#pragma once #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "imgui.h" struct ConLog_t { ConLog_t(const std::string& svConLog, const ImVec4& imColor) { m_svConLog = svConLog; m_imColor = imColor; } std::string m_svConLog; ImVec4 m_imColor; }; class CTextLogger { public: enum class SelectionMode { Normal, Word, Line }; // Represents a character coordinate from the user's point of view, // i. e. consider an uniform grid (assuming fixed-width font) on the // screen as it is rendered, and each cell has its own coordinate, starting from 0. // Tabs are counted as [1..mTabSize] count empty spaces, depending on // how many space is necessary to reach the next tab stop. // For example, coordinate (1, 5) represents the character 'B' in a line "\tABC", when mTabSize = 4, // because it is rendered as " ABC" on the screen. struct Coordinates { int m_nLine, m_nColumn; Coordinates() : m_nLine(0), m_nColumn(0) {} Coordinates(int aLine, int aColumn) : m_nLine(aLine), m_nColumn(aColumn) { assert(aLine >= 0); assert(aColumn >= 0); } static Coordinates Invalid() { static Coordinates invalid(-1, -1); return invalid; } bool operator ==(const Coordinates& o) const { return m_nLine == o.m_nLine && m_nColumn == o.m_nColumn; } bool operator !=(const Coordinates& o) const { return m_nLine != o.m_nLine || m_nColumn != o.m_nColumn; } bool operator <(const Coordinates& o) const { if (m_nLine != o.m_nLine) return m_nLine < o.m_nLine; return m_nColumn < o.m_nColumn; } bool operator >(const Coordinates& o) const { if (m_nLine != o.m_nLine) return m_nLine > o.m_nLine; return m_nColumn > o.m_nColumn; } bool operator <=(const Coordinates& o) const { if (m_nLine != o.m_nLine) return m_nLine < o.m_nLine; return m_nColumn <= o.m_nColumn; } bool operator >=(const Coordinates& o) const { if (m_nLine != o.m_nLine) return m_nLine > o.m_nLine; return m_nColumn >= o.m_nColumn; } }; typedef std::string String; typedef uint8_t Char; struct Glyph { Char m_Char; ImVec4 m_Color = ImVec4(0.23f, 0.47f, 0.85f, 1.00f); Glyph(Char aChar, ImVec4 aColor = ImVec4(0.80f, 0.80f, 0.80f, 1.00f)) : m_Char(aChar), m_Color(aColor) {} }; typedef std::vector Line; typedef std::vector Lines; CTextLogger(); ~CTextLogger(); void Render(); void Copy(bool aCopyAll = false); void SetText(const ConLog_t& aText); std::string GetText() const; void SetTextLines(const std::vector& aLines); std::vector GetTextLines() const; ImGuiTextFilter GetFilter() const { return m_itFilter; }; std::string GetSelectedText() const; std::string GetCurrentLineText() const; std::string GetTextFromLine(const Line& aLine) const; int GetTotalFilterMatches() const; int GetTotalLines() const { return (int)m_Lines.size(); } Coordinates GetCursorPosition() const { return GetActualCursorCoordinates(); } void MoveCursor(int aLines, bool aForward = true); void SetCursorPosition(const Coordinates& aPosition); inline void SetHandleMouseInputs (bool aValue){ m_bHandleMouseInputs = aValue;} inline bool IsHandleMouseInputsEnabled() const { return m_bHandleKeyboardInputs; } inline void SetHandleKeyboardInputs (bool aValue){ m_bHandleKeyboardInputs = aValue;} inline bool IsHandleKeyboardInputsEnabled() const { return m_bHandleKeyboardInputs; } inline void SetShowWhitespaces(bool aValue) { m_bShowWhiteSpaces = aValue; } inline bool IsShowingWhitespaces() const { return m_bShowWhiteSpaces; } void SetTabSize(int aValue); inline int GetTabSize() const { return m_nTabSize; } void InsertText(const ConLog_t& aValue); void MoveUp(int aAmount = 1, bool aSelect = false); void MoveDown(int aAmount = 1, bool aSelect = false); void MoveLeft(int aAmount = 1, bool aSelect = false, bool aWordMode = false); void MoveRight(int aAmount = 1, bool aSelect = false, bool aWordMode = false); void MoveTop(bool aSelect = false); void MoveBottom(bool aSelect = false); void MoveHome(bool aSelect = false); void MoveEnd(bool aSelect = false); void SetSelectionStart(const Coordinates& aPosition); void SetSelectionEnd(const Coordinates& aPosition); void SetSelection(const Coordinates& aStart, const Coordinates& aEnd, SelectionMode aMode = SelectionMode::Normal); void SelectWordUnderCursor(); void SelectAll(); bool HasSelection() const; void MoveSelection(int aLines, bool aForward = true); void RemoveLine(int aStart, int aEnd); void RemoveLine(int aIndex); private: struct LoggerState_t { Coordinates m_SelectionStart; Coordinates m_SelectionEnd; Coordinates m_CursorPosition; }; float TextDistanceToLineStart(const Coordinates& aFrom) const; void EnsureCursorVisible(); int GetPageSize() const; std::string GetText(const Coordinates& aStart, const Coordinates& aEnd) const; Coordinates GetActualLastLineCoordinates() const; Coordinates GetActualCursorCoordinates() const; Coordinates SanitizeCoordinates(const Coordinates& aValue) const; void Advance(Coordinates& aCoordinates) const; void DeleteRange(const Coordinates& aStart, const Coordinates& aEnd); int InsertTextAt(Coordinates& aWhere, const char* aValue, const ImVec4& aColor); void MarkNewline(Coordinates& aWhere, const ImVec4& aColor, int aIndex); Coordinates ScreenPosToCoordinates(const ImVec2& aPosition) const; Coordinates FindWordStart(const Coordinates& aFrom) const; Coordinates FindWordEnd(const Coordinates& aFrom) const; Coordinates FindNextWord(const Coordinates& aFrom) const; int GetCharacterIndex(const Coordinates& aCoordinates) const; int GetCharacterColumn(int aLine, int aIndex) const; int GetLineCharacterCount(int aLine) const; int GetLineMaxColumn(int aLine) const; bool IsOnWordBoundary(const Coordinates& aAt) const; Line& InsertLine(int aIndex); std::string GetWordUnderCursor() const; std::string GetWordAt(const Coordinates& aCoords) const; ImU32 GetGlyphColor(const Glyph& aGlyph) const; void HandleKeyboardInputs(bool bHoveredScrollbar, bool bActiveScrollbar); void HandleMouseInputs(bool bHoveredScrollbar, bool bActiveScrollbar); public: bool m_bAutoScroll; bool m_bScrollToBottom; bool m_bScrollToCursor; bool m_bScrolledToMax; private: bool m_bHandleKeyboardInputs; bool m_bHandleMouseInputs; bool m_bWithinLoggingRect; bool m_bShowWhiteSpaces; bool m_bLinesOffsetForward; int m_nLinesOffsetAmount; int m_nTabSize; int m_nLeftMargin; int m_nColorRangeMin; int m_nColorRangeMax; float m_flTextStart; // position (in pixels) where a code line starts relative to the left of the TextLogger. float m_flLineSpacing; double m_flLastClick; uint64_t m_nStartTime; SelectionMode m_SelectionMode; Coordinates m_InteractiveStart; Coordinates m_InteractiveEnd; ImVec2 m_CharAdvance; Lines m_Lines; LoggerState_t m_State; std::string m_svLineBuffer; public: ImGuiTextFilter m_itFilter; };