Kawe Mazidjatari edc52ad669 IDetour: remove extraneous pointer assignments
Originally, we store the search results in a CMemory instance which we then assign to the actual function pointer. CMemory is just a pointer class; we can assign the results directly to the actual function pointer. This commit reduces a lot of code verbosity, and also reduced roughly 2KiB worth of static pointers in the resulting executable. This commit also officially deprecates the support for any GameDLL's below S3 (Season 3), since it makes more sense to port the assets from earlier/later games back to the version this SDK supports.
2024-04-05 17:19:32 +02:00

158 lines
4.3 KiB
Raw Blame History

//===== Copyright <20> 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "baseentity.h"
#include "public/studio.h"
#include "game/shared/animation.h"
class CBaseAnimating : public CBaseEntity
void DrawServerHitboxes(float duration = 0.0f);
void LockStudioHdr(void);
void HitboxToWorldTransforms(uint32_t iBone, matrix3x4_t* transforms);
CStudioHdr* GetModelPtr(void);
float GetModelScale() const { return m_flModelScale; }
void* __vftable;
bool m_markedForServerInterpolation;
bool m_animRemoveFromServerInterpolationNextFrame;
char gap_b12[2];
float m_flGroundSpeed;
float m_flLastEventCheck;
int m_nForceBone;
Vector3D m_vecForce;
int m_nSkin;
__int16 m_skinMod;
char gap_b32[2];
int m_nBody;
int m_camoIndex;
int m_decalIndex;
int m_nHitboxSet;
float m_flModelScale;
int m_nRagdollImpactFXTableId;
float m_flSkyScaleStartTime;
float m_flSkyScaleEndTime;
float m_flSkyScaleStartValue;
float m_flSkyScaleEndValue;
char gap_b5c[4];
char m_SequenceTransitioner[368];
float m_flIKGroundContactTime;
float m_flIKGroundMinHeight;
float m_flIKGroundMaxHeight;
float m_flEstIkFloor;
float m_flEstIkOffset;
char gap_ce4[4];
char m_pIk[8];
int m_ikPrevSequence;
bool m_bSequenceFinished;
bool m_bSequenceLooped;
bool m_bSequenceLoops;
bool m_continueAnimatingAfterRagdoll;
float m_lockedAnimDeltaYaw;
bool m_threadedBoneSetup;
bool m_settingUpBones;
char gap_cfe[2];
float m_flDissolveStartTime;
int m_baseAnimatingActivity;
float m_flPoseParameter[12];
bool m_poseParameterOverTimeActive;
char gap_d39[3];
float m_poseParameterGoalValue[12];
float m_poseParameterEndTime[12];
float m_lastTimeSetPoseParametersSameAs;
bool m_bClientSideAnimation;
bool m_bReallyClientSideAnimation;
char gap_da2[2];
int m_nNewSequenceParity;
int m_nResetEventsParity;
char gap_dac[4];
__int64 m_boneCacheHandle;
__int16 m_fBoneCacheFlags; // END CBASEANIMATING
char gap_dba[2];
int m_animNetworkFlags;
bool m_animActive;
bool m_animCollisionEnabled;
bool m_animPlantingEnabled;
bool m_animInitialCorrection;
bool m_animWaitingForCleanup;
char gap_dc5[3];
int m_animWaitingForCleanupTime;
char gap_dcc[4];
__int64 m_recordedAnim;
int m_recordedAnimIndex;
int m_recordedAnimCachedFrameIndex;
float m_recordedAnimPlaybackRate;
float m_recordedAnimPlaybackTime;
matrix3x4_t m_recordedAnimTransform;
int m_recordedAnimPlaybackEnt;
float m_recordedAnimBlendTime;
Vector3D m_recordedAnimBlendOffset;
Vector3D m_recordedAnimBlendAngles;
AnimRelativeData m_animRelativeData;
int m_syncingWithEntity;
char gap_ec4[4];
PredictedAnimEventData m_predictedAnimEventData;
int m_animRefEntityAttachmentIndex;
int m_fireAttachmentSmartAmmoIndex;
int m_fireAttachmentChestFocusIndex;
int m_fireAttachmentModelIndex;
char m_keyHitboxes[160];
CStudioHdr* m_pStudioHdr;
int m_animSequence;
float m_animCycle;
int m_animModelIndex;
float m_animStartTime;
float m_animStartCycle;
float m_animPlaybackRate;
bool m_animFrozen;
char gap_ff9[7];
__int64 m_createdProp[8];
int m_numCreatedProps;
char gap_1044[4];
__int64 m_currentFramePropEvents[16];
int m_numCurrentFramePropEvents;
char gap_10cc[4];
__int64 m_activeScriptAnimWindows[8];
int m_numActiveScriptAnimWindows;
char gap_1114[4];
__int64 m_currentFrameWindowEvents[16];
int m_numCurrentFrameWindowEvents;
char gap_119c[4];
__int64 m_AnimSyncScriptProps[8];
int m_numAnimSyncScriptProps;
inline CBaseAnimating*(*CBaseAnimating__LockStudioHdr)(CBaseAnimating* thisp);
class VBaseAnimating : public IDetour
virtual void GetAdr(void) const
LogFunAdr("CBaseAnimating::LockStudioHdr", CBaseAnimating__LockStudioHdr);
virtual void GetFun(void) const
g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("48 89 5C 24 ?? 48 89 74 24 ?? 41 56 48 83 EC 20 0F BF 41 58").GetPtr(CBaseAnimating__LockStudioHdr);
virtual void GetVar(void) const { }
virtual void GetCon(void) const { }
virtual void Detour(const bool bAttach) const { }