// // Copyright (c) 2009-2010 Mikko Mononen memon@inside.org // // This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied // warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages // arising from the use of this software. // Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, // including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it // freely, subject to the following restrictions: // 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not // claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software // in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be // appreciated but is not required. // 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be // misrepresented as being the original software. // 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. // #include "Pch.h" #include "Recast/Include/Recast.h" #include "DebugUtils/Include/RecastDebugDraw.h" #include "DebugUtils/Include/DetourDebugDraw.h" #include "DebugUtils/Include/RecastDump.h" #include "Detour/Include/DetourNavMesh.h" #include "NavEditor/Include/Editor_Debug.h" #include "NavEditor/Include/InputGeom.h" /* static int loadBin(const char* path, unsigned char** data) { FILE* fp = fopen(path, "rb"); if (!fp) return 0; fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); int size = ftell(fp); fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_SET); *data = new unsigned char[size]; fread(*data, size, 1, fp); fclose(fp); return size; } */ Editor_Debug::Editor_Debug() : m_chf(0), m_cset(0), m_pmesh(0) { resetCommonSettings(); // Test /* m_chf = rcAllocCompactHeightfield(); FileIO io; if (!io.openForRead("test.chf")) { delete m_chf; m_chf = 0; } else { if (!duReadCompactHeightfield(*m_chf, &io)) { delete m_chf; m_chf = 0; } }*/ /* if (m_chf) { unsigned short ymin = 0xffff; unsigned short ymax = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_chf->spanCount; ++i) { const rcCompactSpan& s = m_chf->spans[i]; if (s.y < ymin) ymin = s.y; if (s.y > ymax) ymax = s.y; } printf("ymin=%d ymax=%d\n", (int)ymin, (int)ymax); int maxSpans = 0; for (int i = 0; i < m_chf->width*m_chf->height; ++i) { maxSpans = rcMax(maxSpans, (int)m_chf->cells[i].count); } printf("maxSpans = %d\n", maxSpans); }*/ /* const float orig[3] = {0,0,0}; m_navMesh = new dtNavMesh; m_navMesh->init(orig, 133.333f,133.333f, 2048, 4096, 4096); unsigned char* data = 0; int dataSize = 0; // Tile_-13_-14.bin is basically just the bytes that was output by Detour. It should be loaded at X: -13 and Y: -14. dataSize = loadBin("Tile_-13_-13.bin", &data); if (dataSize > 0) { m_navMesh->addTileAt(-13,-13, data, dataSize, true); dtMeshHeader* header = (dtMeshHeader*)data; vcopy(m_bmin, header->bmin); vcopy(m_bmax, header->bmax); } dataSize = loadBin("Tile_-13_-14.bin", &data); if (dataSize > 0) { m_navMesh->addTileAt(-13,-14, data, dataSize, true); } dataSize = loadBin("Tile_-14_-14.bin", &data); if (dataSize > 0) { m_navMesh->addTileAt(-14,-14, data, dataSize, true); } const float halfExtents[3] = {40,100,40}; const float center[3] = { -1667.9491f, 135.52649f, -1680.6149f }; dtQueryFilter filter; m_ref = m_navMesh->findNearestPoly(center, halfExtents, &filter, 0); vcopy(m_halfExtents, halfExtents); vcopy(m_center, center);*/ { m_cset = rcAllocContourSet(); if (m_cset) { FileIO io; if (io.openForRead("PathSet_TMP_NA_PathingTestAReg1_1_2_CS.rc")) { duReadContourSet(*m_cset, &io); printf("bmin=(%f,%f,%f) bmax=(%f,%f,%f)\n", m_cset->bmin[0], m_cset->bmin[1], m_cset->bmin[2], m_cset->bmax[0], m_cset->bmax[1], m_cset->bmax[2]); printf("cs=%f ch=%f\n", m_cset->cs, m_cset->ch); } else { printf("could not open test.cset\n"); } } else { printf("Could not alloc cset\n"); } /* if (m_cset) { m_pmesh = rcAllocPolyMesh(); if (m_pmesh) { rcBuildPolyMesh(m_ctx, *m_cset, 6, *m_pmesh); } }*/ } } Editor_Debug::~Editor_Debug() { rcFreeCompactHeightfield(m_chf); rcFreeContourSet(m_cset); rcFreePolyMesh(m_pmesh); } void Editor_Debug::handleSettings() { } void