//=============================================================================// // // Purpose: Callback functions for ConVar's. // //=============================================================================// #include "core/stdafx.h" #include "windows/id3dx.h" #include "tier0/fasttimer.h" #include "tier1/cvar.h" #include "tier1/IConVar.h" #ifndef DEDICATED #include "engine/client/cl_rcon.h" #endif // !DEDICATED #include "engine/client/client.h" #include "engine/net.h" #include "rtech/rtech_game.h" #include "rtech/rtech_utils.h" #include "filesystem/basefilesystem.h" #include "filesystem/filesystem.h" #include "vpklib/packedstore.h" #include "squirrel/sqscript.h" #ifndef DEDICATED #include "gameui/IBrowser.h" #include "gameui/IConsole.h" #endif // !DEDICATED #include "public/include/bansystem.h" #include "mathlib/crc32.h" #include "vstdlib/completion.h" #include "vstdlib/callback.h" #ifndef DEDICATED #include "materialsystem/cmaterialglue.h" #endif // !DEDICATED /* ===================== MP_GameMode_Changed_f ===================== */ bool MP_GameMode_Changed_f(ConVar* pVTable) { return SetupGamemode(mp_gamemode->GetString()); } #ifndef DEDICATED /* ===================== GameConsole_Invoke_f ===================== */ void GameConsole_Invoke_f(const CCommand& args) { g_pConsole->m_bActivate = !g_pConsole->m_bActivate; } /* ===================== ServerBrowser_Invoke_f ===================== */ void ServerBrowser_Invoke_f(const CCommand& args) { g_pBrowser->m_bActivate = !g_pBrowser->m_bActivate; } #endif // !DEDICATED /* ===================== Host_Kick_f ===================== */ void Host_Kick_f(const CCommand& args) { if (args.ArgC() < 2) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { CClient* pClient = g_pClient->GetClient(i); CNetChan* pNetChan = pClient->GetNetChan(); if (!pClient || !pNetChan) { continue; } string svClientName = pNetChan->GetName(); // Get full name. if (svClientName.empty()) { continue; } if (strcmp(args.Arg(1), svClientName.c_str()) != 0) // Our wanted name? { continue; } NET_DisconnectClient(pClient, i, "Kicked from server", 0, 1); } } /* ===================== Host_KickID_f ===================== */ void Host_KickID_f(const CCommand& args) { if (args.ArgC() < 2) // Do we atleast have 2 arguments? { return; } try { bool bOnlyDigits = args.HasOnlyDigits(1); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { CClient* pClient = g_pClient->GetClient(i); CNetChan* pNetChan = pClient->GetNetChan(); if (!pClient || !pNetChan) { continue; } string svIpAddress = pNetChan->GetAddress(); // If this stays null they modified the packet somehow. if (bOnlyDigits) { int64_t nTargetID = static_cast(std::stoll(args.Arg(1))); if (nTargetID > MAX_PLAYERS) // Is it a possible originID? { int64_t nOriginID = pClient->GetOriginID(); if (nOriginID != nTargetID) { continue; } } else // If its not try by userID. { int64_t nClientID = static_cast(pClient->GetUserID() + 1); // Get userID + 1. if (nClientID != nTargetID) { continue; } } NET_DisconnectClient(pClient, i, "Kicked from server", 0, 1); } else { if (string(args.Arg(1)).compare(svIpAddress) != NULL) { continue; } NET_DisconnectClient(pClient, i, "Kicked from server", 0, 1); } } } catch (std::exception& e) { Error(eDLL_T::SERVER, "sv_kickid requires a UserID or OriginID. You can get the UserID with the 'status' command. Error: %s", e.what()); return; } } /* ===================== Host_Ban_f ===================== */ void Host_Ban_f(const CCommand& args) { if (args.ArgC() < 2) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { CClient* pClient = g_pClient->GetClient(i); CNetChan* pNetChan = pClient->GetNetChan(); if (!pClient || !pNetChan) { continue; } string svClientName = pNetChan->GetName(); // Get full name. if (svClientName.empty()) { continue; } if (strcmp(args.Arg(1), svClientName.c_str()) != 0) { continue; } string svIpAddress = pNetChan->GetAddress(); // If this stays empty they modified the packet