mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 19:15:03 +01:00
* Parsing playlist from keyvalues now. * When hosting a server it will ask for a playlist to be chosen. * Load playlist on demand into memory. * Load playlist from disk. * Added LoadPlaylist hook to clear the MapVPKCache that causes crashes with launchplaylist concommand * KeyValues class is useable now.
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121 lines
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#pragma once
#include "patterns.h"
#include "structs.h"
#include "hooks.h"
#include "gameclasses.h"
#include "CCompanion.h"
#include "CGameConsole.h"
inline bool g_bDebugLoading = false;
inline bool g_bReturnAllFalse = false;
inline bool g_bDebugConsole = false;
extern bool g_bBlockInput;
namespace Hooks
#pragma region CHLClient
void __fastcall FrameStageNotify(CHLClient* rcx, ClientFrameStage_t curStage);
using FrameStageNotifyFn = void(__fastcall*)(CHLClient*, ClientFrameStage_t);
extern FrameStageNotifyFn originalFrameStageNotify;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region Squirrel
void* SQVM_Print(void* sqvm, char* fmt, ...);
__int64 SQVM_Warning(void* sqvm, int a2, int a3, int* stringSize, void** string);
__int64 SQVM_LoadRson(const char* rson_name);
bool SQVM_LoadScript(void* sqvm, const char* script_path, const char* script_name, int flag);
using SQVM_WarningFn = __int64(*)(void*, int, int, int*, void**);
extern SQVM_WarningFn originalSQVM_Warning;
using SQVM_LoadRsonFn = __int64(*)(const char*);
extern SQVM_LoadRsonFn originalSQVM_LoadRson;
using SQVM_LoadScriptFn = bool(*)(void*, const char*, const char*, int);
extern SQVM_LoadScriptFn originalSQVM_LoadScript;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region CVEngineServer
bool IsPersistenceDataAvailable(__int64 thisptr, int client);
using IsPersistenceDataAvailableFn = bool(*)(__int64, int);
extern IsPersistenceDataAvailableFn originalIsPersistenceDataAvailable;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region NetChannel
bool NET_ReceiveDatagram(int sock, void* inpacket, bool raw);
unsigned int NET_SendDatagram(SOCKET s, const char* buf, int len, int flags);
void NET_PrintFunc(const char* fmt, ...);
void NetChanShutdown(void* rcx, const char* reason, unsigned __int8 unk1, char unk2);
using NET_PrintFuncFn = void(*)(const char* fmt, ...);
extern NET_PrintFuncFn originalNET_PrintFunc;
using NET_ReceiveDatagramFn = bool(*)(int, void*, bool);
extern NET_ReceiveDatagramFn originalNET_ReceiveDatagram;
using NET_SendDatagramFn = unsigned int(*)(SOCKET, const char*, int, int);
extern NET_SendDatagramFn originalNET_SendDatagram;
using NetChan_ShutDown = void(*)(void*, const char*, unsigned __int8, char);
extern NetChan_ShutDown originalNetChanShutDown;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region ConVar
bool ConVar_IsFlagSet(ConVar* cvar, int flag);
bool ConCommand_IsFlagSet(ConCommandBase* cmd, int flag);
using ConVar_IsFlagSetFn = bool(*)(ConVar*, int);
extern ConVar_IsFlagSetFn originalConVar_IsFlagSet;
using ConCommand_IsFlagSetFn = bool(*)(ConCommandBase*, int);
extern ConCommand_IsFlagSetFn originalConCommand_IsFlagSet;
using Map_CallbackFn = void(*)(void*);
extern Map_CallbackFn originalMap_Callback;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region WinAPI
BOOL WINAPI GetCursorPos(LPPOINT lpPoint);
BOOL WINAPI SetCursorPos(int X, int Y);
BOOL WINAPI ClipCursor(const RECT* lpRect);
BOOL WINAPI ShowCursor(BOOL bShow);
using GetCursorPosFn = BOOL(WINAPI*)(LPPOINT);
extern GetCursorPosFn originalGetCursorPos;
using SetCursorPosFn = BOOL(WINAPI*)(int, int);
extern SetCursorPosFn originalSetCursorPos;
using ClipCursorFn = BOOL(WINAPI*)(const RECT*);
extern ClipCursorFn originalClipCursor;
using ShowCursorFn = BOOL(WINAPI*)(BOOL);
extern ShowCursorFn originalShowCursor;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region CBaseFileSystem
void FileSystemWarning(void* thisptr, FileWarningLevel_t level, const char* fmt, ...);
using FileSystemWarningFn = void(*)(void*, FileWarningLevel_t, const char*, ...);
extern FileSystemWarningFn originalFileSystemWarning;
#pragma endregion
#pragma region Other
int MSG_EngineError(char* fmt, va_list args);
bool LoadPlaylist(const char* playlist);
using MSG_EngineErrorFn = int(*)(char*, va_list);
extern MSG_EngineErrorFn originalMSG_EngineError;
using LoadPlaylistFn = bool(*)(const char*);
extern LoadPlaylistFn originalLoadPlaylist;
#pragma endregion
void InstallHooks();
void RemoveHooks();
void ToggleNetTrace();
extern bool bToggledNetTrace;
void ToggleDevCommands();
extern bool bToggledDevFlags;
} |