//===========================================================================// // // Purpose: Base rcon implementation. // //===========================================================================// #include "core/stdafx.h" #include "base_rcon.h" #include "engine/net.h" #include "shared_rcon.h" //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: connect to remote // Input : *pHostName - // nPort - // Output : true on success, false otherwise //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CNetConBase::Connect(const char* pHostName, const int nPort) { return CL_NetConConnect(this, pHostName, nPort); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: parses input response buffer using length-prefix framing // Input : &data - // *pRecvBuf - // nRecvLen - // nMaxLen - // Output: true on success, false otherwise //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CNetConBase::ProcessBuffer(CConnectedNetConsoleData& data, const char* pRecvBuf, int nRecvLen, const int nMaxLen) { bool bSuccess = true; while (nRecvLen > 0) { if (data.m_nPayloadLen) { if (data.m_nPayloadRead < data.m_nPayloadLen) { data.m_RecvBuffer[data.m_nPayloadRead++] = *pRecvBuf; pRecvBuf++; nRecvLen--; } if (data.m_nPayloadRead == data.m_nPayloadLen) { if (!ProcessMessage( reinterpret_cast(data.m_RecvBuffer.data()), data.m_nPayloadLen) && bSuccess) { bSuccess = false; } data.m_nPayloadLen = 0; data.m_nPayloadRead = 0; } } else if (data.m_nPayloadRead+1 <= sizeof(int)) // Read size field. { data.m_RecvBuffer[data.m_nPayloadRead++] = *pRecvBuf; pRecvBuf++; nRecvLen--; } else // Build prefix. { data.m_nPayloadLen = int(ntohl(*reinterpret_cast(&data.m_RecvBuffer[0]))); data.m_nPayloadRead = 0; if (!data.m_bAuthorized && nMaxLen > -1) { if (data.m_nPayloadLen > nMaxLen) { Disconnect("overflow"); // Sending large messages while not authenticated. return false; } } if (data.m_nPayloadLen < 0 || data.m_nPayloadLen > data.m_RecvBuffer.max_size()) { Error(eDLL_T::ENGINE, NO_ERROR, "RCON Cmd: sync error (%d)\n", data.m_nPayloadLen); Disconnect("desync"); // Out of sync (irrecoverable). return false; } else { data.m_RecvBuffer.resize(data.m_nPayloadLen); } } } return bSuccess; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: encode message to buffer // Input : *pMsg - // *pMsgBuf - // nMsgLen - // Output : true on success, false otherwise //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CNetConBase::Encode(google::protobuf::MessageLite* pMsg, char* pMsgBuf, const size_t nMsgLen) const { return pMsg->SerializeToArray(pMsgBuf, int(nMsgLen)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: decode message from buffer // Input : *pMsg - // *pMsgBuf - // nMsgLen - // Output : true on success, false otherwise //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CNetConBase::Decode(google::protobuf::MessageLite* pMsg, const char* pMsgBuf, const size_t nMsgLen) const { return pMsg->ParseFromArray(pMsgBuf, int(nMsgLen)); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: send message to specific connected socket // Input : hSocket - // *pMsgBuf - // nMsgLen - // Output: true on success, false otherwise //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- bool CNetConBase::Send(const SocketHandle_t hSocket, const char* pMsgBuf, const int nMsgLen) const { std::ostringstream sendbuf; const u_long nLen = htonl(u_long(nMsgLen)); sendbuf.write(reinterpret_cast(&nLen), sizeof(u_long)); sendbuf.write(pMsgBuf, nMsgLen); int ret = ::send(hSocket, sendbuf.str().data(), int(sendbuf.str().size()), MSG_NOSIGNAL); return (ret != SOCKET_ERROR); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Purpose: receive message // Input : &data - // nMaxLen - // Output: true on success, false otherwise //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void CNetConBase::Recv(CConnectedNetConsoleData& data, const int nMaxLen) { static char szRecvBuf[1024]; {////////////////////////////////////////////// const int nPendingLen = ::recv(data.m_hSocket, szRecvBuf, sizeof(char), MSG_PEEK); if (nPendingLen == SOCKET_ERROR && m_Socket.IsSocketBlocking()) { return; } else if (nPendingLen == 0) // Socket was closed. { Disconnect("remote closed socket"); return; } else if (nPendingLen < 0) { Disconnect("socket closed unexpectedly"); return; } }////////////////////////////////////////////// int nReadLen = 0; // Find out how much we have to read. int iResult = ::ioctlsocket(data.m_hSocket, FIONREAD, reinterpret_cast(&nReadLen)); if (iResult == SOCKET_ERROR) { Error(eDLL_T::ENGINE, NO_ERROR, "RCON Cmd: ioctl(%s) error (%s)\n", "FIONREAD", NET_ErrorString(WSAGetLastError())); return; } while (nReadLen > 0) { const int nRecvLen = ::recv(data.m_hSocket, szRecvBuf, MIN(sizeof(szRecvBuf), nReadLen), MSG_NOSIGNAL); if (nRecvLen == 0) // Socket was closed. { Disconnect("socket closed"); break; } if (nRecvLen < 0 && !m_Socket.IsSocketBlocking()) { Error(eDLL_T::ENGINE, NO_ERROR, "RCON Cmd: recv error (%s)\n", NET_ErrorString(WSAGetLastError())); break; } nReadLen -= nRecvLen; // Process what we've got. ProcessBuffer(data, szRecvBuf, nRecvLen, nMaxLen); } return; }