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synced 2025-02-09 19:15:03 +01:00
Fix crash caused by vftable error. Since we are not implementing anything, but only interfacing with the game executable, we need to rename the IConVar variant's due to name ambiguity. Re-defining them in the actual class will lead into vftable misalignment and cause a crash (or other undesired behavior) as a result.
194 lines
9.1 KiB
194 lines
9.1 KiB
#ifndef ICONVAR_H
#define ICONVAR_H
// Forward declarations
class IConVar;
class CCommand;
// Command to ConVars and ConCommands
// ConVar systems
#define FCVAR_NONE 0 // The default, no flags at all
#define FCVAR_UNREGISTERED (1<<0) // If this is set, don't add to linked list, etc.
#define FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY (1<<1) // Hidden in released products. Flag is removed automatically if ALLOW_DEVELOPMENT_CVARS is defined.
#define FCVAR_GAMEDLL (1<<2) // defined by the game DLL
#define FCVAR_CLIENTDLL (1<<3) // defined by the client DLL
#define FCVAR_HIDDEN (1<<4) // Hidden. Doesn't appear in find or auto complete. Like DEVELOPMENTONLY, but can't be compiled out.
// ConVar only
#define FCVAR_PROTECTED (1<<5) // It's a server cvar, but we don't send the data since it's a password, etc. Sends 1 if it's not bland/zero, 0 otherwise as value
#define FCVAR_SPONLY (1<<6) // This cvar cannot be changed by clients connected to a multiplayer server.
#define FCVAR_ARCHIVE (1<<7) // set to cause it to be saved to vars.rc
#define FCVAR_NOTIFY (1<<8) // notifies players when changed
#define FCVAR_USERINFO (1<<9) // changes the client's info string
#define FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY (1<<10) // This cvar's string cannot contain unprintable characters ( e.g., used for player name etc ).
#define FCVAR_GAMEDLL_FOR_REMOTE_CLIENTS (1<<10) // When on concommands this allows remote clients to execute this cmd on the server.
// We are changing the default behavior of concommands to disallow execution by remote clients without
// this flag due to the number existing concommands that can lag or crash the server when clients abuse them.
#define FCVAR_UNLOGGED (1<<11) // If this is a FCVAR_SERVER, don't log changes to the log file / console if we are creating a log
#define FCVAR_NEVER_AS_STRING (1<<12) // never try to print that cvar
// It's a ConVar that's shared between the client and the server.
// At signon, the values of all such ConVars are sent from the server to the client (skipped for local client, of course )
// If a change is requested it must come from the console (i.e., no remote client changes)
// If a value is changed while a server is active, it's replicated to all connected clients
#define FCVAR_REPLICATED (1<<13) // server setting enforced on clients, TODO rename to FCAR_SERVER at some time
#define FCVAR_CHEAT (1<<14) // Only usable in singleplayer / debug / multiplayer & sv_cheats
#define FCVAR_SS (1<<15) // causes varnameN where N == 2 through max splitscreen slots for mod to be autogenerated
#define FCVAR_DEMO (1<<16) // record this cvar when starting a demo file
#define FCVAR_DONTRECORD (1<<17) // don't record these command in demofiles
#define FCVAR_SS_ADDED (1<<18) // This is one of the "added" FCVAR_SS variables for the splitscreen players
#define FCVAR_RELEASE (1<<19) // Cvars tagged with this are the only cvars available to customers
#define FCVAR_RELOAD_MATERIALS (1<<20) // If this cvar changes, it forces a material reload
#define FCVAR_RELOAD_TEXTURES (1<<21) // If this cvar changes, if forces a texture reload
#define FCVAR_NOT_CONNECTED (1<<22) // cvar cannot be changed by a client that is connected to a server
#define FCVAR_MATERIAL_SYSTEM_THREAD (1<<23) // Indicates this cvar is read from the material system thread
#define FCVAR_ARCHIVE_PLAYERPROFILE (1<<24) // cvar written to config.cfg on the Xbox
#define FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE (1<<28) // the server is allowed to execute this command on clients via ClientCommand/NET_StringCmd/CBaseClientState::ProcessStringCmd.
#define FCVAR_SERVER_CANNOT_QUERY (1<<29) // If this is set, then the server is not allowed to query this cvar's value (via IServerPluginHelpers::StartQueryCvarValue).
