Kawe Mazidjatari a618990937 Detour code refactor
This change was planned for a long time. This moves all REGISTER calls to a single translation unit, this is required as we currently added a very dirty workaround for not registering duplicates by checking if VFTable pointer was already present in the vector... Registering from single translation unit prevents duplicate instances that gets created if header is included by more cpp files.
Reworking this reduced 100kb+ of compiled code. This commit also reworked the way functions/variables/constant gets logged with their addresses; the new code formats them on the fly, and allows for resize at any time. Formatting is no longer required by programmer.

TODO: currently there are some compile errors for dedicated and client dll's. These will be resolved very soon as they need to be properly worked out still (server & client only stuff needs to be properly split). Use the 'main' (stable) branch for the time being if you need to compile these dll's.
2023-01-25 02:26:52 +01:00

450 lines
15 KiB

// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#include "core/stdafx.h"
#include "tier0/memstd.h"
#include "tier0/jobthread.h"
#include "engine/sys_dll2.h"
#include "engine/host_cmd.h"
#include "engine/cmodel_bsp.h"
#include "rtech/rtech_utils.h"
#include "rtech/rtech_game.h"
#include "vpc/keyvalues.h"
#include "datacache/mdlcache.h"
#include "filesystem/filesystem.h"
vector<string> g_vAllMaps;
string s_svLevelName;
bool s_bLevelResourceInitialized = false;
bool s_bBasePaksInitialized = false;
KeyValues* s_pLevelSetKV = nullptr;
// Purpose: checks if level has changed
// Input : *pszLevelName -
// Output : true if level name deviates from previous level
bool Mod_LevelHasChanged(const char* pszLevelName)
return (s_svLevelName.compare(pszLevelName) != 0);
// Purpose: gets all installed maps
void Mod_GetAllInstalledMaps()
std::lock_guard<std::mutex> l(g_MapVecMutex);
g_vAllMaps.clear(); // Clear current list.
fs::directory_iterator fsDir("vpk");
std::regex rgArchiveRegex{ R"([^_]*_(.*)(.bsp.pak000_dir).*)" };
std::smatch smRegexMatches;
for (const fs::directory_entry& dEntry : fsDir)
std::string svFileName = dEntry.path().u8string();
std::regex_search(svFileName, smRegexMatches, rgArchiveRegex);
if (!smRegexMatches.empty())
if (smRegexMatches[1].str().compare("frontend") == 0)
continue; // Frontend contains no BSP's.
else if (smRegexMatches[1].str().compare("mp_common") == 0)
if (std::find(g_vAllMaps.begin(), g_vAllMaps.end(), "mp_lobby") == g_vAllMaps.end())
continue; // Common contains mp_lobby.
if (std::find(g_vAllMaps.begin(), g_vAllMaps.end(), smRegexMatches[1].str()) == g_vAllMaps.end())
// Purpose: gets the queued pak handles
// Input : *a1 -
// *a2 -
// a3 -
// Output : __int64
__int64 __fastcall Mod_GetQueuedPakHandle(char* a1, char* a2, __int64 a3)
char v3; // al
signed int v4; // er11
__int64 v5; // r10
char* v6; // r9
signed __int64 v7; // rdx
char v8; // al
char* v10; // r8
char* v11; // r8
v3 = *a2;
v4 = 0;
*a1 = *a2;
v5 = 0i64;
if (v3)
v6 = a1;
v7 = a2 - a1;
while (1)
if (v5 == a3)
v8 = v6[v7];
*v6 = v8;
if (!v8)
return v5;
*(v6 - 1) = 0;
if (--v5)
v10 = &a1[v5 - 1];
if ((*v10 & 0xC0) == 0x80)
