2022-03-07 13:15:45 +01:00

84 lines
2.9 KiB

#include "core/stdafx.h"
#include "sys_engine.h"
CEngine* g_pEngine = reinterpret_cast<CEngine*>(g_pEngineBuffer.GetPtr());
// Purpose: Start initializing the engine.
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CEngine::Load(bool dedicated, const char* rootDir)
static int index = 1;
return CallVFunc<bool>(index, this, dedicated, rootDir);
// Purpose: Start to shutdown the engine.
void CEngine::Unload(void)
static int index = 2;
CallVFunc<void>(index, this);
// Purpose: Set the next dll engine state.
void CEngine::SetNextState(EngineState_t iNextState)
m_nNextDLLState = iNextState;
// Purpose: Get the dll engine state.
EngineState_t CEngine::GetState(void) const
return m_nDLLState;
// Purpose:
void CEngine::Frame(void)
static int index = 5;
CallVFunc<void>(index, this);
// Purpose: Get engine frame time.
float CEngine::GetFrameTime(void) const
return m_flFrameTime;
// Purpose:
float CEngine::GetPreviousTime(void) // I'm not sure if this is right, should double check.
static int index = 7;
return CallVFunc<float>(index, this);
// Purpose:
__m128 __fastcall CEngine::GetCurTime(CEngine *thisPtr) const
return _mm_cvtpd_ps(_mm_cvtepi32_pd(_mm_cvtsi64_si128(thisPtr->m_flCurrentTime)));
// Purpose: Set dll state.
void CEngine::SetQuitting(EngineDllQuitting_t quitDllState)
static int index = 9;
CallVFunc<void>(index, this, quitDllState);