Kawe Mazidjatari 8fde529e2b Print script errors to the console at all times
This change prints script errors and their callstack to the console even when sq_showvmoutput < 2 (this avoids confusion when running a dedicated server and the server 'appears' to shutdown the game on its own. You could also check the script log files which are written to at all times, but having some indication is nice).
2022-08-08 17:49:46 +02:00

138 lines
8.4 KiB

#pragma once
#include "squirrel/sqtype.h"
#include "squirrel/sqstate.h"
#include "client/cdll_engine_int.h"
#endif // !DEDICATED
struct SQVM
SQVM* GetVTable() const
return _vftable;
SQCONTEXT GetContext() const
#if !defined (GAMEDLL_S0) && !defined (GAMEDLL_S1) && !defined (GAMEDLL_S2)
return _contextidx;
#else // This is the only way to obtain the context directly in anything <S3 without involving global script pointers.
if (strcmp(_sharedstate->_contextname, "SERVER") == 0)
if (strcmp(_sharedstate->_contextname, "CLIENT") == 0)
if (strcmp(_sharedstate->_contextname, "UI") == 0)
#endif // !GAMEDLL_S0 && !GAMEDLL_S1 && !GAMEDLL_S2
SQVM* _vftable;
_BYTE gap000[16];
#if !defined (GAMEDLL_S0) && !defined (GAMEDLL_S1) && !defined (GAMEDLL_S2)
SQCONTEXT _contextidx;
_BYTE gap001[8];
_BYTE gap002[4];
void* _ncvftable;
void* _table;
_BYTE gap003[14];
void* _callstack;
__int64 _unk;
SQInteger _stackbase;
SQInteger unk5c;
SQSharedState* _sharedstate;
char gap004[16];
int _top;
char gap005[148];
#if !defined (GAMEDLL_S0) && !defined (GAMEDLL_S1) && !defined (GAMEDLL_S2)
char gap006[30];
SQInteger _nnativecalls;
/* ==== SQUIRREL ======================================================================================================================================================== */
inline CMemory p_SQVM_PrintFunc;
inline auto v_SQVM_PrintFunc = p_SQVM_PrintFunc.RCast<SQRESULT(*)(HSQUIRRELVM v, SQChar* fmt, ...)>();
inline CMemory p_SQVM_WarningFunc;
inline auto v_SQVM_WarningFunc = p_SQVM_WarningFunc.RCast<SQRESULT(*)(HSQUIRRELVM v, SQInteger a2, SQInteger a3, SQInteger* nStringSize, SQChar** ppString)>();
inline CMemory p_SQVM_GetErrorLine;
inline auto v_SQVM_GetErrorLine = p_SQVM_GetErrorLine.RCast<size_t(*)(const SQChar* pszFile, SQInteger nLine, SQChar* pszContextBuf, SQInteger nBufLen)>();
inline CMemory p_SQVM_WarningCmd;
inline auto v_SQVM_WarningCmd = p_SQVM_WarningCmd.RCast<SQRESULT(*)(HSQUIRRELVM v, SQInteger a2)>();
inline CMemory p_SQVM_CompileError;
inline auto v_SQVM_CompileError = p_SQVM_CompileError.RCast<void (*)(HSQUIRRELVM v, const SQChar* pszError, const SQChar* pszFile, SQUnsignedInteger nLine, SQInteger nColumn)>();
inline CMemory p_SQVM_LogicError;