Editor_Debug::handleTools() { } void Editor_Debug::handleDebugMode() { } void Editor_Debug::handleRender() { if (m_chf) { duDebugDrawCompactHeightfieldRegions(&m_dd, *m_chf); // duDebugDrawCompactHeightfieldSolid(&dd, *m_chf); } if (m_navMesh) duDebugDrawNavMesh(&m_dd, *m_navMesh, DU_DRAWNAVMESH_OFFMESHCONS); if (m_ref && m_navMesh) duDebugDrawNavMeshPoly(&m_dd, *m_navMesh, m_ref, duRGBA(255,0,0,128)); /* float bmin[3], bmax[3]; rcVsub(bmin, m_center, m_halfExtents); rcVadd(bmax, m_center, m_halfExtents); duDebugDrawBoxWire(&dd, bmin[0],bmin[1],bmin[2], bmax[0],bmax[1],bmax[2], duRGBA(255,255,255,128), 1.0f); duDebugDrawCross(&dd, m_center[0], m_center[1], m_center[2], 1.0f, duRGBA(255,255,255,128), 2.0f);*/ if (m_cset) { duDebugDrawRawContours(&m_dd, *m_cset, 0.25f); duDebugDrawContours(&m_dd, *m_cset); } if (m_pmesh) { duDebugDrawPolyMesh(&m_dd, *m_pmesh); } /* dd.depthMask(false); { const float bmin[3] = {-32.000004f,-11.488281f,-115.343544f}; const float cs = 0.300000f; const float ch = 0.200000f; const int verts[] = { 158,46,336,0, 157,47,331,0, 161,53,330,0, 162,52,335,0, 158,46,336,0, 154,46,339,5, 161,46,365,5, 171,46,385,5, 174,46,400,5, 177,46,404,5, 177,46,410,5, 183,46,416,5, 188,49,416,5, 193,52,411,6, 194,53,382,6, 188,52,376,6, 188,57,363,6, 174,57,349,6, 174,60,342,6, 168,58,336,6, 167,59,328,6, 162,55,324,6, 159,53,324,5, 152,46,328,5, 151,46,336,5, 154,46,339,5, 158,46,336,0, 160,46,340,0, 164,52,339,0, 168,55,343,0, 168,50,351,0, 182,54,364,0, 182,47,378,0, 188,50,383,0, 188,49,409,0, 183,46,409,0, 183,46,403,0, 180,46,399,0, 177,46,384,0, 165,46,359,0, 160,46,340,0, }; const int nverts = sizeof(verts)/(sizeof(int)*4); const unsigned int colln = duRGBA(255,255,255,128); dd.begin(DU_DRAW_LINES, 1.0f); for (int i = 0, j = nverts-1; i < nverts; j=i++) { const int* va = &verts[j*4]; const int* vb = &verts[i*4]; dd.vertex(bmin[0]+va[0]*cs, bmin[1]+va[1]*ch+j*0.01f, bmin[2]+va[2]*cs, colln); dd.vertex(bmin[0]+vb[0]*cs, bmin[1]+vb[1]*ch+i*0.01f, bmin[2]+vb[2]*cs, colln); } dd.end(); const unsigned int colpt = duRGBA(255,255,255,255); dd.begin(DU_DRAW_POINTS, 3.0f); for (int i = 0, j = nverts-1; i < nverts; j=i++) { const int* va = &verts[j*4]; dd.vertex(bmin[0]+va[0]*cs, bmin[1]+va[1]*ch+j*0.01f, bmin[2]+va[2]*cs, colpt); } dd.end(); extern int triangulate(int n, const int* verts, int* indices, int* tris); static int indices[nverts]; static int tris[nverts*3]; for (int j = 0; j < nverts; ++j) indices[j] = j; static int ntris = 0; if (!ntris) { ntris = triangulate(nverts, verts, &indices[0], &tris[0]); if (ntris < 0) ntris = -ntris; } const unsigned int coltri = duRGBA(255,255,255,64); dd.begin(DU_DRAW_TRIS); for (int i = 0; i < ntris*3; ++i) { const int* va = &verts[indices[tris[i]]*4]; dd.vertex(bmin[0]+va[0]*cs, bmin[1]+va[1]*ch, bmin[2]+va[2]*cs, coltri); } dd.end(); } dd.depthMask(true);*/ } void Editor_Debug::handleRenderOverlay(double* /*proj*/, double* /*model*/, int* /*view*/) { } void Editor_Debug::handleMeshChanged(InputGeom* geom) { m_geom = geom; } const float* Editor_Debug::getBoundsMin() { if (m_cset) return m_cset->bmin; if (m_chf) return m_chf->bmin; if (m_navMesh) return m_bmin; return 0; } const float* Editor_Debug::getBoundsMax() { if (m_cset) return m_cset->bmax; if (m_chf) return m_chf->bmax; if (m_navMesh) return m_bmax; return 0; } void Editor_Debug::handleClick(const float* s, const float* p, bool shift) { if (m_tool) m_tool->handleClick(s, p, shift); } void Editor_Debug::handleToggle() { if (m_tool) m_tool->handleToggle(); } bool Editor_Debug::handleBuild() { if (m_chf) { rcFreeContourSet(m_cset); m_cset = 0; // Create contours. m_cset = rcAllocContourSet(); if (!m_cset) { m_ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Out of memory 'cset'."); return false; } if (!rcBuildContours(m_ctx, *m_chf, /*m_cfg.maxSimplificationError*/1.3f, /*m_cfg.maxEdgeLen*/12, *m_cset)) { m_ctx->log(RC_LOG_ERROR, "buildNavigation: Could not create contours."); return false; } } return true; }