mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 19:15:03 +01:00
* Partially rebuild CGlobalVarsBase and CGlobalVars struct. * Partially implement BuildAINFile (disk builder) written by BobTheBob9. All that needs to be found are the addresses/offsets for 'pUnkStruct0Count' and 'pUnkLinkStruct1Count' (see ai_node.h). I didn't have time for it yet. * Patch call which restarts the engine once AIN file has been build (so it doesn't get cleared from memory). * Temporarily patch write operation in 'Detours_LevelInit()' which writes out of scope since the navmesh structure is misaligned somewhere still with a few bytes. NOTE: 'CAI_NetworkBuilder::BuildFile()' is for now commented out until the 2 other structs are found in the game dll. Once found then we could start fixing the struct offsets and hope it works as-is.
242 lines
10 KiB
242 lines
10 KiB
// Purpose:
#include "core/stdafx.h"
#include "public/include/edict.h"
#include "tier0/cvar.h"
#include "tier0/cmd.h"
#include "engine/host_state.h"
#include "engine/sys_utils.h"
#include "game/server/ai_node.h"
#include "game/server/ai_network.h"
#include "game/server/ai_networkmanager.h"
const unsigned int PLACEHOLDER_CRC = 0;
const int AINET_VERSION_NUMBER = 57;
const int MAP_VERSION_TEMP = 30;
Build AI node graph file from
in-memory structures and write
to disk to be loaded
void CAI_NetworkBuilder::BuildFile(CAI_Network* pNetwork)
//std::filesystem::path fsWritePath("platform/maps/graphs");
//fsWritePath /= g_pHostState->m_levelName;
//fsWritePath += ".ain";
//// Dump from memory.
//DevMsg(eDLL_T::SERVER, "++++--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------++++\n");
//DevMsg(eDLL_T::SERVER, ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AI NODE GRAPH FILE CONSTRUCTION STARTED <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<\n");
//DevMsg(eDLL_T::SERVER, "++++--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------++++\n");
//DevMsg(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Output file: '%s'\n", fsWritePath.string());
//std::ofstream writeStream(fsWritePath, std::ofstream::binary);
//DevMsg(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Writing AINet version: %d\n", AINET_VERSION_NUMBER);
//writeStream.write((char*)&AINET_VERSION_NUMBER, sizeof(int));
//// Could probably be cleaner but whatever
////int nMapVersion = *(int*)(*pUnkServerMapversionGlobal + 104); // TODO: Find in apex
////DevMsg(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Writing map version: %d\n", nMapVersion); // temp
////writeStream.write((char*)&nMapVersion, sizeof(int));
//DevMsg(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Writing placeholder crc: %d\n", PLACEHOLDER_CRC);
//writeStream.write((char*)&PLACEHOLDER_CRC, sizeof(int));
//int nCalculatedLinkcount = 0;
//// Path nodes
//DevMsg(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Writing nodecount: %d\n", pNetwork->nodecount);
//writeStream.write((char*)&pNetwork->nodecount, sizeof(int));
//for (int i = 0; i < pNetwork->nodecount; i++)
// // construct on-disk node struct
// CAI_NodeDisk diskNode{};
// diskNode.x = pNetwork->nodes[i]->x;
// diskNode.y = pNetwork->nodes[i]->y;
// diskNode.z = pNetwork->nodes[i]->z;
// diskNode.yaw = pNetwork->nodes[i]->yaw;
// memcpy(diskNode.hulls, pNetwork->nodes[i]->hulls, sizeof(diskNode.hulls));
// diskNode.unk0 = (char)pNetwork->nodes[i]->unk0;
// diskNode.unk1 = pNetwork->nodes[i]->unk1;
// for (int j = 0; j < MAX_HULLS; j++)
// {
// diskNode.unk2[j] = (short)pNetwork->nodes[i]->unk2[j];
// spdlog::info((short)pNetwork->nodes[i]->unk2[j]);
// }
// memcpy(diskNode.unk3, pNetwork->nodes[i]->unk3, sizeof(diskNode.unk3));
// diskNode.unk4 = pNetwork->nodes[i]->unk6;
// diskNode.unk5 =
// -1; // aiNetwork->nodes[i]->unk8; // This field is wrong, however it's always -1 in original navmeshes anyway.
