Kawe Mazidjatari 2501c37044 Globally convert all byte patterns to strings
These get reconverted to masked byte patterns at runtime. With the signature map cache system, this will only happen when building the cache.
2022-12-01 22:44:55 +01:00

79 lines
2.8 KiB

#pragma once
#include "game/server/ai_node.h"
// CAI_Network
// Purpose: Stores a node graph through which an AI may pathfind
class CAI_Network
static void DebugConnectMsg(int node1, int node2, const char* pszFormat, ...);
void* GetVTable(void) const;
int GetNumLinks(void) const;
int GetNumZones(void) const;
int GetNumHints(void) const;
int GetNumScriptNodes(void) const;
int64_t GetNumPathNodes(void) const;
short GetHint(int nIndex) const;
CAI_ScriptNode* GetScriptNodes(void) const;
CAI_Node** GetPathNodes(void) const;
void* m_pVTable; // <-- 'this'.
int m_iNumLinks; // +0x0008
char unk1[0x7C]; // +0x000C
int m_iNumZones; // +0x0088
char unk2[0x10]; // +0x008C
// unk8 on disk
int unk5; // +0x009C
char unk6[0x4]; // +0x00A0
int m_iNumHints; // +0x00A4
short m_Hints[0x7D0]; // +0x00A8 <-- '2000' hints.
CAI_ScriptNode* m_ScriptNode; // +0x1048 <-- '[r5apex_ds.exe + 0xc6fd39]'.
int m_iNumScriptNodes; // +0x1050
char pad0[0x14]; // +0x1054 <-- !TODO
int m_iNumNodes; // +0x1070
CAI_Node** m_pAInode; // +0x1078
inline CAI_Network** g_pAINetwork = nullptr;
void CAI_Network_Attach();
void CAI_Network_Detach();
inline CMemory p_CAI_Network__DebugConnectMsg;
inline auto v_CAI_Network__DebugConnectMsg = p_CAI_Network__DebugConnectMsg.RCast<void (*)(int node1, int node2, const char* pszformat, ...)>();
class VAI_Network : public IDetour
virtual void GetAdr(void) const
spdlog::debug("| FUN: CAI_Network::DebugConnectMsg : {:#18x} |\n", p_CAI_Network__DebugConnectMsg.GetPtr());
spdlog::debug("| VAR: g_pAINetwork : {:#18x} |\n", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(g_pAINetwork));
virtual void GetFun(void) const
p_CAI_Network__DebugConnectMsg = g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("4C 89 4C 24 ?? 48 83 EC 18");
v_CAI_Network__DebugConnectMsg = p_CAI_Network__DebugConnectMsg.RCast<void (*)(int, int, const char*, ...)>(); /*4C 89 4C 24 ?? 48 83 EC 18*/
virtual void GetVar(void) const
g_pAINetwork = g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("48 89 5C 24 ?? 4C 63 91 ?? ?? ?? ??").FindPatternSelf("48 8B").ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(0x3, 0x7).RCast<CAI_Network**>();
virtual void GetCon(void) const { }
virtual void Attach(void) const { }
virtual void Detach(void) const { }