Kawe Mazidjatari edc52ad669 IDetour: remove extraneous pointer assignments
Originally, we store the search results in a CMemory instance which we then assign to the actual function pointer. CMemory is just a pointer class; we can assign the results directly to the actual function pointer. This commit reduces a lot of code verbosity, and also reduced roughly 2KiB worth of static pointers in the resulting executable. This commit also officially deprecates the support for any GameDLL's below S3 (Season 3), since it makes more sense to port the assets from earlier/later games back to the version this SDK supports.
2024-04-05 17:19:32 +02:00

198 lines
5.0 KiB

#pragma once
#include "inputsystem/iinputsystem.h"
#include "mathlib/bitvec.h"
#include "tier1/utlstringmap.h"
#include <Xinput.h>
// Implementation of the input system
class CInputSystem : public CTier1AppSystem< IInputSystem >
// !!!interface implemented in engine!!!
// Hook statics:
static LRESULT WindowProc(void* unused, HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
struct xdevice_t
struct xvibration_t
float leftMainMotor;
float rightMainMotor;
float leftTriggerMotor;
float rightTriggerMotor;
struct unkownhiddevice_t
struct state_t
char unk0[56];
xvibration_t vibration;
char unk1[48];
// Name might be incorrect!
state_t states[INPUT_STATE_COUNT];
HANDLE hThread0;
HANDLE hthread1;
int userId;
char active;
int newState;
xKey_t lastStickKeys[MAX_JOYSTICK_AXES-2]; // -2 as U and V aren't polled.
int unk0;
bool pendingRumbleUpdate;
_BYTE gap41[3];
xvibration_t vibration;
bool isXbox360Gamepad;
bool nonXboxDevice; // uses unknownHidDevice when set
_BYTE gap56[42];
unkownhiddevice_t unknownHidDevice;
_BYTE gap190[42];
static_assert(sizeof(xdevice_t) == 0x1C0);
struct appKey_t
int repeats;
int sample;
struct InputState_t
// Analog states
CBitVec<BUTTON_CODE_LAST> m_ButtonState;
int m_pAnalogValue[ANALOG_CODE_LAST];
HWND m_ChainedWndProc;
HWND m_hAttachedHWnd;
bool m_bEnabled;
bool m_bPumpEnabled;
bool m_bIsPolling;
bool m_bIMEComposing;
bool m_bMouseCursorVisible;
bool m_bJoystickCursorVisible;
bool m_bIsInGame; // Delay joystick polling if in-game.
// Current button state
InputState_t m_InputState[INPUT_STATE_COUNT];
// Current button state mutex
int unknown0;
short unknown1;
bool unknown2;
// Analog event mutex
CRITICAL_SECTION m_AnalogEventMutex;
int unknown3;
short unknown4;
bool unknown5;
// Analog events
InputEvent_t m_AnalogEvents[JOYSTICK_AXIS_BUTTON_COUNT];
// Button events
InputEvent_t m_Events[BUTTON_EVENT_COUNT];
// Current event
InputEvent_t m_CurrentEvent;
DWORD m_StartupTimeTick;
int m_nLastPollTick;
int m_nLastSampleTick;
int m_nLastAnalogPollTick;
int m_nLastAnalogSampleTick;
// Mouse wheel hack
UINT m_uiMouseWheel;
// Xbox controller info
int m_nJoystickCount;
appKey_t m_appXKeys[XUSER_MAX_COUNT][XK_MAX_KEYS];
char pad_unk[16];
xdevice_t m_XDevices[XUSER_MAX_COUNT];
// Used to determine whether to generate UI events
int m_nUIEventClientCount;
// Raw mouse input
bool m_bRawInputSupported;
int m_mouseRawAccumX;
int m_mouseRawAccumY;
_BYTE gap1785[8];
// Current mouse capture window
PlatWindow_t m_hCurrentCaptureWnd;
// For the 'SleepUntilInput' feature
HANDLE m_hEvent;
InputCursorHandle_t m_pDefaultCursors[INPUT_CURSOR_COUNT];
CUtlStringMap<InputCursorHandle_t> m_UserCursors;
CSysModule* m_pXInputDLL;
CSysModule* m_pRawInputDLL;
// NVNT falcon module
CSysModule* m_pNovintDLL; // Unused in R5?
bool m_bIgnoreLocalJoystick;
InputCursorHandle_t m_hCursor;
static_assert(sizeof(CInputSystem) == 0x18E8);
inline LRESULT (*CInputSystem__WindowProc)(void* thisptr, HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
extern CInputSystem* g_pInputSystem;
extern bool(**g_fnSyncRTWithIn)(void); // Belongs to an array of functions, see CMaterialSystem::MatsysMode_Init().
class VInputSystem : public IDetour
virtual void GetAdr(void) const
LogFunAdr("CInputSystem::WindowProc", CInputSystem__WindowProc);
LogVarAdr("g_pInputSystem", g_pInputSystem);
LogVarAdr("g_fnSyncRTWithIn", g_fnSyncRTWithIn);
virtual void GetFun(void) const
g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("48 89 4C 24 ?? 55 56 41 54 41 55 48 83 EC 48").GetPtr(CInputSystem__WindowProc);
virtual void GetVar(void) const
g_pInputSystem = g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("48 83 EC 28 48 8B 0D ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8D 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 89 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 85 C9 74 11")
.FindPatternSelf("48 89 05", CMemory::Direction::DOWN, 40).ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(0x3, 0x7).RCast<CInputSystem*>();
const CMemory l_EngineApi_PumpMessages = g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("48 89 5C 24 ?? 55 48 81 EC ?? ?? ?? ?? 45 33 C9");
g_fnSyncRTWithIn = l_EngineApi_PumpMessages.FindPattern("74 06").FindPatternSelf("FF 15").ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(2, 6).RCast<bool(**)(void)>();
virtual void GetCon(void) const { }
virtual void Detour(const bool bAttach) const;