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#pragma once
#include "tier0/jobthread.h"
#include "rtech/ipakfile.h"
// Forward declarations
class KeyValues;
// this structure contains handles and names to the base pak files the engine
// loads for a level, this is used for load/unload management during level
// changes or engine shutdown
struct CommonPakData_t
enum EPakType
// the UI pak assigned to the current gamemode (range in GameMode_t)
// the base pak assigned to the current gamemode (range in GameMode_t)
// NOTE: this one is assigned to the name of the level, the prior ones are
// all static!
// the total number of pak files to watch and manage
void Reset()
keepLoaded = false;
basePakName = nullptr;
memset(pakName, '\0', sizeof(pakName));
PakHandle_t pakId;
bool keepLoaded;
// the pak name that's being requested to be loaded for this particular slot
char pakName[MAX_PATH];
// the actual base pak name, like "common_pve.rpak" as set when this array is
// being initialized
const char* basePakName;
// this structure contains handles and names to the custom pak files that are
// loaded with the settings KV for that level, these paks are loaded after the
// common paks are loaded, but unloaded before the common paks are unloaded
struct CustomPakData_t
enum EPakType
// the pak that loads after CommonPakData_t::PAK_TYPE_UI_GM has loaded, and
// unloads before CommonPakData_t::PAK_TYPE_UI_GM gets unloaded
// the pak that loads after CommonPakData_t::PAK_TYPE_COMMON_GM has loaded,
// and unloads before CommonPakData_t::PAK_TYPE_COMMON_GM gets unloaded
// the total number of base SDK pak files
// the absolute max number of custom paks, note that the engine's limit
// could still be reached before this number as game scripts and other
// code still loads paks such as gladiator cards or load screens
for (size_t i = 0; i < V_ARRAYSIZE(handles); i++)
handles[i] = PAK_INVALID_HANDLE;
// the first # handles are reserved for base SDK paks
numHandles = PAK_TYPE_COUNT;
levelResourcesLoaded = false;
basePaksLoaded = false;
PakHandle_t LoadAndAddPak(const char* const pakFile);
void UnloadAndRemoveAll();
PakHandle_t LoadBasePak(const char* const pakFile, const EPakType type);
void UnloadBasePak(const EPakType type);
// Pak handles that have been loaded with the level
// from within the level settings KV (located in
// scripts/levels/settings/*.kv). On level unload,
// each pak listed in this vector gets unloaded.
PakHandle_t handles[MAX_CUSTOM_PAKS];
size_t numHandles;
bool levelResourcesLoaded;
bool basePaksLoaded;
// array size = CommonPakData_t::PAK_TYPE_COUNT
inline CommonPakData_t* g_commonPakData;
inline void(*v_Mod_LoadPakForMap)(const char* szLevelName);
inline void(*v_Mod_QueuedPakCacheFrame)(void);
inline int32_t * g_pNumPrecacheItemsMTVTF;
inline bool* g_pPakPrecacheJobFinished;
inline void(*Mod_UnloadPendingAndPrecacheRequestedPaks)(void);
extern CUtlVector<CUtlString> g_InstalledMaps;
extern std::mutex g_InstalledMapsMutex;
bool Mod_LevelHasChanged(const char* pszLevelName);
void Mod_GetAllInstalledMaps();
KeyValues* Mod_GetLevelSettings(const char* pszLevelName);
void Mod_PreloadLevelPaks(const char* pszLevelName);
void Mod_UnloadPakFile(void);
class VModel_BSP : public IDetour
virtual void GetAdr(void) const
LogFunAdr("Mod_LoadPakForMap", v_Mod_LoadPakForMap);
LogFunAdr("Mod_QueuedPakCacheFrame", v_Mod_QueuedPakCacheFrame);
LogFunAdr("Mod_UnloadPendingAndPrecacheRequestedPaks", Mod_UnloadPendingAndPrecacheRequestedPaks);
LogVarAdr("g_numPrecacheItemsMTVTF", g_pNumPrecacheItemsMTVTF);
LogVarAdr("g_pakPrecacheJobFinished", g_pPakPrecacheJobFinished);
LogVarAdr("g_commonPakData", g_commonPakData);
virtual void GetFun(void) const
g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("48 81 EC ?? ?? ?? ?? 0F B6 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 4C 8D 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 84 C0").GetPtr(v_Mod_LoadPakForMap);
g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("40 53 48 83 EC ?? F3 0F 10 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 32 DB").GetPtr(v_Mod_QueuedPakCacheFrame);
g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("48 89 5C 24 ?? 48 89 6C 24 ?? 48 89 74 24 ?? 57 48 83 EC 20 33 ED 48 8D 35 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 39 2D ?? ?? ?? ??").GetPtr(Mod_UnloadPendingAndPrecacheRequestedPaks);
virtual void GetVar(void) const
g_pNumPrecacheItemsMTVTF = CMemory(v_Mod_QueuedPakCacheFrame).FindPattern("8B 05").ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(0x2, 0x6).RCast<int32_t*>();
g_pPakPrecacheJobFinished = CMemory(v_Mod_QueuedPakCacheFrame).Offset(0x20).FindPatternSelf("88 1D").ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(0x2, 0x6).RCast<bool*>();
CMemory(v_Mod_QueuedPakCacheFrame).Offset(0xA0).FindPatternSelf("48 8D 2D").ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(0x3, 0x7).GetPtr(g_commonPakData);
virtual void GetCon(void) const { }
virtual void Detour(const bool bAttach) const;