#define FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE (1<<30) // IVEngineClient::ClientCmd is allowed to execute this command.
class ConVar : ConCommandBase, IConVar; [MI] (#classinformer)
dq offset ? ? _R4ConVar@@6B@; const ConVar::`RTTI Complete Object Locator'
dq offset ??_G__ExceptionPtr@@QEAAPEAXI@Z_0; 0 Index
dq offset sub_1401F9930
dq offset loc_14046FE90
dq offset ConVar__AddFlags
dq offset ConVar__RemoveFlags
dq offset sub_14046FEA0
dq offset loc_14046FF70
dq offset ConVar__GetHelpString
dq offset sub_14046FEC0
dq offset sub_14046FEE0
dq offset ConVar__IsRegistered
dq offset ConVar__GetDllIdentifier
dq offset sub_14046F3F0
dq offset sub_14046F470
dq offset ConVar__InternalSetFloatValue; The one below also does something similar
dq offset sub_140470340
dq offset sub_140470420; Seems to be InternalSetInt below maybe ?
dq offset sub_140470510
dq offset nullsub
dq offset sub_140470300
dq offset sub_1404701A0
dq offset RegisterConVar; #STR: "Convar '%s' is flagged as both FCVAR_ARCHIVE and FCVAR_ARC
// Called when a ConCommand needs to execute
typedef void (*FnCommandCallbackV1_t)(void);
typedef void (*FnCommandCallback_t)(const CCommand& command);
// Returns 0 to COMMAND_COMPLETION_MAXITEMS worth of completion strings
typedef int (*FnCommandCompletionCallback)(const char* partial, char commands[COMMAND_COMPLETION_MAXITEMS][COMMAND_COMPLETION_ITEM_LENGTH]);
// Interface version
class ICommandCallback
virtual void CommandCallback(const CCommand& command) = 0;
class ICommandCompletionCallback
//virtual int CommandCompletionCallback(const char* pPartial, CUtlVector< CUtlString > &commands) = 0;
// Called when a ConVar changes value
typedef void (*FnChangeCallback_t)(IConVar* var, const char* pOldValue, float flOldValue);
// Abstract interface for ConVars
abstract_class IConVar
virtual ~IConVar() { };
// Value set
virtual void SetValue(const char* pValue) = 0;
virtual void SetValue(float flValue) = 0;
virtual void SetValue(int nValue) = 0;
// Original name 'GetName'. Renamed due to name ambiguity
// as we are not implementing it in ConVar, we are just
// interfacing it with the game executable.
virtual const char* GetCommandName(void) const = 0;
// Return name of command (usually == GetName(), except in case of FCVAR_SS_ADDED vars
virtual const char* GetBaseName(void) const = 0;
// Accessors.. not as efficient as using GetState()/GetInfo()
// if you call these methods multiple times on the same IConVar
virtual bool IsConVarFlagSet(int nFlag) const = 0; // Original name 'IsFlagSet'. Renamed for same reason as 'GetName'.
virtual int GetSplitScreenPlayerSlot() const = 0;
struct ConVarFlagsToString_t
int m_nFlag;
const char* m_pszDesc;
inline ConVarFlagsToString_t g_PrintConVarFlags[] =
{ FCVAR_NONE, "none" },
{ FCVAR_UNREGISTERED, "unregistered" },
{ FCVAR_DEVELOPMENTONLY, "development_only" },
{ FCVAR_GAMEDLL, "game" },
{ FCVAR_CLIENTDLL, "client" },
{ FCVAR_HIDDEN, "hidden" },
{ FCVAR_PROTECTED, "protected" },
{ FCVAR_SPONLY, "singleplayer" },
{ FCVAR_ARCHIVE, "archive" },
{ FCVAR_NOTIFY, "notify" },
{ FCVAR_USERINFO, "userinfo" },
{ FCVAR_PRINTABLEONLY, "printable_only" },
{ FCVAR_UNLOGGED, "unlogged" },
{ FCVAR_NEVER_AS_STRING, "never_as_string" },
{ FCVAR_REPLICATED, "replicated" },
{ FCVAR_CHEAT, "cheat" },
{ FCVAR_SS, "splitscreen" },
{ FCVAR_DEMO, "demo" },
{ FCVAR_DONTRECORD, "dont_record" },
{ FCVAR_SS_ADDED, "splitscreen_added" },
{ FCVAR_RELEASE, "release" },
{ FCVAR_RELOAD_MATERIALS, "reload_materials" },
{ FCVAR_RELOAD_TEXTURES, "reload_textures" },
{ FCVAR_NOT_CONNECTED, "not_connected" },
{ FCVAR_MATERIAL_SYSTEM_THREAD, "materialsystem_thread" },
{ FCVAR_SERVER_CAN_EXECUTE, "server_can_execute" },
{ FCVAR_SERVER_CANNOT_QUERY, "server_cannot_query" },
{ FCVAR_CLIENTCMD_CAN_EXECUTE, "clientcmd_can_execute" },
#endif // ICONVAR_H