while ((v10[-v4] & 0xC0) == 0x80);
v11 = &v10[-v4];
if (v4 != ((0xE5000000 >> (((unsigned __int8)*v11 >> 3) & 0x1E)) & 3))
*v11 = 0;
v5 -= v4;
return v5;
// Purpose: processes queued pak files
void Mod_ProcessPakQueue()
char v0; // bl
char** v1; // r10
int i; // er9
char* v3; // rcx
signed __int64 v4; // r8
int v5; // eax
int v6; // edx
int v7; // eax
__int64 v8; // rbp
__int64 v9; // rsi
char* v10; // rbx
unsigned int v11; // ecx
__int64 v12; // rax
int v13; // edi
char v14; // al
char* v15; // rbx
int v16; // edi
char* v17; // rsi
char* v18; // rax
int v19; // ecx
int v20; // er8
int v21; // ecx
__int64 v22; // rdx
__int64 v24{}; // rdx
__int64 v25{}; // rcx
v0 = 0;
if (*(float*)&*dword_14B383420 == 1.0 && *qword_167ED7BB8 && *((int*)&*qword_14180A098/* + 36*/) < 2)
*byte_16709DDDF = 0;
v0 = 1;
else if (*byte_16709DDDF)
if (FileSystem()->ResetItemCache() && !*dword_1634F445C)
v1 = &*off_141874660;
for (i = 0; i < 5; ++i)
if (*((_BYTE*)v1 - 268))
v3 = (char*)&*unk_141874555 + 280 * i;
v4 = *v1 - v3;
v5 = (unsigned __int8)v3[v4];
v6 = (unsigned __int8)*v3 - v5;
if (v6)
} while (v5);
if (v6)
v1 += 35;
v7 = 0;
if (!v0)
v7 = i;
v8 = v7;
if (v7 <= 4i64)
v9 = 4i64;
v10 = (char*)&*unk_1418749B0;
if (v10[5])
v11 = *(_DWORD*)v10;
v12 = *(_DWORD*)v10 & 0x1FF;
v10[4] = 1;
if (*((_DWORD*)&*g_pLoadedPakInfo + 46 * v12) == v11)
v13 = *((_DWORD*)&*g_pLoadedPakInfo + 46 * v12 + 1);
v14 = v10[4];
v13 = 14;
v14 = 1;
if (!v14 || v13 == 9)
// SDK pak files must be unloaded before the engine pak files,
// as we reference assets within engine pak files.
const RPakLoadedInfo_t* pLoadedPakInfo = g_pRTech->GetPakLoadedInfo(*(RPakHandle_t*)v10);
if (pLoadedPakInfo)
const char* pszLoadedPakName = pLoadedPakInfo->m_pszFileName;
if (strcmp(pszLoadedPakName, "common_mp.rpak") == 0 ||
strcmp(pszLoadedPakName, "common_sp.rpak") == 0 ||
strcmp(pszLoadedPakName, "common_pve.rpak") == 0)
const RPakLoadedInfo_t* pLoadedSdkPak = g_pRTech->GetPakLoadedInfo("common_sdk.rpak");
if (pLoadedSdkPak) // Only unload if sdk pak file is loaded.
else if (strcmp(pszLoadedPakName, "ui_mp.rpak") == 0)
const RPakLoadedInfo_t* pLoadedSdkPak = g_pRTech->GetPakLoadedInfo("ui_sdk.rpak");
if (pLoadedSdkPak) // Only unload if sdk pak file is loaded.
Mod_UnloadPakFile(); // Unload mod pak files.
if (s_pLevelSetKV)
// Delete current level settings if we drop all paks..
s_pLevelSetKV = nullptr;
if (v13 && (unsigned int)(v13 - 13) > 1)
*((_WORD*)v10 + 2) = 0;
*(_DWORD*)v10 = -1;
v10 -= 280;
} while (v9 >= v8);
*byte_16709DDDF = 1;
v15 = (char*)&*unk_141874550;
v16 = 0;
while (1)
v17 = (char*)&*unk_141874550 + 280 * v16 + 5;
v18 = v17;
v19 = (unsigned __int8)v18[*((_QWORD*)v15 + 34) - (_QWORD)v17];
v20 = (unsigned __int8)*v18 - v19;
if (v20)
} while (v19);
if (!v20)
goto LABEL_37;
Mod_GetQueuedPakHandle(v17, *((char**)v15 + 34), 260i64);
if (v15[5])
*(_DWORD*)v15 = -1;
v15 += 280;
if (v16 >= 5)
if (*byte_16709DDDF)
if (*g_pMTVFTaskItem)
if (!*(_BYTE*)(*g_pMTVFTaskItem + 4))
if (*qword_167ED7BC0 || WORD2(*qword_167ED7C68) != HIWORD(*qword_167ED7C68))
if (!JT_AcquireFifoLock(&*g_pPakFifoLock)
&& !(unsigned __int8)sub_14045BAC0((__int64(__fastcall*)(__int64, _DWORD*, __int64, _QWORD*))g_pPakFifoLockWrapper, &*g_pPakFifoLock, -1i64, 0i64))
