//=============================================================================// // // Purpose: Net system utilities // //=============================================================================// #include "core/stdafx.h" #include "engine/net.h" #ifndef NETCONSOLE #include "tier1/cvar.h" #include "mathlib/color.h" #include "net.h" #include "net_chan.h" #ifndef CLIENT_DLL #include "server/server.h" #include "client/client.h" #endif // !CLIENT_DLL #endif // !NETCONSOLE #ifndef NETCONSOLE //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: hook and log the receive datagram // Input : iSocket - // *pInpacket - // bEncrypted - // Output : true on success, false otherwise //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool NET_ReceiveDatagram(int iSocket, netpacket_s* pInpacket, bool bEncrypted) { bool result = v_NET_ReceiveDatagram(iSocket, pInpacket, net_encryptionEnable->GetBool()); if (result && net_tracePayload->GetBool()) { // Log received packet data. HexDump("[+] NET_ReceiveDatagram ", "net_trace", pInpacket->pData, size_t(pInpacket->wiresize)); } return result; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: hook and log the send datagram // Input : s - // *pPayload - // iLenght - // *pAdr - // bEncrypt - // Output : outgoing sequence number for this packet //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- int NET_SendDatagram(SOCKET s, void* pPayload, int iLenght, netadr_t* pAdr, bool bEncrypt) { int result = v_NET_SendDatagram(s, pPayload, iLenght, pAdr, net_encryptionEnable->GetBool()); if (result && net_tracePayload->GetBool()) { // Log transmitted packet data. HexDump("[+] NET_SendDatagram ", "net_trace", pPayload, size_t(iLenght)); } return result; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: safely decompresses the input buffer into the output buffer // Input : *lzss - // *pInput - // *pOutput - // unBufSize - // Output : total decompressed bytes //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- unsigned int NET_Decompress(CLZSS* lzss, unsigned char* pInput, unsigned char* pOutput, unsigned int unBufSize) { return lzss->SafeUncompress(pInput, pOutput, unBufSize); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: configures the network system //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void NET_Config() { v_NET_Config(); g_pNetAdr->SetPort(htons(u_short(hostport->GetInt()))); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: sets the user specified encryption key // Input : svNetKey - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void NET_SetKey(const string& svNetKey) { string svTokenizedKey; if (svNetKey.size() == AES_128_B64_ENCODED_SIZE && IsValidBase64(svNetKey, &svTokenizedKey)) // Results are tokenized by 'IsValidBase64()'. { v_NET_SetKey(g_pNetKey, svTokenizedKey.c_str()); DevMsg(eDLL_T::ENGINE, "Installed NetKey: %s'%s%s%s'\n", g_svReset, g_svGreyB, g_pNetKey->GetBase64NetKey(), g_svReset); } else { Error(eDLL_T::ENGINE, NO_ERROR, "AES-128 key not encoded or invalid\n"); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: calculates and sets the encryption key //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void NET_GenerateKey() { if (!net_useRandomKey->GetBool()) { net_useRandomKey->SetValue(1); return; // Change callback will handle this. } BCRYPT_ALG_HANDLE hAlgorithm; if (BCryptOpenAlgorithmProvider(&hAlgorithm, L"RNG", 0, 0) < 0) { Error(eDLL_T::ENGINE, NO_ERROR, "Failed to open rng algorithm\n"); return; } uint8_t pBuffer[AES_128_KEY_SIZE]; if (BCryptGenRandom(hAlgorithm, pBuffer, AES_128_KEY_SIZE, 0) < 0) { Error(eDLL_T::ENGINE, NO_ERROR, "Failed