somehow. g_pBanSystem->AddEntry(svIpAddress, pClient->GetOriginID()); g_pBanSystem->Save(); NET_DisconnectClient(pClient, i, "Banned from server", 0, 1); } } /* ===================== Host_BanID_f ===================== */ void Host_BanID_f(const CCommand& args) { if (args.ArgC() < 2) { return; } try { bool bOnlyDigits = args.HasOnlyDigits(1); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PLAYERS; i++) { CClient* pClient = g_pClient->GetClient(i); CNetChan* pNetChan = pClient->GetNetChan(); if (!pClient || !pNetChan) { continue; } string svIpAddress = pNetChan->GetAddress(); // If this stays empty they modified the packet somehow. if (bOnlyDigits) { int64_t nTargetID = static_cast(std::stoll(args.Arg(1))); if (nTargetID > MAX_PLAYERS) // Is it a possible originID? { int64_t nOriginID = pClient->GetOriginID(); if (nOriginID != nTargetID) { continue; } } else // If its not try by userID. { int64_t nClientID = static_cast(pClient->GetUserID() + 1); // Get UserID + 1. if (nClientID != nTargetID) { continue; } } g_pBanSystem->AddEntry(svIpAddress, pClient->GetOriginID()); g_pBanSystem->Save(); NET_DisconnectClient(pClient, i, "Banned from server", 0, 1); } else { if (string(args.Arg(1)).compare(svIpAddress) != NULL) { continue; } g_pBanSystem->AddEntry(svIpAddress, pClient->GetOriginID()); g_pBanSystem->Save(); NET_DisconnectClient(pClient, i, "Banned from server", 0, 1); } } } catch (std::exception& e) { Error(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Banid Error: %s", e.what()); return; } } /* ===================== Host_Unban_f ===================== */ void Host_Unban_f(const CCommand& args) { if (args.ArgC() < 2) { return; } try { if (args.HasOnlyDigits(1)) // Check if we have an ip address or origin ID. { g_pBanSystem->DeleteEntry("noIP", std::stoll(args.Arg(1))); // Delete ban entry. g_pBanSystem->Save(); // Save modified vector to file. } else { g_pBanSystem->DeleteEntry(args.Arg(1), 1); // Delete ban entry. g_pBanSystem->Save(); // Save modified vector to file. } } catch (std::exception& e) { Error(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Unban error: %s", e.what()); return; } } /* ===================== Host_ReloadBanList_f ===================== */ void Host_ReloadBanList_f(const CCommand& args) { g_pBanSystem->Load(); // Reload banlist. } /* ===================== Pak_ListPaks_f ===================== */ void Pak_ListPaks_f(const CCommand& args) { DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, "| id | name | status | asset count |\n"); DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, "|----|----------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------|-------------|\n"); uint32_t nActuallyLoaded = 0; for (int i = 0; i < *s_pLoadedPakCount; ++i) { RPakLoadedInfo_t info = g_pLoadedPakInfo[i]; if (info.m_nStatus == RPakStatus_t::PAK_STATUS_FREED) continue; string rpakStatus = "RPAK_CREATED_A_NEW_STATUS_SOMEHOW"; auto it = RPakStatusToString.find(info.m_nStatus); if (it != RPakStatusToString.end()) rpakStatus = it->second; // todo: make status into a string from an array/vector DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, "| %02i | %-50s | %-36s | %11i |\n", info.m_nPakId, info.m_pszFileName, rpakStatus.c_str(), info.m_nAssetCount); nActuallyLoaded++; } DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, "|----|----------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------|-------------|\n"); DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, "| %16i loaded paks. |\n", nActuallyLoaded); DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, "|----|----------------------------------------------------|--------------------------------------|-------------|\n"); } /* ===================== Pak_RequestUnload_f ===================== */ void Pak_RequestUnload_f(const CCommand& args) { if (args.ArgC() < 2) { return; } try { if (args.HasOnlyDigits(1)) { RPakHandle_t nPakId = std::stoi(args.Arg(1)); RPakLoadedInfo_t* pakInfo = g_pRTech->GetPakLoadedInfo(nPakId); if (!pakInfo) { throw std::exception("Found no pak entry for specified ID."); } string pakName = pakInfo->m_pszFileName; !pakName.empty() ? DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, "Requested pak unload for '%s'\n", pakName.c_str()) : DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, "Requested Pak Unload for '%d'\n", nPakId); g_pakLoadApi->Unload(nPakId); } else { RPakLoadedInfo_t* pakInfo = g_pRTech->GetPakLoadedInfo(args.Arg(1)); if (!pakInfo) { throw std::exception("Found no pak entry for specified name."); } DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, "Requested pak unload for '%s'\n", args.Arg(1)); g_pakLoadApi->Unload(pakInfo->m_nPakId); } } catch (std::exception& e) { Error(eDLL_T::RTECH, "%s - %s", __FUNCTION__, e.what()); return; } } /* ===================== Pak_RequestLoad_f ===================== */ void Pak_RequestLoad_f(const CCommand& args) { g_pakLoadApi->AsyncLoad(args.Arg(1)); } /* ===================== Pak_Swap_f ===================== */ void Pak_Swap_f(const CCommand& args) { try { RPakHandle_t nPakId = 0; RPakLoadedInfo_t* pakInfo = nullptr; string pakName = std::string(); if (args.HasOnlyDigits(1)) { nPakId = std::stoi(args.Arg(1)); pakInfo = g_pRTech->GetPakLoadedInfo(nPakId); if (!pakInfo) { throw std::exception("Found no pak entry for specified ID."); } pakName = pakInfo->m_pszFileName; } else { pakName = args.Arg(1); pakInfo = g_pRTech->GetPakLoadedInfo(args.Arg(1)); if (!pakInfo) { throw std::exception("Found no pak entry for specified name."); } nPakId = pakInfo->m_nPakId; } !pakName.empty() ? DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, "Requested pak swap for '%s'\n", pakName.c_str()) : DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, "Requested pak swap for '%d'\n", nPakId); g_pakLoadApi->Unload(nPakId); while (pakInfo->m_nStatus != RPakStatus_t::PAK_STATUS_FREED) // Wait till this slot gets free'd. std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(1)); g_pakLoadApi->AsyncLoad(pakName.c_str()); } catch (std::exception& e) { Error(eDLL_T::RTECH, "%s - %s", __FUNCTION__, e.what()); return; } } /* ===================== RTech_StringToGUID_f ===================== */ void RTech_StringToGUID_f(const CCommand& args) { if (args.ArgC() < 2) { return; } unsigned long long guid = g_pRTech->StringToGuid(args.Arg(1)); DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, "______________________________________________________________\n"); DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, "] RTECH_HASH -------------------------------------------------\n"); DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, "] GUID: '0x%llX'\n", guid); } /* ===================== RTech_Decompress_f Decompresses input RPak file and dumps results to 'paks\Win32\*.rpak' ===================== */ void RTech_Decompress_f(const CCommand& args) { if (args.ArgC() < 2) { return; } const string modDir = "paks\\Win32\\"; const string baseDir = "paks\\Win64\\"; string pakNameOut = modDir + args.Arg(1); string pakNameIn = baseDir + args.Arg(1); CreateDirectories(pakNameOut); DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, "______________________________________________________________\n"); DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, "-+ RTech decompress ------------------------------------------\n"); if (!FileExists(pakNameIn.c_str())) { Error(eDLL_T::RTECH, "Error: pak file '%s' does not exist!