mirror of
synced 2025-02-09 19:15:03 +01:00
Find regex pattern: inline auto ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+) = ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\.RCast<([a-zA-Z0-9_:<>*]+) *\(\*\)\(([^)]*)\)>\(\); Replace regex pattern: inline $3(*$1)($4); This commit also removes the unnecessary initialization (which was required to type the auto variables), and therefore removed 6kb of unnecessary dynamic initialization code.
283 lines
7.5 KiB
283 lines
7.5 KiB
//===== Copyright © 1996-2005, Valve Corporation, All rights reserved. ======//
// Purpose:
// $NoKeywords: $
#ifdef _WIN32
#pragma once
#include "mathlib/vector.h"
#include "tier1/string_t.h"
#include "public/iservernetworkable.h"
#include "public/iserverentity.h"
#include "engine/gl_model_private.h"
#include "game/shared/collisionproperty.h"
#include "networkproperty.h"
#include "entitylist.h"
class CBaseEntity : public IServerEntity
// non-virtual methods. Don't override these!
CCollisionProperty* CollisionProp();
const CCollisionProperty* CollisionProp() const;
CServerNetworkProperty* NetworkProp();
const CServerNetworkProperty* NetworkProp() const;
model_t* GetModel(void);
int GetModelIndex(void) const; // Virtual in-engine!
string_t GetModelName(void) const; // Virtual in-engine!
char m_RefEHandle[4];
char gap_c[4];
void* m_collideable;
void* m_networkable;
int genericKeyValueCount;
char gap_24[4];
void* genericKeyValues;
void* m_pfnMoveDone;
void* m_pfnThink;
CServerNetworkProperty m_Network;
string_t m_ModelName;
int m_entIndex;
char gap_74[8]; // Aligns properly in IDA and generated code after setting from 4 to 8.
const char* m_iClassname;
float m_flAnimTime;
float m_flSimulationTime;
int m_creationTick;
int m_nLastThinkTick;
int m_PredictableID;
int touchStamp;
char m_aThinkFunctions[32];
float m_entitySpawnTime;
int m_spawner;
bool m_wantsDamageCallbacks;
bool m_wantsDeathCallbacks;
char gap_c2[2];
int m_nNextThinkTick;
int m_fEffects;
bool m_thinkNextFrame;
char gap_cd[3];
__int64 m_target;
int m_networkedFlags;
char m_nRenderFX;
char m_nRenderMode;
__int16 m_nModelIndex;
int m_clrRender;
char m_clIntensity;
char gap_e5[3];
int m_desiredHibernationType;
int m_scriptMinHibernationType;
int m_minSelfAndDescendantHibernationType;
int m_actualHibernationType;
int m_hibernationQueueIndex;
bool m_bRenderWithViewModels;
char gap_fd[3];
int m_nameVisibilityFlags;
float m_cloakEndTime;
float m_cloakFadeInEndTime;
float m_cloakFadeOutStartTime;
float m_cloakFadeInDuration;
float m_cloakFlickerAmount;
float m_cloakFlickerEndTime;
float m_cloakFadeOutDuration;
Vector3D m_highlightParams[16];
int m_highlightFunctionBits[8];
float m_highlightServerFadeBases[2];
float m_highlightServerFadeStartTimes[2];
float m_highlightServerFadeEndTimes[2];
int m_highlightServerContextID;
int m_highlightTeamBits;
float m_nextGrenadeTargetTime;
float m_grenadeTargetDebounce;
int m_nSimulationTick;
int m_fDataObjectTypes;
int m_iEFlags;
int m_fFlags;
__int64 m_iName;
int m_scriptNameIndex;
int m_instanceNameIndex;
char m_scriptName[64];
char m_instanceName[64];
__int64 m_holdUsePrompt;
__int64 m_pressUsePrompt;
float m_attachmentLerpStartTime;
float m_attachmentLerpEndTime;
Vector3D m_attachmentLerpStartOrigin;
Vector3D m_attachmentLerpStartAngles;
int m_parentAttachmentType;
int m_parentAttachmentIndex;
int m_parentAttachmentHitbox;
int m_parentAttachmentModel;
char m_MoveType;
char m_MoveCollide;
char gap_30a[2];
int m_RestoreMoveTypeOnDetach;
int m_hMoveParent;
int m_hMoveChild;
int m_hMovePeer;
bool m_bIsActiveChild;
bool m_bPrevAbsOriginValid;
char gap_31e[2];
int m_descendantZiplineCount;
char gap_324[4];
CCollisionProperty m_Collision;
int m_hOwnerEntity;
int m_CollisionGroup;
int m_contents;
bool m_collideWithOwner;
char gap_3ad[3];
int m_baseSolidType;