to generate random data\n"); return; } NET_SetKey(Base64Encode(string(reinterpret_cast(&pBuffer), AES_128_KEY_SIZE))); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: hook and log the client's signonstate to the console // Input : *fmt - // ... - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void NET_PrintFunc(const char* fmt, ...) { #ifndef DEDICATED const static eDLL_T context = eDLL_T::CLIENT; #else // !DEDICATED const static eDLL_T context = eDLL_T::SERVER; #endif string result; va_list args; va_start(args, fmt); result = FormatV(fmt, args); va_end(args); if (result.back() != '\n') { result.push_back('\n'); } DevMsg(context, "%s", result.c_str()); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: disconnect the client and shutdown netchannel // Input : *pClient - // nIndex - // *szReason - // bBadRep - // bRemoveNow - //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void NET_RemoveChannel(CClient* pClient, int nIndex, const char* szReason, uint8_t bBadRep, bool bRemoveNow) { #ifndef CLIENT_DLL if (!pClient || std::strlen(szReason) == NULL || !pClient->GetNetChan()) { return; } pClient->GetNetChan()->Shutdown(szReason, bBadRep, bRemoveNow); // Shutdown NetChannel. pClient->Clear(); // Reset CClient slot. g_ServerPlayer[nIndex].Reset(); // Reset ServerPlayer slot. #endif // !CLIENT_DLL } #endif // !NETCONSOLE //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: returns the WSA error code //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- const char* NET_ErrorString(int iCode) { switch (iCode) { case WSAEINTR : return "WSAEINTR"; case WSAEBADF : return "WSAEBADF"; case WSAEACCES : return "WSAEACCES"; case WSAEFAULT : return "WSAEFAULT"; case WSAEINVAL : return "WSAEINVAL"; case WSAEMFILE : return "WSAEMFILE"; case WSAEWOULDBLOCK : return "WSAEWOULDBLOCK"; case WSAEINPROGRESS : return "WSAEINPROGRESS"; case WSAEALREADY : return "WSAEALREADY"; case WSAENOTSOCK : return "WSAENOTSOCK"; case WSAEDESTADDRREQ : return "WSAEDESTADDRREQ"; case WSAEMSGSIZE : return "WSAEMSGSIZE"; case WSAEPROTOTYPE : return "WSAEPROTOTYPE"; case WSAENOPROTOOPT : return "WSAENOPROTOOPT"; case WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT : return "WSAEPROTONOSUPPORT"; case WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT : return "WSAESOCKTNOSUPPORT"; case WSAEOPNOTSUPP : return "WSAEOPNOTSUPP"; case WSAEPFNOSUPPORT : return "WSAEPFNOSUPPORT"; case WSAEAFNOSUPPORT : return "WSAEAFNOSUPPORT"; case WSAEADDRINUSE : return "WSAEADDRINUSE"; case WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL : return "WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL"; case WSAENETDOWN : return "WSAENETDOWN"; case WSAENETUNREACH : return "WSAENETUNREACH"; case WSAENETRESET : return "WSAENETRESET"; case WSAECONNABORTED : return "WSAECONNABORTED"; case WSAECONNRESET : return "WSAECONNRESET"; case WSAENOBUFS : return "WSAENOBUFS"; case WSAEISCONN : return "WSAEISCONN"; case WSAENOTCONN : return "WSAENOTCONN"; case WSAESHUTDOWN : return "WSAESHUTDOWN"; case WSAETOOMANYREFS : return "WSAETOOMANYREFS"; case WSAETIMEDOUT : return "WSAETIMEDOUT"; case WSAECONNREFUSED : return "WSAECONNREFUSED"; case WSAELOOP : return "WSAELOOP"; case WSAENAMETOOLONG : return "WSAENAMETOOLONG"; case WSAEHOSTDOWN : return "WSAEHOSTDOWN"; case WSAEHOSTUNREACH : return "WSAEHOSTUNREACH"; case WSAENOTEMPTY : return "WSAENOTEMPTY"; case WSAEPROCLIM : return "WSAEPROCLIM"; case WSAEUSERS : return "WSAEUSERS"; case WSAEDQUOT : return "WSAEDQUOT"; case WSAESTALE : return "WSAESTALE"; case WSAEREMOTE : return "WSAEREMOTE"; case WSASYSNOTREADY : return "WSASYSNOTREADY"; case WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED : return "WSAVERNOTSUPPORTED"; case WSANOTINITIALISED : return "WSANOTINITIALISED"; case WSAEDISCON : return "WSAEDISCON"; case WSAENOMORE : return "WSAENOMORE"; case WSAECANCELLED : return "WSAECANCELLED"; case WSAEINVALIDPROCTABLE : return "WSAEINVALIDPROCTABLE"; case WSAEINVALIDPROVIDER : return "WSAEINVALIDPROVIDER"; case WSAEPROVIDERFAILEDINIT : return "WSAEPROVIDERFAILEDINIT"; case WSASYSCALLFAILURE : return "WSASYSCALLFAILURE"; case WSASERVICE_NOT_FOUND : return "WSASERVICE_NOT_FOUND"; case WSATYPE_NOT_FOUND : return "WSATYPE_NOT_FOUND"; case WSA_E_NO_MORE : return "WSA_E_NO_MORE"; case WSA_E_CANCELLED : return "WSA_E_CANCELLED"; case WSAEREFUSED : return "WSAEREFUSED"; case WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND : return "WSAHOST_NOT_FOUND"; case WSATRY_AGAIN : return "WSATRY_AGAIN"; case WSANO_RECOVERY : return "WSANO_RECOVERY"; case WSANO_DATA : return "WSANO_DATA"; case WSA_QOS_RECEIVERS : return "WSA_QOS_RECEIVERS"; case WSA_QOS_SENDERS : return "WSA_QOS_SENDERS"; case WSA_QOS_NO_SENDERS : return "WSA_QOS_NO_SENDERS"; case WSA_QOS_NO_RECEIVERS : return "WSA_QOS_NO_RECEIVERS"; case WSA_QOS_REQUEST_CONFIRMED : return "WSA_QOS_REQUEST_CONFIRMED"; case WSA_QOS_ADMISSION_FAILURE : return "WSA_QOS_ADMISSION_FAILURE"; case WSA_QOS_POLICY_FAILURE : return "WSA_QOS_POLICY_FAILURE"; case WSA_QOS_BAD_STYLE : return "WSA_QOS_BAD_STYLE"; case WSA_QOS_BAD_OBJECT : return "WSA_QOS_BAD_OBJECT"; case WSA_QOS_TRAFFIC_CTRL_ERROR : return "WSA_QOS_TRAFFIC_CTRL_ERROR"; case WSA_QOS_GENERIC_ERROR : return "WSA_QOS_GENERIC_ERROR"; case WSA_QOS_ESERVICETYPE : return "WSA_QOS_ESERVICETYPE"; case WSA_QOS_EFLOWSPEC : return "WSA_QOS_EFLOWSPEC"; case WSA_QOS_EPROVSPECBUF : return "WSA_QOS_EPROVSPECBUF"; case WSA_QOS_EFILTERSTYLE : return "WSA_QOS_EFILTERSTYLE"; case WSA_QOS_EFILTERTYPE : return "WSA_QOS_EFILTERTYPE"; case WSA_QOS_EFILTERCOUNT : return "WSA_QOS_EFILTERCOUNT"; case WSA_QOS_EOBJLENGTH : return "WSA_QOS_EOBJLENGTH"; case WSA_QOS_EFLOWCOUNT : return "WSA_QOS_EFLOWCOUNT"; case WSA_QOS_EUNKOWNPSOBJ : return "WSA_QOS_EUNKOWNPSOBJ"; case WSA_QOS_EPOLICYOBJ : return "WSA_QOS_EPOLICYOBJ"; case WSA_QOS_EFLOWDESC : return "WSA_QOS_EFLOWDESC"; case WSA_QOS_EPSFLOWSPEC : return "WSA_QOS_EPSFLOWSPEC"; case WSA_QOS_EPSFILTERSPEC : return "WSA_QOS_EPSFILTERSPEC"; case WSA_QOS_ESDMODEOBJ : return "WSA_QOS_ESDMODEOBJ"; case WSA_QOS_ESHAPERATEOBJ : return "WSA_QOS_ESHAPERATEOBJ"; case WSA_QOS_RESERVED_PETYPE : return "WSA_QOS_RESERVED_PETYPE"; case WSA_SECURE_HOST_NOT_FOUND : return "WSA_SECURE_HOST_NOT_FOUND"; case WSA_IPSEC_NAME_POLICY_ERROR: return "WSA_IPSEC_NAME_POLICY_ERROR"; default : return "UNKNOWN_ERROR"; } } #ifndef NETCONSOLE /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void VNet::Attach() const { DetourAttach((LPVOID*)&v_NET_Config, &NET_Config); DetourAttach((LPVOID*)&v_NET_ReceiveDatagram, &NET_ReceiveDatagram); DetourAttach((LPVOID*)&v_NET_SendDatagram, &NET_SendDatagram); DetourAttach((LPVOID*)&v_NET_Decompress, &NET_Decompress); DetourAttach((LPVOID*)&v_NET_PrintFunc, &NET_PrintFunc); } void VNet::Detach() const { DetourDetach((LPVOID*)&v_NET_Config, &NET_Config); DetourDetach((LPVOID*)&v_NET_ReceiveDatagram, &NET_ReceiveDatagram); DetourDetach((LPVOID*)&v_NET_SendDatagram, &NET_SendDatagram); DetourDetach((LPVOID*)&v_NET_Decompress, &NET_Decompress); DetourDetach((LPVOID*)&v_NET_PrintFunc, &NET_PrintFunc); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// netadr_t* g_pNetAdr = nullptr; netkey_t* g_pNetKey = nullptr; double* g_pNetTime = nullptr; #endif // !NETCONSOLE