// memcpy(diskNode.unk6, pNetwork->nodes[i]->unk10, sizeof(diskNode.unk6));
// DevMsg(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Writing node %d from %d to %x\n", pNetwork->nodes[i]->index, (void*)pNetwork->nodes[i], writeStream.tellp());
// writeStream.write((char*)&diskNode, sizeof(CAI_NodeDisk));
// nCalculatedLinkcount += pNetwork->nodes[i]->linkcount;
//// links
//DevMsg(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Linkcount: %d\n", pNetwork->linkcount);
//DevMsg(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Calculated total linkcount: %d\n", nCalculatedLinkcount);
//nCalculatedLinkcount /= 2;
//if (ai_dumpAINfileFromLoad->GetBool())
// if (pNetwork->linkcount == nCalculatedLinkcount)
// DevMsg(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Caculated linkcount is normal!");
// else
// DevMsg(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Calculated linkcount has weird value! this is expected on build!");
//spdlog::info("Writing linkcount: %d\n", nCalculatedLinkcount);
//writeStream.write((char*)&nCalculatedLinkcount, sizeof(int));
//for (int i = 0; i < pNetwork->nodecount; i++)
// for (int j = 0; j < pNetwork->nodes[i]->linkcount; j++)
// {
// // skip links that don't originate from current node
// if (pNetwork->nodes[i]->links[j]->srcId != pNetwork->nodes[i]->index)
// continue;
// CAI_NodeLinkDisk diskLink{};
// diskLink.srcId = pNetwork->nodes[i]->links[j]->srcId;
// diskLink.destId = pNetwork->nodes[i]->links[j]->destId;
// diskLink.unk0 = pNetwork->nodes[i]->links[j]->unk1;
// memcpy(diskLink.hulls, pNetwork->nodes[i]->links[j]->hulls, sizeof(diskLink.hulls));
// DevMsg(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Writing link %d => %d to %x\n", diskLink.srcId, diskLink.destId, writeStream.tellp());
// writeStream.write((char*)&diskLink, sizeof(CAI_NodeLinkDisk));
// }
//// Don't know what this is, it's likely a block from tf1 that got deprecated? should just be 1 int per node
//DevMsg(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Writing %x bytes for unknown block at %x\n", pNetwork->nodecount * sizeof(uint32_t), writeStream.tellp());
//uint32_t* unkNodeBlock = new uint32_t[pNetwork->nodecount];
//memset(unkNodeBlock, 0, pNetwork->nodecount * sizeof(uint32_t));
//writeStream.write((char*)unkNodeBlock, pNetwork->nodecount * sizeof(uint32_t));
//delete[] unkNodeBlock;
//// TODO: this is traverse nodes i think? these aren't used in tf2 ains so we can get away with just writing count=0 and skipping
//// but ideally should actually dump these
//DevMsg(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Writing %d traversal nodes at %x\n", 0, writeStream.tellp());
//short traverseNodeCount = 0;
//writeStream.write((char*)&traverseNodeCount, sizeof(short));
//// Only write count since count=0 means we don't have to actually do anything here
//// TODO: ideally these should be actually dumped, but they're always 0 in tf2 from what i can tell
//DevMsg(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Writing %d bytes for unknown hull block at %x\n", MAX_HULLS * 8, writeStream.tellp());
//char* unkHullBlock = new char[MAX_HULLS * 8];
//memset(unkHullBlock, 0, MAX_HULLS * 8);
//writeStream.write(unkHullBlock, MAX_HULLS * 8);
//delete[] unkHullBlock;
//// Snknown struct that's seemingly node-related
//DevMsg(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Writing %d unknown node structs at %x\n", *pUnkStruct0Count, writeStream.tellp());
//writeStream.write((char*)pUnkStruct0Count, sizeof(*pUnkStruct0Count));
//for (int i = 0; i < *pUnkStruct0Count; i++)
// DevMsg(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Writing unknown node struct %d at %x\n", i, writeStream.tellp());
// UnkNodeStruct0* nodeStruct = (*pppUnkNodeStruct0s)[i];