char gap_3b4[4];
void* m_pPhysicsObject;
float m_flNavIgnoreUntilTime;
int m_hGroundEntity;
float m_flGroundChangeTime;
Vector3D m_vecBaseVelocity;
int m_baseVelocityEnt;
Vector3D m_vecAbsVelocity;
Vector3D m_vecAngVelocity;
char gap_3f4[12];
float m_rgflCoordinateFrame[12];
float m_flFriction;
float m_flLocalTime;
float m_flVPhysicsUpdateLocalTime;
float m_flMoveDoneTime;
int m_nPushEnumCount;
Vector3D m_vecPrevAbsOrigin;
Vector3D m_vecAbsOrigin;
Vector3D m_angAbsRotation;
Vector3D m_vecVelocity;
char gap_474[4];
__int64 m_iParent;
int m_iHammerID;
float m_flSpeed;
int m_iMaxHealth;
int m_iHealth;
void* m_pfnTouch;
bool m_bClientSideRagdoll;
char m_lifeState;
char gap_49a[2];
int m_scriptNetData;
int m_phaseShiftFlags;
char m_baseTakeDamage;
char gap_4a5[3];
int m_invulnerableToDamageCount;
char m_passDamageToParent;
char gap_4ad[3];
Vector3D m_deathVelocity;
float m_lastTitanFootstepDamageTime;
float m_flMaxspeed;
int m_visibilityFlags;
char m_OnUser1[40];
char m_OnDeath[40];
char m_OnDestroy[40];
int m_cellWidth;
int m_cellBits;
int m_cellX;
int m_cellY;
int m_cellZ;
Vector3D m_localOrigin;
Vector3D m_localAngles;
Vector3D m_vecViewOffset;
int m_ListByClass;
char gap_57c[4];
void* m_pPrevByClass;
void* m_pNextByClass;
int m_iInitialTeamNum;
int m_iTeamNum;
int m_teamMemberIndex;
int m_squadID;
int m_grade;
int m_ignorePredictedTriggerFlags;
int m_passThroughFlags;
int m_passThroughThickness;
float m_passThroughDirection;
int m_spawnflags;
float m_flGravity;
float m_entityFadeDist;
int m_dissolveEffectEntityHandle;
float m_fadeDist;
__int64 m_iSignifierName;
int m_collectedInvalidateFlags;
bool m_collectingInvalidateFlags;
char gap_5d5[3];
int m_lagCompensationCounter;
bool m_bLagCompensate;
bool m_bNetworkQuantizeOriginAndAngles;
bool m_bForcePurgeFixedupStrings;
char gap_5df[1];
int m_debugOverlays;
char gap_5e4[4];
void* m_pTimedOverlay;
char m_ScriptScope[32];
char m_hScriptInstance[8];
__int64 m_iszScriptId;
int m_bossPlayer;
int m_usableType;
int m_usablePriority;
float m_usableDistanceOverride;
float m_usableFOV;
float m_usePromptSize;
bool m_hasDispatchedSpawn;
bool m_bDoDestroyCallback;
bool m_bDoPusherCallback;
bool m_bDoPreSpawnCallback;
bool m_bDoOnSpawnedCallback;
char gap_63d[3];
float m_spottedBeginTimes[128];
float m_spottedLatestTimes[128];
__int64 m_spottedByTeams[4];
char m_minimapData[88];
int m_shieldHealth;
int m_shieldHealthMax;
int m_firstChildEntityLink;
int m_firstParentEntityLink;
bool m_bIsSoundCodeControllerValueSet;
char gap_ac9[3];
float m_flSoundCodeControllerValue;
float m_pusherWithChildrenRadius;
int m_childPusherMoveHandlerCount;
bool m_inWater;
char gap_ad9[7];
void* m_statusEffectPlugin;
__int64 m_realmsBitMask;
char m_realmsTransmitMaskCached[16];
int m_realmsTransmitMaskCachedSerialNumber;
inline CMemory p_CBaseEntity__GetBaseEntity;
inline CBaseEntity*(*v_CBaseEntity__GetBaseEntity)(CBaseEntity* thisp);
class VBaseEntity : public IDetour
virtual void GetAdr(void) const
LogFunAdr("CBaseEntity::GetBaseEntity", p_CBaseEntity__GetBaseEntity.GetPtr());
LogVarAdr("g_pEntityList", reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(g_pEntityList));
virtual void GetFun(void) const
p_CBaseEntity__GetBaseEntity = g_GameDll.FindPatternSIMD("8B 91 ?? ?? ?? ?? 83 FA FF 74 1F 0F B7 C2 48 8D 0D ?? ?? ?? ?? C1 EA 10 48 8D 04 40 48 03 C0 39 54 C1 08 75 05 48 8B 04 C1 C3 33 C0 C3 CC CC CC 48 8B 41 30");
v_CBaseEntity__GetBaseEntity = p_CBaseEntity__GetBaseEntity.RCast<CBaseEntity* (*)(CBaseEntity* thisp)>();
virtual void GetVar(void) const
g_pEntityList = p_CBaseEntity__GetBaseEntity.FindPattern("48 8D 0D").ResolveRelativeAddressSelf(0x3, 0x7).RCast<CEntInfo**>();
virtual void GetCon(void) const { }
virtual void Attach(void) const { }
virtual void Detach(void) const { }
#endif // BASEENTITY_H