Kawe Mazidjatari 26c10dfd11 Restructure concommandbase classes
Move all classes deriving from ConCommandBase to a single file, and split out CCommand, CCvar, CCvarUtilities etc to their own files. This makes it possible to use CCommand and stuff in external tools without linker errors/warnings.
2023-08-04 14:32:06 +02:00

191 lines
6.9 KiB

#ifndef ICVAR_H
#define ICVAR_H
#include "tier0/annotations.h"
#include "iconvar.h"
#include "appframework/IAppSystem.h"
// Forward declarations
class ConCommandBase;
class ConCommand;
class ConVar;
class IAppSystem;
class Color;
// ConVars/ComCommands are marked as having a particular DLL identifier
typedef int CVarDLLIdentifier_t;
// ConVars/ComCommands are marked as having a particular DLL identifier
typedef int CVarDLLIdentifier_t;
// Used to display console messages
abstract_class IConsoleDisplayFunc
virtual void ColorPrint(const Color & clr, const char* pMessage) = 0;
virtual void Print(const char* pMessage) = 0;
virtual void DPrint(const char* pMessage) = 0;
virtual void GetConsoleText(char* pchText, size_t bufSize) const = 0;
// Purpose: Applications can implement this to modify behavior in ICvar
abstract_class ICvarQuery : public IAppSystem
// Can these two convars be aliased?
virtual bool AreConVarsLinkable(const ConVar * child, const ConVar * parent) = 0;
// Purpose: DLL interface to ConVars/ConCommands
abstract_class ICvar : public IAppSystem
// Allocate a unique DLL identifier
virtual CVarDLLIdentifier_t AllocateDLLIdentifier() = 0;
// Register, unregister commands
virtual void RegisterConCommand( ConCommandBase *pCommandBase ) = 0;
virtual void UnregisterConCommand( ConCommandBase *pCommandBase ) = 0;
virtual void UnregisterConCommands( CVarDLLIdentifier_t id ) = 0;
// If there is a +<varname> <value> on the command line, this returns the value.
// Otherwise, it returns NULL.
virtual const char* GetCommandLineValue( const char *pVariableName ) = 0;
// Try to find the cvar pointer by name
virtual ConCommandBase *FindCommandBase( const char *name ) = 0;
virtual const ConCommandBase *FindCommandBase( const char *name ) const = 0;
virtual ConVar *FindVar ( const char *var_name ) = 0;
virtual const ConVar *FindVar ( const char *var_name ) const = 0;
virtual ConCommand *FindCommand( const char *name ) = 0;
virtual const ConCommand *FindCommand( const char *name ) const = 0;
virtual void sub_140599640() = 0;
virtual void sub_140599BA0() = 0;
// Install a global change callback (to be called when any convar changes)
virtual void InstallGlobalChangeCallback(FnChangeCallback_t callback) = 0;
virtual void RemoveGlobalChangeCallback(FnChangeCallback_t callback) = 0;
virtual void CallGlobalChangeCallbacks(ConVar* var, const char* pOldString/*, float flOldValue*/) = 0;
// Install a console printer
virtual void InstallConsoleDisplayFunc(IConsoleDisplayFunc* pDisplayFunc) = 0;
virtual void RemoveConsoleDisplayFunc(IConsoleDisplayFunc* pDisplayFunc) = 0;
virtual void ConsoleColorPrintf(const Color& clr, PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char* pFormat, ...) const FMTFUNCTION(3, 4) = 0;
virtual void ConsolePrintf(PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char* pFormat, ...) const FMTFUNCTION(2, 3) = 0;
virtual void ConsoleDPrintf(PRINTF_FORMAT_STRING const char* pFormat, ...) const FMTFUNCTION(2, 3) = 0;
virtual void sub_140598730() = 0;
// Method allowing the engine ICvarQuery interface to take over
// A little hacky, owing to the fact the engine is loaded
// well after ICVar, so we can't use the standard connect pattern
virtual void InstallCVarQuery( ICvarQuery *pQuery ) = 0;
virtual void SetMaxSplitScreenSlots(int nSlots) = 0;
virtual int GetMaxSplitScreenSlots() const = 0;
virtual int GetConsoleDisplayFuncCount() const = 0;
virtual void GetConsoleText(int nDisplayFuncIndex, char* pchText, size_t bufSize) const = 0;
// Utilities for convars accessed by the material system thread
virtual bool IsMaterialThreadSetAllowed() const = 0;
virtual void QueueMaterialThreadSetValue(ConVar* pConVar, const char* pValue) = 0;
virtual void QueueMaterialThreadSetValue(ConVar* pConVar, int nValue) = 0;
virtual void QueueMaterialThreadSetValue(ConVar* pConVar, float flValue) = 0;
virtual bool HasQueuedMaterialThreadConVarSets() const = 0;
virtual int ProcessQueuedMaterialThreadConVarSets() = 0;
protected: class ICVarIteratorInternal;
/// Iteration over all cvars.
/// usage:
/// { ICVar::Iterator iter(g_pCVar);
/// for ( iter.SetFirst() ; iter.IsValid() ; iter.Next() )
/// {
/// ConCommandBase *cmd = iter.Get();
/// }
/// }
/// The Iterator class actually wraps the internal factory methods
/// so you don't need to worry about new/delete -- scope takes care
// of it.
/// We need an iterator like this because we can't simply return a
/// pointer to the internal data type that contains the cvars --
/// it's a custom, protected class with unusual semantics and is
/// prone to change.
class Iterator
inline void SetFirst(void) RESTRICT;
inline void Next(void) RESTRICT;
inline bool IsValid(void) RESTRICT;
inline ConCommandBase* Get(void) RESTRICT;
inline Iterator(ICvar* icvar);
inline ~Iterator(void);
ICVarIteratorInternal* m_pIter;
// internals for ICVarIterator
class ICVarIteratorInternal
virtual void SetFirst(void) = 0;
virtual void Next(void) = 0;
virtual bool IsValid(void) = 0;
virtual ConCommandBase* Get(void) = 0;
virtual ~ICVarIteratorInternal(void) { }
virtual ICVarIteratorInternal* FactoryInternalIterator(void) = 0;
inline void ICvar::Iterator::SetFirst(void) RESTRICT
inline void ICvar::Iterator::Next(void) RESTRICT
inline bool ICvar::Iterator::IsValid(void) RESTRICT
return m_pIter->IsValid();
inline ConCommandBase* ICvar::Iterator::Get(void) RESTRICT
return m_pIter->Get();
inline ICvar::Iterator::Iterator(ICvar* icvar)
m_pIter = icvar->FactoryInternalIterator();
inline ICvar::Iterator::~Iterator(void)
delete m_pIter;
#endif // ICVAR_H