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synced 2025-02-09 19:15:03 +01:00
Ever since we moved to the new loader setup, the shutdown of the SDK never got called as case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH is never hit on time in the SDK module due to the way its loaded/unloaded now. The init/shutdown functions are now exported, and we let loader handle the load/unload of our SDK now. Loader now also hooks LauncherMain instead of WinMain as WinMain never returns, and therefore, we cannot shutdown the SDK from there. LauncherMain does return then the game is to be closed.
215 lines
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215 lines
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// Purpose: SDK loader stub
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// The game module cannot be imported directly by the executable, as the
// internal memalloc system is not initialized before the entry point is
// called. So we need to load the SDK dll after the entry point is called,
// but before LauncherMain is called.
// The executable exports table has been restructured; the exported function
// 'GetDenuvoTimeTicketRequest' has been swapped with 'CreateGlobalMemAlloc',
// the exported 'IEngineAPI' interface accessor has been replaced with
// 'g_pMemAllocSingleton', and the exported function 'LauncherMain' has been
// swapped with 'WinMain', so we can obtain the addresses without hardcoding.
// These changes allow us to load the SDK in the following order:
// - Create game process
// - Import this loader stub by its dummy export.
// - Immediately hook 'WinMain', by getting a pointer to it from its exports.
// - Determine if, and which SDK module to load.
// Since WinMain is called before anything of the game is, we can still hook
// and modify anything of the game before it starts. With the above order of
// initialization, we can now replace the standard memalloc system with that
// of the game, by:
// - Redefining the standard C functions to use the internal memalloc system.
// - Checking if the memalloc system has been initialized, and create if not.
#include "loader.h"
#include "tier0/module.h"
// Image statics
static const PEB64* s_ProcessEnvironmentBlock = nullptr;
static const IMAGE_DOS_HEADER* s_DosHeader = nullptr;
static const IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64* s_NtHeaders = nullptr;
static HMODULE s_SdkModule = NULL;
typedef void (*InitFunc)(void);
static InitFunc s_SdkInitFunc = NULL;
static InitFunc s_SdkShutdownFunc = NULL;
// LauncherMain function pointer
static int (*v_LauncherMain)(HINSTANCE, HINSTANCE, LPSTR, int) = nullptr;
// Purpose: Terminates the process with an error when called
static void FatalError(const char* fmt, ...)
va_list vArgs;
va_start(vArgs, fmt);
char errorBuf[1024];
vsnprintf(errorBuf, sizeof(errorBuf), fmt, vArgs);
errorBuf[sizeof(errorBuf) - 1] = '\0';
MessageBoxA(NULL, errorBuf, "Loader Error", MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK);
TerminateProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), 0xBAD0C0DE);
// Purpose: Loads the SDK module
static void InitGameSDK(const LPSTR lpCmdLine)
if (V_strstr(lpCmdLine, "-noworkerdll"))
char moduleName[MAX_PATH];
if (!GetModuleFileNameA((HMODULE)s_DosHeader,
moduleName, sizeof(moduleName)))
// Prune the path.
const char* pModuleName = strrchr(moduleName, '\\') + 1;
const bool bDedicated = V_stricmp(pModuleName, SERVER_GAME_DLL) == NULL;
// The dedicated server has its own SDK module,
// so we need to check whether we are running
// the base game or the dedicated server.
if (!bDedicated)
// Load the client dll if '-noserverdll' is passed,
// as this command lime parameter prevents the
// server dll from initializing in the engine.
if (V_strstr(lpCmdLine, "-noserverdll"))
s_SdkModule = LoadLibraryA(CLIENT_WORKER_DLL);
s_SdkModule = LoadLibraryA(MAIN_WORKER_DLL);
s_SdkModule = LoadLibraryA(SERVER_WORKER_DLL);
if (!s_SdkModule)
FatalError("Failed to load SDK: error code = %08x\n", GetLastError());
s_SdkInitFunc = (InitFunc)GetProcAddress(s_SdkModule, "SDK_Init");
if (s_SdkInitFunc)
s_SdkShutdownFunc = (InitFunc)GetProcAddress(s_SdkModule, "SDK_Shutdown");
if (!s_SdkInitFunc || !s_SdkShutdownFunc)
FatalError("Loaded SDK is invalid: error code = %08x\n", GetLastError());
// Purpose: Unloads the SDK module
static void ShutdownGameSDK()
if (s_SdkModule)
s_SdkModule = NULL;
// Purpose: LauncherMain hook; loads the SDK before the game inits
int WINAPI hLauncherMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, HINSTANCE hPrevInstance, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int nShowCmd)
InitGameSDK(lpCmdLine); // Init GameSDK, internal function calls LauncherMain.
const int ret = v_LauncherMain(hInstance, hPrevInstance, lpCmdLine, nShowCmd);
return ret;
// Purpose: hooks the entry point
static void AttachEP()
DetourAttach(&v_LauncherMain, &hLauncherMain);
HRESULT hr = DetourTransactionCommit();
if (hr != NO_ERROR) // Failed to hook into the process, terminate...
FatalError("Failed to detour process: error code = %08x\n", hr);
// Purpose: unhooks the entry point
static void DetachEP()
DetourDetach(&v_LauncherMain, &hLauncherMain);
HRESULT hr = DetourTransactionCommit();
Assert(hr != NO_ERROR);
// Purpose: APIENTRY
BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HMODULE hModule, DWORD dwReason, LPVOID lpReserved)
switch (dwReason)
s_ProcessEnvironmentBlock = CModule::GetProcessEnvironmentBlock();
s_DosHeader = (IMAGE_DOS_HEADER*)s_ProcessEnvironmentBlock->ImageBaseAddress;
s_NtHeaders = (IMAGE_NT_HEADERS64*)((uintptr_t)s_DosHeader
+ (uintptr_t)s_DosHeader->e_lfanew);
v_LauncherMain = CModule::GetExportedSymbol((QWORD)s_DosHeader, "LauncherMain")
.RCast<int (*)(HINSTANCE, HINSTANCE, LPSTR, int)>();
return TRUE;