SourceSDK mathlib port with light modifications.
Renamed Vector to Vector3D (to avoid confusion with std::vector (declared as vector) and Vector2D/Vector4D).
* CMemory::FindAllCallReferences: Get all function calls to a function from the supplied sectioBase and sectionSize, useful to mass patch calls to a function.
Removed padding that was causing the structure to misalign with the game's one.
Enabled 'SVC_UserMessage::Process()' hook (function works properly after the structure alignment).
More detailed operation statistics.
Discard VPK directory files who's header doesn't match engine requirements.
Separated manifest properly between language and context (you can now package for each language and context from a single workspace).
Initial proper implementation pending cleanup.
The new system builds a manifest file when a VPK is unpacked. The manifest files contains data such as the entry flags and texture flags. It also contains a field determining whether the file should be compressed or not.
When a user repacks a pack, the system attempts to load this manifest file and does a lookup to the object to retrieve the flags (most of these flags are unknown, but they are used by the engine and are necessary for stuff like cubemaps and texture files to work correctly. Cubemaps won't work with proper flags, and textures (decals, particle system components, etc..) will look washed out without them.
I think some also determine whether a file within the VPK should be cached or not, so simply marking everything as 0x101 will probably end up in more CPU time and higher filesystem cache usage (depot/ is only 0x1, I don't think anything there is getting cached ever without the 0x100 flag).
User could also repack a VPK while excluding anything that is not in the manifest file. So you could unpack all VPK's into a single directory (each VPK has its own manifest file tied to its level name), and rebuild all the VPK's with only the files that where originally in them.
fs_pack_vpk command usage: <locale> <context> <level_name> <manifest_only>
locale determines the pak language (default english), context determines whether is a server/client vpk, level_name determines the BSP name of the pak, manifest_only determines whether the pack system should only include files within the manifest (leaving this arg out will build all files into the vpk).
The VPK workspace path is determined with ConVar 'fs_packedstore_workspace'.
GetFileName returned null string if file is not within a path, now returns the input file name.
RemoveFileName returned file name if file is not within a path, now returns null string.
Added StringReplaceC (string replace with copy instead of modifying the reference object).
* Fixed compiler error when trying to compile SDK Launcher in debug (static lib was not compiled with static link runtime).
* Documented most stuff in basepanel.cpp
* Split some logic into dedicated functions in basepanel.cpp
* Implemented VDF parser from Matthias Moeller.
* Parse playlist file and load all playlists into the combo box.
Moved logging functions to dbg.h (tier0) and export them from the dll.
Added additional functions for checking bad pointers (debug only!).
Reduced output code size.
* Finished designer code for launcher gui.
* Basic implementation of setting flags for host launch option.
* Check in 'CHostState::LoadConfig' if -launcher is below 1.. if condition is met the cfg's will be executed from 'CHostState::LoadConfig'.
* Added 'StringIsDigit' utility.
* Mostly rebuild CServer structure.
* Partially rebuild CNetworkStringTable structure.
* Partially rebuild CNetworkStringTableContainer structure.
* Removed redundant patterns which are now covered in the data structure.
Moved server/client headers and implementations into dedicated subfolder.
Renamed Some classes to match the game binary (e.g. CBaseClient is now CClient).
Removed redundant files.