# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Start the source file list # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- macro( start_sources ) add_sources( SOURCE_GROUP "" # Add the CMakeLists file to the project filter root "CMakeLists.txt" ) endmacro() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add source files to target within a project filter # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- macro( add_sources ) set( options ) set( oneValueArgs SOURCE_GROUP ) set( multiValueArgs ) cmake_parse_arguments( ADD_SOURCES "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN} ) if( NOT ADD_SOURCES_SOURCE_GROUP ) message( FATAL_ERROR "SOURCE_GROUP must be provided" ) endif() source_group( "${ADD_SOURCES_SOURCE_GROUP}" FILES ${ADD_SOURCES_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS} ) target_sources( ${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE ${ADD_SOURCES_UNPARSED_ARGUMENTS} ) endmacro() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # End the source file list ( optional parameter sets the runtime output dir ) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- macro( end_sources ) if( NOT "${ARGN}" STREQUAL "" ) # Check if an output directory is passed set_target_output_dirs( ${PROJECT_NAME} ${ARGN} ) else() set_target_output_dirs( ${PROJECT_NAME} "${BUILD_OUTPUT_DIR}/" ) endif() endmacro() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Add modules to the project # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- macro( add_module MODULE_TYPE MODULE_NAME REUSE_PCH FOLDER_NAME WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS APPLY_COMPILE_OPTIONS ) project( ${MODULE_NAME} ) if( ${MODULE_TYPE} STREQUAL "lib" ) add_library( ${PROJECT_NAME} ) elseif( ${MODULE_TYPE} STREQUAL "shared_lib" ) add_library( ${PROJECT_NAME} SHARED ) target_link_options( ${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE "$<$:/LTCG>" ) elseif( ${MODULE_TYPE} STREQUAL "exe" ) add_executable( ${PROJECT_NAME} ) target_link_options( ${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE "$<$:/LTCG>" ) else() message( FATAL_ERROR "Invalid module type: ${MODULE_TYPE}; expected 'lib', 'shared_lib', or 'exe'." ) endif() if ( NOT "${REUSE_PCH}" STREQUAL "" ) target_precompile_headers( ${PROJECT_NAME} REUSE_FROM ${REUSE_PCH} ) endif() set_target_properties( ${MODULE_NAME} PROPERTIES FOLDER ${FOLDER_NAME} ) if( ${GLOBAL_WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS} ) warnings_as_errors( ${PROJECT_NAME} ${WARNINGS_AS_ERRORS} ) endif() if ( NOT "${APPLY_COMPILE_OPTIONS}" STREQUAL "FALSE" ) target_compile_options( ${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE $<$,$>:/Ob2> $<$,$>:/Oi> $<$,$>:/Ot> $<$,$>:/GS-> $<$,$>:/Gy> $<$,$>:/fp:fast> ) endif() endmacro() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Initialize global compiler defines # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- macro( define_compiler_variables ) if( CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "MSVC" ) add_definitions( -DCOMPILER_MSVC ) elseif( CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang" ) add_definitions( -DCOMPILER_CLANG ) elseif( CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "GNU" ) add_definitions( -DCOMPILER_GCC ) else() message( FATAL_ERROR "Unsupported compiler: ${CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID}" ) endif() endmacro() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Apply whole program optimization for this target in release ( !slow! ) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- macro( whole_program_optimization ) target_compile_options( ${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE $<$:/GL> ) endmacro() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Toggles wether or not to treat warnings as errors # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- macro( warnings_as_errors TARGET FLAG ) if( ${FLAG} ) if( MSVC ) target_compile_options( ${TARGET} PRIVATE /WX ) else() target_compile_options( ${TARGET} PRIVATE -Werror ) endif() else() if( MSVC ) target_compile_options( ${TARGET} PRIVATE "/wd4996" ) else() target_compile_options( ${TARGET} PRIVATE "-Wno-error" ) endif() endif() endmacro() # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Disables verbose warnings caused within thirdparty code ( !only use on thirdparty projects! ) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- macro( thirdparty_suppress_warnings ) if( MSVC OR CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_ID MATCHES "Clang" ) target_compile_options( ${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE /wd4100 # Unreferenced formal parameter. /wd4152 # Function/data pointer conversion in expression. /wd4200 # Zero-sized array in union; SDL2 uses this for compiler compatibility. /wd4201 # Nameless struct/union. /wd4244 # Type conversion truncation; protobuf has many, but this appears intentional. /wd4267 # Type conversion truncation; protobuf has many, but this appears intentional. /wd4307 # Integral constant overflow. /wd4389 # Signed/unsigned mismatch. /wd4505 # Unreferenced local function has been removed. ) endif() warnings_as_errors( ${PROJECT_NAME} FALSE ) endmacro()