\n", pakNameIn.c_str()); return; } DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, " |-+ Processing: '%s'\n", pakNameIn.c_str()); vector upak; // Compressed region. ifstream ipak(pakNameIn, fstream::binary); ipak.seekg(0, fstream::end); upak.resize(ipak.tellg()); ipak.seekg(0, fstream::beg); ipak.read(reinterpret_cast(upak.data()), upak.size()); RPakHeader_t* rheader = (RPakHeader_t*)upak.data(); uint16_t flags = (rheader->m_nFlags[0] << 8) | rheader->m_nFlags[1]; DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, " | |-+ Header ------------------------------------------------\n"); DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, " | | |-- Magic : '%08X'\n", rheader->m_nMagic); DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, " | | |-- Version : '%u'\n", rheader->m_nVersion); DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, " | | |-- Flags : '%04X'\n", flags); DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, " | | |-- Hash : '%llu'\n", rheader->m_nHash); DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, " | | |-- Entries : '%zu'\n", rheader->m_nAssetEntryCount); DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, " | |-+ Compression -------------------------------------------\n"); DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, " | | |-- Size disk: '%lld'\n", rheader->m_nSizeDisk); DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, " | | |-- Size decp: '%lld'\n", rheader->m_nSizeMemory); DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, " | | |-- Ratio : '%.02f'\n", (rheader->m_nSizeDisk * 100.f) / rheader->m_nSizeMemory); if (rheader->m_nMagic != 'kaPR') { Error(eDLL_T::RTECH, "Error: pak file '%s' has invalid magic!\n", pakNameIn.c_str()); return; } if ((rheader->m_nFlags[1] & 1) != 1) { Error(eDLL_T::RTECH, "Error: pak file '%s' already decompressed!\n", pakNameIn.c_str()); return; } if (rheader->m_nSizeDisk != upak.size()) { Error(eDLL_T::RTECH, "Error: pak file '%s' decompressed size '%zu' doesn't match expected value '%zu'!\n", pakNameIn.c_str(), upak.size(), rheader->m_nSizeMemory); return; } RPakDecompState_t state; uint32_t decompSize = g_pRTech->DecompressPakFileInit(&state, upak.data(), upak.size(), 0, PAK_HEADER_SIZE); if (decompSize == rheader->m_nSizeDisk) { Error(eDLL_T::RTECH, "Error: calculated size: '%zu' expected: '%zu'!\n", decompSize, rheader->m_nSizeMemory); return; } else { DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, " | | |-- Calculated size: '%zu'\n", decompSize); } vector pakBuf(rheader->m_nSizeMemory, 0); state.m_nOutMask = UINT64_MAX; state.m_nOut = uint64_t(pakBuf.data()); uint8_t decompResult = g_pRTech->DecompressPakFile(&state, upak.size(), pakBuf.size()); if (decompResult != 1) { Error(eDLL_T::RTECH, "Error: decompression failed for '%s' return value: '%u'!\n", pakNameIn.c_str(), +decompResult); return; } rheader->m_nFlags[1] = 0x0; // Set compressed flag to false for the decompressed pak file. rheader->m_nSizeDisk = rheader->m_nSizeMemory; // Equal compressed size with decompressed. ofstream outBlock(pakNameOut, fstream::binary); if (rheader->m_nPatchIndex > 0) // Check if its an patch rpak. { // Loop through all the structs and patch their compress size. for (int i = 1, patch_offset = 0x88; i <= rheader->m_nPatchIndex; i++, patch_offset += sizeof(RPakPatchCompressedHeader_t)) { RPakPatchCompressedHeader_t* patch_header = (RPakPatchCompressedHeader_t*)((uintptr_t)pakBuf.data() + patch_offset); patch_header->m_nSizeDisk = patch_header->m_nSizeMemory; // Fix size for decompress. } } memcpy_s(pakBuf.data(), state.m_nDecompSize, ((uint8_t*)rheader), PAK_HEADER_SIZE); // Overwrite first 0x80 bytes which are NULL with the header data. outBlock.write((char*)pakBuf.data(), state.m_nDecompSize); uint32_t crc32_init = {}; DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, " | | |-- CRC32 : '%08X'\n", crc32::update(crc32_init, pakBuf.data(), state.m_nDecompSize)); DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, " |-+ Decompressed rpak to: '%s'\n", pakNameOut.c_str()); DevMsg(eDLL_T::RTECH, "--------------------------------------------------------------\n"); outBlock.close(); } /* ===================== VPK_Pack_f Compresses new VPK files and dumps the output to '\vpk'. ===================== */ void VPK_Pack_f(const CCommand& args) { if (args.ArgC() < 4) { return; } std::chrono::milliseconds msStart = std::chrono::duration_cast(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()); g_pPackedStore->InitLzCompParams(); VPKPair_t