mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 19:15:03 +01:00
This change was planned for a long time. This moves all REGISTER calls to a single translation unit, this is required as we currently added a very dirty workaround for not registering duplicates by checking if VFTable pointer was already present in the vector... Registering from single translation unit prevents duplicate instances that gets created if header is included by more cpp files. Reworking this reduced 100kb+ of compiled code. This commit also reworked the way functions/variables/constant gets logged with their addresses; the new code formats them on the fly, and allows for resize at any time. Formatting is no longer required by programmer. TODO: currently there are some compile errors for dedicated and client dll's. These will be resolved very soon as they need to be properly worked out still (server & client only stuff needs to be properly split). Use the 'main' (stable) branch for the time being if you need to compile these dll's.
146 lines
5.1 KiB
146 lines
5.1 KiB
#pragma once
#pragma message("Pre-compiling headers.\n")
#define WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN // Prevent winsock2 redefinition.
#include <windows.h>
#include <WinSock2.h>
#include <comdef.h>
#include <gdiplus.h>
#include <timeapi.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include <Psapi.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include <objbase.h>
#include <intrin.h>
#include <emmintrin.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <regex>
#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cassert>
#include <filesystem>
#include <unordered_set>
#if !defined(DEDICATED) && !defined(SDKLAUNCHER) && !defined (NETCONSOLE) && !defined(PLUGINSDK)
#include <d3d11.h>
#include "thirdparty/nlohmann/json.hpp"
#include "thirdparty/detours/include/detours.h"
#include "thirdparty/detours/include/idetour.h"
#if defined(SDKLAUNCHER)
#include "thirdparty/cppnet/cppkore/Kore.h"
#include "thirdparty/cppnet/cppkore/UIXTheme.h"
#include "thirdparty/cppnet/cppkore/UIXLabel.h"
#include "thirdparty/cppnet/cppkore/UIXListView.h"
#include "thirdparty/cppnet/cppkore/UIXCheckBox.h"
#include "thirdparty/cppnet/cppkore/UIXComboBox.h"
#include "thirdparty/cppnet/cppkore/UIXTextBox.h"
#include "thirdparty/cppnet/cppkore/UIXGroupBox.h"
#include "thirdparty/cppnet/cppkore/UIXButton.h"
#include "thirdparty/cppnet/cppkore/UIXRadioButton.h"
#include "thirdparty/cppnet/cppkore/KoreTheme.h"
#include "launcher/launcherdefs.h"
#if !defined(DEDICATED) && !defined(SDKLAUNCHER) && !defined (NETCONSOLE) && !defined(PLUGINSDK)
#include "thirdparty/imgui/include/imgui.h"
#include "thirdparty/imgui/include/imgui_stdlib.h"
#include "thirdparty/imgui/include/imgui_logger.h"
#include "thirdparty/imgui/include/imgui_editor.h"
#include "thirdparty/imgui/include/imgui_utility.h"
#include "thirdparty/imgui/include/imgui_internal.h"
#include "thirdparty/imgui/include/imgui_impl_dx11.h"
#include "thirdparty/imgui/include/imgui_impl_win32.h"
#if !defined(SDKLAUNCHER) && !defined (NETCONSOLE) && !defined(PLUGINSDK)
#include "thirdparty/lzham/include/lzham_types.h"
#include "thirdparty/lzham/include/lzham.h"
#include "thirdparty/spdlog/include/spdlog.h"
#include "thirdparty/spdlog/include/async.h"
#include "thirdparty/spdlog/include/sinks/ostream_sink.h"
#include "thirdparty/spdlog/include/sinks/basic_file_sink.h"
#include "thirdparty/spdlog/include/sinks/stdout_sinks.h"
#include "thirdparty/spdlog/include/sinks/stdout_color_sinks.h"
#include "thirdparty/spdlog/include/sinks/ansicolor_sink.h"
#include "thirdparty/spdlog/include/sinks/rotating_file_sink.h"
#include "common/pseudodefs.h"
#include "common/x86defs.h"
#include "common/sdkdefs.h"
#include "public/utility/utility.h"
#include "public/utility/memaddr.h"
#include "public/utility/module.h"
#include "public/utility/sigcache.h"
#include "public/utility/httplib.h"
#include "public/utility/vdf_parser.h"
#include "core/assert.h"
#include "core/termutil.h"
#include "tier0/basetypes.h"
#include "tier0/platform.h"
#include "tier0/commonmacros.h"
#if !defined(SDKLAUNCHER) && !defined (NETCONSOLE) && !defined(PLUGINSDK)
#include "tier0/dbg.h"
#if !defined(SDKLAUNCHER) && !defined (NETCONSOLE) && !defined(PLUGINSDK)
#if !defined (DEDICATED)
inline CModule g_GameDll = CModule("r5apex.exe");
inline CModule g_RadVideoToolsDll = CModule("bink2w64.dll");
inline CModule g_RadAudioDecoderDll = CModule("binkawin64.dll");
inline CModule g_RadAudioSystemDll = CModule("mileswin64.dll");
#if !defined (CLIENT_DLL)
inline CModule g_SDKDll = CModule("gamesdk.dll");
#else // This dll is loaded from 'bin/x64_retail//'
inline CModule g_SDKDll = CModule("client.dll");
#endif // !CLIENT_DLL
#else // No DirectX and Miles imports.
inline CModule g_GameDll = CModule("r5apex_ds.exe");
inline CModule g_SDKDll = CModule("dedicated.dll");
#endif // !DEDICATED
inline CSigCache g_SigCache;
#define VAR_NAME(varName) #varName
#define MEMBER_AT_OFFSET(varType, varName, offset) \
varType& varName() \
{ \
static int _##varName = offset; \
return *(varType*)((std::uintptr_t)this + _##varName); \
template <typename ReturnType, typename ...Args>
ReturnType CallVFunc(int index, void* thisPtr, Args... args)
return (*reinterpret_cast<ReturnType(__fastcall***)(void*, Args...)>(thisPtr))[index](thisPtr, args...);
inline void LogFunAdr(const char* szFun, uintptr_t nAdr) // Logging function addresses.
spdlog::debug("| FUN: {:42s}: {:#18x} |\n", szFun, nAdr);
inline void LogVarAdr(const char* szVar, uintptr_t nAdr) // Logging variable addresses.
spdlog::debug("| VAR: {:42s}: {:#18x} |\n", szVar, nAdr);
inline void LogConAdr(const char* szCon, uintptr_t nAdr) // Logging constant addresses.
spdlog::debug("| CON: {:42s}: {:#18x} |\n", szCon, nAdr);