
* Bug fixes around CCommandLine class (fixed misaligned VTable indexes).
* SDK now supports being directly launched by the game executable.
The SDK launcher will pass '-launcher' to the game, which indicated its being launched by the launcher. If the game does not receive '-launcher', it assumes its being launched directly from the game executable, which will instead load 'startup_(dedi_)default.cfg'.
The sdk dll's are now added to the game's IAT by their dummy exports allowing for them to be loaded when the exe is loaded (the dll's do everything on init).
* Add CServerGameDLL interface to SDK (unfinished)
* Inline all CHostState members. Calling discrete member functions will result in a corrupt stack. It also alters with the VTable layout in the engine since we assign our SDK instance directly to it. Forcing everything to be inline (like the assembled counterpart within the executable itself) will ensure no virtual calls will get created and misalign the base VTable.
* Patch SQVM_CompileError to call SQVM_Error with the severity flag set to false (0 = do not terminate process, 1 is terminate process).
* Log warnings
* Improve style
* Vector size is now controlled by ConVar instead
* Keep current item in view when console is cleaning up the vector. This doesn't work ideally as its hard to keep track of the current item, and the scroll is a float. In the future it might be better to grab the first vertex of the center line on the console and track that perhaps.
* Fixed cases where the horizontal scrollbar would conceal the only item in the autocomplete window
* Add new ConVar to show help text next to ConVar in autocomplete. disabled by default to prevent it from being cluttered.