Kawe Mazidjatari f120354e96 Initial port to CMake
* All libraries have been isolated from each other, and build into separate artifacts.
* Project has been restructured to support isolating libraries.
* CCrashHandler now calls a callback on crash (setup from core/dllmain.cpp, this can be setup in any way for any project. This callback is getting called when the apllication crashes. Useful for flushing buffers before closing handles to logging files for example).
* Tier0 'CoreMsgV' function now calls a callback sink, which could be set by the user (currently setup to the SDK's internal logger in core/dllmain.cpp).

* Add a batch file to autogenerate all projects.
* Add support for dedicated server.
* Add support for client dll.

* Game crashes on the title screen after the UI script compiler has finished (root cause unknown).
* Curl error messages are getting logged twice for the dedicated server due to the removal of all "DEDICATED" preprocessor directives to support isolating projects. This has to be fixed properly!
2023-05-10 00:05:38 +02:00

264 lines
8.1 KiB

// Purpose: Implementation of the CSigCache class.
// sigcache.cpp
// The system creates a static cache file on the disk, who's blob contains a
// map of string signatures and its precomputed relative virtual address.
// This file gets loaded and parsed during DLL init. If the file is absent or
// outdated/corrupt, the system will generate a new cache file if enabled.
// By caching the relative virtual addresses, we can drop a significant amount
// of time initializing the DLL by parsing the precomputed data instead of
// searching for each signature in the memory region of the target executable.
#include "tier0_pch.h"
#include "tier0/sigcache.h"
#include "tier0/binstream.h"
// Purpose: whether or not to disable the caching of signatures
// Input : bDisabled - (true = disabled)
void CSigCache::SetDisabled(const bool bDisabled)
m_bDisabled = bDisabled;
// Purpose: clears the signature cache memory
void CSigCache::InvalidateMap()
if (m_bDisabled)
// Purpose: creates a map of a pattern and relative virtual address
// Input : &svPattern - (key)
// nRVA - (value)
void CSigCache::AddEntry(const string& svPattern, const uint64_t nRVA)
if (m_bDisabled)
(*m_Cache.mutable_smap())[svPattern] = nRVA;
// Purpose: finds a pattern key in the cache map and sets its value to nRVA
// Input : &svPattern -
// &nRVA -
// Output : true if key is found, false otherwise
bool CSigCache::FindEntry(const string& svPattern, uint64_t& nRVA) const
if (!m_bDisabled && m_bInitialized)
google::protobuf::Map<string, uint64_t> sMap = m_Cache.smap();
auto p = sMap.find(svPattern);
if (p != sMap.end())
nRVA = p->second;
return true;
return false;
// Purpose: loads the cache map from the disk
// Output : true on success, false otherwise
bool CSigCache::LoadCache(const string& svCacheFile)
Assert(!m_bInitialized); // Recursive load.
if (m_bDisabled)
return false;
CIOStream reader;
if (!reader.Open(svCacheFile, CIOStream::READ | CIOStream::BINARY))
return false;
if (reader.GetSize() <= sizeof(SigDBHeader_t))
return false;
SigDBHeader_t header;
header.m_nMagic = reader.Read<int>();
if (header.m_nMagic != SIGDB_MAGIC)
return false;
header.m_nMajorVersion = reader.Read<uint16_t>();
if (header.m_nMajorVersion != SIGDB_MAJOR_VERSION)
return false;
header.m_nMinorVersion = reader.Read<uint16_t>();
if (header.m_nMinorVersion != SIGDB_MINOR_VERSION)
return false;
header.m_nBlobSizeMem = reader.Read<uint64_t>();
header.m_nBlobSizeDisk = reader.Read<uint64_t>();
header.m_nBlobChecksum = reader.Read<uint32_t>();
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> pSrcBuf(new uint8_t[header.m_nBlobSizeDisk]);
