Kawe Mazidjatari 2501c37044 Globally convert all byte patterns to strings
These get reconverted to masked byte patterns at runtime. With the signature map cache system, this will only happen when building the cache.
2022-12-01 22:44:55 +01:00

45 lines
1.7 KiB

#pragma once
#include "core/stdafx.h"
#include "inputsystem/ButtonCode.h"
class CInputSystem
void EnableInput(bool bEnabled); // @0x14039F100 in R5pc_r5launch_N1094_CL456479_2019_10_30_05_20_PM
void EnableMessagePump(bool bEnabled); // @0x14039F110 in R5pc_r5launch_N1094_CL456479_2019_10_30_05_20_PM
bool IsButtonDown(ButtonCode_t Button); // @0x1403A0140 in R5pc_r5launch_N1094_CL456479_2019_10_30_05_20_PM
bool ButtonCodeToString(ButtonCode_t Button);
ButtonCode_t StringToButtonCode(const char* pString);
char pad_0000[16]; //0x0000
bool m_bEnabled; //0x0010 IsInputEnabled variable.
bool m_bPumpEnabled; //0x0011 EnabledMessagePump variable.
extern CInputSystem* g_pInputSystem;
class VInputSystem : public IDetour
virtual void GetAdr(void) const
spdlog::debug("| VAR: g_pInputSystem : {:#18x} |\n", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(g_pInputSystem));
virtual void GetFun(void) const { }
virtual void GetVar(void) const
g_pInputSystem = g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("48 83 EC 28 48 8B 0D ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8D 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 89 05 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 85 C9 74 11")
.FindPatternSelf("48 89 05", CMemory::Direction::DOWN, 40).ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(0x3, 0x7).RCast<CInputSystem*>();
virtual void GetCon(void) const { }
virtual void Attach(void) const { }
virtual void Detach(void) const { }