inline auto v_SQVM_LogicError = p_SQVM_LogicError.RCast<void (*)(SQBool bPrompt)>();
inline CMemory p_SQVM_ScriptError;
inline auto v_SQVM_ScriptError = p_SQVM_ScriptError.RCast<SQInteger (*)(const SQChar* pszFormat, ...)>();
inline CMemory p_SQVM_RaiseError;
inline auto v_SQVM_RaiseError = p_SQVM_RaiseError.RCast<SQInteger(*)(HSQUIRRELVM v, const SQChar* pszFormat, ...)>();
SQRESULT SQVM_PrintFunc(HSQUIRRELVM v, SQChar* fmt, ...);
SQRESULT SQVM_WarningFunc(HSQUIRRELVM v, SQInteger a2, SQInteger a3, SQInteger* nStringSize, SQChar** ppString);
void SQVM_CompileError(HSQUIRRELVM v, const SQChar* pszError, const SQChar* pszFile, SQUnsignedInteger nLine, SQInteger nColumn);
const SQChar* SQVM_GetContextName(SQCONTEXT context);
void SQVM_Attach();
void SQVM_Detach();
class HSQVM : public IDetour
virtual void GetAdr(void) const
spdlog::debug("| FUN: SQVM_PrintFunc : {:#18x} |\n", p_SQVM_PrintFunc.GetPtr());
spdlog::debug("| FUN: SQVM_WarningFunc : {:#18x} |\n", p_SQVM_WarningFunc.GetPtr());
spdlog::debug("| FUN: SQVM_GetErrorLine : {:#18x} |\n", p_SQVM_GetErrorLine.GetPtr());
spdlog::debug("| FUN: SQVM_WarningCmd : {:#18x} |\n", p_SQVM_WarningCmd.GetPtr());
spdlog::debug("| FUN: SQVM_CompileError : {:#18x} |\n", p_SQVM_CompileError.GetPtr());
spdlog::debug("| FUN: SQVM_LogicError : {:#18x} |\n", p_SQVM_LogicError.GetPtr());
spdlog::debug("| FUN: SQVM_ScriptError : {:#18x} |\n", p_SQVM_ScriptError.GetPtr());
spdlog::debug("| FUN: SQVM_RaiseError : {:#18x} |\n", p_SQVM_RaiseError.GetPtr());
virtual void GetFun(void) const
p_SQVM_PrintFunc = g_mGameDll.FindPatternSIMD(reinterpret_cast<rsig_t>("\x48\x8B\xC4\x48\x89\x50\x10\x4C\x89\x40\x18\x4C\x89\x48\x20\x53\x56\x57\x48\x81\xEC\x30\x08\x00\x00\x48\x8B\xDA\x48\x8D\x70\x18\x48\x8B\xF9\xE8\x00\x00\x00\xFF\x48\x89\x74\x24\x28\x48\x8D\x54\x24\x30\x33"), "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx???xxxxxxxxxxxx");
p_SQVM_WarningFunc = g_mGameDll.FindPatternSIMD(reinterpret_cast<rsig_t>("\x4C\x89\x4C\x24\x20\x44\x89\x44\x24\x18\x89\x54\x24\x10\x53\x55\x56\x57\x41\x54\x41\x55\x41\x56\x41\x57\x48\x83\xEC\x00\x48\x8B"), "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx?xx");
#if defined (GAMEDLL_S0) || defined (GAMEDLL_S1)
p_SQVM_GetErrorLine = g_mGameDll.FindPatternSIMD(reinterpret_cast<rsig_t>("\x48\x89\x5C\x24\x00\x48\x89\x74\x24\x00\x48\x89\x7C\x24\x00\x55\x41\x54\x41\x55\x41\x56\x41\x57\x48\x8D\xAC\x24\x00\x00\x00\x00\x48\x81\xEC\x00\x00\x00\x00\x83\x65\x90\xFC"), "xxxx?xxxx?xxxx?xxxxxxxxxxxxx????xxx????xxxx");
p_SQVM_LogicError = g_mGameDll.FindPatternSIMD(reinterpret_cast<rsig_t>("\x48\x83\xEC\x48\xF2\x0F\x10\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00"), "xxxxxxxx????");