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> pDstBuf(new uint8_t[header.m_nBlobSizeMem]);
reader.Read<uint8_t>(*pSrcBuf.get(), header.m_nBlobSizeDisk);
uint32_t nAdler32;
if (!DecompressBlob(header.m_nBlobSizeDisk, header.m_nBlobSizeMem,
nAdler32, pSrcBuf.get(), pDstBuf.get()))
return false;
if (header.m_nBlobChecksum != nAdler32)
return false;
#pragma warning(push) // Disabled type conversion warning, as it is possible
#pragma warning(disable : 4244) // for Protobuf to migrate this code to feature size_t.
if (!m_Cache.ParseFromArray(pDstBuf.get(), header.m_nBlobSizeMem))
#pragma warning(pop)
return false;
m_bInitialized = true;
return true;
// Purpose: writes the cache map to the disk
// Output : true on success, false otherwise
bool CSigCache::WriteCache(const string& svCacheFile) const
if (m_bDisabled || m_bInitialized)
// Only write when we don't have anything valid on the disk.
return false;
CIOStream writer;
if (!writer.Open(svCacheFile, CIOStream::WRITE | CIOStream::BINARY))
Error(eDLL_T::COMMON, NO_ERROR, "%s - Unable to write to '%s' (read-only?)\n",
__FUNCTION__, svCacheFile.c_str());
return false;
SigDBHeader_t header;
header.m_nMagic = SIGDB_MAGIC;
header.m_nMajorVersion = SIGDB_MAJOR_VERSION;
header.m_nMinorVersion = SIGDB_MINOR_VERSION;
const string svBuffer = m_Cache.SerializeAsString();
std::unique_ptr<uint8_t[]> pBuffer(new uint8_t[svBuffer.size()]);
header.m_nBlobSizeMem = svBuffer.size();
uint64_t nCompSize = svBuffer.size();
if (!CompressBlob(svBuffer.size(), nCompSize, header.m_nBlobChecksum,
reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(svBuffer.data()), pBuffer.get()))
return false;
header.m_nBlobSizeDisk = nCompSize;
writer.Write(pBuffer.get(), nCompSize);
return true;
// Purpose: decompresses the blob containing the signature map
// Input : nSrcLen -
// &nDstLen -
// &nAdler -
// *pSrcBuf -
// *pDstBuf -
// Output : true on success, false otherwise
bool CSigCache::DecompressBlob(const size_t nSrcLen, size_t& nDstLen,
uint32_t& nAdler, const uint8_t* pSrcBuf, uint8_t* pDstBuf) const
lzham_decompress_params lzDecompParams{};
lzDecompParams.m_dict_size_log2 = SIGDB_DICT_SIZE;
lzDecompParams.m_decompress_flags = lzham_decompress_flags::LZHAM_DECOMP_FLAG_OUTPUT_UNBUFFERED | lzham_decompress_flags::LZHAM_DECOMP_FLAG_COMPUTE_ADLER32;
lzDecompParams.m_struct_size = sizeof(lzham_decompress_params);
lzham_decompress_status_t lzDecompStatus = lzham_decompress_memory(&lzDecompParams, pDstBuf, &nDstLen, pSrcBuf, nSrcLen, &nAdler);
if (lzDecompStatus != lzham_decompress_status_t::LZHAM_DECOMP_STATUS_SUCCESS)
Error(eDLL_T::COMMON, NO_ERROR, "Failed to decompress blob: status = %08x\n", lzDecompStatus);
return false;
return true;
// Purpose: compresses the blob containing the signature map
// Input : nSrcLen -
// &nDstLen -
// &nAdler -
// *pSrcBuf -
// *pDstBuf -
// Output : true on success, false otherwise
bool CSigCache::CompressBlob(const size_t nSrcLen, size_t& nDstLen,
uint32_t& nAdler, const uint8_t* pSrcBuf, uint8_t* pDstBuf) const
lzham_compress_params lzCompParams{};
lzCompParams.m_dict_size_log2 = SIGDB_DICT_SIZE;
lzCompParams.m_level = lzham_compress_level::LZHAM_COMP_LEVEL_FASTEST;
lzCompParams.m_compress_flags = lzham_compress_flags::LZHAM_COMP_FLAG_DETERMINISTIC_PARSING;
lzham_compress_status_t lzCompStatus = lzham_compress_memory(&lzCompParams, pDstBuf, &nDstLen, pSrcBuf, nSrcLen, &nAdler);
if (lzCompStatus != lzham_compress_status_t::LZHAM_COMP_STATUS_SUCCESS)
Error(eDLL_T::COMMON, NO_ERROR, "Failed to compress blob: status = %08x\n", lzCompStatus);
return false;
return true;
// Singleton signature cache
CSigCache g_SigCache;