REM Remove log files ('log' is no longer used. 'logs' contains current logs, these get automatically cleaned if they exceed 10mb). rd /S /Q "%~dp0log" rd /S /Q "%~dp0logs" REM Remove old NavMesh files which where included as an attempt to debug/suppress warnings. rd /S /Q "%~dp0..\maps" rd /S /Q "%~dp0maps\graphs" rd /S /Q "%~dp0maps\navmesh" REM Remove deprecated binary and configuration files (these are no longer used). del /Q "%~dp0..\gameinfo.txt" del /Q "%~dp0..\banlist.config" del /Q "%~dp0..\gui.config" del /Q "%~dp0..\Run R5 Reloaded.exe" del /Q "%~dp0..\r5reloaded.exe" del /Q "%~dp0..\r5apexsdkd64.dll" del /Q "%~dp0..\r5detours.dll" del /Q "%~dp0..\r5dev.dll" REM Remove deprecated pak files (these are no longer used). del /Q "%~dp0..\paks\Win32\common_empty.rpak" del /Q "%~dp0..\paks\Win32\common_sdk2.rpak"