Kawe Mazidjatari 0f488c685c Move simple task to global fixed frame
Avoids having to create threads for tiny little things.
2022-08-29 02:21:32 +02:00

75 lines
4.8 KiB

/////////////////// client_dev configuration file.
// This file is executed automatically on startup.
//// CLIENT ////
cl_noTimeoutLocalHost "1" // Do not time-out on local connections.
cl_threaded_bone_setup "0" // Has to be disabled on the client to prevent deadlock.
cl_predict_cmdlimit "5000" // Num client frames since last valid snapshot before pauzing simulation.
cl_updaterate_mp "20" // Sets the num delta ticks per second.
base_tickinterval_mp "0.05" // Sets the num simulation frames per second.
//// PLATFORM ////
origin_disconnectWhenOffline "0" // Whether the client disconnect itself from the server if Origin is offline.
//// DEBUG TEXT ////
cl_showfps "1" // Shows detailed client/server data.
cl_showpos "1" // Shows detailed position data.
host_speeds "2" // Show general system running times.
cl_showhoststats "1" // Shows detailed host stats.
cl_hoststats_invert_rect_x "0" // Inverts the X rect for host speeds debug overlay.
cl_hoststats_invert_rect_y "0" // Inverts the Y rect for host speeds debug overlay.
cl_hoststats_offset_x "10" // Host stats 'X' offset.
cl_hoststats_offset_y "10" // Host stats 'Y' offset.
cl_showsimstats "1" // Shows detailed simulation stats.
cl_simstats_invert_rect_x "1" // Inverts the X rect for simulation debug overlay.
cl_simstats_invert_rect_y "1" // Inverts the Y rect for simulation debug overlay.
cl_simstats_offset_x "650" // Simulation stats 'X' offset.
cl_simstats_offset_y "120" // Simulation stats 'Y' offset.
cl_showgpustats "1" // Shows detailed GPU memory stats.
cl_gpustats_invert_rect_x "1" // Inverts the X rect for texture streaming debug overlay.
cl_gpustats_invert_rect_y "1" // Inverts the Y rect for texture streaming debug overlay.
cl_gpustats_offset_x "650" // GPU stats 'X' offset.
cl_gpustats_offset_y "105" // GPU stats 'Y' offset.
cl_drawconsoleoverlay "1" // Shows DevMsg RUI console overlay.
cl_consoleoverlay_lines "5" // Num log lines for RUI console overlay.
cl_consoleoverlay_invert_rect_x "0" // X offset for RUI console overlay.
cl_consoleoverlay_invert_rect_y "1" // Y offset for RUI console overlay.
cl_consoleoverlay_offset_x "10" // RUI console overlay 'X' offset.
cl_consoleoverlay_offset_y "170" // RUI console overlay 'Y' offset.
phys_showObjectCount "1" // Shows physics object count.
rui_defaultDebugFontFace "ArameMono" // Sets the RUI debug font face.
hitch_alert_color "255 000 000 255" // Sets the RUI hitch alert font color.
//// DEBUG DRAW ////
r_drawrenderboxes "1" // Enable render boxes.
r_visualizetraces_duration "25" // Duration before code overlays get decayed.
r_debug_overlay_nodecay "0" // If set, don't decay any overlay.
cl_ent_bbox "1" // Display entity bounding boxes.
cl_ent_rbox "1" // Display entity render boxes.
cl_ent_absbox "1" // Display entity abs boxes.
//// MATSYS ////
mat_showdxoutput "1" // Shows debug information from the DirectX hook system.
gl_clear_color_buffer "1" // Enable or disable the clearing of the main color buffer.
//mat_sync_rt "1" // Enable to debug render threads more easily (!slower!).
//mat_sync_rt_flushes_gpu "1" // Enable to debug render threads more easily (!slower!).