vPair = g_pPackedStore->BuildFileName(args.Arg(1), args.Arg(2), args.Arg(3), NULL); DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "*** Starting VPK build command for: '%s'\n", vPair.m_svDirectoryName.c_str()); std::thread th([&] { g_pPackedStore->PackAll(vPair, fs_packedstore_workspace->GetString(), "vpk/", (args.ArgC() > 4)); }); th.join(); std::chrono::milliseconds msEnd = std::chrono::duration_cast(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()); float duration = msEnd.count() - msStart.count(); DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "*** Time elapsed: '%.3f' seconds\n", (duration / 1000)); DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "\n"); } /* ===================== VPK_Unpack_f Decompresses input VPK files and dumps the output to '\vpk'. ===================== */ void VPK_Unpack_f(const CCommand& args) { if (args.ArgC() < 2) { return; } std::chrono::milliseconds msStart = std::chrono::duration_cast(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()); DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "*** Starting VPK extraction command for: '%s'\n", args.Arg(1)); VPKDir_t vpk = g_pPackedStore->GetPackDirFile(args.Arg(1)); g_pPackedStore->InitLzDecompParams(); std::thread th([&] { g_pPackedStore->UnpackAll(vpk, ConvertToWinPath(fs_packedstore_workspace->GetString())); }); th.join(); std::chrono::milliseconds msEnd = std::chrono::duration_cast(std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch()); float duration = msEnd.count() - msStart.count(); DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "*** Time elapsed: '%.3f' seconds\n", (duration / 1000)); DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "\n"); } /* ===================== VPK_Mount_f Mounts input VPK file for internal FileSystem usage ===================== */ void VPK_Mount_f(const CCommand& args) { if (args.ArgC() < 2) { return; } if (g_pFullFileSystem) { VPKData_t* pPakData = g_pFullFileSystem->MountVPK(args.Arg(1)); if (pPakData) { DevMsg(eDLL_T::FS, "Mounted VPK file '%s' with handle '%d'\n", args.Arg(1), pPakData->m_nHandle); } else { Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "Unable to mount VPK file '%s': non-existent VPK file\n", args.Arg(1)); } } else { Warning(eDLL_T::FS, "Unable to mount VPK file '%s': '%s' is not initalized\n", args.Arg(1), VAR_NAME(g_pFileSystem)); } } /* ===================== NET_SetKey_f Sets the input netchannel encryption key ===================== */ void NET_SetKey_f(const CCommand& args) { if (args.ArgC() < 2) { return; } NET_SetKey(args.Arg(1)); } /* ===================== NET_GenerateKey_f Sets a random netchannel encryption key ===================== */ void NET_GenerateKey_f(const CCommand& args) { NET_GenerateKey(); } #ifndef DEDICATED /* ===================== RCON_CmdQuery_f Issues an RCON command to the RCON server. ===================== */ void RCON_CmdQuery_f(const CCommand& args) { if (args.ArgC() < 2) { if (g_pRConClient->IsInitialized() && !g_pRConClient->IsConnected() && strlen(rcon_address->GetString()) > 0) { g_pRConClient->Connect(); } } else { if (!g_pRConClient->IsInitialized()) { Warning(eDLL_T::CLIENT, "Failed to issue command to RCON server: uninitialized\n"); return; } else if (g_pRConClient->IsConnected()) { if (strcmp(args.Arg(1), "PASS") == 0) // Auth with RCON server using rcon_password ConVar value. { string svCmdQuery = g_pRConClient->Serialize(rcon_password->GetString(), "", cl_rcon::request_t::SERVERDATA_REQUEST_AUTH); g_pRConClient->Send(svCmdQuery); return; } else if (strcmp(args.Arg(1), "disconnect") == 0) // Disconnect from RCON server. { g_pRConClient->Disconnect(); return; } string svCmdQuery = g_pRConClient->Serialize(args.ArgS(), "", cl_rcon::request_t::SERVERDATA_REQUEST_EXECCOMMAND); g_pRConClient->Send(svCmdQuery); return; } else { Warning(eDLL_T::CLIENT, "Failed to issue command to RCON server: unconnected\n"); return; } } } /* ===================== RCON_Disconnect_f