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synced 2025-02-09 19:15:03 +01:00
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224 lines
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// Purpose: Manage loading mods
#include "core/stdafx.h"
#include "modsystem.h"
#include "localize/localize.h"
#include "tier1/cvar.h"
#include "vpc/rson.h"
// Purpose: initialize the mod system
// Input :
void CModSystem::Init()
for (auto& it : fs::directory_iterator("platform\\mods"))
if (!fs::is_directory(it))
fs::path basePath = it.path();
DevMsg(eDLL_T::ENGINE, "Found mod at '%s'.\n", basePath.string().c_str());
fs::path settingsPath = basePath / "mod.vdf";
if (fs::exists(settingsPath))
CModSystem::ModInstance_t modInst = CModSystem::ModInstance_t(basePath);
if (modInst.m_iState != eModState::UNLOADED)
void CModSystem::LoadModStatusList()
if (FileSystem()->FileExists("platform/mods.vdf"))
KeyValues* pModList = FileSystem()->LoadKeyValues(IFileSystem::TYPE_COMMON, "platform/mods.vdf", "GAME");
for (KeyValues* pSubKey = pModList->GetFirstSubKey(); pSubKey != nullptr; pSubKey = pSubKey->GetNextKey())
size_t idHash = std::hash<std::string>{}(std::string(pSubKey->GetName()));
m_vEnabledList.emplace(idHash, pSubKey->GetBool());
void CModSystem::WriteModStatusList()
KeyValues kv = KeyValues("ModList");
KeyValues* pModListKV = kv.FindKey("ModList", true);
for (auto& it : m_vModList)
bool enabled = false;
if (it.m_iState == eModState::ENABLED)
enabled = true;
pModListKV->SetBool(it.m_szModID.c_str(), enabled);
CUtlBuffer uBuf = CUtlBuffer(0i64, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER);
kv.RecursiveSaveToFile(uBuf, 0);
FileSystem()->WriteFile("platform/mods.vdf", NULL, uBuf); // NULL instead of "GAME" because otherwise for some reason the file clears itself when the process exits
CModSystem::ModInstance_t::ModInstance_t(const fs::path& basePath) : m_szName(std::string()), m_szModID(std::string()), m_BasePath(basePath), m_szDescription(std::string()), m_szVersion(std::string()), m_SettingsKV(nullptr), m_iState(eModState::LOADING)
std::string settingsPath = (m_BasePath / "mod.vdf").string();
KeyValues* pSettingsKV = FileSystem()->LoadKeyValues(IFileSystem::TYPE_COMMON, settingsPath.c_str(), "GAME");
m_SettingsKV = pSettingsKV;
if (!m_SettingsKV)
Error(eDLL_T::ENGINE, NO_ERROR, "Failed to parse mod.vdf for mod at path '%s'\n", m_BasePath.string().c_str());
// "name" "An R5Reloaded Mod"
// [rexx]: could be optional and have id as fallback
KeyValues* pName = pSettingsKV->FindKey("name");
if (!pName)
Error(eDLL_T::ENGINE, NO_ERROR, "Mod settings file '%s' was missing required 'name' field. Skipping mod...\n", settingsPath.c_str());
m_szName = pName->GetString();
// "version" "1.0.0"
KeyValues* pVersion = pSettingsKV->FindKey("version");
if (!pVersion)
Error(eDLL_T::ENGINE, NO_ERROR, "Mod settings file '%s' was missing required 'version' field. Skipping mod...\n", settingsPath.c_str());
m_szVersion = pVersion->GetString();
// "id" "r5reloaded.TestMod"
KeyValues* pId = pSettingsKV->FindKey("id");
if (!pId)
Error(eDLL_T::ENGINE, NO_ERROR, "Mod settings file '%s' was missing required 'id' field. Skipping mod...\n", settingsPath.c_str());
m_szModID = pId->GetString();
// optional mod description field
m_szDescription = pSettingsKV->GetString("description");
size_t idHash = std::hash<std::string>{}(m_szModID);
auto& enabledList = g_pModSystem->GetEnabledList();
if (enabledList.count(idHash) == 0)
DevMsg(eDLL_T::ENGINE, "Mod does not exist in 'mods.vdf'. Enabling...\n");
bool bEnable = enabledList[idHash];
SetState(bEnable ? eModState::ENABLED : eModState::DISABLED);
DevMsg(eDLL_T::ENGINE, "Mod exists in 'mods.vdf' and is %s.\n", bEnable ? "enabled" : "disabled");
if (m_iState != eModState::ENABLED)
// parse any additional info from mod.vdf
// add mod folder to search paths so files can be easily loaded from here
// [rexx]: maybe this isn't ideal as the only way of finding the mod's files, as there may be name clashes in files where the engine
// won't really care about the input file name. it may be better to, where possible, request files by file path relative to root (i.e. including platform/mods/{mod}/)
FileSystem()->AddSearchPath(m_BasePath.string().c_str(), "GAME", SearchPathAdd_t::PATH_ADD_TO_TAIL);
KeyValues* pLocalizationFiles = pSettingsKV->FindKey("LocalizationFiles");
if (pLocalizationFiles)
for (KeyValues* pSubKey = pLocalizationFiles->GetFirstSubKey(); pSubKey != nullptr; pSubKey = pSubKey->GetNextKey())
KeyValues* pConVars = pSettingsKV->FindKey("ConVars");
if (pConVars)
for (KeyValues* pSubKey = pConVars->GetFirstSubKey(); pSubKey != nullptr; pSubKey = pSubKey->GetNextKey())
const char* pszName = pSubKey->GetName();
const char* pszHelpString = pSubKey->GetString("helpString");
const char* pszFlagsString = pSubKey->GetString("flags", "NONE");
KeyValues* pValues = pSubKey->FindKey("Values");
const char* pszDefaultValue = "0";
bool bMin = false;
bool bMax = false;
float fMin = 0.f;
float fMax = 0.f;
if (pValues)
pszDefaultValue = pValues->GetString("default", "0");
// minimum cvar value
if (pValues->FindKey("min"))
bMin = true; // has min value
fMin = pValues->GetFloat("min", 0.f);
// maximum cvar value
if (pValues->FindKey("max"))
bMax = true; // has max value
fMax = pValues->GetFloat("max", 1.f);
int flags = FCVAR_NONE;
if (ConVar::ParseFlagString(pszFlagsString, flags, pszName))
ConVar::StaticCreate(pszName, pszDefaultValue, flags, pszHelpString, bMin, fMin, bMax, fMax, nullptr, nullptr);
std::string scriptsRsonPath = (m_BasePath / "scripts/vscripts/scripts.rson").string();
if (FileSystem()->FileExists(scriptsRsonPath.c_str(), "GAME"))
m_bHasScriptCompileList = true;
CModSystem* g_pModSystem = new CModSystem(); |