#elif defined (GAMEDLL_S2) || defined (GAMEDLL_S3)
p_SQVM_GetErrorLine = g_mGameDll.FindPatternSIMD(reinterpret_cast<rsig_t>("\x48\x8B\xC4\x55\x56\x48\x8D\xA8\x00\x00\x00\x00\x48\x81\xEC\x00\x00\x00\x00\x83\x65\x90\xFC"), "xxxxxxxx????xxx????xxxx");
p_SQVM_LogicError = g_mGameDll.FindPatternSIMD(reinterpret_cast<rsig_t>("\x48\x83\xEC\x38\xF2\x0F\x10\x05\x00\x00\x00\x00"), "xxxxxxxx????");
p_SQVM_WarningCmd = g_mGameDll.FindPatternSIMD(reinterpret_cast<rsig_t>("\x40\x53\x48\x83\xEC\x30\x33\xDB\x48\x8D\x44\x24\x00\x4C\x8D\x4C\x24\x00"), "xxxxxxxxxxxx?xxxx?");
p_SQVM_CompileError = g_mGameDll.FindPatternSIMD(reinterpret_cast<rsig_t>("\x48\x89\x5C\x24\x00\x48\x89\x6C\x24\x00\x48\x89\x74\x24\x00\x48\x89\x7C\x24\x00\x41\x56\x48\x81\xEC\x00\x00\x00\x00\x48\x8B\xD9\x4C\x8B\xF2"), "xxxx?xxxx?xxxx?xxxx?xxxxx????xxxxxx");
p_SQVM_ScriptError = g_mGameDll.FindPatternSIMD(reinterpret_cast<rsig_t>("\xE9\x00\x00\x00\x00\xF7\xD2"), "x????xx").FollowNearCallSelf();
p_SQVM_RaiseError = g_mGameDll.FindPatternSIMD(reinterpret_cast<rsig_t>("\x48\x89\x54\x24\x00\x4C\x89\x44\x24\x00\x4C\x89\x4C\x24\x00\x53\x56\x57\x48\x83\xEC\x40"), "xxxx?xxxx?xxxx?xxxxxxx");
v_SQVM_PrintFunc = p_SQVM_PrintFunc.RCast<SQRESULT(*)(HSQUIRRELVM, SQChar*, ...)>(); /*48 8B C4 48 89 50 10 4C 89 40 18 4C 89 48 20 53 56 57 48 81 EC 30 08 00 00 48 8B DA 48 8D 70 18 48 8B F9 E8 ?? ?? ?? FF 48 89 74 24 28 48 8D 54 24 30 33*/
v_SQVM_WarningFunc = p_SQVM_WarningFunc.RCast<SQRESULT(*)(HSQUIRRELVM, SQInteger, SQInteger, SQInteger*, SQChar**)>(); /*4C 89 4C 24 20 44 89 44 24 18 89 54 24 10 53 55 56 57 41 54 41 55 41 56 41 57 48 83 EC ?? 48 8B*/
v_SQVM_GetErrorLine = p_SQVM_GetErrorLine.RCast<size_t(*)(const SQChar*, SQInteger, SQChar*, SQInteger)>(); /*48 8B C4 55 56 48 8D A8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 81 EC ?? ?? ?? ?? 83 65 90 FC*/
v_SQVM_WarningCmd = p_SQVM_WarningCmd.RCast<SQRESULT(*)(HSQUIRRELVM, SQInteger)>(); /*40 53 48 83 EC 30 33 DB 48 8D 44 24 ?? 4C 8D 4C 24 ??*/
v_SQVM_CompileError = p_SQVM_CompileError.RCast<void (*)(HSQUIRRELVM, const SQChar*, const SQChar*, SQUnsignedInteger, SQInteger)>(); /*48 89 5C 24 ?? 48 89 6C 24 ?? 48 89 74 24 ?? 48 89 7C 24 ?? 41 56 48 81 EC ?? ?? ?? ?? 48 8B D9 4C 8B F2*/
v_SQVM_LogicError = p_SQVM_LogicError.RCast<void (*)(SQBool)>(); /*48 83 EC 38 F2 0F 10 05 ?? ?? ?? ??*/
v_SQVM_ScriptError = p_SQVM_ScriptError.RCast<SQInteger(*)(const SQChar*, ...)>(); /*E9 ?? ?? ?? ?? F7 D2*/
v_SQVM_RaiseError = p_SQVM_RaiseError.RCast<SQInteger(*)(HSQUIRRELVM, const SQChar*, ...)>(); /*E8 ?? ?? ?? ?? 32 C0 EB 3C*/
virtual void GetVar(void) const { }
virtual void GetCon(void) const { }
virtual void Attach(void) const { }
virtual void Detach(void) const { }