Disconnect from RCON server ===================== */ void RCON_Disconnect_f(const CCommand& args) { if (g_pRConClient->IsConnected()) { g_pRConClient->Disconnect(); DevMsg(eDLL_T::CLIENT, "User closed RCON connection\n"); } } #endif // !DEDICATED /* ===================== SQVM_ServerScript_f Exectutes input on the VM in SERVER context. ===================== */ void SQVM_ServerScript_f(const CCommand& args) { if (args.ArgC() >= 2) { Script_Execute(args.ArgS(), SQCONTEXT::SERVER); } } #ifndef DEDICATED /* ===================== SQVM_ClientScript_f Exectutes input on the VM in CLIENT context. ===================== */ void SQVM_ClientScript_f(const CCommand& args) { if (args.ArgC() >= 2) { Script_Execute(args.ArgS(), SQCONTEXT::CLIENT); } } /* ===================== SQVM_UIScript_f Exectutes input on the VM in UI context. ===================== */ void SQVM_UIScript_f(const CCommand& args) { if (args.ArgC() >= 2) { Script_Execute(args.ArgS(), SQCONTEXT::UI); } } /* ===================== Mat_CrossHair_f Print the material under the crosshair. ===================== */ void Mat_CrossHair_f(const CCommand& args) { CMaterialGlue* material = GetMaterialAtCrossHair(); if (material) { DevMsg(eDLL_T::MS, "______________________________________________________________\n"); DevMsg(eDLL_T::MS, "-+ Material --------------------------------------------------\n"); DevMsg(eDLL_T::MS, " |-- ADDR: '%llX'\n", material); DevMsg(eDLL_T::MS, " |-- GUID: '%llX'\n", material->m_GUID); DevMsg(eDLL_T::MS, " |-- UnknownSignature: '%d'\n", material->m_UnknownSignature); DevMsg(eDLL_T::MS, " |-- Material Width: '%d'\n", material->m_iWidth); DevMsg(eDLL_T::MS, " |-- Material Height: '%d'\n", material->m_iHeight); DevMsg(eDLL_T::MS, " |-- Flags: '%llX'\n", material->m_iFlags); std::function fnPrintChild = [](CMaterialGlue* material, const char* print) { DevMsg(eDLL_T::MS, " |-+\n"); DevMsg(eDLL_T::MS, " | |-+ Child material ----------------------------------------\n"); DevMsg(eDLL_T::MS, print, material); DevMsg(eDLL_T::MS, " | |-- GUID: '%llX'\n", material->m_GUID); DevMsg(eDLL_T::MS, " | |-- Material Name: '%s'\n", material->m_pszName); }; DevMsg(eDLL_T::MS, " |-- Material Name: '%s'\n", material->m_pszName); DevMsg(eDLL_T::MS, " |-- Material Surface Name 1: '%s'\n", material->m_pszSurfaceName1); DevMsg(eDLL_T::MS, " |-- Material Surface Name 2: '%s'\n", material->m_pszSurfaceName2); DevMsg(eDLL_T::MS, " |-- DX Texture 1: '%llX'\n", material->m_ppDXTexture1); DevMsg(eDLL_T::MS, " |-- DX Texture 2: '%llX'\n", material->m_ppDXTexture2); material->m_pDepthShadow ? fnPrintChild(material->m_pDepthShadow, " | |-+ DepthShadow Addr: '%llX'\n") : DevMsg(eDLL_T::MS, " | |-+ DepthShadow Addr: 'NULL'\n"); material->m_pDepthPrepass ? fnPrintChild(material->m_pDepthPrepass, " | |-+ DepthPrepass Addr: '%llX'\n") : DevMsg(eDLL_T::MS, " | |-+ DepthPrepass Addr: 'NULL'\n"); material->m_pDepthVSM ? fnPrintChild(material->m_pDepthVSM, " | |-+ DepthVSM Addr: '%llX'\n") : DevMsg(eDLL_T::MS, " | |-+ DepthVSM Addr: 'NULL'\n"); material->m_pDepthShadow ? fnPrintChild(material->m_pDepthShadow, " | |-+ DepthShadowTight Addr: '%llX'\n") : DevMsg(eDLL_T::MS, " | |-+ DepthShadowTight Addr: 'NULL'\n"); material->m_pColPass ? fnPrintChild(material->m_pColPass, " | |-+ ColPass Addr: '%llX'\n") : DevMsg(eDLL_T::MS, " | |-+ ColPass Addr: 'NULL'\n"); DevMsg(eDLL_T::MS, "-+ Texture GUID map ------------------------------------------\n"); material->m_pTextureGUID1 ? DevMsg(eDLL_T::MS, " |-- TextureMap 1 Addr: '%llX'\n", material->m_pTextureGUID1) : DevMsg(eDLL_T::MS, " |-- TextureMap 1 Addr: 'NULL'\n"); material->m_pTextureGUID2 ? DevMsg(eDLL_T::MS, " |-- TextureMap 2 Addr: '%llX'\n", material->m_pTextureGUID2) : DevMsg(eDLL_T::MS, " |-- TextureMap 2 Addr: 'NULL'\n"); DevMsg(eDLL_T::MS, "--------------------------------------------------------------\n"); } else { DevMsg(eDLL_T::MS, "No Material found >:(\n"); } } #endif // !DEDICATED