// writeStream.write((char*)&nodeStruct->index, sizeof(nodeStruct->index));
// writeStream.write((char*)&nodeStruct->unk1, sizeof(nodeStruct->unk1));
// writeStream.write((char*)&nodeStruct->x, sizeof(nodeStruct->x));
// writeStream.write((char*)&nodeStruct->y, sizeof(nodeStruct->y));
// writeStream.write((char*)&nodeStruct->z, sizeof(nodeStruct->z));
// writeStream.write((char*)&nodeStruct->unkcount0, sizeof(nodeStruct->unkcount0));
// for (int j = 0; j < nodeStruct->unkcount0; j++)
// {
// short unk2Short = (short)nodeStruct->unk2[j];
// writeStream.write((char*)&unk2Short, sizeof(unk2Short));
// }
// writeStream.write((char*)&nodeStruct->unkcount1, sizeof(nodeStruct->unkcount1));
// for (int j = 0; j < nodeStruct->unkcount1; j++)
// {
// short unk3Short = (short)nodeStruct->unk3[j];
// writeStream.write((char*)&unk3Short, sizeof(unk3Short));
// }
// writeStream.write((char*)&nodeStruct->unk5, sizeof(nodeStruct->unk5));
//// Unknown struct that's seemingly link-related
//DevMsg(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Writing %d unknown link structs at %x\n", *pUnkLinkStruct1Count, writeStream.tellp());
//writeStream.write((char*)pUnkLinkStruct1Count, sizeof(*pUnkLinkStruct1Count));
//for (int i = 0; i < *pUnkLinkStruct1Count; i++)
// // disk and memory structs are literally identical here so just directly write
// DevMsg(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Writing unknown link struct %d at %x\n", i, writeStream.tellp());
// writeStream.write((char*)(*pppUnkStruct1s)[i], sizeof(*(*pppUnkStruct1s)[i]));
//// Some weird int idk what this is used for
//writeStream.write((char*)&pNetwork->unk5, sizeof(pNetwork->unk5));
//// Tf2-exclusive stuff past this point, i.e. ain v57 only
//DevMsg(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Writing %d script nodes at %x\n", pNetwork->scriptnodecount, writeStream.tellp());
//writeStream.write((char*)&pNetwork->scriptnodecount, sizeof(pNetwork->scriptnodecount));
//for (int i = 0; i < pNetwork->scriptnodecount; i++)
// // disk and memory structs are literally identical here so just directly write
// DevMsg(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Writing script node %d at %x\n", i, writeStream.tellp());
// writeStream.write((char*)&pNetwork->scriptnodes[i], sizeof(pNetwork->scriptnodes[i]));
//DevMsg(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Writing %d hints at %x\n", pNetwork->hintcount, writeStream.tellp());
//writeStream.write((char*)&pNetwork->hintcount, sizeof(pNetwork->hintcount));
//for (int i = 0; i < pNetwork->hintcount; i++)
// DevMsg(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Writing hint data %d at %x\n", i, writeStream.tellp());
// writeStream.write((char*)&pNetwork->hints[i], sizeof(pNetwork->hints[i]));
void HCAI_NetworkManager__LoadNetworkGraph(void* aimanager, void* buf, const char* filename)
CAI_NetworkManager__LoadNetworkGraph(aimanager, buf, filename);
if (ai_dumpAINfileFromLoad->GetBool())
DevMsg(eDLL_T::SERVER, "Running BuildAINFile for loaded file %s\n", filename);
CAI_NetworkBuilder::BuildFile(*(CAI_Network**)((char*)aimanager + 2536)); // TODO: Verify in r5apex.exe.
void HCAI_NetworkBuilder__Build(void* builder, CAI_Network* aiNetwork, void* a3, int a4)
CAI_NetworkBuilder__Build(builder, aiNetwork, a3, a4);
void CAI_NetworkManager_Attach()
DetourAttach((LPVOID*)&CAI_NetworkManager__LoadNetworkGraph, &HCAI_NetworkManager__LoadNetworkGraph);
DetourAttach((LPVOID*)&CAI_NetworkBuilder__Build, &HCAI_NetworkBuilder__Build);
void CAI_NetworkManager_Detach()
DetourDetach((LPVOID*)&CAI_NetworkManager__LoadNetworkGraph, &HCAI_NetworkManager__LoadNetworkGraph);
DetourDetach((LPVOID*)&CAI_NetworkBuilder__Build, &HCAI_NetworkBuilder__Build);