Find regex pattern:
inline auto ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) = ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\.RCast<([a-zA-Z0-9_:<>*]+) *\(\*\)\(([^)]*)\)>\(\);
Replace regex pattern:
inline $3(*$1)($4);
This commit also removes the unnecessary initialization (which was required to type the auto variables),
and therefore removed 6kb of unnecessary dynamic initialization code.
Added all public headers to CMake projects, also moved some files around in the public directory. Translation units have been moved to the libraries that were responsible for implementing them, as this game is monolithic.
* Moved 'm_pFileSystem' to 'CSourceAppSystemGroup' (actually belongs there, CAppSystemGroup has to be 0xA8 in size in order for 'm_bDedicated' to line up in 'CModAppSystemGroup').
* Prefixed all static functions with 'Static' to avoid name collisions.