Kawe Mazidjatari c3f31d694a Improved mod RPak loading between changelevel
Note: this does not work reliably still.

The only way we could make this work 100% reliable would be to fully rebuild '0x140341D40' in the SDK and load our pak files among with the pre-existing g_pakLoadApi->AsyncLoad() call in this function, as this will ensure everything will be ran synchronously.

The current approach by taking some JT fifolock wrapper will only work reliably between one level change, unsure why the second and up fail.
2022-05-04 02:25:27 +02:00

113 lines
5.9 KiB

#pragma once
#include "mathlib/vector.h"
enum class HostStates_t : int
HS_NEW_GAME = 0x0,
HS_RUN = 0x4,
class CHostState
FORCEINLINE static void FrameUpdate(CHostState* rcx, void* rdx, float time);
FORCEINLINE void LoadConfig(void) const;
FORCEINLINE void Init(void);
FORCEINLINE void Setup(void);
FORCEINLINE void Think(void) const;
FORCEINLINE void GameShutDown(void);
FORCEINLINE void UnloadPakFile(void) const;
FORCEINLINE void State_NewGame(void);
FORCEINLINE void State_ChangeLevelSP(void);
FORCEINLINE void State_ChangeLevelMP(void);
FORCEINLINE void ResetLevelName(void);
FORCEINLINE bool LevelHasChanged(void) const;
HostStates_t m_iCurrentState; //0x0000
HostStates_t m_iNextState; //0x0004
Vector3 m_vecLocation; //0x0008
QAngle m_angLocation; //0x0014
char m_levelName[64]; //0x0020
char m_mapGroupName[256]; //0x0060
char m_landMarkName[256]; //0x0160
float m_flShortFrameTime; //0x0260
bool m_bActiveGame; //0x0264
bool m_bRememberLocation; //0x0265
bool m_bBackgroundLevel; //0x0266
bool m_bWaitingForConnection; //0x0267
bool m_bSplitScreenConnect; //0x0268
bool m_bGameHasShutDownAndFlushedMemory; //0x0269
bool m_bWorkshopMapDownloadPending; //0x026A
/* ==== CHOSTSTATE ====================================================================================================================================================== */
inline CMemory p_CHostState_FrameUpdate;
inline auto CHostState_FrameUpdate = p_CHostState_FrameUpdate.RCast<void(*)(CHostState* rcx, void* rdx, float time)>();
inline CMemory p_CHostState_State_Run;
inline auto CHostState_State_Run = p_CHostState_State_Run.RCast<void(*)(HostStates_t* pState, void* pUnused, float flFrameTime)>();
inline CMemory p_CHostState_State_GameShutDown;
inline auto CHostState_State_GameShutDown = p_CHostState_State_GameShutDown.RCast<void(*)(CHostState* thisptr)>();
extern bool g_bLevelResourceInitialized;
extern bool g_bBasePaksInitialized;
void CHostState_Attach();
void CHostState_Detach();
extern CHostState* g_pHostState;
class HHostState : public IDetour
virtual void GetAdr(void) const
std::cout << "| FUN: CHostState::FrameUpdate : 0x" << std::hex << std::uppercase << p_CHostState_FrameUpdate.GetPtr() << std::setw(nPad) << " |" << std::endl;
std::cout << "| FUN: CHostState::State_Run : 0x" << std::hex << std::uppercase << p_CHostState_State_Run.GetPtr() << std::setw(nPad) << " |" << std::endl;
std::cout << "| FUN: CHostState::State_GameShutDown : 0x" << std::hex << std::uppercase << p_CHostState_State_GameShutDown.GetPtr() << std::setw(nPad) << " |" << std::endl;
std::cout << "| VAR: g_pHostState : 0x" << std::hex << std::uppercase << g_pHostState << std::setw(0) << " |" << std::endl;
std::cout << "+----------------------------------------------------------------+" << std::endl;
virtual void GetFun(void) const
p_CHostState_FrameUpdate = g_mGameDll.FindPatternSIMD(reinterpret_cast<rsig_t>("\x48\x89\x5C\x24\x08\x48\x89\x6C\x24\x20\xF3\x0F\x11\x54\x24\x18"), "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx");
p_CHostState_State_Run = g_mGameDll.FindPatternSIMD(reinterpret_cast<rsig_t>("\x48\x8B\xC4\x48\x89\x58\x10\x48\x89\x70\x18\x48\x89\x78\x20\x55\x41\x54\x41\x55\x41\x56\x41\x57\x48\x8D\xA8\x00\x00\x00\x00\x48\x81\xEC\x00\x00\x00\x00\x0F\x29\x70\xC8\x45\x33\xE4"), "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx????xxx????xxxxxxx");
#if defined (GAMEDLL_S0) || defined (GAMEDLL_S1)
p_CHostState_State_GameShutDown = g_mGameDll.FindPatternSIMD(reinterpret_cast<rsig_t>("\x48\x89\x5C\x24\x00\x56\x48\x83\xEC\x20\x8B\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x48\x8B\xF1"), "xxxx?xxxxxxx????xxx");
#elif defined (GAMEDLL_S2)
p_CHostState_State_GameShutDown = g_mGameDll.FindPatternSIMD(reinterpret_cast<rsig_t>("\x48\x89\x5C\x24\x00\x48\x89\x74\x24\x00\x57\x48\x83\xEC\x20\x8B\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00\x33\xFF\x48\x8B\xF1"), "xxxx?xxxx?xxxxxxx????xxxxx");
#elif defined (GAMEDLL_S3)
p_CHostState_State_GameShutDown = g_mGameDll.FindPatternSIMD(reinterpret_cast<rsig_t>("\x48\x89\x5C\x24\x00\x57\x48\x83\xEC\x20\x48\x8B\xD9\xE8\x00\x00\x00\x00\x48\x8B\x0D\x00\x00\x00\x00"), "xxxx?xxxxxxxxx????xxx????");
CHostState_FrameUpdate = p_CHostState_FrameUpdate.RCast<void(*)(CHostState*, void*, float)>(); /*48 89 5C 24 08 48 89 6C 24 20 F3 0F 11 54 24 18*/
CHostState_State_Run = p_CHostState_State_Run.RCast<void(*)(HostStates_t*, void*, float)>(); /*48 8B C4 48 89 58 10 48 89 70 18 48 89 78 20 55 41 54 41 55 41 56 41 57 48 8D A8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 81 EC ?? ?? ?? ?? 0F 29 70 C8 45 33 E4*/
CHostState_State_GameShutDown = p_CHostState_State_GameShutDown.RCast<void(*)(CHostState* thisptr)>(); /*48 89 5C 24 ?? 57 48 83 EC 20 48 8B D9 E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B 0D ?? ?? ?? ??*/
virtual void GetVar(void) const
g_pHostState = p_CHostState_FrameUpdate.FindPattern("48 8D ?? ?? ?? ?? 01", CMemory::Direction::DOWN, 100).ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(0x3, 0x7).RCast<CHostState*>();
virtual void GetCon(void) const { }
virtual void Attach(void) const { }
virtual void Detach(void) const { }