sub_14045A1D0((unsigned __int8(__fastcall*)(_QWORD))g_pPakFifoLockWrapper, &*g_pPakFifoLock, -1i64, 0i64, 0i64, 1);
sub_140441220(v25, v24);
if (ThreadInMainThread())
if (*g_bPakFifoLockAcquired)
*g_bPakFifoLockAcquired = 0;
if (strcmp(v17, "mp_lobby.rpak") == 0)
s_bBasePaksInitialized = true;
if (s_bBasePaksInitialized && !s_bLevelResourceInitialized)
s_bLevelResourceInitialized = true;
*(_DWORD*)v15 = g_pakLoadApi->LoadAsync(v17, g_pMallocPool, 4, 0);
if (strcmp(v17, "common_mp.rpak") == 0 || strcmp(v17, "common_sp.rpak") == 0 || strcmp(v17, "common_pve.rpak") == 0)
RPakHandle_t pakHandle = g_pakLoadApi->LoadAsync("common_sdk.rpak", g_pMallocPool, 4, 0);
if (strcmp(v17, "ui_mp.rpak") == 0)
RPakHandle_t pakHandle = g_pakLoadApi->LoadAsync("ui_sdk.rpak", g_pMallocPool, 4, 0);
v21 = *(_DWORD*)v15;
#if defined (GAMEDLL_S0) || defined (GAMEDLL_S1) || defined (GAMEDLL_S2)
v22 = 232i64 * (v21 & 0x1FF);
v22 = 184i64 * (v21 & 0x1FF);
if (*(_DWORD*)((char*)&*g_pLoadedPakInfo + v22) != v21 || ((*(_DWORD*)((char*)&*g_pLoadedPakInfo + v22 + 4) - 9) & 0xFFFFFFFB) != 0)
*byte_16709DDDF = 0; return;
goto LABEL_40;
// Purpose: load assets for level with fifolock.
// Input : *szLevelName -
// Output : true on success, false on failure
bool Mod_LoadPakForMap(const char* pszLevelName)
if (Mod_LevelHasChanged(pszLevelName))
s_bLevelResourceInitialized = false;
s_svLevelName = pszLevelName;
return v_Mod_LoadPakForMap(pszLevelName);
// Purpose: loads the level settings file, returns current if level hasn't changed.
// Input : *pszLevelName -
// Output : KeyValues*
KeyValues* Mod_GetLevelSettings(const char* pszLevelName)
if (s_pLevelSetKV)
if (s_bLevelResourceInitialized)
return s_pLevelSetKV;
char szPathBuffer[MAX_PATH];
snprintf(szPathBuffer, sizeof(szPathBuffer), "scripts/levels/settings/%s.kv", pszLevelName);
s_pLevelSetKV = FileSystem()->LoadKeyValues(IFileSystem::TYPE_LEVELSETTINGS, szPathBuffer, "GAME");
return s_pLevelSetKV;
// Purpose: loads required pakfile assets for specified BSP level
// Input : &svSetFile -
void Mod_PreloadLevelPaks(const char* pszLevelName)
KeyValues* pSettingsKV = Mod_GetLevelSettings(pszLevelName);
if (!pSettingsKV)
KeyValues* pPakListKV = pSettingsKV->FindKey("PakList");
if (!pPakListKV)
char szPathBuffer[MAX_PATH];
for (KeyValues* pSubKey = pPakListKV->GetFirstSubKey(); pSubKey != nullptr; pSubKey = pSubKey->GetNextKey())
if (!pSubKey->GetBool())
snprintf(szPathBuffer, sizeof(szPathBuffer), "%s.rpak", pSubKey->GetName());
RPakHandle_t nPakId = g_pakLoadApi->LoadAsync(szPathBuffer, g_pMallocPool, 4, 0);
Error(eDLL_T::ENGINE, NO_ERROR, "%s: unable to load pak '%s' results '%d'\n", __FUNCTION__, szPathBuffer, nPakId);
// Purpose: unloads all pakfiles loaded by the SDK
void Mod_UnloadPakFile(void)
for (const RPakHandle_t& it : g_vLoadedPakHandle)
if (it >= 0)
void VModel_BSP::Attach() const
DetourAttach((LPVOID*)&v_Mod_LoadPakForMap, &Mod_LoadPakForMap);
DetourAttach((LPVOID*)&v_Mod_ProcessPakQueue, &Mod_ProcessPakQueue);
void VModel_BSP::Detach() const
DetourDetach((LPVOID*)&v_Mod_LoadPakForMap, &Mod_LoadPakForMap);
DetourDetach((LPVOID*)&v_Mod_ProcessPakQueue, &Mod_ProcessPakQueue);